What Is The Most Pernicious Example Of "Misinformation" Currently Circulating?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

What Is The Most Pernicious Example Of "Misinformation" Currently Circulating?

17 May 2024 ~~ By Frances Menton

“Misinformation” — It has been one of the most-used buzzwords of the past few years. The “misinformation” label has been applied by advocates on both sides of the political divide in the attempt to discredit their opponents. Numerous assertions that have dominated the news cycle for months or even years have ultimately proven to be completely false, that is, “misinformation.” Examples of such assertions that have been established as “misinformation” include the assertion that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election; the assertion that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian plant; and the assertion that the Covid virus originated in a wet market in Wuhan.
After the thorough discrediting of so many false narratives during these years, there remain plenty of narratives still out there that richly deserve the “misinformation” label. But of those, which is the very worst, the very most pernicious? Here is my candidate: the assertion that the cheapest way to generate electricity today is with wind and solar generators.
So why do I say that the assertion of wind and solar being the cheapest ways to generate electricity is the very most pernicious of misinformation currently out there? Here are my three reasons: (1) the assertion is repeated endlessly and ubiquitously, (2) it is the basis for the misallocation of trillions of dollars of resources and for great impoverishment of billions of people around the world, and (3) it is false to the point of being preposterous, an insult to everyone’s intelligence, yet rarely challenged.
How ubiquitous is the assertion that wind and solar are the cheapest ways to generate electricity? Try Googling the question “What is the cheapest way to produce electricity?” You will get multiple pages of results advocating for wind and solar electricity, with almost no mention of the problems or costs of intermittency. A few examples of what turns up:
Meanwhile, among the people incapable of seeing through the fog of misinformation on this subject are our current President, and the Governors of New York and California. In the case of the states, they throw tens of billions of dollars of handouts and subsidies to develop wind and solar facilities (hundreds of billions of dollars in the case of the feds), never having the presence of mind to realize that none of that would be necessary of this method of generation were actually cheaper as claimed.
Between the vast mis-allocation of resources and the sheer preposterousness of the proposition in question, I think that this assertion of wind and solar electricity generation being “cheapest” definitely has the claim for the number one spot.

The belief in “Green Energy” is a religious belief associated with the 'church of Cultural Marxism'. It is a religious belief for the followers, but the preachers know it is another profitable scam for themselves. I am not opposed to solar panels or some wind power. I just think that the market will determine the best uses better than mandates.
MISinformation is something that’s wrong by Mistake.
information is something that’s wrong Deliberately.
While the term "misinformation" if used when justified, the term has unfortunately become an instrument used by propagandists to mislead by mischaracterization. That word, and the word "debunked" have been the tools of propagandists,
Here are a couple of my favorite DISs:
Oil, gas, and coal are fossil fuels - No they are organic (organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon).
Climate change is a result of human activity - No, it naturally occurs.
Socialism (and any variant) is a net positive - No, free markets and limited government works best.
Here's theMisinformation List:
1. Diversity is strength. Our different cultures somehow makes us stronger. Look how well that worked for Austria Hungary.​
2. Less Free Speech makes for better democracy.​
3. The cultural victims are always morally pure.​
4. All white people are racists and must be controlled.​
5. Guns turn people into mass killers.​
Also we must remember the lisinformation we were previouslu given.
Yep, agree 100%, plus....
6. All coastal cities will be under water in 10 years. (that was 10 years ago, or more).
7. Cash is bad.
8. Everything must be electric.
9. Our borders must be open to welcome “newcomers”.
10. A whole boatload more.​
11. we would not​
“Misinformation,” has become a term of Fascism in the USA and Canada, used vociferously by Biden and Trudeau to support the Davos dystopia for the West.


What Is The Most Pernicious Example Of "Misinformation" Currently Circulating?

17 May 2024 ~~ By Frances Menton

“Misinformation” — It has been one of the most-used buzzwords of the past few years. The “misinformation” label has been applied by advocates on both sides of the political divide in the attempt to discredit their opponents. Numerous assertions that have dominated the news cycle for months or even years have ultimately proven to be completely false, that is, “misinformation.” Examples of such assertions that have been established as “misinformation” include the assertion that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election; the assertion that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian plant; and the assertion that the Covid virus originated in a wet market in Wuhan.
After the thorough discrediting of so many false narratives during these years, there remain plenty of narratives still out there that richly deserve the “misinformation” label. But of those, which is the very worst, the very most pernicious? Here is my candidate: the assertion that the cheapest way to generate electricity today is with wind and solar generators.
So why do I say that the assertion of wind and solar being the cheapest ways to generate electricity is the very most pernicious of misinformation currently out there? Here are my three reasons: (1) the assertion is repeated endlessly and ubiquitously, (2) it is the basis for the misallocation of trillions of dollars of resources and for great impoverishment of billions of people around the world, and (3) it is false to the point of being preposterous, an insult to everyone’s intelligence, yet rarely challenged.
How ubiquitous is the assertion that wind and solar are the cheapest ways to generate electricity? Try Googling the question “What is the cheapest way to produce electricity?” You will get multiple pages of results advocating for wind and solar electricity, with almost no mention of the problems or costs of intermittency. A few examples of what turns up:
Meanwhile, among the people incapable of seeing through the fog of misinformation on this subject are our current President, and the Governors of New York and California. In the case of the states, they throw tens of billions of dollars of handouts and subsidies to develop wind and solar facilities (hundreds of billions of dollars in the case of the feds), never having the presence of mind to realize that none of that would be necessary of this method of generation were actually cheaper as claimed.
Between the vast mis-allocation of resources and the sheer preposterousness of the proposition in question, I think that this assertion of wind and solar electricity generation being “cheapest” definitely has the claim for the number one spot.

The belief in “Green Energy” is a religious belief associated with the 'church of Cultural Marxism'. It is a religious belief for the followers, but the preachers know it is another profitable scam for themselves. I am not opposed to solar panels or some wind power. I just think that the market will determine the best uses better than mandates.
MISinformation is something that’s wrong by Mistake.
information is something that’s wrong Deliberately.
While the term "misinformation" if used when justified, the term has unfortunately become an instrument used by propagandists to mislead by mischaracterization. That word, and the word "debunked" have been the tools of propagandists,
Here are a couple of my favorite DISs:
Oil, gas, and coal are fossil fuels - No they are organic (organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon).
Climate change is a result of human activity - No, it naturally occurs.
Socialism (and any variant) is a net positive - No, free markets and limited government works best.
Here's theMisinformation List:
1. Diversity is strength. Our different cultures somehow makes us stronger. Look how well that worked for Austria Hungary.​
2. Less Free Speech makes for better democracy.​
3. The cultural victims are always morally pure.​
4. All white people are racists and must be controlled.​
5. Guns turn people into mass killers.​
Also we must remember the lisinformation we were previouslu given.
Yep, agree 100%, plus....
6. All coastal cities will be under water in 10 years. (that was 10 years ago, or more).​
7. Cash is bad.​
8. Everything must be electric.​
9. Our borders must be open to welcome “newcomers”.​
10. A whole boatload more.​
11. we would not​
“Misinformation,” has become a term of Fascism in the USA and Canada, used vociferously by Biden and Trudeau to support the Davos dystopia for the West.

This article meets the definition of DISINFORMATION.
Excellent OP .
I regard the Climate Change narrative as pernicious and deliberately evil .

To effectively disregard the major causes of Climate Change -- energy fluctuations from the Sun and Galaxy Centre -- and pretend that that it is essentially a man made cisis is wicked and stupid .
Non scientific and driven solely for a political end ---- Control , and only for the benefit of the " 1%".
The latest fad for swindling gamblers is the AI rubbish. Feds are falling ll over themselves to throw billions at that now.

What Is The Most Pernicious Example Of "Misinformation" Currently Circulating?

17 May 2024 ~~ By Frances Menton

“Misinformation” — It has been one of the most-used buzzwords of the past few years. The “misinformation” label has been applied by advocates on both sides of the political divide in the attempt to discredit their opponents. Numerous assertions that have dominated the news cycle for months or even years have ultimately proven to be completely false, that is, “misinformation.” Examples of such assertions that have been established as “misinformation” include the assertion that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election; the assertion that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian plant; and the assertion that the Covid virus originated in a wet market in Wuhan.
After the thorough discrediting of so many false narratives during these years, there remain plenty of narratives still out there that richly deserve the “misinformation” label. But of those, which is the very worst, the very most pernicious? Here is my candidate: the assertion that the cheapest way to generate electricity today is with wind and solar generators.
So why do I say that the assertion of wind and solar being the cheapest ways to generate electricity is the very most pernicious of misinformation currently out there? Here are my three reasons: (1) the assertion is repeated endlessly and ubiquitously, (2) it is the basis for the misallocation of trillions of dollars of resources and for great impoverishment of billions of people around the world, and (3) it is false to the point of being preposterous, an insult to everyone’s intelligence, yet rarely challenged.
How ubiquitous is the assertion that wind and solar are the cheapest ways to generate electricity? Try Googling the question “What is the cheapest way to produce electricity?” You will get multiple pages of results advocating for wind and solar electricity, with almost no mention of the problems or costs of intermittency. A few examples of what turns up:
Meanwhile, among the people incapable of seeing through the fog of misinformation on this subject are our current President, and the Governors of New York and California. In the case of the states, they throw tens of billions of dollars of handouts and subsidies to develop wind and solar facilities (hundreds of billions of dollars in the case of the feds), never having the presence of mind to realize that none of that would be necessary of this method of generation were actually cheaper as claimed.
Between the vast mis-allocation of resources and the sheer preposterousness of the proposition in question, I think that this assertion of wind and solar electricity generation being “cheapest” definitely has the claim for the number one spot.

The belief in “Green Energy” is a religious belief associated with the 'church of Cultural Marxism'. It is a religious belief for the followers, but the preachers know it is another profitable scam for themselves. I am not opposed to solar panels or some wind power. I just think that the market will determine the best uses better than mandates.
MISinformation is something that’s wrong by Mistake.
information is something that’s wrong Deliberately.
While the term "misinformation" if used when justified, the term has unfortunately become an instrument used by propagandists to mislead by mischaracterization. That word, and the word "debunked" have been the tools of propagandists,
Here are a couple of my favorite DISs:
Oil, gas, and coal are fossil fuels - No they are organic (organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon).
Climate change is a result of human activity - No, it naturally occurs.
Socialism (and any variant) is a net positive - No, free markets and limited government works best.
Here's theMisinformation List:
1. Diversity is strength. Our different cultures somehow makes us stronger. Look how well that worked for Austria Hungary.​
2. Less Free Speech makes for better democracy.​
3. The cultural victims are always morally pure.​
4. All white people are racists and must be controlled.​
5. Guns turn people into mass killers.​
Also we must remember the lisinformation we were previouslu given.
Yep, agree 100%, plus....
6. All coastal cities will be under water in 10 years. (that was 10 years ago, or more).​
7. Cash is bad.​
8. Everything must be electric.​
9. Our borders must be open to welcome “newcomers”.​
10. A whole boatload more.​
11. we would not​
“Misinformation,” has become a term of Fascism in the USA and Canada, used vociferously by Biden and Trudeau to support the Davos dystopia for the West.

Most pernicious piece of misinformation...would have to be the stolen election allegations by the Far-right.
In fact, the allegation that misinformation is a Leftist thing..is in itself a piece of misinformation. It is a partisan thing..the more fanatic the partisan..the more likely he/she buys into, and disseminates misinformation--in the service of the all-important narrative.

Reading your list amuses..as this is more about what you believe through your filters. For example, no one has said the guns turn people into anything, but your perception somehow reports that this is true?

Anyway, long copy and paste..I bet you wish you'd actually came up with any of that on your own eh?

What Is The Most Pernicious Example Of "Misinformation" Currently Circulating?

17 May 2024 ~~ By Frances Menton

“Misinformation” — It has been one of the most-used buzzwords of the past few years. The “misinformation” label has been applied by advocates on both sides of the political divide in the attempt to discredit their opponents. Numerous assertions that have dominated the news cycle for months or even years have ultimately proven to be completely false, that is, “misinformation.” Examples of such assertions that have been established as “misinformation” include the assertion that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election; the assertion that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian plant; and the assertion that the Covid virus originated in a wet market in Wuhan.
After the thorough discrediting of so many false narratives during these years, there remain plenty of narratives still out there that richly deserve the “misinformation” label. But of those, which is the very worst, the very most pernicious? Here is my candidate: the assertion that the cheapest way to generate electricity today is with wind and solar generators.
So why do I say that the assertion of wind and solar being the cheapest ways to generate electricity is the very most pernicious of misinformation currently out there? Here are my three reasons: (1) the assertion is repeated endlessly and ubiquitously, (2) it is the basis for the misallocation of trillions of dollars of resources and for great impoverishment of billions of people around the world, and (3) it is false to the point of being preposterous, an insult to everyone’s intelligence, yet rarely challenged.
How ubiquitous is the assertion that wind and solar are the cheapest ways to generate electricity? Try Googling the question “What is the cheapest way to produce electricity?” You will get multiple pages of results advocating for wind and solar electricity, with almost no mention of the problems or costs of intermittency. A few examples of what turns up:
Meanwhile, among the people incapable of seeing through the fog of misinformation on this subject are our current President, and the Governors of New York and California. In the case of the states, they throw tens of billions of dollars of handouts and subsidies to develop wind and solar facilities (hundreds of billions of dollars in the case of the feds), never having the presence of mind to realize that none of that would be necessary of this method of generation were actually cheaper as claimed.
Between the vast mis-allocation of resources and the sheer preposterousness of the proposition in question, I think that this assertion of wind and solar electricity generation being “cheapest” definitely has the claim for the number one spot.

The belief in “Green Energy” is a religious belief associated with the 'church of Cultural Marxism'. It is a religious belief for the followers, but the preachers know it is another profitable scam for themselves. I am not opposed to solar panels or some wind power. I just think that the market will determine the best uses better than mandates.
MISinformation is something that’s wrong by Mistake.
information is something that’s wrong Deliberately.
While the term "misinformation" if used when justified, the term has unfortunately become an instrument used by propagandists to mislead by mischaracterization. That word, and the word "debunked" have been the tools of propagandists,
Here are a couple of my favorite DISs:
Oil, gas, and coal are fossil fuels - No they are organic (organic chemistry is the chemistry of carbon).
Climate change is a result of human activity - No, it naturally occurs.
Socialism (and any variant) is a net positive - No, free markets and limited government works best.
Here's theMisinformation List:
1. Diversity is strength. Our different cultures somehow makes us stronger. Look how well that worked for Austria Hungary.​
2. Less Free Speech makes for better democracy.​
3. The cultural victims are always morally pure.​
4. All white people are racists and must be controlled.​
5. Guns turn people into mass killers.​
Also we must remember the lisinformation we were previouslu given.
Yep, agree 100%, plus....
6. All coastal cities will be under water in 10 years. (that was 10 years ago, or more).​
7. Cash is bad.​
8. Everything must be electric.​
9. Our borders must be open to welcome “newcomers”.​
10. A whole boatload more.​
11. we would not​
“Misinformation,” has become a term of Fascism in the USA and Canada, used vociferously by Biden and Trudeau to support the Davos dystopia for the West.


As a collection, Biden’s continual lies and falsehoods. In addition to his serial plagiarism, he’s also a serial liar.

He lies about the border being secure,
He lies about “American Rescue Plan” where he and the Democrats flooded the U.S. with around two trillion dollars to buy votes.
He lied about raping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to buy votes
He lies about an inherited economy with 9% inflation
He lied about the Inflation Reduction Act in that it was never intended to reduce inflation,
He lied about the Green New Boondoggle which was all about destroying the oil, natural gas, and coal industries

and it just goes on.
The biggest piece of disinformation for the last few weeks has been that the Israeli government does not control the US Congress and government.

With 96 out of 100 Senators being paid by AIPAC, and with the piece of garbage legislation passed by the House a few weeks ago, it's very clear to anybody with a curious mind that Tel Aviv controls Washington DC.
The biggest piece of disinformation for the last few weeks has been that the Israeli government does not control the US Congress and government.

With 96 out of 100 Senators being paid by AIPAC, and with the piece of garbage legislation passed by the House a few weeks ago, it's very clear to anybody with a curious mind that Tel Aviv controls Washington DC.
Blame the Senators. Such influence is reprehensible, perhaps, but it is those who accept it who are to blame than those who offer it.
Blame the Senators. Such influence is reprehensible, perhaps, but it is those who accept it who are to blame than those who offer it.
That seems a specious claim. When bribery is involved, the person offering the bribe has done nothing wrong, but the person accepting the bribe it completely at fault?

I suspect that state and federal laws somewhere criminalize a bribe attempt.

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