Trump admits USA was in bed with terrorists


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005

"When President [Barack] Obama took the PKK, when they bring in PKK, that’s a tough deal, because that’s been a mortal enemy of Turkey," Trump told reporters at the White House. "So when you bring them in into a partnership, it’s a tough situation. It’s tough for Turkey."
Trump blames Obama for allying US with PKK

Thank you Donald Trump for ending this madness with a designated terrorist organization.
Who will pay the price for the damage done ?

It's the same as Turkey coming to US-Mexican border to fight drug cartels with Al-Qaeda and telling the US that it is the best fighting force against the cartel.
so what? we've danced w/the devil on every corner of this rock

that's how America does biz....

get over it

so what? we've danced w/the devil on every corner of this rock

that's how America does biz....

get over it


I'm over it, they're getting what terroists deserve.
It's the heat of situation, whole USA media crying.
They'll get over it as well in time :)

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