Mark Warner & Other Dems got duped by NY Times narrative


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Is Dem Mark Warner on drugs?
He can't open his eyes and keeps licking his lips and is acting delusional by lying about the Don Jr. meeting.
He mistakingly or spitefully said that the meeting was with
"the Russians" when that is not true. And he said it was about Russian gov't information the lawyer promised which is also a poor choice of words and false conclusion.
This just shows you how MSM fake news can distort even our politician's perceptions of an event and continue to miss report and missrepresent that event and help spread the propaganda.
When the email talked about gov't info it was 'not' about 'gov't obtained info' but was refering to "info on her gov't helping Clinton's campaign".
So Warner is not using context,
nor did the meeting turn out to be that, so it's a non issue.

The investigation would have to entail Democrats who met with that same Russian Lawyer which means they have to hand over all emails pertaining to their requests to meet and all transcripts of those meetings. Did she promise the same but reverse info as a ploy to get meetings?
Hence Warner and Pelosi and others trying to lie about this event have opened up a big can of worms for themselves especially now we see these players have Soros, Dem ties including Pelosi, Gore, & Clinton, Tabloid, and fake Brittish Dossier
ties. Hence the question: " is
Warner on Drugs" is valid.
Who is writing the justice dept or FBI to ask for the Dem emails and correspondance records with the same Russian Lawyer & Goldstone the British Tabloid guy to be handed over for review?
Also FBI needs to unmask the NY Times sources, like unmask Goldstone if he was the one The NY Times is saying is the source informant of their article.
And is he linked to the people who leaked the fake British dozier? 'Cause all these people have ties to Dems the crazy comments and usage of the event seem too specifically timed & staged and set up by Dem politicians. If you notice every time Trump has a sucessful foreign policy trip they conveniently come forth with fake news seemingly set up by Dems connections to the players in their scheme.
Don Jr was transparent, now it's time for Dems to follow suit and share their emails with the same lobbyist Russian lawyer.
Come on Pelosi your mumbling and fumbling words in being scared on this topic is not fooling anyone, what are you hiding?
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