
  1. deanrd

    Court case might cost Trump 10 years in what may be first of many sentences.

    New York sues Trump and his charity over 'self-dealing' | Reuters The lawsuit, filed on Trump’s 72nd birthday in the state Supreme Court in Manhattan, seeks $2.8 million of restitution plus penalties, a 10-year ban on Trump serving as a director of a New York nonprofit, and one-year bans for...
  2. Marion Morrison

    Clinton Vs. Obama

    George Clinton is real American black man! He was calling for unity before anyone ever heard of Obama here. My money is on Clinton! Fuck Obama and his racial division bullshit! Sorry for the length, but it just ain't real unless Bootsy has a diaper on. :dunno: Obama is jealous of real...
  3. The Original Tree

    Fusion GPS worked directly with The FBI on The Dirty Dossier

    Well, there you have it. The Insurance Policy was not only a COUP launched by senior members of The Obama DOJ and FBI, but it was collaboration with FUSION GPS, Christopher Steele, and other Russian Agents on the Dossier itself. So the FBI knew BEFORE any so called investigation in to Fake...
  4. deanrd

    At some point, the Statute of Limitations will run out on Hillary. What will the GOP do then?

    I was watching Fox News. There was a lady in place of Bret Baier. They were sitting there in a panel, four of them including the woman who was in place of Bret. In a ten minute period, I bet they said Hillary at least 20 times. Hillary hasn't been in any kind of office since 2013. We have...
  5. The Original Tree

    Russian Collusion sent me to The E.R.

    Breaking News: Robert Mueller has just been admitted in to the hospital to undergo a procedure related to Russian Collusion that he uncovered during the most aggressive investigations conducted by him yet. After two years of monitoring, eaves dropping, wiretapping, and listening to hours and...
  6. The Original Tree

    James Comey Literally KNOWS NUTHIN!!!

    For a guy who fancies himself a "G" man and who is trying to cash in on a book he most likely had someone ghost write for him, this guy is both a fraud or an idiot or both. 241 times he said to Congress "I don't know" upon the advice of his FBI Lawyers. Rep. Gaetz Blasts Comey's 'Selective...
  7. MindWars

    Mossack Fonseca which has extensive ties with Clinton foundation Federal prosecutors announced charg

    FIRST DOJ INDICTMENTS UNSEALED: Clinton Foundation-Connected Bank “Mossack Fonseca” Tied To Money Laundering WASHINGTON, DC – As reported by Courthouse News Service, Federal prosecutors announced charges this...
  8. The Original Tree

    Climate Change Agenda Revolt and Riots in France

    Coming soon to a town near you. This was where Obama was headed, and had Hitlery got elected, she would have continued the war on coal and energy. Full Story at the link below. 'Something's Broken Within Our Society': Farage on Paris Riots, 'Disconnect' Between Elites and Ordinary People...
  9. deanrd

    What Trump would have said if he had been allowed to speak at George H. W. Bush's funeral:

    It's great seeing all these happy people. Great looking crowd here. I have a few words to say about Former President Bush. The old one, Iraqi George Jr. is still kicking. Wow, look at this crowd for Bush. Father of low energy Jeb and Iraqi George Jr. Small, nothing like at my inauguration...
  10. The Original Tree

    More Clinton Corruption: Why Graft, Bribery and Pay to Play are The Norm in DC

    Everyone knew Clinton was corrupt. Even people voting for her. They voted for her out of selfish interests. Government Employees, Public Servants, People Sapping our Social Safety Net, and Liberal Professors who's salaries are supplemented by taxpayers make up the typical Clinton voter...
  11. Litwin


  12. The Original Tree

    The Globalist Left: Frustrated & Enraged Are Trying To Take Whitaker Down

    They couldn't get him to recuse himself, so now they are trying to bring up unfounded allegations. Same tactic they tried to use on Kavanaugh. And the source of course is From Bloomberg an avowed Marxist Radical and Trump hater. The source of the information is of course, anonymous. The...
  13. The Original Tree

    Dear Lefty: Please Define The Crime of Russian Collusion

    Dear Leftist Anarchists, Marxists, Socialists, Communist Radicals, and Deep State Sympathizers: Please DEFINE in WRITING......THE CRIME OF RUSSIAN COLLUSION. Is it John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Barak Obama selling 20% of US Uranium to Putin? Is it Obama giving Iran $150...
  14. AsianTrumpSupporter

    I finally saw Hereditary (2018 horror film)

    I watched it with a friend of mine who hated it, but he generally hates horror movies. However, I convinced him to stick with it until about the last 15 minutes, at which point he refused to watch any more and walked into the hallway to avoid watching the ending. And this is a full grown man who...
  15. Dan Stubbs

    Clinton is having problems from the Past deals.

    We have all read and heard about Clintons making DEALS with other Nations that have put this Nation into a bad position, but it seems thing are about to come back to haunt her. “These people conspired to allow … Russia-linked companies to gain control over about 20 percent of the U.S. uranium...
  16. The Original Tree

    Feinstein, McLean, & Ford in Legal Jeapordy for Deep State Plot

    I am now hearing that all three of these characters are under investigation. Well, Well. How about this? Blasey Ford as everyone now knows LIED UNDER OATH to The Senate and American People. She told way too many lies to cover here, but the most interesting one was the Lie she told about...
  17. AsianTrumpSupporter

    Former Massachusetts Senator Brian Joyce (D) found dead while awaiting federal corruption charges

    Former state Sen. Brian Joyce found dead; was awaiting trial WESTPORT, Mass. (AP) — Former Massachusetts state Sen. Brian Joyce, who was awaiting trial on federal corruption charges, was found dead in his home Thursday, authorities said. Joyce, 56, was found dead by his wife, according to a...
  18. Dan Stubbs

    Crime not charged against Hilly Clinton.

    With the fall of the secret FISA doc which should land someone in Jail I still would like to know why the Russia deal Clinton was involved in has not been sent to the courts. The New York Times reported that the Clinton Foundation received millions of dollars from donors connected to Uranium...
  19. Street Juice

    Can your sense of humor predict who you will vote for?

    Rank the following, with -5 being not in the least funny, 0 being, meh, maybe a smile, and 5 being kneeslappingly hilarious: You are watching... We don't serve... Spell “pig” backwards... I have no... A man tries... A priest and... Neitzche and Al ... Rene DesCartes walks... You might be... A...
  20. Dan Stubbs

    Clinton Money Trail

    After reading the Clinton E mails that contain so much information I just had to check on the truths so I started looking. I found some and here it its. Washington Examiner, Judicial Watch outlined the Clintons’ long association with Saudi money. In 1992, while Bill Clinton was running for...
  21. deanrd

    When will USMB Republicans stop with the "but Obama and but Clinton"? Trump is president.

    Trump has been president for a year and a half. It's not Obama and Clinton who put babies in dirty diapers in cages. It's not Obama and Clinton who thought Russians interrogating Americans was an incredible idea. It's not Clinton nor is it Obama who put tariffs on goods. Time to stop with...
  22. deanrd

    Why are Republicans attacking the FBI? They did their job. The FBI got Trump elected!

    Harry Reid's Letter to James Comey August 29, 2016: First Reid Letter: FBI Must Investigate Russian Election Interference Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia Harry Reid sent sensitive Trump collusion letter over CIA objections Even the CIA protected Trump. The...
  23. Buddie Chronicle

    Here’s what so-called FBI agents really think of you

    Now that the OIG report is out, we’ve gotta say the FBI has never looked better:
  24. Dan Stubbs

    Hearing on Clinton Emails.

    Hearing in Judicial Watch Lawsuit Set for October 11 (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced a federal court ordered a hearing for Thursday, October 11, 2018, on a motion to compel testimony about the email practices of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The order was issued by U.S...
  25. The Original Tree

    Hillary Clinton Sold Hypersonic Missile Technology to Vladimir Putin.

    Hillary Transferred Technology for Putin's New Unstoppable Missile Russian President Vladimir Putin reported this week that he has developed an unstoppable intercontinental nuclear missile that travels 20 times the speed of sound, it can’t be detected, has an unlimited range, and no nation can...
  26. DarkFury

    IG Report Thread

    I'm thinking NOT. That IG report comes out and they will be running for cover. Give it 2 or 3 days and the finger pointing will begin. Give it a week and the rats will be jumping ship. There is simply NO WAY that report is bad for the GOP because it's NOT a report on them. But Shit Stain...
  27. Buddie Chronicle

    The FBI’s Reckoning

    The Justice Department’s Office of the Inspector General is rarely in the spotlight. But a highly anticipated report by the department’s internal watchdog will finally be released this week, ending a nearly 18-month investigation into whether the FBI acted improperly in the run-up to the 2016...
  28. deanrd

    New information about Clinton Foundation puts the Clintons in jeopardy of going to jail!

    Clinton Foundation Admits It Gave Money to 'Disqualified Person' Election Loss Won't Shield Clintons From Legal Woes Mueller Scrutinizing Ukrainian Magnate’s $150,000 Gift to Clinton Charity Doug Schoen who withdrew his “support” from Hillary Clinton’s campaign in October 2016, on the grounds...
  29. deanrd

    Do USMB Republicans feel it's OK for the Trump family to profit BIGLEY from US Government policy?

    We know that Qatar was punished for not giving Jared Kushner money to help his property 666. We know that once China gave a half billion for a Trump resort/golf course in Indonesia, Trump walked back tariffs. We know that favors were given out just before Ivanka received trademarks in China...
  30. deanrd

    MTP -- Pennsylvania: Story of Red and Blue Counties only 70 miles apart.

    So I was watching Meet the Press and they were showing the differences in two counties only 70 miles apart in Pennsylvania: Change in earnings 2005 to 2016 Chester........................Schuylkill $7,722..........................$4,140 Full Time job...
  31. Buddie Chronicle

    FBI vs Trump: How agents' political preferences can influence elections

    Another scandal spreads in the American establishment. According to American columnist for National Review Andrew McCarthy in a recent column Glenn Simpson the co-founder of an intelligence firm Fusion GPS, that compiled research on Trump during the campaign, had testified to the Senate that the...
  32. Buddie Chronicle

    GOP lawmakers pressure Rosenstein to hand over Clinton docs

    Two of President Trump’s top allies in Congress turned up the heat on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein this week — warning him that he could be impeached if he doesn’t hand over documents about Hillary Clinton. GOP Reps. Mark Meadows of North Carolina and Jim Jordan of Ohio — leading...
  33. Buddie Chronicle

    Let Trump clean the FBI stables

    Every community has people which know exactly what fits others best. Most of them are the people who’re sure they know. But you know what? I have to say, that democracy is about the right of anyone to speak and to be heard. It’s about the right of many to make choice by their own. But nobody...
  34. The Original Tree

    Spy vs. Spy: Skirpal, Strozk & Steele

    Well, isn’t this getting interesting? Apparently one of Christopher Steele’s Connections to Russia was Skirpal and Strozk traveled to The UK to meet with both Ex British Spy Steele and Ex Russian Spy Skirpal. Both Steele and Skirpal worked on The Russian Sourced Fusion GPS Dossier Skirpal...
  35. Cellblock2429

    The biggest political scandal of our lifetimes

    A review of a classified document outlining an extensive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse was made available to all House members Thursday. The revelations could lead to the removal of senior officials in the FBI and Department of Justice, several sources with knowledge of the...
  36. Cellblock2429

    Libs love Muller related probes. Here's a new one. Mueller aide fired for anti-Trump texts

    Mueller aide fired for anti-Trump texts now facing review for role in Clinton email probe Two senior Justice Department officials have confirmed to Fox News that the department's Office of Inspector General is reviewing the role played in the Hillary Clinton email investigation by Peter Strzok...
  37. The Original Tree

    Was The Intentional Leaking That Manafort Was Mueller's Target a Signal?

    This is a good question... Was the intentional leaking that Manafort was Mueller's target a signal to Hillary Clinton and The Podesta Group to fire up the paper shredders, and bleach bit, destroy any evidence they had, and manufacture evidence to hide their guilt and their collusion with...
  38. Cellblock2429

    Hey Libs, this is how it’s done.

    UN Ambassador Nikki Haley evacuated from South Sudan camp after protest violence breaks out This is how we protect our Ambassadors, not letting them get killed and blaming a video.
  39. Litwin

    How a "Russian" Fascist Is Meddling in America’s Election

    i think this article explains perfectly why so many fascists here support Vova Putin... comments? " NEW HAVEN — The president of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin, once described the collapse of the Soviet Union as a “geopolitical catastrophe.” But the political thinker who today has the most...
  40. a loss for words

    It is almost a year, and I still think I made the right decision.

    I voted for Johnson. Voting for Trump was just not a possibility for me. The same for Clinton. Clinton was and remains a corrupt predatory slimebal. Trump was and remains a vainglorious and ridiculous perverted jerk. I am sort of glad people held their noses and voted for Trump. There is no...

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