What the wall/government shut down is all about


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Trump won the Oval Office on securing the border, so to get reelected he would have to deliver. He ran on this because he saw an opportunity. Neither party was addressing the issue even though large numbers of Americans were concerned about border security and tired of the 300 plus Americans that die every day due to drugs that flow across the border.

So why did Trump wait till the Dims took control of the House when the GOP could have secured the border?

The answer is, the main goal is to pick a fight with the Dims. The object is to show how radicalized and unreasonable the Dims are by picking a fight with them over the wall. Keep in mind, this is not the $30 billion needed to secure the entire border, no, no, this is just a measly $5 billion to secure some of the border.

Of course, the Dims know that if Trump were to build even a 3 foot wall made out of leggos, he could point to that when running in 2020 as a success story, so they will refuse any wall funding no matter what it is.

So there you have it, no negotiating. Trump could ask for funding for the leggo wall that costs a $1.50 while at the same time promising world peace, ending world hunger, and even throw in ending climate change so that the entire globe would have a nice temperature of 75 degrees all year round, and they would still vote it down.
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Probably some truth to this.

Politicians care FAR more about their power and re-election than expendable citizens lives. MUCH more so with the Democrats (party of the 1%)

Like you said, if he gets the wall....he probably gets re-elected. If not, much less likely.
It's about two sides to arguing like little spoiled kids. That's what it is and only someone who has bought the empty rhetoric of either side sees it differently.
Trump won the Oval Office on securing the border, so to get reelected he would have to deliver. He ran on this because he saw an opportunity. Neither party was addressing the issue even though large numbers of Americans were concerned about border security and tired of the 300 plus Americans that die every day due to drugs that flow across the border.

So why did Trump wait till the Dims took control of the House when the GOP could have secured the border?

The answer is, the main goal is to pick a fight with the Dims. The object is to show how radicalized and unreasonable the Dims are by picking a fight with them over the wall. Keep in mind, this is not that $30 billion needed to secure the entire border, no, no, this is just a measly $5 billion to secure some of the border.

Of course, the Dims know that if Trump were to build even a 3 foot wall made out of leggos, he could point to that when running in 2020 as a success story, so they will refuse any wall funding no matter what it is.

So there you have it, no negotiating. Trump could ask for funding for the leggo wall that costs a $1.50 while at the same time promising world peace, ending world hunger, and even throw in ending climate change so that the entire globe would have a nice temperature of 75 degrees all year round, and they would vote it down.
Most drugs come thru port of entry, so wall wont do anything for that.
To understand whats really going on: a 3rd of redcaps want an Atlantic ocean wall to stop Muslims.
Trump won the Oval Office on securing the border, so to get reelected he would have to deliver. He ran on this because he saw an opportunity. Neither party was addressing the issue even though large numbers of Americans were concerned about border security and tired of the 300 plus Americans that die every day due to drugs that flow across the border.

So why did Trump wait till the Dims took control of the House when the GOP could have secured the border?

The answer is, the main goal is to pick a fight with the Dims. The object is to show how radicalized and unreasonable the Dims are by picking a fight with them over the wall. Keep in mind, this is not that $30 billion needed to secure the entire border, no, no, this is just a measly $5 billion to secure some of the border.

Of course, the Dims know that if Trump were to build even a 3 foot wall made out of leggos, he could point to that when running in 2020 as a success story, so they will refuse any wall funding no matter what it is.

So there you have it, no negotiating. Trump could ask for funding for the leggo wall that costs a $1.50 while at the same time promising world peace, ending world hunger, and even throw in ending climate change so that the entire globe would have a nice temperature of 75 degrees all year round, and they would vote it down.
Most drugs come thru port of entry, so wall wont do anything for that.
To understand whats really going on: a 3rd of redcaps want an Atlantic ocean wall to stop Muslims.

So if they know all of these drugs are coming through the ports of entry and not stopped them, then something is terribly wrong. That would make the complicit.

On the other hand, if it is just a guess, then they can all go take a flying leap.

Got it?

Sadly, this is not just about drugs coming across the border. This is also about issues like human trafficking and criminals like MS 13 coming to the US, as well as the hundreds of billions of dollars US taxpayers pay to illegals in the form of benefits like "free" medical care.
How do they know that most drugs come thru the port of entry? Do they have poll questions? I call bullshit unless there is some credible explanation
Trump won the Oval Office on securing the border, so to get reelected he would have to deliver. He ran on this because he saw an opportunity. Neither party was addressing the issue even though large numbers of Americans were concerned about border security and tired of the 300 plus Americans that die every day due to drugs that flow across the border.

So why did Trump wait till the Dims took control of the House when the GOP could have secured the border?

The answer is, the main goal is to pick a fight with the Dims. The object is to show how radicalized and unreasonable the Dims are by picking a fight with them over the wall. Keep in mind, this is not the $30 billion needed to secure the entire border, no, no, this is just a measly $5 billion to secure some of the border.

Of course, the Dims know that if Trump were to build even a 3 foot wall made out of leggos, he could point to that when running in 2020 as a success story, so they will refuse any wall funding no matter what it is.

So there you have it, no negotiating. Trump could ask for funding for the leggo wall that costs a $1.50 while at the same time promising world peace, ending world hunger, and even throw in ending climate change so that the entire globe would have a nice temperature of 75 degrees all year round, and they would still vote it down.
Just a little but of common sense should tell you that a wall alone is not what is being fought over. It is just as simple to change to word WALL to Tasers, and this will bring the problem into focus. The wall alone without more manpower, detectors and heavy patrols is the whole package. No if this does not work then the stage is set for more violent actions. Some people say, the wall does not stop anything, they are almost right. The wall is used to slowdown and help detect intrusions at the Border and to alert the Agents. I watch the TV program on the border and most of the time Agents are not close enough to respond. Some of the time they get lucky and the Illegals get unlucky. They always try to run back to the Border to get away and return later after the area gets COOL again. They are under maned no zones of responsibility assigned. In other words not enough manpower to patrol. There are some of the Agents who have been caught taking bribes and they have been jailed for this. (Read the FBI reports). The money for just a short section of the wall is needed and brought to the attention of the public by the President and Polisi so make up your mind.
Trump won the Oval Office on securing the border, so to get reelected he would have to deliver. He ran on this because he saw an opportunity. Neither party was addressing the issue even though large numbers of Americans were concerned about border security and tired of the 300 plus Americans that die every day due to drugs that flow across the border.

So why did Trump wait till the Dims took control of the House when the GOP could have secured the border?

The answer is, the main goal is to pick a fight with the Dims. The object is to show how radicalized and unreasonable the Dims are by picking a fight with them over the wall. Keep in mind, this is not the $30 billion needed to secure the entire border, no, no, this is just a measly $5 billion to secure some of the border.

Of course, the Dims know that if Trump were to build even a 3 foot wall made out of leggos, he could point to that when running in 2020 as a success story, so they will refuse any wall funding no matter what it is.

So there you have it, no negotiating. Trump could ask for funding for the leggo wall that costs a $1.50 while at the same time promising world peace, ending world hunger, and even throw in ending climate change so that the entire globe would have a nice temperature of 75 degrees all year round, and they would still vote it down.
The Dems have offered 1.3 billion measly dollars..
It's about two sides to arguing like little spoiled kids. That's what it is and only someone who has bought the empty rhetoric of either side sees it differently.
Nancy picked the fight to gain position nothing else. Problem is she picked the wrong fight. The Art of War, would have helped her pick something else. Taxes would have been a better fight and she might have won.
How do they know that most drugs come thru the port of entry? Do they have poll questions? I call bullshit unless there is some credible explanation
They throw out data quotes that can not be proven. Dogs are good at the job but they don't really have enough of them to do the job nor the manpower to carry out the assignments. It is safer for the Cartels to backpack the stuff across.
How do they know that most drugs come thru the port of entry? Do they have poll questions? I call bullshit unless there is some credible explanation
They throw out data quotes that can not be proven. Dogs are good at the job but they don't really have enough of them to do the job nor the manpower to carry out the assignments. It is safer for the Cartels to backpack the stuff across.

I would think its safer to backpack stuff in. Otherwise you're really rolling the dice on big shipments getting caught at the POE. It makes me wonder why the dems are soooooo against the wall? Getting drug cartel money are they?
Trump had two years of complete Republican control. Why no wall?

Schumer offered him whatever amount he named for the wall in exchange for DACA. Trump said no and insisted on an entire package of immigration reform in a spending bill. Guess the wall wasn’t so important.

Trump said he would be “proud” to shut down the government and would take “complete responsibility” for it. We all saw that didn’t happen.

The House passed several compromise bills. What happened to them?

Anyone seeing a pattern here? I do. Trump.
Of course, the Dims know that if Trump were to build even a 3 foot wall made out of leggos, he could point to that when running in 2020 as a success story, so they will refuse any wall funding no matter what it is.

The ugly truth is, they're lying to us now,and they'll lie to us after the wall is built

Sadly, this is not just about drugs coming across the border. This is also about issues like human trafficking and criminals like MS 13 coming to the US, as well as the hundreds of billions of dollars US taxpayers pay to illegals in the form of benefits like "free" medical care.

Yes, so how does any 'wall' help an immigration problem, when we're granting them citizenship?
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
H1-B holders in the United States can rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship. We want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the U.S.

4:40 AM - 11 Jan 2019
How do they know that most drugs come thru the port of entry?

because they've been on the job now for well over 1/2 century. Do you honestly think those cartels that can afford a better navy than ours care about a wall?



I would think its safer to backpack stuff in
small change ......

Anyone seeing a pattern here? I do. Trump.

Yeah, one man's megalomania is holding America hostage with a manufactured crsis

It's to see if socialists-commies will work for nothing if ordered to do so. Because they aren't capable of anything else.Notice the "keywords" "non-essential"
How do they know that most drugs come thru the port of entry? Do they have poll questions? I call bullshit unless there is some credible explanation
By the quantity in our communities. That and knowing that Drug lords aren’t going to give someone 80000 dollars of drugs and send them on their way through the wilderness hoping they turn up in America to give to their contact. In other words, unlike you...they aren’t stupid
The Democrats are stepping right into it.... thinking they are winning the battle over the Wall. Trump is going to win the War by exposing how little they care about overall legal immigration and border security.
Trump won the Oval Office on securing the border, so to get reelected he would have to deliver. He ran on this because he saw an opportunity. Neither party was addressing the issue even though large numbers of Americans were concerned about border security and tired of the 300 plus Americans that die every day due to drugs that flow across the border.

So why did Trump wait till the Dims took control of the House when the GOP could have secured the border?

The answer is, the main goal is to pick a fight with the Dims. The object is to show how radicalized and unreasonable the Dims are by picking a fight with them over the wall. Keep in mind, this is not the $30 billion needed to secure the entire border, no, no, this is just a measly $5 billion to secure some of the border.

Of course, the Dims know that if Trump were to build even a 3 foot wall made out of leggos, he could point to that when running in 2020 as a success story, so they will refuse any wall funding no matter what it is.

So there you have it, no negotiating. Trump could ask for funding for the leggo wall that costs a $1.50 while at the same time promising world peace, ending world hunger, and even throw in ending climate change so that the entire globe would have a nice temperature of 75 degrees all year round, and they would still vote it down.
Just a little but of common sense should tell you that a wall alone is not what is being fought over. It is just as simple to change to word WALL to Tasers, and this will bring the problem into focus. The wall alone without more manpower, detectors and heavy patrols is the whole package. No if this does not work then the stage is set for more violent actions. Some people say, the wall does not stop anything, they are almost right. The wall is used to slowdown and help detect intrusions at the Border and to alert the Agents. I watch the TV program on the border and most of the time Agents are not close enough to respond. Some of the time they get lucky and the Illegals get unlucky. They always try to run back to the Border to get away and return later after the area gets COOL again. They are under maned no zones of responsibility assigned. In other words not enough manpower to patrol. There are some of the Agents who have been caught taking bribes and they have been jailed for this. (Read the FBI reports). The money for just a short section of the wall is needed and brought to the attention of the public by the President and Polisi so make up your mind.

The NSA has an army of drones to watch law abiding citizens

Isn't it interesting they can't do the same along the border?

But the other issue is, catch and release. IF they are seen crossing the border, they are apprehended only to be released.

Why then catch them in the first place?

A wall seems to be the only measure to stop this.
Trump had two years of complete Republican control. Why no wall?

Schumer offered him whatever amount he named for the wall in exchange for DACA. Trump said no and insisted on an entire package of immigration reform in a spending bill. Guess the wall wasn’t so important.

Trump said he would be “proud” to shut down the government and would take “complete responsibility” for it. We all saw that didn’t happen.

The House passed several compromise bills. What happened to them?

Anyone seeing a pattern here? I do. Trump.
Trump had two years with people who had "R" after their name. Most of his agendas are what most of the politicians approved of over the last decade or more. What happened? Are nation is in crazy mode. We have women wearing movie "Handmaids Tale" outfits while walking hand in hand with women wearing Burkas. Hate for the sake of hate.
Of course, the Dims know that if Trump were to build even a 3 foot wall made out of leggos, he could point to that when running in 2020 as a success story, so they will refuse any wall funding no matter what it is.

The ugly truth is, they're lying to us now,and they'll lie to us after the wall is built

Sadly, this is not just about drugs coming across the border. This is also about issues like human trafficking and criminals like MS 13 coming to the US, as well as the hundreds of billions of dollars US taxpayers pay to illegals in the form of benefits like "free" medical care.

Yes, so how does any 'wall' help an immigration problem, when we're granting them citizenship?
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
H1-B holders in the United States can rest assured that changes are soon coming which will bring both simplicity and certainty to your stay, including a potential path to citizenship. We want to encourage talented and highly skilled people to pursue career options in the U.S.

4:40 AM - 11 Jan 2019
How do they know that most drugs come thru the port of entry?

because they've been on the job now for well over 1/2 century. Do you honestly think those cartels that can afford a better navy than ours care about a wall?

I would think its safer to backpack stuff in
small change ......

Anyone seeing a pattern here? I do. Trump.

Yeah, one man's megalomania is holding America hostage with a manufactured crisis


You make a great point. The cartel has a sophisticated navy. Yet our navy can't oppose them. My brother was a radar operator on the southern border and could track the drug planes coming over, but wasn't allowed to coordinate with the DEA or law enforcement. Can congress pass a law to allow the Navy and Air Force to track and interdict drug shipments coming into the US? How do we know the illegal shipments don't contain terror related items?
Reminder: Every US Rep that has a district on the Southern border, from both parties, is against a wall.

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