What the FUCK is wrong with people today !!! Man drowns while teens laugh

Republicans want to take away healthcare for millions of Americans. This is just a little more immediate. But it's pretty much the same thing.
Ya, but think about how much money is saved when that dumb, disabled negro drowned
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Blacks have denser bones and thicker skin which makes it more difficult to swim
Blacks have denser bones and thicker skin which makes it more difficult to swim
In my opinion, blacks have some kind of DNA genetic memory gene that creates a mental aversion to swimming in water.

That's because most bodies of water in Africa are infested with crocodiles.

So blacks for thousands of years have avoided entering rivers and lakes to swim. ..... :cool:
I saw a video once where a bunch of Egyptian heroes with sticks and clubs surrounded a dog and heroically beat the dog to death.

The punks who never lifted a finger to help a drowning person are way below the Egyptian heroes, on the human scale.

At least the Egyptian heroes were Muslims. Cruelty and blood thirst is in their DNA and commanded by their prophet.

What is the excuse and justification of their non-action of these American punks?
It boggles the mind how so many of you can blame liberals for this kind of behavior, when it's the GOP that consistently sets an example of indifference for life post-birth - like the current attempts to throw tens of millions off healthcare and to make healthcare entirely unaffordable to ten of millions more, including the vast majority of elderly folks.

The GOP is the stronghold for those who don't give a shit for others.

Politics aside, this incident is truly sickening.
This makes me angry as hell.

What the fuck is wrong with people that they could stand by and laugh as this man drowned?
I don't care if the person is black OR white OR yellow OR pink. This is a disgusting example of people today.

I hope all of them rot in hell or worse! Karma....PLEASE PLEASE do your thing.

Teens filmed, mocked and laughed while man slowly drowned

This will certainly do nothing to help race relations in this country.
I hope black people understand that there are some sick white people but most whites would have helped him.
I certainly would have if I had been there.

How do you know they were all white? Sounds to me like the group was mixed race from the audio
What audio? I looked all over that link and found nothing to click on.

I found one on the link. It was the video but they removed the picture. Only the sound is left. It takes a minute for it to load
Holy toledo I just read the article and want to bazooka barf. Isn't there any law that could charge them...I'm thinking depraved indifference?

They should all go to prison! Hell with them. If not, they should get their legs broken and thrown in a river. I cant believe that shit.
It's sad beyond belief.
Maybe it's time for a Good Samaritan law.
This makes me angry as hell.

What the fuck is wrong with people that they could stand by and laugh as this man drowned?
I don't care if the person is black OR white OR yellow OR pink. This is a disgusting example of people today.

I hope all of them rot in hell or worse! Karma....PLEASE PLEASE do your thing.

Teens filmed, mocked and laughed while man slowly drowned

This will certainly do nothing to help race relations in this country.
I hope black people understand that there are some sick white people but most whites would have helped him.
I certainly would have if I had been there.
Sadly, this generation of young black youth, are all products of being raised by people who simply couldn't nurture enough, hug enough or reassure enough and as a result, we nothing but angry, frustrated, emotionless human beings who'd shoot you through the head if you looked at them the wrong way....this is what happens in our society, when we failed to address the crack epidemic back in the day, unlike the meth crisis which is being addressed....gee I wonder why?

Watch this for the answer.
Netflix's 13th Explores Modern Slavery in Incendiary New Documentary
A culture without manhood.... (Taken from the "Absence of Fathers")

Some of you may be familiar with this story, In Pilanesburg National Park, rangers were finding dead endangered white Rhinos. They suspected poachers, but ruled that out quickly because there were no missing horns that poachers take. No one could figure out what was happening.
These Rhinos were found with deep wounds and severe body blows. it was a mystery.
So they set up cameras.
The result was shocking. The culprits turned out to be marauding bands of aggressive juvenile male elephants, elephants relocated from Kruger National Park a few years earlier. The young males were caught on camera chasing down the rhinos, knocking them over, and stomping and goring them to death with their tusks. The juvenile elephants were terrorizing other animals in the park as well. Such behavior was very rare among elephants. Something had gone terribly wrong.
Enter Dr. Wade Horn, enlisted to find out why this was happening. He quickly theorized that when Kruger officials relocated these elephants to Pilansburg, they should have included a few dominate male bulls.
To test the theory, the rangers flew in some of the older bulls left behind at Kruger. Within weeks, the bizarre and violent behavior of the juvenile elephants stopped completely. The older bulls let them know that their behaviors were not elephant-like at all. In a short time, the younger elephants were following the older and more dominant bulls around while learning how to be elephants.

Without fathers, without a positive male presence, chaos and collapse of social norms results.
A culture without manhood.... (Taken from the "Absence of Fathers")

Some of you may be familiar with this story, In Pilanesburg National Park, rangers were finding dead endangered white Rhinos. They suspected poachers, but ruled that out quickly because there were no missing horns that poachers take. No one could figure out what was happening.
These Rhinos were found with deep wounds and severe body blows. it was a mystery.
So they set up cameras.
The result was shocking. The culprits turned out to be marauding bands of aggressive juvenile male elephants, elephants relocated from Kruger National Park a few years earlier. The young males were caught on camera chasing down the rhinos, knocking them over, and stomping and goring them to death with their tusks. The juvenile elephants were terrorizing other animals in the park as well. Such behavior was very rare among elephants. Something had gone terribly wrong.
Enter Dr. Wade Horn, enlisted to find out why this was happening. He quickly theorized that when Kruger officials relocated these elephants to Pilansburg, they should have included a few dominate male bulls.
To test the theory, the rangers flew in some of the older bulls left behind at Kruger. Within weeks, the bizarre and violent behavior of the juvenile elephants stopped completely. The older bulls let them know that their behaviors were not elephant-like at all. In a short time, the younger elephants were following the older and more dominant bulls around while learning how to be elephants.

Without fathers, without a positive male presence, chaos and collapse of social norms results.
My step great granddaughter goes to a school that has unibathrooms. Boys and girls use the same restrooms. The littlest boys find it hilarious to pee on the girls. They are playing fireman. When the bathrooms were segregated, the older boys never let this go on. The littlest boys were socialized by older boys to know that this wasn't acceptable. Put the boys and girls together and the older boys find the little guys pissing on the girls screamingly funny.
My step great granddaughter goes to a school that has unibathrooms. Boys and girls use the same restrooms. The littlest boys find it hilarious to pee on the girls. They are playing fireman. When the bathrooms were segregated, the older boys never let this go on. The littlest boys were socialized by older boys to know that this wasn't acceptable. Put the boys and girls together and the older boys find the little guys pissing on the girls screamingly funny.

All I can say is that the only way utter nonsense can be stopped, is if people with sense stop it.
This is madness. You can also read reports about schools teaching little early primary kids about transgenderism...and whalaaa...transgender claims by these little children suddenly go through the roof.
They're self-segregating blacks. That means most if not all present are missing a parent, usually a father. That is what creates this culture.
They are conspicuously referred to in this story as teens even though their dialect betrays the fact that they identify as black first.
Had a cop shot at even one of them, the story would most certainly suddenly have been about black teens.
More left wing media hypocrisy.

When this group committs some heinous crime...they are just called 'teens' but when one of them gets shot by a cop they suddenly become obama's son....the myth of black victimhood must be be preserved.

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