Trumps' Low Approval Rating is not unexpected...

With the entire Democrat Party against everything that President Trump attempts to accomplish, the Marxist/Socialist/Fascist/Communist crowd whipped up into a hysterical frenzy, the fake news MSM pumping out lies and innuendoes like a popcorn machine...what the hell do you expect?

Trump says his 36 percent approval — a historic low for the 6-month mark — 'is not bad'

You voted for this. Everybody knew the Trump regime would be a humiliating circus. Hell, now even if a member of the Trump team comes clean and publicly admits to meeting with the Russians... you rubes call even THAT fake news.

When you're done being proud of your current fake news poll they need some paper down at the outhouse.


Hell they called to poll me, and started to ask me some questions It was a CALIFORNIA number and they asked even if I voted for Trump, then asked if I still thought I had made the right decision even though he had been shown to have colluded with the Russians. HAHAHAHAHAH you call that a poll they quit asking questions as soon as I said He was the only person running that hadn't committed treason!!! I don't think they counted my response. HAAHAHAHAHAHA

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