Wilson: Cheney and Libby Traitors

So.. is living in a realm 180 degrees out of phase with reality a prerequisite for being a lib?
Plame was actually outed in the mid '90's by the CIA......

After that, her status was common knowledge amongst DC insiders.
the only hunting is the witch hunt you libs did

This is one of the things that completely perplexes me about the Conservatives. Time and time again they get angry about government lies, spending, and waste. There was no bigger example of all of that with the invasion of Iraq. Nothing in my lifetime at least, and I will be seeing my 50th year in February. For completely false reasons and using a brand new doctrine, never used in the history of the United States, we went to war with Iraq. Everyone....and I mean everyone who had any sort of position to try and stop it was villified and demonized by conservatives. They went deaf dumb and blind on the whole thing. Wilson was no opportunist. He did a study..went and reported it..and was ignored. He saw the steam roller rolling by and tried to warn the country. For his effort his life and his wife's life was basically ruined. And then..after everything was said and done..some conservatives from the Bush administration starting coming out and saying, "Yeah..we knew it was wrong and it turned into a clusterfuck..but what the heck". And then they proceded to write books and make money.

And are conservatives outraged? Nope. It's more of an annoyance. So when people start to doubt the veracity of the conservative motives..look toward Iraq. Because from what we know now, the US was responsible for countless Iraqi deaths, the destruction of Iraq, over 30,000 US casualties including close to 5,000 deaths, trillions spent and a crushing blow to American prestige world wide. Add in this WILL inspire terrorists in a very real and major way.

Well, in my lifetime, I saw Tailgunner Joe. While he did not actively commit Treason, as those involved in the outing of Valerie Plame, and all the other agents that used the company cover that she did, he destroyed many lives with his lying demogogery.

And to think, I once thought that your stupidity was only along the lines of global warming!
So it extends far into other areas as well!

"I see Instapundit as well as both the Associated Press and the Washington Post has already beaten me to the punch on this one, but it's a point that needs to be made. Joe Wilson is a liar and not a particularly good one at that. As the report, starting on p. 39 and going through p. 47 very carefully explains, the claims that Wilson during his media blitz and subsequent canonization as a representative of all that is righteous and pure within anti-war circles were every bit as misleading if not factually inaccurate as anything that one may charge that the administration had done. Even more so, I would argue, if only for the fact that he was making claims about a number of issues, for example the forged documents referring to Niger, of which he had no actual knowledge - a very polite way of saying that the man was blowing smoke out his ass.

In conventional anti-war mythology, the name of Wilson's wife was leaked to the press in order to punish him for having "debunked" the administration's claims with respect to Iraq attempting to purchase uranium from Africa. As the report very clearly indicates, this was simply not the case and while it is indeed puzzling why the administration allowed him to go on as long as he did during his 15 minutes of fame without airing some of this information to the public given the considerable damage that he did to the president's reputation during this period."
The Senate Intelligence Committee Report - Winds of Change.NET

I just love that phrase "anti-war mythology"...it should be tatooed on your forehead.

Joe Wilson: the Milli-Vanilli of political discourse!

And you bought it like it was on sale!
Yes..that's right. Saddam was "this" close to building the bomb. All those WMDs the found in Iraq..makes us all glad Bush and the boys took him out.


That dog won't hunt any more.

We all know who lied. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the rest of the PNAC bloody cowboys.

W wasn't a member of PNAC.

But all the people that pulled his strings were.

GWB was not. Jeb Bush was, Dick Cheney was, Libby was too.
Yes..that's right. Saddam was "this" close to building the bomb. All those WMDs the found in Iraq..makes us all glad Bush and the boys took him out.


That dog won't hunt any more.

We all know who lied. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the rest of the PNAC bloody cowboys.
the only hunting is the witch hunt you libs did

This is one of the things that completely perplexes me about the Conservatives. Time and time again they get angry about government lies, spending, and waste. There was no bigger example of all of that with the invasion of Iraq. Nothing in my lifetime at least, and I will be seeing my 50th year in February. For completely false reasons and using a brand new doctrine, never used in the history of the United States, we went to war with Iraq. Everyone....and I mean everyone who had any sort of position to try and stop it was villified and demonized by conservatives. They went deaf dumb and blind on the whole thing. Wilson was no opportunist. He did a study..went and reported it..and was ignored. He saw the steam roller rolling by and tried to warn the country. For his effort his life and his wife's life was basically ruined. And then..after everything was said and done..some conservatives from the Bush administration starting coming out and saying, "Yeah..we knew it was wrong and it turned into a clusterfuck..but what the heck". And then they proceded to write books and make money.

And are conservatives outraged? Nope. It's more of an annoyance. So when people start to doubt the veracity of the conservative motives..look toward Iraq. Because from what we know now, the US was responsible for countless Iraqi deaths, the destruction of Iraq, over 30,000 US casualties including close to 5,000 deaths, trillions spent and a crushing blow to American prestige world wide. Add in this WILL inspire terrorists in a very real and major way.

What's really strange is that you write as though you can read...

although, if you can, you certainly can't find your way all the way to a conclusion.

"Wilson had told Nicholas Krystof and William Pincus, and later insisted publicly, that Dick Cheney had sent him. But it turns out that Cheney never asked the CIA to investigate the report, just to let him know what they had on the subject. That idea apparently originated within the CIA -- possibly with Plame herself. Her written memo makes it clear that she selected her husband for this mission, a strange idea unless she wanted to make sure she knew what kind of report would come back. The CIA, oddly, never required Wilson to sign a non-disclosure agreement, usually considered automatic when dealing with outsiders on agency missions.

And what did Wilson find? He found out that the Iraqis had indeed attempted to negotiate for yellowcake uranium, according to the Nigerien Prime Minister. Again, the SSCI report contradicts practically everything Wilson wrote or leaked after his return
Niger exports four commodities: cowpeas, onions, livestock, and yellowcake uranium. The Iraqis would not need secret negotiations to purchase the first three from Niger, and the poverty-racked Nigeriens would gladly have worked on sales of those commodities.

SSCI is the acronym for Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (whose Wilson/Plame testimony this post quotes).

“Why isn’t Wilson getting charged with lying to Congress in the SSCI investigation? Probably because he knew better than to lie about his assignment while under oath. The SSCI report makes that much clear as well; he admits that the Nigerien PM told him that the Iraqis tried to buy the yellowcake and elides the point about his wife as much as he can without committing perjury. Too bad Scooter Libby wasn’t bright enough to do the same thing.”

Captain's Quarters

if Wilson believed his own Walter Middy fantasy about his wife being a covert spy- so secret that his entire family could be killed if her identity were revealed- maybe he shouldn’t have revealed it!
the only hunting is the witch hunt you libs did

This is one of the things that completely perplexes me about the Conservatives. Time and time again they get angry about government lies, spending, and waste. There was no bigger example of all of that with the invasion of Iraq. Nothing in my lifetime at least, and I will be seeing my 50th year in February. For completely false reasons and using a brand new doctrine, never used in the history of the United States, we went to war with Iraq. Everyone....and I mean everyone who had any sort of position to try and stop it was villified and demonized by conservatives. They went deaf dumb and blind on the whole thing. Wilson was no opportunist. He did a study..went and reported it..and was ignored. He saw the steam roller rolling by and tried to warn the country. For his effort his life and his wife's life was basically ruined. And then..after everything was said and done..some conservatives from the Bush administration starting coming out and saying, "Yeah..we knew it was wrong and it turned into a clusterfuck..but what the heck". And then they proceded to write books and make money.

And are conservatives outraged? Nope. It's more of an annoyance. So when people start to doubt the veracity of the conservative motives..look toward Iraq. Because from what we know now, the US was responsible for countless Iraqi deaths, the destruction of Iraq, over 30,000 US casualties including close to 5,000 deaths, trillions spent and a crushing blow to American prestige world wide. Add in this WILL inspire terrorists in a very real and major way.

you are a partisan hack with a broad brush.

Point out the inaccuracies please. I'm conservative and I agree with the assessment. We should have never invaded Iraq and anyone........conservatives included......who questioned it were demonized.
Did they name Richard Armitage as a traitor, too?

Joe Wilson is the liar

Yes..that's right. Saddam was "this" close to building the bomb. All those WMDs the found in Iraq..makes us all glad Bush and the boys took him out.


That dog won't hunt any more.

We all know who lied. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the rest of the PNAC bloody cowboys.

The Senate Intelligence Committee Report

The U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence reported July 7, 2004 that the CIA had received reports from a foreign government (not named, but probably Britain) that Iraq had actually concluded a deal with Niger to supply 500 tons a year of partially processed uranium ore, or "yellowcake." That is potentially enough to produce 50 nuclear warheads

1. The Senate report said Wilson brought back denials of any Niger-Iraq uranium sale,…
2. But the Intelligence Committee report also reveals that Wilson brought back something else as well -- evidence that Iraq may well have wanted to buy uranium.

3. Based on what Wilson told them, CIA analysts wrote an intelligence report saying former Prime Minister Mayki "interpreted 'expanding commercial relations' to mean that the (Iraqi) delegation wanted to discuss uranium yellowcake sales." In fact, the Intelligence Committee report said that "for most analysts" Wilson's trip to Niger "lent more credibility to the original Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) reports on the uranium deal."

4. The subject of uranium sales never actually came up in the meeting, (between Mayki and the Iraqi delegation) according to what Wilson later told the Senate Intelligence Committee staff.
5. In the CIA's view, Wilson's report bolstered suspicions that Iraq was indeed seeking uranium in Africa. The Senate report cited an intelligence officer who reviewed Wilson’s report upon his return from Niger:

a. Committee Report: He (the intelligence officer) said he judged that the most important fact in the report was that the Nigerian officials admitted that the Iraqi delegation had traveled there in 1999, and that the Nigerian Prime Minister believed the Iraqis were interested in purchasing uranium, because this provided some confirmation of foreign government service reporting.

6. [T]he CIA also had received "several intelligence reports" alleging that Iraq wanted to buy uranium from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and from Somalia, as well as from Niger. The Intelligence Committee concluded that "it was reasonable for analysts to assess that Iraq may have been seeking uranium from Africa based on Central Intelligence Agency reporting and other available intelligence."

7. Soon after, on July 6, 2003, former ambassador Wilson went public in a New York Times opinion piece with his rebuttal of Bush's 16 words, saying that if the President was referring to Niger "his conclusion was not borne out by the facts as I understood them," and that "I have little choice but to conclude that some of the intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat." Wilson has since used much stronger language, calling Bush's 16 words a "lie" in an Internet chat sponsored by the Kerry campaign.

FactCheck.org: Bush's "16 Words" on Iraq & Uranium: He May Have Been Wrong But He Wasn't Lying

So, everything you believe is false...what does that make you? Smart?
It is not traitorous to out a mere fucking analyst.

Valerie .ooooo7 Plame Mrs. Ambassador Joe nutbar Wilson was just a fucking analyst.

Read and learn you ignorant douche..

Valerie Plame - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Say thank you....

The ignorant douche (as always) is you, ya mindless fuckwit.

The mere fact that you cite AS "authority" an article in fucking Wikipedia is proof enough that you are merely a hack. :lol:

Valerie was a fucking analyst. Period. End of fucking story.

And the dude that "outed" her as an analyst for the CIA (not that it wasn't known, anyway) was Armitage.

There was -- despite the shrill and always dishonest shrieks from dishonest lefties like you -- no criminal behavior by Mr. Rove or Mr. Cheney or by Mr. Libby. What a crock of shit that prosecution was.

A wikipedia article sourced with notes and references to support it. Can anyone put anything on wikipedia? Sure. Can you follow the footnotes to the links that support the article and draw your own conclusions? You bet. There is nothing wrong with using wikipedia as a source as long as you don't take everything you read at face value without checking out the source material. Hell, you should do the same thing with a book by Ann Coulter or Al Franken.
I just love that phrase "anti-war mythology"...it should be tatooed on your forehead.

What "anti-war mythology".

Every reason..each and every one of them..for invading Iraq turned out to be a big fat stinking lie.

Like this:

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998

Hey, the Clinton surplus is a big fat stinking lie too.. but you whackaloons still tout it as fact.
Regarding Plame being covert or not covert, it's a fact that CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden, in testimony and in written form, confirmed that Plame was covert at the time out the outing, as do CIA documents.
Why are people claiming that Plame wasn't covert? Anyone?
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Regarding Plame being covert or not covert, it's a fact that CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden, in testimonny and in written form, confirmed that Plame was covert at the time out the outing, as do CIA documents.
Why are people claiming that Plame wasn't covert? Anyone?

Because she wasn't. That's why. The CIA outted her in the mid 90's to the Russians.

Good grief... Valerie Plame again?

Gee, let's discuss Charlemagne and the Charles the Hammer while we're drifting down ancient history lane.

I wanna talk about this guy:



Why was he issued a press pass?
Regarding Plame being covert or not covert, it's a fact that CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden, in testimonny and in written form, confirmed that Plame was covert at the time out the outing, as do CIA documents.
Why are people claiming that Plame wasn't covert? Anyone?

Because she wasn't. That's why. The CIA outted her in the mid 90's to the Russians.


CIA Director Hayden: ‘Wilson Was Covert’
During House hearings today, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) announced that CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden recently told Reps. Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Silvestre Reyes (D-TX) that there was no doubt Victoria Plame Wilson was covert. Cummings — relaying what Waxman had told him — said that Gen. Hayden expressed clearly and directly, “Ms. Wilson was covert.”

Cummings also asked Wilson to respond to the specific claim, made by Victoria Toensing and others, that Plame had lost her covert status because she “had not been stationed abroad within five years.” Cummings asked, “During the past five years, Ms. Plame, from today, did you conduct secret missions overseas?” She answered, “Yes I did, congressman.”

So, Hayden, Plame and the CIA all comitted purjury?
Wow, that's amazing!!!!!
Regarding Plame being covert or not covert, it's a fact that CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden, in testimonny and in written form, confirmed that Plame was covert at the time out the outing, as do CIA documents.
Why are people claiming that Plame wasn't covert? Anyone?

Because she wasn't. That's why. The CIA outted her in the mid 90's to the Russians.


CIA Director Hayden: ‘Wilson Was Covert’
During House hearings today, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) announced that CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden recently told Reps. Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Silvestre Reyes (D-TX) that there was no doubt Victoria Plame Wilson was covert. Cummings — relaying what Waxman had told him — said that Gen. Hayden expressed clearly and directly, “Ms. Wilson was covert.”

Cummings also asked Wilson to respond to the specific claim, made by Victoria Toensing and others, that Plame had lost her covert status because she “had not been stationed abroad within five years.” Cummings asked, “During the past five years, Ms. Plame, from today, did you conduct secret missions overseas?” She answered, “Yes I did, congressman.”

So, Hayden, Plame and the CIA all comitted purjury?
Wow, that's amazing!!!!!

Although not true, as both the Wilson-Plame's and political operatives lied to convince you guys how evil the Repubs are, let's assume you are correct...

then Joe Wilson should have been prosecuted.

Or did you miss this:

June 2003: According to the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward, the following interview with Richard Armitage at the State Department transpired "about a month before" Robert Novak’s column appeared on July 14, 2003.

Woodward: Well it was Joe Wilson who was sent by the agency, isn’t it?
Armitage: His wife works for the agency.
Woodward: Why doesn’t that come out? Why does that have to be a big secret?
Armitage: (over) Everybody knows it.
Woodward: Everyone knows?
Armitage: Yeah. And they know ’cause Joe Wilson’s been calling everybody. He’s pissed off ’cause he was designated as a low level guy went out to look at it. So he’s all pissed off.
When, Why Joe Wilson Outed Valerie Plame | Sweetness & Light

It has been well documented, read this thread carefully, that it was Wilson who 'outed' his wife.
Joe Wilson is the liar

Yes..that's right. Saddam was "this" close to building the bomb. All those WMDs the found in Iraq..makes us all glad Bush and the boys took him out.


That dog won't hunt any more.

We all know who lied. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the rest of the PNAC bloody cowboys.
Much as I hold that roster in the utmost disdain and contempt, it was Richard Armitage who "outed" the non-covert "covert agent".

Wilson and Plame are plain old political hacks and shameless opportunists, and Blitzer was totally derelict enabler, in allowing them to just brush aside and divert from the question of Armitage.

It was Armitage, Libby, Rove....it was an orchestrated outting. Cheney was the mastermind. He wanted Wilson to stop talking about the fake uranium story that the Bush White House was telling.

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