Why I Stopped Teaching

I won't vote dem but the GOP has epically failed to find a good candidate to vote for.
Because none of them are perfect enough? Like obama The Sainted? Like Ubercunt, the magnificent? Like ManBearPig, saviour of Mankind?

The DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media will tear down ANY candidate nominated by the Republican Party. Shit, we even nominated Mittens Romney in an attempt to placate those scum. And all they could talk about was how he was a Vulture Capitalist and an all-around bad guy.

Trump is not perfect. He's not even my pick for the R Nomination. In fact, I don't even like Republicans.

But, God is my witness, I detest, despise and loathe with every fiber of my being the dimocap scum party. It is THE most disgusting organization to ever exist in this Planet's history.

The problem with too many, WAY too many 'Republicans' is, they expect perfection. Instead we get Men. Flawed Men, to be sure, Men of this Earth, not men sent from Heaven. Just -- Men.

Unlike the scum of the Earth --



These are from mainstream publications, BTW. I shit you not.

Trump is not perfect. He's not even my pick for the R Nomination. In fact, I don't even like Republicans.

But, God is my witness, I detest, despise and loathe with every fiber of my being the dimocap scum party. It is THE most disgusting organization to ever exist in this Planet's history.

In other words, while the GOP is flawed and pulls some bad moves now and then, the democrats are pure evil, in the true sense of the word "evil", and no decent person can vote for them.
I won't vote dem but the GOP has epically failed to find a good candidate to vote for.
The GOP is running an amazing candidate for all who vote on policies that improve and enhance America….You’d see it the same way if you stopped voting on feelings.
The GOP is running an amazing candidate for all who vote on policies that improve and enhance America….You’d see it the same way if you stopped voting on feelings.
I had a dentist one time that annoyed the living shit out of me. He was arrogant, impatient and generally not a pleasant fellow. But dayum was he good. Real good.

I got pissed at him once and left him for a few years. Went to another guy that was pleasant, nice, easy to be around - But he fukked my teeth up royal.

I'm back to the talented Dentist now. Well, the person that bought his business. I saw him at a restaurant after he retired and he was actually a helluva nice guy. Kinda shoots the point of mu post in the ass but --

I don't want a nice guy for President. I want a Man or Woman that puts the people of this Country first. Not the fukking media, not extracting money from 2nd world Countries facing the threat of invasion from (former) communist scum.

I don't want him to put making money first. If you're running for POTUS and you need money? You shouldn't be running. Seriously.

I'm not saying you should be born with money but making money should not be a high priority. And if their family is broke and in financial trouble all the time, that is also a red flag.

DeSantis isn't money hungry and Trump doesn't need the money.

Didja ever notice.....?? dimocrap scum are usually professional politicians? Ever notice that? I mean, when did poopy pants do before he went into politics? Kerry? ManBearPig? Ubercunt? Newsom's daddy and mommy were BOTH Lawyers? Do we really need another FUCKING lawyer in the White House not named DeSantis? He gets a pass because he served in the Navy (for 6 years on active duty and 9 years reserve) as a JAG Officer.

The DNC is a criminal organization people. It's just that goddamned simple.
And he responded to that point saying that since the majority of teachers are on the left, they have no issue with the curriculum she outlined in the video, on the contrary they support it. So of course it's not going to be high on the stats of why teachers quit. They're going to care more about how things affect them, i.e. salary, long hours, unruly kids, etc.. not things that actually affect the outcome of the children they teach. But that doesn't mean that what is being taught is right, or that it's not negatively affecting society. Ironically it is because of what students are being taught both in school and in the world around them that is the reason for the bad behavior that teachers are seeing in schools everywhere. There is no respect for authority, the left has broken down society in denigrating authority for 60 years. And now that they are slowly becoming 'the authority', they'll use that to vilify those that now do not want to respect them.
This is an important observation I think. I have no clue what Sue's ideology or personal experience is and I can't say that she is wrong from her perspective.

But having a serious interest in good education and some experience with our local schools here and other places I have lived, I can't say the person in the OP video is wrong either.

But certainly most true conservatives, i.e. what we would now call Patriots, have been made so uncomfortable they quit or were fired for their views so that the large majority of teachers are now left wing, many hard core left wing.

And certainly those who support left wing ideology will naturally protest wages, benefits, hours, student conduct or whatever that negatively affects them. But they will think the curriculum, emphasis and system is just fine. As will left wing parents. That will be reflected in polling data.

Current situation: those leaving the system are going to be largely leftists since most of those in education now are leftists. And that means that those leaving the system are leaving because of wages, etc. and not because of leftist indoctrination that dominates the education system now.

And while of course there will always be outliers, poll those teachers and parents right of center and you generally get a very different perspective of the state of public schools overall.
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The average American has no idea of how terrible student behavior is in many, uh, urban schools.

To give you an idea, those "kids" that are running wild shoplifting and fighting in malls are the same "kids" that occasionally decide to attend school.

It is a fact that a high percentage of new teachers quit after (or before) their first year,

PLEASE: If you have a relative or friend who is thinking about becoming a public school teacher (or police officer), advise him/her against doing so.

It's not just urban schools. Screens have fried kids' poor brains, which is not their fault.
I know Sue to be a pretty level headed person...While there are certainly those in the profession that can not abide by what they see going on in the System these days, I would tend to believe that more of them get out because they feel unsafe to even go do their jobs today...

In fact today, teachers are put in a terrible middle, where students don't respect them, administration doesn't back them up, parents are against them, and they are constantly fighting for resource....

That is, those that actually want to do the job honorably....

This and a million times this. You hit the nail square on the head. Thank you.
And he responded to that point saying that since the majority of teachers are on the left, they have no issue with the curriculum she outlined in the video, on the contrary they support it. So of course it's not going to be high on the stats of why teachers quit. They're going to care more about how things affect them, i.e. salary, long hours, unruly kids, etc.. not things that actually affect the outcome of the children they teach. But that doesn't mean that what is being taught is right, or that it's not negatively affecting society. Ironically it is because of what students are being taught both in school and in the world around them that is the reason for the bad behavior that teachers are seeing in schools everywhere. There is no respect for authority, the left has broken down society in denigrating authority for 60 years. And now that they are slowly becoming 'the authority', they'll use that to vilify those that now do not want to respect them.

America is made up of millions of neighborhood schools, basically.

you think the neighborhoods in rural Nebraska are just chock full of rabid leftists out to indoctrinate children?

They're quitting because of workload?? I hear that often and it's a laugher. I have a friend and next-door-neighbor that's a teacher and she will be happy to tell you -- It's the easiest job for the highest pay on the Planet Earth. period

They do next to nothing. And we have some pretty good schools in Lee County, FL. Not fantastic, pretty good -- but you can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit. Especially when you consider that a good portion of our school kids don't speak English at home.

As to Student Behavior? Yeah, that can be a problem. That can be a REAL problem. THE problem, in fact.

She left a teaching job in Atlanta because of it and took one here. Less money but easier on the nerves. Much easier in SW Florida.

The thing is this.... Wherever you find students that are irascible, hard to control, violent, etc -- It is invariably, without exception, in dimocrap cities and towns in dimocrap-controlled districts. Not once in a while -- Every time.

Your neighbor must work for a crappy district with few expectations.
Another reason people are moving from the crime-infested, loser States of the North and especially the NEastern corridor of the US to Florida.

We have good schools.

And trust me wen I tell you that we have all the same challenges and more of the minority population of any North Eastern State.

But we have the best educational system in the Country. And this is with the challenges of so many people NOT speaking the English language at home. Along with the usual challenges of Fatherless homes and the lack of emphasis placed on education by some minorities. Check the Census and you'll see what I mean.

Given all that we still have the best overall educational system in the Country.

Why d o you think that is?

And, OBTW...... We rank 44th (forty-fourth) in the nation in spending per student.

Per Pupil Spending by State 2023 - Wisevoter

So how is it that we rank AT the top in quality but near the bottom in spending?

Waddya think? I know the answer, most Conservatives know the answer and so do most dims.

But the dims won't be honest about it.

Or anything else for that matter.

Test scores are average. They came to this ranking based on number of colleges, college debt, etc.
This is an important observation I think. I have no clue what Sue's ideology or personal experience is and I can't say that she is wrong from her perspective.

But having a serious interest in good education and some experience with our local schools here and other places I have lived, I can't say the person in the OP video is wrong either.

But certainly most true conservatives, i.e. what we would now call Patriots, have been made so uncomfortable they quit or were fired for their views so that the large majority of teachers are now left wing, many hard core left wing.

And certainly those who support left wing ideology will naturally protest wages, benefits, hours, student conduct or whatever that negatively affects them. But they will think the curriculum, emphasis and system is just fine. As will left wing parents. That will be reflected in polling data.

Current situation: those leaving the system are going to be largely leftists since most of those in education now are leftists. And that means that those leaving the system are leaving because of wages, etc. and not because of leftist indoctrination that dominates the education system now.

And while of course there will always be outliers, poll those teachers and parents right of center and you generally get a very different perspective of the state of public schools overall.

Teachers are largely garden-variety liberals. "soft" liberals, not hard. They don't think deeply about politics for the most part and are too easily taken in by media messages.


It's getting very tiring to hear talk about "the public schools". This is not a monolith. If you'll indulge me a story:

Our elementary students love our sledding hill. It's not a big one (because school) but they make use of it for most of the winter. Come November, it's snowpants, mittens, scarves, hats, gloves, and boots that track in snow.

OTOH, I've seen Florida schools directly on the beach, with sand as the playground "flooring". Fascinating. Rather than tracking in snow, these kids track in sand.

That's the political landscape too. It's beyond ridiculous to think that children in Brooklyn or Berkeley are getting the same experience as children in Boise, Idaho, or in rural Nebraska or Kansas. This is a great, big, diverse nation of neighborhood schools. It's far, far, FAR from a monolith.
Teachers are largely garden-variety liberals. "soft" liberals, not hard. They don't think deeply about politics for the most part and are too easily taken in by media messages.


It's getting very tiring to hear talk about "the public schools". This is not a monolith. If you'll indulge me a story:

Our elementary students love our sledding hill. It's not a big one (because school) but they make use of it for most of the winter. Come November, it's snowpants, mittens, scarves, hats, gloves, and boots that track in snow.

OTOH, I've seen Florida schools directly on the beach, with sand as the playground "flooring". Fascinating. Rather than tracking in snow, these kids track in sand.

That's the political landscape too. It's beyond ridiculous to think that children in Brooklyn or Berkeley are getting the same experience as children in Boise, Idaho, or in rural Nebraska or Kansas. This is a great, big, diverse nation of neighborhood schools. It's far, far, FAR from a monolith.
Depending how one defines 'soft' leftism I suppose. That would describe most of the educators in my family. But when you see teachers marching with the likes of BLM and joining hard left protesters demanding sexually oriented books be replaced in a elementary school library, it's hard to see the side of it that you seem to see Sue.

I am told by people in a position to know that our local schools didn't mention Columbus this year but talked about "Indigenous People Day" which to someone like me is going full 'woke.'

The hard fact is that the NEA is promoting a leftist agenda and what conservative/Patriot families and/or lawmakers that are out there are pushing back against it. And those who do run the risk of being branded 'terrorists' or whatever by our current DOJ or condemned by the left as Nazis or whatever.

The NEA also promotes and helped write the controversial gender studies for young children that horrify parent and Patriots even more than CRT.

Right or wrong, this is the image of modern public schools that is out there.
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Depending how one defines 'soft' leftism I suppose. That would describe most of the educators in my family. But when you see teachers marching with the likes of BLM and joining hard left protesters demanding sexually oriented books be replaced in a elementary school library, it's hard to see the side of it that you seem to see Sue . . . . .

100% correct. Thank you.

There is a thread here with tons of videos of teachers in their own words who verify what you just said:

A 12-year-old in Middleborough PS was allegedly sent home from school and told he’s making people feel unsafe for wearing a shirt that said “there are only 2 genders.”

BREAKING: Texas elementary teacher who made a series of racist anti-white tweets including wanting to kill someone for being white- has been fired and is not eligible for rehire


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