The Ramped Up Smear Campaign Against Hawaii’s Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
The establishment is afraid of Tulsi Gabbard.

Within days of Tulsi Gabbard announcing her plan to run for president last week, a smear campaign moved into high gear. It’s almost as if there’s a coordinated, orchestrated campaign to derail her as so called progressive medial outlets have unleashed a torrent of attacks.

Clinton booster and DNC chairman emeritus unleashed the latest verbal assault on January 17 on CNN’s New Day show. The Hill headlined its coverage: “Howard Dean to CNN: All Dem candidates qualified to be president except Tulsi Gabbard.” After telling CNN that he thought centrist Democrat Joe Biden was “a good guy,” he bad-mouthed Gabbard, saying, “I don’t think she knows what she’s doing and she’s not qualified.”

The Ramped Up Smear Campaign Against Hawaii’s Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard Smears Debunked
The establishment is afraid of Tulsi Gabbard.

Within days of Tulsi Gabbard announcing her plan to run for president last week, a smear campaign moved into high gear. It’s almost as if there’s a coordinated, orchestrated campaign to derail her as so called progressive medial outlets have unleashed a torrent of attacks.

Clinton booster and DNC chairman emeritus unleashed the latest verbal assault on January 17 on CNN’s New Day show. The Hill headlined its coverage: “Howard Dean to CNN: All Dem candidates qualified to be president except Tulsi Gabbard.” After telling CNN that he thought centrist Democrat Joe Biden was “a good guy,” he bad-mouthed Gabbard, saying, “I don’t think she knows what she’s doing and she’s not qualified.”

The Ramped Up Smear Campaign Against Hawaii’s Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard Smears Debunked

If she's a democrat she belongs in prison. End of story.
She is not radical enough for them

She is probably behind only Biden as far as being able to possibly beat Trump in 2020
The establishment is afraid of Tulsi Gabbard.

Within days of Tulsi Gabbard announcing her plan to run for president last week, a smear campaign moved into high gear. It’s almost as if there’s a coordinated, orchestrated campaign to derail her as so called progressive medial outlets have unleashed a torrent of attacks.

Clinton booster and DNC chairman emeritus unleashed the latest verbal assault on January 17 on CNN’s New Day show. The Hill headlined its coverage: “Howard Dean to CNN: All Dem candidates qualified to be president except Tulsi Gabbard.” After telling CNN that he thought centrist Democrat Joe Biden was “a good guy,” he bad-mouthed Gabbard, saying, “I don’t think she knows what she’s doing and she’s not qualified.”

The Ramped Up Smear Campaign Against Hawaii’s Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard Smears Debunked

If she's a democrat she belongs in prison. End of story.

I think Bush was a Democrat.
The establishment is afraid of Tulsi Gabbard.

Within days of Tulsi Gabbard announcing her plan to run for president last week, a smear campaign moved into high gear. It’s almost as if there’s a coordinated, orchestrated campaign to derail her as so called progressive medial outlets have unleashed a torrent of attacks.

Clinton booster and DNC chairman emeritus unleashed the latest verbal assault on January 17 on CNN’s New Day show. The Hill headlined its coverage: “Howard Dean to CNN: All Dem candidates qualified to be president except Tulsi Gabbard.” After telling CNN that he thought centrist Democrat Joe Biden was “a good guy,” he bad-mouthed Gabbard, saying, “I don’t think she knows what she’s doing and she’s not qualified.”

The Ramped Up Smear Campaign Against Hawaii’s Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard

Tulsi Gabbard Smears Debunked

If she's a democrat she belongs in prison. End of story.

Police state america.
She is not radical enough for them

She is probably behind only Biden as far as being able to possibly beat Trump in 2020

If only we had someone on the so-called "right" to call out corporatists who will not represent the people. What's wrong with you people? Don't you know that free people never question the power structure? Stay in your place.
She is not radical enough for them

She is probably behind only Biden as far as being able to possibly beat Trump in 2020

If only we had someone on the so-called "right" to call out corporatists who will not represent the people. What's wrong with you people? Don't you know that free people never question the power structure? Stay in your place.
You must not be familiar with the junior Senator from Kentucky...
She is not radical enough for them

If that were true, he would be trashing Biden as well. The real problem is that she is not controllable and predictable enough for them. She thinks for herself, outside of the bounds that others demand. Just look at the way the establishment is trying to eviscerate Occasio-Cortez. She's the most lefty-loony radical of them all. But she's showing that she can't be controlled by the establishment, so they are now coming after her.
She is not radical enough for them

If that were true, he would be trashing Biden as well. The real problem is that she is not controllable and predictable enough for them. She thinks for herself, outside of the bounds that others demand. Just look at the way the establishment is trying to eviscerate Occasio-Cortez. She's the most lefty-loony radical of them all. But she's showing that she can't be controlled by the establishment, so they are now coming after her.
I agree with most of this

AOC has made a lot of comments that make her look stupid (I don't think she is dumb, but she obviously does not understand a lot of things, like the Constitution or how government works)

and hell yes she is a threat to the establishment, millennials love her & she has already brought down one very powerful establishment type
She is not radical enough for them

If that were true, he would be trashing Biden as well. The real problem is that she is not controllable and predictable enough for them. She thinks for herself, outside of the bounds that others demand. Just look at the way the establishment is trying to eviscerate Occasio-Cortez. She's the most lefty-loony radical of them all. But she's showing that she can't be controlled by the establishment, so they are now coming after her.
Ann was not elected by anyone, AOC was.
She is not radical enough for them

If that were true, he would be trashing Biden as well. The real problem is that she is not controllable and predictable enough for them. She thinks for herself, outside of the bounds that others demand. Just look at the way the establishment is trying to eviscerate Occasio-Cortez. She's the most lefty-loony radical of them all. But she's showing that she can't be controlled by the establishment, so they are now coming after her.
Ann was not elected by anyone, AOC was.

What the hell are you talking about?
The Dem Political Machine is Filthy and Godless. They’ll even smear their own people, if they aren’t marching lockstep with the rest of The Mad Marxists.
She is not radical enough for them

If that were true, he would be trashing Biden as well. The real problem is that she is not controllable and predictable enough for them. She thinks for herself, outside of the bounds that others demand. Just look at the way the establishment is trying to eviscerate Occasio-Cortez. She's the most lefty-loony radical of them all. But she's showing that she can't be controlled by the establishment, so they are now coming after her.
I agree with most of this

AOC has made a lot of comments that make her look stupid (I don't think she is dumb, but she obviously does not understand a lot of things, like the Constitution or how government works)

and hell yes she is a threat to the establishment, millennials love her & she has already brought down one very powerful establishment type
Its the Castricane's, its the Duffy's, its the Moser's....its the Count's..
The sissie democrat party smearing a pretty democrat politician? What else is new? Democrats are the party of hairy drooling wannabe fake women.
It's academic. Gabbard has no chance in the Democratic primary. She'll get as much traction as Jim Webb got when he ran in the primary in 2016: virtually none, maybe 1-2% of the vote, if she's lucky. The media will either ignore her or smear her. The DNC will do all they can to sabotage her if she starts to pick up even a trace of momentum. The Democratic Party is a lost cause.
Tulsi Gabbard is the only democratic candidate who can beat Donald Trump. Not even Bernie can do it, especially after he let his supporters down in the last primary. Donald Trump has fashioned himself as a people's man. To beat him, we will need another people's man/woman. So far Tulsi Gabbard is the only one who fits the bill.

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