Why Do Those Who Are Not Wealthy Support Trump ?

The idea of earning one's living honestly and honourably is lost on worthless parasites such as TheRegressiveParasite, who can imagine no other way of living than on wealth stolen from others who have worked to produce and earn it. This is the whole of the basis for the OP—that he cannot imagine why those of us who are not wealthy would prefer the opportunity to earn what wealth we can honestly, over having it stolen on our behalf.
Still clinging to your guns a bible I see,:dance:
Still clinging to Andrew McCabe’s Shit Stained Underwear for Comfort?
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
/——/ idiot
If I'm such an idiot, prove me wrong.
/----/ All you have is the class envy card. No matter what Trump says or does, Libtards twist it into something bad. Yet if Hillary had won and had the same economic results what would you LIbtards be saying?
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
/——/ idiot
If I'm such an idiot, prove me wrong.
/----/ All you have is the class envy card. No matter what Trump says or does, Libtards twist it into something bad. Yet if Hillary had won and had the same economic results what would you LIbtards be saying?
If Secretary Clinton had won , the fiscal and regulatory policies would not be short cited allowing for the return to the reckless practices of wall street, blowing up the deficit, endangering consumers, and wrecking the environment. Let the good times roll but it will all come back to but you.
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/

G-d, guns and gays.
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
/——/ idiot
If I'm such an idiot, prove me wrong.
/----/ All you have is the class envy card. No matter what Trump says or does, Libtards twist it into something bad. Yet if Hillary had won and had the same economic results what would you LIbtards be saying?

it's not about "class envy". you seem confused. it's about people voting against their own self-interest for G-d guns and gays.
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
/——/ idiot
If I'm such an idiot, prove me wrong.
/----/ All you have is the class envy card. No matter what Trump says or does, Libtards twist it into something bad. Yet if Hillary had won and had the same economic results what would you LIbtards be saying?
If Secretary Clinton had won , the fiscal and regulatory policies would not be short cited allowing for the return to the reckless practices of wall street, blowing up the deficit, endangering consumers, and wrecking the environment. Let the good times roll but it will all come back to but you.
/-----/ So you're saying if Hildabeast won, the economy would be sucking wind. Thanks.
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
/——/ idiot
If I'm such an idiot, prove me wrong.
/----/ All you have is the class envy card. No matter what Trump says or does, Libtards twist it into something bad. Yet if Hillary had won and had the same economic results what would you LIbtards be saying?

it's not about "class envy". you seem confused. it's about people voting against their own self-interest for G-d guns and gays.
/----/ The high road involves voting against one's own self interest. Take our Founding Fathers who swore “We Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor” Now if that isn't against their own self interest what is?
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/

G-d, guns and gays.
God and guns, yes but I don't think that they are clinging to gays
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/

G-d, guns and gays.
God and guns, yes but I don't think that they are clinging to gays

lol.. no... they vote against them.
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/

G-d, guns and gays.
God and guns, yes but I don't think that they are clinging to gays
/----/ ROTFLMAO Good one
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
/——/ idiot
If I'm such an idiot, prove me wrong.
/----/ All you have is the class envy card. No matter what Trump says or does, Libtards twist it into something bad. Yet if Hillary had won and had the same economic results what would you LIbtards be saying?
By the way , I don't envy a damned thing. I'm right where I want to be in life.
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
/——/ idiot
If I'm such an idiot, prove me wrong.
/----/ All you have is the class envy card. No matter what Trump says or does, Libtards twist it into something bad. Yet if Hillary had won and had the same economic results what would you LIbtards be saying?

it's not about "class envy". you seem confused. it's about people voting against their own self-interest for G-d guns and gays.
/----/ The high road involves voting against one's own self interest. Take our Founding Fathers who swore “We Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor” Now if that isn't against their own self interest what is?
False equivalency logical fallacy horseshit. They were willing to sacrifice for the good of the country. Creating an oligarchy of wealth and income disparity is not FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY.
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
/——/ idiot
If I'm such an idiot, prove me wrong.
/----/ All you have is the class envy card. No matter what Trump says or does, Libtards twist it into something bad. Yet if Hillary had won and had the same economic results what would you LIbtards be saying?
If Secretary Clinton had won , the fiscal and regulatory policies would not be short cited allowing for the return to the reckless practices of wall street, blowing up the deficit, endangering consumers, and wrecking the environment. Let the good times roll but it will all come back to but you.
/-----/ So you're saying if Hildabeast won, the economy would be sucking wind. Thanks.
If that is what the voices in your hear are telling you I meant, fine.
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/

Because rich progressives, who make millions of dollars by sucking off of the public teat, and pass laws that they exempt themselves from disdainfully look down their collective noses and proclaim that the 1200 dollar or so tax breaks that they will receive are "crumbs".

Brings to mind another famously ignorant woman who uttered the infamous "let them eat cake" quote, that lead to her demise.
/——/ idiot
If I'm such an idiot, prove me wrong.
/----/ All you have is the class envy card. No matter what Trump says or does, Libtards twist it into something bad. Yet if Hillary had won and had the same economic results what would you LIbtards be saying?
If Secretary Clinton had won , the fiscal and regulatory policies would not be short cited allowing for the return to the reckless practices of wall street, blowing up the deficit, endangering consumers, and wrecking the environment. Let the good times roll but it will all come back to but you.
/-----/ So you're saying if Hildabeast won, the economy would be sucking wind. Thanks.
If that is what the voices in your hear are telling you I meant, fine.
/----/ Then what would Hildabeast be doing differently to get the same results as Trump?
/——/ idiot
If I'm such an idiot, prove me wrong.
/----/ All you have is the class envy card. No matter what Trump says or does, Libtards twist it into something bad. Yet if Hillary had won and had the same economic results what would you LIbtards be saying?

it's not about "class envy". you seem confused. it's about people voting against their own self-interest for G-d guns and gays.
/----/ The high road involves voting against one's own self interest. Take our Founding Fathers who swore “We Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor” Now if that isn't against their own self interest what is?
False equivalency logical fallacy horseshit. They were willing to sacrifice for the good of the country. Creating an oligarchy of wealth and income disparity is not FOR THE GOOD OF THE COUNTRY.
/----/ No one is voting for that. Geeeze. BTW: First Tax Cuts Are Hitting Paychecks And They’re So Good Some People Think It’s A Glitch
First Tax Cuts Are Hitting Paychecks And They're So Good Some People Think It’s A Glitch
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/

Perhaps after having been shat upon by both parties at least since 1992 and perhaps 88, they prefer someone who is a thorn in the side of elites of both parties.
Actually most rich people also don't support Trump because they know what a bad businessman he is and how he can destroy the economy.
Many of Trumps supports who voted for him and are sticking by him are not well off. While it is true that the further up the income ladder you go, the great support the support for Trump was in 2016, amazingly 41 % of those earning under $30K and 42% of those earning between $30 and $50K voted for him:


Yes, during the campaign, he made many promises to the working middle class which, of course went out the window in the form of the recent tax giveaway to the wealthy. Yet, I have seen little evidence that those people are abandoning him in large numbers

What is going on here? Trump once said, ' I love the poorly educated" Yes, he does and for good reason. They have been easily duped into supporting him, and continuing to support him despite the fact that everything that Trump does and everything that he says indicates that it is the wealthy and privileged - who tend to be better educated that he really "loves". The connection between education and wealth /income is irrefutable


High and rising income inequality in the United States has recently been widely commented upon. What has not been as widely discussed is the role educational attainment has played in these disparities. Indeed, America is in some ways two different countries economically, segregated by educational achievement.

Or ….. are there other forces at work that intersect at Trump . Let’s consider cognitive abilities*- which are highly indicative of educational level- and race


Lower cognitive abilities predict greater prejudice through right wing ideology

Hodson and Busseri (2012) found in a correlational study that lower intelligence in childhood is predictive of greater racism in adulthood, with this effect being mediated (partially explained) through conservative ideology.
They also found poor abstract reasoning skills were related to homophobic attitudes which was mediated through authoritarianism and low levels of intergroup contact.

What this study and those before it suggests is not necessarily that all liberals are geniuses and all conservatives are ignorant. Rather, it makes conclusions based off of averages of groups. The idea is that for those who lack a cognitive ability to grasp complexities of our world, strict-right wing ideologies may be more appealing.

Bottom line: Lower intelligence equals low income Trump Supporters who have a marked tendency toward racism.

Those same people tend to own guns as well and Trump is not a big fan of gun control:


There’s is a positive correlation between symbolic racism amongst white Americans and gun ownership, according to the results of a new international study published in PLoS One, the peer-reviewed scientific journal

The study, “Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions,” conducted by researchers from Britain’s Manchester University and Australia’s Monash University, collected data from white U.S. voters and found that for each one point increase (on a scale from one to five) in symbolic racism there was a 50 percent increase in the odds that the respondent had a firearm in the home. This political reality did not spring up overnight.

The picture is almost complete: A high correlation between support for Trump, low cognitive ability, racism and now guns. But there is one more variable to consider, the role of religion. We know that a good deal of Trumps support comes from religious zealots, namely the Evangelicals. Why is that? It turns out that it ties in very neatly with the intelligence factor:


A meta-analysis of 63 studies showed a significant negative association between intelligence and religiosity. The association was stronger for college students and the general population than for participants younger than college age; it was also stronger for religious beliefs than religious behavior. For college students and the general population, means of weighted and unweighted correlations between intelligence and the strength of religious beliefs ranged from −.20 to −.25 (mean r = −.24). Three possible interpretations were discussed. First, intelligent people are less likely to conform and, thus, are more likely to resist religious dogma. Second, intelligent people tend to adopt an analytic (as opposed to intuitive) thinking style, which has been shown to undermine religious beliefs. Third, several functions of religiosity, including compensatory control, self-regulation, self-enhancement, and secure attachment, are also conferred by intelligence. Intelligent people may therefore have less need for religious beliefs and practices.

So there we have it the complete picture -Intelligence and cognitive ability, Race, Guns, and now Religion. My work is done here.

* https://www.education.com/reference/article/iq-school-achievement/
/——/ idiot
If I'm such an idiot, prove me wrong.
/----/ All you have is the class envy card. No matter what Trump says or does, Libtards twist it into something bad. Yet if Hillary had won and had the same economic results what would you LIbtards be saying?
If Secretary Clinton had won , the fiscal and regulatory policies would not be short cited allowing for the return to the reckless practices of wall street, blowing up the deficit, endangering consumers, and wrecking the environment. Let the good times roll but it will all come back to but you.

If Secretary Clinton had won , the fiscal and regulatory policies would not be short cited allowing for the return to the reckless practices of wall street,


All those Wall Street bribes...err...speaking fees were to ensure she'd rein them in.

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