Wilson: Cheney and Libby Traitors

the only hunting is the witch hunt you libs did

This is one of the things that completely perplexes me about the Conservatives. Time and time again they get angry about government lies, spending, and waste. There was no bigger example of all of that with the invasion of Iraq. Nothing in my lifetime at least, and I will be seeing my 50th year in February. For completely false reasons and using a brand new doctrine, never used in the history of the United States, we went to war with Iraq. Everyone....and I mean everyone who had any sort of position to try and stop it was villified and demonized by conservatives. They went deaf dumb and blind on the whole thing. Wilson was no opportunist. He did a study..went and reported it..and was ignored. He saw the steam roller rolling by and tried to warn the country. For his effort his life and his wife's life was basically ruined. And then..after everything was said and done..some conservatives from the Bush administration starting coming out and saying, "Yeah..we knew it was wrong and it turned into a clusterfuck..but what the heck". And then they proceded to write books and make money.

And are conservatives outraged? Nope. It's more of an annoyance. So when people start to doubt the veracity of the conservative motives..look toward Iraq. Because from what we know now, the US was responsible for countless Iraqi deaths, the destruction of Iraq, over 30,000 US casualties including close to 5,000 deaths, trillions spent and a crushing blow to American prestige world wide. Add in this WILL inspire terrorists in a very real and major way.

you are a partisan hack with a broad brush.

It would take a book the size of war and peace to fully document the scope of this. And again..this should be something both sides are mad about. Conservatives for driving it and Liberals (in some cases) for going along for the ride. I don't get why this is NOT an issue in the midterms.
Much as I hold that roster in the utmost disdain and contempt, it was Richard Armitage who "outed" the non-covert "covert agent".

Wilson and Plame are plain old political hacks and shameless opportunists, and Blitzer was totally derelict enabler, in allowing them to just brush aside and divert from the question of Armitage.

And no one paid. Everyone walked. Amazing!
Right...But we hear not a peep about Armitage from the leftnuts like you.

I guess you're only a traitor when you have that (R) by your name, huh?

No one wanted to throw his sorry hide in jail, because the food bill would have added to the National Deficit. :lol:
Traitors and criminals. They broke a plethora of laws and basically walked.

OMG, won't these people (Wilson) EVA go AWAY. Yawn

CNN has become a joke of a news station.
Polluted water under the bridge, folks.

Yes, that was treasonous.

No, they will never be called to account for it.

Real politics, folks.

Expecting the masters of the universe to be held to the same laws as we lilputs is a waste of your outrage.
It is not traitorous to out a mere fucking analyst.

Valerie .ooooo7 Plame Mrs. Ambassador Joe nutbar Wilson was just a fucking analyst.

Read and learn you ignorant douche..

Valerie Plame - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Say thank you....

The ignorant douche (as always) is you, ya mindless fuckwit.

The mere fact that you cite AS "authority" an article in fucking Wikipedia is proof enough that you are merely a hack. :lol:

Valerie was a fucking analyst. Period. End of fucking story.

And the dude that "outed" her as an analyst for the CIA (not that it wasn't known, anyway) was Armitage.

There was -- despite the shrill and always dishonest shrieks from dishonest lefties like you -- no criminal behavior by Mr. Rove or Mr. Cheney or by Mr. Libby. What a crock of shit that prosecution was.
Good grief... Valerie Plame again?

Gee, let's discuss Charlemagne and the Charles the Hammer while we're drifting down ancient history lane.
Polluted water under the bridge, folks.

Yes, that was treasonous.

No, they will never be called to account for it.

Real politics, folks.

Expecting the masters of the universe to be held to the same laws as we lilputs is a waste of your outrage.


It is NOT water under the bridge. Kids are dying today in Iraq and Afghanistan. Just because most folks have forgotten about it..does not mean it is over. We have two on going conflicts..heck..one qualifies for a full bore war. Both are terribly expensive, in terms of the blood and treasure of this country. One was started on the basis of lies and deceit and both were horribly executed.

Yet no one has really been held responsible. And there has been nothing put forward to provide a mechanism to keep this from ever happening again.
Polluted water under the bridge, folks.

Yes, that was treasonous.

No, they will never be called to account for it.

Real politics, folks.

Expecting the masters of the universe to be held to the same laws as we lilputs is a waste of your outrage.

Bullshit... outing what? The darling of the DC party circuit that everyone knew was a desk jockey at Langley?

Fucking hilarious. God you guys are desperate.
The only covert operations Valerie Plame engaged in was hitting the caviar buffet for Joe a third time without being noticed.
It is not traitorous to out a mere fucking analyst.

Valerie .ooooo7 Plame Mrs. Ambassador Joe nutbar Wilson was just a fucking analyst.

Read and learn you ignorant douche..

Valerie Plame - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Say thank you....

The ignorant douche (as always) is you, ya mindless fuckwit.

The mere fact that you cite AS "authority" an article in fucking Wikipedia is proof enough that you are merely a hack. :lol:

Valerie was a fucking analyst. Period. End of fucking story.

And the dude that "outed" her as an analyst for the CIA (not that it wasn't known, anyway) was Armitage.

There was -- despite the shrill and always dishonest shrieks from dishonest lefties like you -- no criminal behavior by Mr. Rove or Mr. Cheney or by Mr. Libby. What a crock of shit that prosecution was.

Classic Liability - begin with a personal attack; post a half-truth and leave out the role of Judith Miller in the Plame Affair. I suspect Mr. Orwell had Liability in mind when he wrote of the Minister of Truth in his book "1984". One more bit of prescience by the noted author.
Polluted water under the bridge, folks.

Yes, that was treasonous.

No, they will never be called to account for it.

Real politics, folks.

Expecting the masters of the universe to be held to the same laws as we lilputs is a waste of your outrage.

Bullshit... outing what? The darling of the DC party circuit that everyone knew was a desk jockey at Langley?

Fucking hilarious. God you guys are desperate.

That's the right wing meme.

Repetition doesn't make it any more true. The CIA disagrees with it.

But heck..carry on.
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It is not traitorous to out a mere fucking analyst.

Valerie .ooooo7 Plame Mrs. Ambassador Joe nutbar Wilson was just a fucking analyst.

Read and learn you ignorant douche..

Valerie Plame - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Say thank you....

The ignorant douche (as always) is you, ya mindless fuckwit.

The mere fact that you cite AS "authority" an article in fucking Wikipedia is proof enough that you are merely a hack. :lol:

Valerie was a fucking analyst. Period. End of fucking story.

And the dude that "outed" her as an analyst for the CIA (not that it wasn't known, anyway) was Armitage.

There was -- despite the shrill and always dishonest shrieks from dishonest lefties like you -- no criminal behavior by Mr. Rove or Mr. Cheney or by Mr. Libby. What a crock of shit that prosecution was.

Libby was convicted of one count of obstruction, two counts of perjury and one count of lying to the FBI about how he learned Plame’s identity and whom he told. Prosecutors said he learned about Plame from Cheney and others, discussed her name with reporters and, fearing prosecution, made up a story to make those discussions seem innocuous.

Jury convicts Libby on four charges - Politics - msnbc.com

Just to refresh your faulty memory, Liability. He was convicted and should be in prison for his part in this criminal activity. He, Cheney and Rove. Bush was even smart not to want any part of this mess.
Joe Wilson is the liar

Yes..that's right. Saddam was "this" close to building the bomb. All those WMDs the found in Iraq..makes us all glad Bush and the boys took him out.


That dog won't hunt any more.

We all know who lied. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the rest of the PNAC bloody cowboys.

W wasn't a member of PNAC.

But all the people that pulled his strings were.

Only you and the other idiots who gave you a thanks failed the reading comprehension test...

I'm always astounded at how easily led the battalion of the left are...
I double dog dare you to read the following and continue your stupidity.

"Despite having ample opportunities to do so, Joe Wilson never complained about the "sixteen words" in President Bush’s State Of The Union address until almost five months after it was delivered.

And then only after he had met with top Democrat Senators and had signed on with John Kerry’s presidential campaign.

From then on Mr. Wilson promoted a two-fold story to reporters in which he claimed:
1) That he had personally debunked the claims of Iraq’s nuclear deals with Niger with an "unequivocal" report that circulated at the highest levels of the government.
2) That he had personally debunked the so-called Niger forgeries by pointing out to the CIA and State Department that the documents contained errors in names and dates.

We now know thanks to the report on this matter from the bi-partisan US Senate Select Committee On Intelligence that both of these claims were utterly false. (And indeed, the "sixteen words" themselves have turned out to be quite grounded in fact.)

A month before Bob Novak published Valerie Plame’s name and disclosed that she worked at the CIA in a department that monitored weapons of mass destruction, the gossipy Richard Armitage at the State Department already knew all about her.

When asked how he knew about Plame, Armitage said he knew because Joe Wilson was "calling everybody" and telling them. And by "everybody" Mr. Armitage certainly meant reporters.

With that in mind it is an easy step to suppose that it was Mr. Joseph C. Wilson IV himself who first "outed" his wife as a CIA officer.

February 6, 2003: Joe Wilson wrote an editorial for the Los Angeles Times, A ‘Big Cat’ With Nothing to Lose, in which he claimed we should not attack Saddam Hussein because he will use his weapons of mass destruction on our troops and give them to terrorists.

February 28, 2003: Joe Wilson was interviewed by Bill Moyers. Wilson agreed with Bush’s SOTU remarks, and reiterated his belief that Saddam had WMD and that he would use them on US troops.

March 3, 2003: At the invitation of David Corn, Joe Wilson wrote a piece for the Nation, Republic Or Empire?
In it Wilson blasted the "neo-conservatives" in the Bush administration for their imperial over-reach. But he once again made no mention of uranium or any other suggestion that Bush misled the country or lied about Iraq’s WMD.

March 8, 2003: CNN’s Renay San Miguel interviewed Joe Wilson about the so-called Niger forgeries, which had just become a hot topic in the news.
WILSON: I have no idea. I’m not in the government. I would not want to be doing damage control on this. I think you probably just fess up and try to move on and say there’s sufficient other evidence to convict Saddam of being involved in the nuclear arms trade.

Note that up until at least March 8, 2003 Joe Wilson still contended that Saddam had WMD and that he was involved in the nuclear arms trade.

So what happened after March 8th to make Wilson change his tune about Iraq’s WMD and revise his "findings" from his trip to Niger? A version in direct contradiction to what he told his CIA debriefers, according to the US Senate’s Select Committee On Intelligence report?

May 2003: Joe Wilson began to "advise" the Kerry for President campaign.

May 6, 2003: New York Times journalist Nicholas Kristof published the first public mention of Wilson’s mission to Niger, without identifying him by name, in a column for the New York Times, Missing in Action: Truth. “…that envoy reported to the C.I.A. and State Department that the information was unequivocally wrong and that the documents had been forged.

The envoy reported, for example, that a Niger minister whose signature was on one of the documents had in fact been out of office for more than a decade.”

Note that unlike in his interview with CNN on March 8, 2003, Wilson was now claiming to have personally taken an active role in debunking the so-called forgeries. Which is of course untrue, since we now know Wilson never saw the documents.

The Senate’s Select Committee On Intelligence, which examined pre-Iraq war intelligence, reported that Wilson "had never seen the CIA reports and had no knowledge of what names and dates were in the reports."

(The Senate Committee’s report goes on to say: the former ambassador said that he may have "misspoken" to the reporter when he said he concluded the documents were "forged.")

June 12, 2003: Walter Pincus published an article in the Washington Post, CIA Did Not Share Doubt on Iraq Data.
Among the envoy’s conclusions was that the documents may have been forged because the "dates were wrong and the names were wrong," the former U.S. government official said.

Again, we now know that what Wilson told Pincus, like what he had told Kristof, was completely untrue, since the relevant papers were not in CIA hands until eight months after Wilson made his trip to Niger.

June 2003: According to the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward, the following interview with Richard Armitage at the State Department transpired "about a month before" Robert Novak’s column appeared on July 14, 2003.

Woodward: Well it was Joe Wilson who was sent by the agency, isn’t it?
Armitage: His wife works for the agency.
Woodward: Why doesn’t that come out? Why does that have to be a big secret?
Armitage: (over) Everybody knows it.Woodward: Everyone knows?
Armitage: Yeah. And they know ’cause Joe Wilson’s been calling everybody. He’s pissed off ’cause he was designated as a low level guy went out to look at it. So he’s all pissed off.
When, Why Joe Wilson Outed Valerie Plame | Sweetness & Light
(emphasis mine)

So, after all this time, and with minimal research and comprehension, the boobs in this thread are still insisting that black is white and up is down....

Yes..that's right. Saddam was "this" close to building the bomb. All those WMDs the found in Iraq..makes us all glad Bush and the boys took him out.


That dog won't hunt any more.

We all know who lied. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and the rest of the PNAC bloody cowboys.
the only hunting is the witch hunt you libs did

This is one of the things that completely perplexes me about the Conservatives. Time and time again they get angry about government lies, spending, and waste. There was no bigger example of all of that with the invasion of Iraq. Nothing in my lifetime at least, and I will be seeing my 50th year in February. For completely false reasons and using a brand new doctrine, never used in the history of the United States, we went to war with Iraq. Everyone....and I mean everyone who had any sort of position to try and stop it was villified and demonized by conservatives. They went deaf dumb and blind on the whole thing. Wilson was no opportunist. He did a study..went and reported it..and was ignored. He saw the steam roller rolling by and tried to warn the country. For his effort his life and his wife's life was basically ruined. And then..after everything was said and done..some conservatives from the Bush administration starting coming out and saying, "Yeah..we knew it was wrong and it turned into a clusterfuck..but what the heck". And then they proceded to write books and make money.

And are conservatives outraged? Nope. It's more of an annoyance. So when people start to doubt the veracity of the conservative motives..look toward Iraq. Because from what we know now, the US was responsible for countless Iraqi deaths, the destruction of Iraq, over 30,000 US casualties including close to 5,000 deaths, trillions spent and a crushing blow to American prestige world wide. Add in this WILL inspire terrorists in a very real and major way.

Well, in my lifetime, I saw Tailgunner Joe. While he did not actively commit Treason, as those involved in the outing of Valerie Plame, and all the other agents that used the company cover that she did, he destroyed many lives with his lying demogogery.

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