The Government Cartel paid billions to Walgreens and CVS not to fill Ivermectin – the question is why

Their plot would be foiled by a fast solution so they needed this to drag on and made it so
Naive? Most Trump supporters did not take the 'vaccine', I bet you did though, why did you listen to the guy you hate? Trump supporters didn't 'assume' anything, they used common sense, something the left clearly lacks.

Over half of republicans took the vaccine.

Trump took it.

I don't care about the people who did take it, I care about the people that were forced to take it to keep their livelihood and careers going. I care about the people who were refused drugs that worked so that they felt there was no alternative to the 'vaccines' that were being pushed by everyone in government and media. Doctors got banned, lost credentials, and jobs for speaking up and trying to do the right thing. Elderly were locked away in nursing homes from their loved ones (and ironically exposed to covid positive patients - people who did that will burn in hell), never being able to see them, hug them, spend special occasions with them. Millions of people were harmed and are still experiencing the side effects today. Who was responsible for that entire movement against safe medications and forcing covid shots? Who advocated for and allowed covid patients to be sent to nursing homes in order to increase positive cases and deaths in order to get their headlines so they could control an election? Who changed election laws on the fly because there was a 'pandemic' and scared the public enough to believe it wasn't safe to vote in person? Who 'won' that election, who did all of these things favor? It sure as hell wasn't Trump, every single person of authority that had a hand in pushing shots to make big pharma billions needs to be investigated. You can add Trump to the mix, cause if they go after him for that, they have to admit it was a big government scheme to enrich certain parties and manipulate an election, and it can't stop at just Trump, and they know it. That's why your screams to go after Trump will go ignored, but do continue to make a fool of yourself every time you post about it. :cuckoo:
So all the Trump supporters who listened to and believed Trump and got the vaccine don't matter. Got it.

Trump pushed the shots yet you excuse him.

My screams to subpeana Trump and big pharma will go unheard because of a blind devotion and lack of accountability for Trump. That is why many Dems call it a cult.

Trump has absolutely no culpability regarding anything.

Trump directly facilitated and pushed the vaccine on a public he lied to and you don't even want him questioned by Congress.

That says more about you then it does me.
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy: if effective therapeutics were available, the regulators (bought off by Big Pharma) would not have been able to get the emergency use authorization (with full liability protection) passed.

It was a big scam to defraud the public and conduct an MRNA experiment without the consent of the subjects.

It's time for Nuremburg 2.0.
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy: if effective therapeutics were available, the regulators (bought off by Big Pharma) would not have been able to get the emergency use authorization (with full liability protection) passed.

It was a big scam to defraud the public and conduct an MRNA experiment without the consent of the subjects.

It's time for Nuremburg 2.0.
Good point.

Fauci did recommend against an EUA but Trump didn't listen and pushed for it anyhow.
Well as usual a COVID thread has devolved into a defend Trump at all costs.

As is common knowledge, scientists did not realize the how extensive asymptomatic spread was early on.

But that is irrelevant and doesn't really address potential insider training and how big pharma used billions of our tax money.

It's just an excuse to absolve Trump of any accountability by focusing on a scientist who was employed by Trump.
He was the expert Trump was relying on, and man he screwed it up, purposely I might add.
He was the expert Trump was relying on, and man he screwed it up, purposely I might add.
So Trump ignored Fauci's warning about the EUA and bullied his own agencies to hurry up and approve the vaccine because he had an election to win, pushed it, took it himself, praised Xi, threw our tax money at big pharma and it's Fauci's fault?

It's shocking you think Trump is that weak and feckless.
Trump made no medical decisions and relied on those who turned out to be corrupt and agenda driven
Libs have tried to obliterate how much pressure Everyone was under to take the shots Safe and Effective with vast reprisals , punishment and hindrances if you didn’t join in.
All real facts withheld. It’s absolutely no wonder at all that almost everyone participated in the shots in early to mid 2021. Then hidden data started coming out and all the bogus wonderfulness and wisdom of the shots came into play snd were viciously denied .
Dont let libs try and construct their wishful fantasy that we All Willingly participated. We pushed back from the beginning and were threatened repeatedly. After the first round thinkers knew this was bullshit. In The end the shots did have a positive effect for 6% of all those who caught Covid . They turned America upside down over that to harm Trump and really all of us. Don’t let the truth die as lib loons will smear this like we all just went along willing and gladly. In fact we were manipulated and lied to constantly for about one year and by then the fix was accomplished
Good point.

Fauci did recommend against an EUA but Trump didn't listen and pushed for it anyhow.

Your knowledge of what transpired is somewhat lacking. The Obama embeds in the CDC, NIH, FDA etc. deceived Trump. Birx even wrote a book about it. They lied to him and the public in order to pull their totalitarian con.
Trump made no medical decisions and relied on those who turned out to be corrupt and agenda driven
Libs have tried to obliterate how much pressure Everyone was under to take the shots Safe and Effective with vast reprisals , punishment and hindrances if you didn’t join in.
All real facts withheld. It’s absolutely no wonder at all that almost everyone participated in the shots in early to mid 2021. Then hidden data started coming out and all the bogus wonderfulness and wisdom of the shots came into play snd were viciously denied .
Dont let libs try and construct their wishful fantasy that we All Willingly participated. We pushed back from the beginning and were threatened repeatedly. After the first round thinkers knew this was bullshit. In The end the shots did have a positive effect for 6% of all those who caught Covid . They turned America upside down over that to harm Trump and really all of us. Don’t let the truth die as lib loons will smear this like we all just went along willing and gladly. In fact we were manipulated and lied to constantly for about one year and by then the fix was accomplished

It's also important to remember that the vaccination release was delayed by Big Pharma until after the election. Biden put mandates in place - Trump did not.
Over half of republicans took the vaccine.

Trump took it.

So all the Trump supporters who listened to and believed Trump and got the vaccine don't matter. Got it.

Trump pushed the shots yet you excuse him.

My screams to subpeana Trump and big pharma will go unheard because of a blind devotion and lack of accountability for Trump. That is why many Dems call it a cult.

Trump has absolutely no culpability regarding anything.

Trump directly facilitated and pushed the vaccine on a public he lied to and you don't even want him questioned by Congress.

That says more about you then it does me.

Look at your post, every sentence, TRUMP!!!! You're a sick individual.'

I don't gaf if half of Trump supporters took it, I highly doubt that is even true or that you can even prove that statement. If you took that shot because Trump told you to, then that just makes you a complete and total idiot. He's not a doctor, nor have I ever excused him, I thought he was a fool for allowing them to manipulate him the way they did. But he was damned either way, you would call for his head regardless of what he had done. If he hadn't done anything, your opinion would not change one little bit, you'd still hate him. To make the statement that he only did it to not lose re-election, when you don't have that same outlook towards ANY politician (i.e. Biden and his conundrum between supporting Israel or not supporting Israel) just makes you a hypocrite. You're the fool that believe politicians care about you, only those on the left of course. :cuckoo:

You don't want anyone else but Trump to have any culpability, he's the only one you care about 'getting'. That just destroys any potential credibility your opinion could ever hold. I outlined in my previous post how the whole covid scamdemic was shoved on the entire society via many different avenues mostly after Trump was out of office. You don't give a damn about the 'media', the CDC, the governors all across the country, the entities that forced shots on their employees. You think one man orchestrated and caused all of that, what a complete fucking fool you are. 🤡
Trump made no medical decisions and relied on those who turned out to be corrupt and agenda driven
Libs have tried to obliterate how much pressure Everyone was under to take the shots Safe and Effective with vast reprisals , punishment and hindrances if you didn’t join in.
All real facts withheld. It’s absolutely no wonder at all that almost everyone participated in the shots in early to mid 2021. Then hidden data started coming out and all the bogus wonderfulness and wisdom of the shots came into play snd were viciously denied .
Dont let libs try and construct their wishful fantasy that we All Willingly participated. We pushed back from the beginning and were threatened repeatedly. After the first round thinkers knew this was bullshit. In The end the shots did have a positive effect for 6% of all those who caught Covid . They turned America upside down over that to harm Trump and really all of us. Don’t let the truth die as lib loons will smear this like we all just went along willing and gladly. In fact we were manipulated and lied to constantly for about one year and by then the fix was accomplished
His medical decision was ignoring Fauci's advice on the EUA, recommending the vaccine to America, lying about it, bullying his own agencies to release...because he had an election to win.

It's actually worse then I thought though as last week a Trump supporter declared the vaccine had already been made. So what the hell happened to all that socialist money Trump threw at big pharma to develop a vaccine that was already made?
So Trump ignored Fauci's warning about the EUA and bullied his own agencies to hurry up and approve the vaccine because he had an election to win, pushed it, took it himself, praised Xi, threw our tax money at big pharma and it's Fauci's fault?

It's shocking you think Trump is that weak and feckless.
Wow just read 48 and 49, and 50 seems you got stomped, and I didn't even have to type a word of rebuttal to your Anti trump B.S
Your knowledge of what transpired is somewhat lacking. The Obama embeds in the CDC, NIH, FDA etc. deceived Trump. Birx even wrote a book about it. They lied to him and the public in order to pull their totalitarian con.
Are you saying that Fauci didn't recommend not using an EUA but Trump did anyway?

Are you saying Trump didn't lie to America about how bad the virus was?

Are you saying Trump didn't bully his own agencies to push the vaccine because he had an election to win?
His medical decision was ignoring Fauci's advice on the EUA, recommending the vaccine to America, lying about it, bullying his own agencies to release...because he had an election to win.

It's actually worse then I thought though as last week a Trump supporter declared the vaccine had already been made. So what the hell happened to all that socialist money Trump threw at big pharma to develop a vaccine that was already made?
ask the ones who took the money!
Are you saying that Fauci didn't recommend not using an EUA but Trump did anyway?

Are you saying Trump didn't lie to America about how bad the virus was?

Are you saying Trump didn't bully his own agencies to push the vaccine because he had an election to win?
I'm telling you trump was ill advised by deep state actors, purposely to help Biden

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