100 Years Ago a Forgotten Genocide


Gold Member
Jun 16, 2010
The Young Turks, a collection of anti-religious fanatics, massacred Armenian, Greek and Assyrian Christians during W W I. About 1.5 million Armenians died and about 2 million died in total.

Armenian Genocide

Genocide 1915



So much attention has been paid to the Nazi genocide but so little attention to the Armenian genocide.
Hitler said in Mein Kampf (I paraphrase) that mass murder on a huge scale is more likely to be forgotten by humanity than is murder on a small scale. He was referring to the Armenian Genocide, which only ten years after the fact was pretty much a nonevent in the minds of most in the West. The Turks are still loathe to admit what they did. They were an important ally during the Cold War, so successive US administrations always suppressed officially broaching the subject.
not news to me-----Long ago---my mom told me about the Armenian genocide----I was only about seven years old which was very long ago. Over the years I learned that
I seemed to know about an important historic event that----MOST PEOPLE NEVER
HEARD ABOUT. As a young adult working in a hospital---my supervisor said to me
"do you know what happened to the Armenians in 1915"? He seemed surprised
when I answered "yes"-----I got assigned to attend the death bed of an elderly woman-----a SURVIVOR. She has witnessed the murder of her entire family. ---
clubs and knives -------armed with only clubs and knives----they murdered some 2
million people. For those who do not know the murders were legal according to Islamic law. I learned that fact from muslims----not from my mother
It is not forgotten and will forever be a stain of Turkish "civilization" and exclude them from the elite of the Western world until they come to grips with it.
And the Turks will be reluctant or non-existent allies in the fight on ISIS as long as we accuse them of genocide.

It's fuckin' over, and, what difference, at this point, does it make?
It is not forgotten and will forever be a stain of Turkish "civilization" and exclude them from the elite of the Western world until they come to grips with it.
And the Turks will be reluctant or non-existent allies in the fight on ISIS as long as we accuse them of genocide.

It's fuckin' over, and, what difference, at this point, does it make?

HUH?? someone went to negotiate with the turks with a big sign saying
YOU KILLED DEM ARMENIANS? when did that happen?
For those who do not know the murders were legal according to Islamic law.
Evidence for your assertion?

Please note the Young Turks were ardently secular, positivist, materialist. Just like Craig Stephen Hicks and so many other atheist murderers.
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And the Turks will be reluctant or non-existent allies in the fight on ISIS as long as we accuse them of genocide.
It's U.S. meddling that brought about pandemonium in Iraq.

It's fuckin' over, and, what difference, at this point, does it make?
Never forget so it won't happen again.
For those who do not know the murders were legal according to Islamic law.
Evidence for your assertion?

Please note the Young Turks were ardently secular, positivist, materialist. Just like Craig Stephen Hicks and so many other atheist murderers.

If you are asking for evidence-----it is because you know nothing about shariah law.
I do know because I learned about it from educated muslims in my early youth. The version I got was very POSITIVE from the POV of muslims. It is very fair. If
a non muslim understands that islam is a religion superior to all others----he can live in a muslim society. My earliest informants were people from south-east asia----young physicians. I would not call them "religious"----but they had a great
PRIDE in islam and its history as they "knew" it I also ---at the same time was
acquainted with lots of hindu physicians ----who did not particularly have much
admiration for islam BUT were highly influenced by the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi who LIKED EVERYTHING. Years past---I learned more. I came into contact with Christians from southeast asia and the middle east and jews from
both southeast asia and the middle east. Over time I did learn just what SHARIAH and DHIMMIA is all about. ------I did not learn it from anti Islamic "propaganda" In fact the propaganda to which I was exposed-----was very PRO-ISLAM I cannot explain shariah and dhimmia to you and the history of islam over the past 1400 years on a messageboard. If you do not know---you do not know. Feel free to ask questions. The ARMENIANS rebelled against their DHIMMI status in the
OTTOMAN EMPIRE-------Rebellion against dhimmi status in Islamic law is seen as
a CAPITAL CRIME. My own present husband was born a "dhimmi" in a classical shariah society. I know about the life issues of dhimmis from his relatives who REMEMBERED it----

A grasp of history is important-----do you know the position of "HELOTS" in
Spartan society? -----dhimmia is similar
Do you acknowledge the Young Turks were ardently secular?

what young turks were ardently secular? the ones who beat the Armenians to death for rebelling against the stink of shariah law? Turks are muslims----The fact that Ataturk tried
to moderate the stink and filth shariah ---did not make Turks "secular" Turks still maintain
the that they have a GLORIOUS HERITAGE in the stink and filth of the rapist pig, muhummad.
The Young Turks, a collection of anti-religious fanatics, massacred Armenian, Greek and Assyrian Christians during W W I. About 1.5 million Armenians died and about 2 million died in total.

Armenian Genocide

Genocide 1915



So much attention has been paid to the Nazi genocide but so little attention to the Armenian genocide.

Could make the same complaint about the US genocide of native Americans. At least that has personal involvement and consequences for Americans. If not Armenian, events with that has little relevance. Probably a big thing in modern day Armenia, but beyond there it's understandably less relevant so not as big a topic. We have survivors of the Nazi holocaust here in the US today so it gets more discussion. But it's not one is more notable than the other. Don't see you taking exception using other genocides like the Russian ones or Chinese for example. Or killing fields of Cambodia and the like. Or ongoing genocide in Darfur.
there is not the slightest of historical evidence to suggest that jews took part in the
Armenian genocide. "YOUNG TURKS" ---was a vague political movement
The current islamo Nazi pig propaganda includes a not so new idea-----which is
DA JOOOOS DID IT. The mosque version of history is now---da joooos did
the Armenian genocide and Ataturk was a secret JOOOO. Do not be surprised---
in the world war II and post world war II mosque version of history there existed the
interesting idea that the piles of dead bodies in Auschwitz were german Christians
murdered by JOOOOS-----more recently I was told in confidence that the
massacres and rapes in East Pakistan (1971) were done by the MOSSAD.
So far I have not heard that Pol Pot was a jew----but stalin---yup---another JOOOOS ---and, of course ADOLF was also a JOOOO. The ataturk was a jooo--- is being promoted by Erdogan. Give it time----in ten years ---
BIG BAD BAGHDADDY ----caliph dog-----will also grow jewish ancestors
But it's not one is more notable than the other. Don't see you taking exception using other genocides like the Russian ones or Chinese for example. Or killing fields of Cambodia and the like.
I think the mass murder perpetrated by Communist dictators is also too often overlooked.

The Black Book of Communism

I can think of only one movie that really focused on Communist atrocities, The Killing Fields, which was a ludicrous attempt to exonerate the left from guilt.

Probably a big thing in modern day Armenia, but beyond there it's understandably less relevant so not as big a topic. We have survivors of the Nazi holocaust here in the US today so it gets more discussion.
Lots of Armenians in the U.S.
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