What is a "job".


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
A job can be several things, but one that is overlooked is this. A job is a business that has no overhead. The only 'expense' is taxes, and by any measure that is quite low. Income is reliable, work is generally easy, insurance is often included, paid vacations, very little worry, work week is short, usually only 40 hours (which affords time for a part-time job for extra income).

So, start your own business, get a job, or two. :)
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I should say not....That is an idle mind, so at least make it a blowjob, and business will pick up.
You don't consider the topic worthy of serious thought? I became a millionaire by following my own advice. I want to help others do the same. :)
The destructiveness of people and the demands on earth's resources and the earth itself says otherwise. Fewer people, less damage.

Reality says there is no "overpopulation." It's a false crisis some people were fed as children and never got over.
Reality says there is no "overpopulation." It's a false crisis some people were fed as children and never got over.
What is your evidence? I've shown mine.

People are emigrating to America in their millions because they have worn out their own country's ability to support them. When they all come in America won't be able to provide for them either.
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A job can be several things, but one that is overlooked is this. A job is a business that has no overhead. The only 'expense' is taxes, and by any measure that is quite low. Income is reliable, work is generally easy, insurance is often included, paid vacations, very little worry, work week is short, usually only 40 hours (which affords time for a part-time job for extra income).

So, start your own business, get a job, or two. :)

A job is an agreement where you voluntarily trade your time for money to an employer who will make more selling the products of your labor than he pays you.

And an employer can always find someone who will take less money for the same amount of time and fire you so his profit goes up.

People who are self employed do not have a business , all they have is a job that they own where 100% of the work is done by 1 person and if that person doesn't work no money is made.

A business owner employs people so he does not have to do all the work and will make money even if he is not there working.

Rockefeller said it best.

I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.
A job is an agreement where you voluntarily trade your time for money to an employer who will make more selling the products of your labor than he pays you.

And an employer can always find someone who will take less money for the same amount of time and fire you so his profit goes up.
Most businesses fail within five years or so, the owner making very little, often saddled with debt, while his employees received their paychecks on time, until the money runs out.

The owner of a supermarket franchise where I worked for five years confessed that we meatcutters made more than he did. He would say that he got the meat and potatoes, but he wanted the 'gravy' as well. When his grocery workers struck for more pay and benefits, he went out of business six months after signing the union contract.
What is your evidence? I....

The earth and all the people upon it who are very much alive. The fact that more food is produced today than at any other time in history. The fact that medical science is more advanced today than at any other time in history.

People are emigrating to America in their millions because they have worn out their own country's ability to support them. ....

That's not why people are coming here. People come here for opportunity.
Rockefeller said it best.

I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.
I make 4 percent off the efforts of others. Savings from my jobs allowed me to invest in real estate. When I sold out I invested the money in interest bearing accounts, which currently pay around 4 percent interest. But it all started with a job.

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