Trump admits he set President Biden up for failure with the Afghanistan withdrawal...

Fortunately President Biden had the courage and integrity to end Bush’s failed, illegal war – where both President Obama and Trump lacked the courage and integrity to do.
So a very messy withdrawal entails courage. I figured incompetence would be a better term.
I'm glad we agree on political correctness and the LGBT thing.
As for globalism, I'm defining it as when elites have no loyalty to their own country or culture. Every nation should look out for its own interests. The West has unfortunately lost any sense of this. Tariffs only should be used as a retaliatory measure when a nation will not open its markets up. That is the essence of reciprocal trade policy.
This has nothing to do with Globalism - but simply with individual and corporate greed.
And unlike China that beholds an authoritarian led regime - a democratic regime isn't able to enforce/implement a "nationalistic spirit" onto private citizens nor companies.
Why you believe Trump would totally screw up the US, however, would seem to be your own version of uncritically accepting the predominant media narratives.
He had already proven this in his previous 4 year stint - promises,promises, promises and never implementing them. And his trade-war onto China and trade/immigration war onto Mexico totally backfired.
I do see plenty of flaws in Trump, but they pale in comparison to the ones in Biden and the establishment of both the Democrats and Republicans.
Biden might not have done anything "great" for the USA - but at least he maintained those alliance that the USA needs in order to maintain it's global hegemonic aspirations. He clearly objects towards Israels war-crimes in e.g Gaza - whilst Trump substantially only added towards the existing volatility between Israel and others, via acknowledging Jerusalem's status and the illegal annexation of the Golan heights.
Biden clearly objects towards Russia's attack onto Ukraine (caused by the USA and it's EU NATO buddies). Whilst Trump didn't do anything to defuse the situation, but even highlights Putin personally.

This has nothing to do with Globalism - but simply with individual and corporate greed.
And unlike China that beholds an authoritarian led regime - a democratic regime isn't able to enforce/implement a "nationalistic spirit" onto private citizens nor companies.

Imposing a nationalistic spirit is not the goal. Appealing to the nationalistic spirit that is within some of the population is.

He had already proven this in his previous 4 year stint - promises,promises, promises and never implementing them. And his trade-war onto China and trade/immigration war onto Mexico totally backfired.

Not really. Particularly with regard to Mexico. We did not have anything even close to the current crisis at the border during Trump's time in office. I have to ask. Are you a Malaysian citizen or an American expat? You seem to be viewing several things by how it's often reported by the MSM rather than by the details of the actual issues.

Biden might not have done anything "great" for the USA - but at least he maintained those alliance that the USA needs in order to maintain it's global hegemonic aspirations. He clearly objects towards Israels war-crimes in e.g Gaza - whilst Trump substantially only added towards the existing volatility between Israel and others, via acknowledging Jerusalem's status and the illegal annexation of the Golan heights.
Biden clearly objects towards Russia's attack onto Ukraine (caused by the USA and it's EU NATO buddies). Whilst Trump didn't do anything to defuse the situation, but even highlights Putin personally.

Palestinians are a lost cause. Even most other Muslim groups know how radicalized they are, which is why they aren't allowed into those neighboring countries usually. The few times they have been allowed (like in Jordan), they usually regretted it.

In short, those people are only good for cannon fodder, which is exactly why Hamas uses them as such. If there were a peaceful way to deal with them, it would have been found by now.
So a very messy withdrawal entails courage. I figured incompetence would be a better term.
Whatever issues with the withdrawal, they were solely the fault of GWB who started the failed, illegal war to begin with.

Had GWB not started his failed, illegal war, a withdraw wouldn’t be necessary and no lives lost.

Thankfully President Biden had the courage to end Bush’s failed, illegal war, bringing an end to the needless killing, death, and destruction.

And whatever the condition of Afghanistan today, it is likewise solely the fault of GWB.
Whatever issues with the withdrawal, they were solely the fault of GWB who started the failed, illegal war to begin with.

Had GWB not started his failed, illegal war, a withdraw wouldn’t be necessary and no lives lost.

Thankfully President Biden had the courage to end Bush’s failed, illegal war, bringing an end to the needless killing, death, and destruction.

And whatever the condition of Afghanistan today, it is likewise solely the fault of GWB.
So, instead of the buck stops here, it's the buck stops back in the early 2000s.

This is just as pathetic as when Bush supporters tried to blame 9/11 on Clinton.
.....but you have a rather simplistic view of intelligence reports in general. Yes, agendas shape each government's tone or what they reveal and withhold, but the significance of Mossad's intelligence concerning Iran is that Israel has more of a reason to be wary of Iran than most other nations. It's much easier for EU nations, for example, to turn a blind eye to Iran's nuclear ambitions.
You don't seem to fully understand "intelligence reports" - which is divided into two mains streams:
1. gathering of "factual" information
2. "construing" information
Countries like N-Korea, Singapore or e.g. China are not in need of "construing" intelligence since they already control their population and therefore are not in need of "construing fake information" in order to get their populations approval or support !!!
The point is that Acosta tried to undermine any of Trump's efforts at normalizing relations with North Korea by injecting himself into the situation.
The point is, a "responsible" government (towards its own population/nation) doesn't "normalize" relations with an oppressive and mindless dictator.
Ukraine hasn't been "sovereign" since its supposed independence. Every regime that has taken power there has either been a pawn of the West or a pawn of Russia. It is true that Russia has been involved in supporting separatists in Donbas since 2014, but they didn't actually enter that region with their own troops until 2022.
Ukraine has been a fully accepted sovereign nation by ALL UN members since 1991, incl. the Russian Federation.
Internal destabilizing issues - (pertaining to almost all countries on the planet) have no legal say in regards to ignoring/defying the "right" and international acknowledgement of a respective countries sovereignty.

The USA has been in almost full control of e.g. Germany since 1949 - however that doesn't make it "right" nor does the USA have a given right, to impose it's political aspirations onto a "sovereign" Germany.
Tariffs certainly work better than nationalization, unless your goal is to run industry into the ground.
Tariffs are solely the result of a misguided economy. Or to self-implement an advantage to ones respective own nation. As for the latter e.g. the US steel tariffs.
So, again, I ask. What is your solution? Just let China continue to steal tech with no repercussions?
Who told you that China "stole" technology???
One is espionage - which every country conducts, foremost by the dear good old USA
The far greater one was/is Western corporate greed - that "enabled" Chinese companies to "learn" from it's foreign suppliers. However extremely effective due to a centralized approach, overseen by the Chinese government.
It's not bullshit. Even many European officials are reluctantly admitting that Europe has allowed itself to be too dependent on American military might when it comes to NATO.
Only and solely in regards to the US commitment, of it's "nuclear umbrella" since 1990 - and absolutely NOT towards a conventional military support. If the USA is willing to give conventional support (as agreed - in exchange for e.g. Germany to pay for the maintenance of US bases&training grounds and "allow" for their existence) - okay, why should the European NATO members refuse???

As a matter of fact the USA has been exceedingly reliant onto European military&financial NATO support for it's political/military adventures since 1990. You simply ignore the fact that whilst Russia has been spending around US$ 25-30 billion annually since 1990 till today - the European NATO members by themselves, have spend around US$200 billion annually, since 1990.
The US's high spending on the military has been one of the main reasons most of the EU could instead spend on infrastructure and entitlements so much during the Cold War.
Nonsense - the US military expenditure was in view of all these wars that the USA conducted worldwide on their own behalf since 1945.
Germany's % in e.g. 1963 was 5% - in 1980 it was 3% and upon the dissolution of the USSR it was at 2.5%.
Since there was no more viable threat from Russia, as of 1990 it went down to 1.2% - and Germany had to cough up US$2 TRILLION - solely on it's own, to finance the German reunification from 1990 to 2020.

Furthermore 5% of Germany's 1963 GDP adds up to US$ 5 billion - whilst 1.4% of Germany's GDP in 2022 adds up to US$ 50 billion and 2% in 2024 would add up to US$ 75 billion - which is more (factually double of what Russia spends in total). !!!
I'll give you one thing: nationalism is definitely better than the globalism that the West has embraced. However, the form of nationalism that China has embraced is oppressive as hell. Also, the investment China has been engaging in is more like the modern form of colonialism. They're doing it to strip various areas of raw materials. Much of the investment has not and will not be beneficial to the affected nations in the long run.
You are totally misinformed - and take it from one who is working and living in China since 20 years, 70-80% of China's population are in favor of their government policies - despite the "unhappiness" about a "global recession" that naturally also effects China. (Thanks to the irresponsible US crash in 2008, Trumps idiotic trade war starting in 2017 and then Covid from 2020 onward)
Guns aren't about stimulating the economy.

United States companies that manufacture, distribute, and sell sporting firearms, ammunition, and supplies are an important part of the country’s economy.

Economic Impact of the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Industry in the United States

Jobs (FTE)172,69797,823123,176393,696
Economic Impact$32,110,233,100$24,468,955,600$24,151,650,400$80,730,839,100

The Firearm & Ammunition Industry is an Important Part of America’s Economy

Companies in the United States that manufacture, distribute, and sell firearms, ammunition, and hunting equipment employ as many as 172,697 people in the country and generate an additional 220,999 jobs in supplier and ancillary industries. These include jobs in supplying goods and services to manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, and those that depend on sales to workers in the firearm and ammunition industry.
In 2022 the firearm and ammunition industry was responsible for as much as $80.73 billion in total economic activity in the country.

As such the gun industry in the USA adds up to around US$ 80 billion in 2022
They simply serve as a way for people to hunt and defend themselves.
Americans don't need 400 million guns to "hunt" rabbits.
Total number of paid license hunters in the USA in 2023 was - 16 million, thus flushing US$ 1.1 billion license fees into the US tax coffers.

You feel a need to be defended?? call onto your military (US $ 1 TRILLION budget) or your local police force.
If you can't get your daily "law and order" under control - make use of your democratic means and given "rights", and not via instigating an insurrection, or living the dream of guns in the hands of retarded and radicalized people, supposedly providing for safety.
You don't seem to fully understand "intelligence reports" - which is divided into two mains streams:
1. gathering of "factual" information
2. "construing" information
Countries like N-Korea, Singapore or e.g. China are not in need of "construing" intelligence since they already control their population and therefore are not in need of "construing fake information" in order to get their populations approval or support !!!

The point is, a "responsible" government (towards its own population/nation) doesn't "normalize" relations with an oppressive and mindless dictator.

So, you seem to positively assess a very oppressive government (China) while negatively assessing a slightly more oppressive one (North Korea). All I'm defending is an attempt to de-escalate things with North Korea.

Ukraine has been a fully accepted sovereign nation by ALL UN members since 1991, incl. the Russian Federation.
Internal destabilizing issues - (pertaining to almost all countries on the planet) have no legal say in regards to ignoring/defying the "right" and international acknowledgement of a respective countries sovereignty.

The USA has been in almost full control of e.g. Germany since 1949 - however that doesn't make it "right" nor does the USA have a given right, to impose it's political aspirations onto a "sovereign" Germany.

I would agree that the US should back off from Germany. And I'm guessing we'd agree that the US and Russia should back off from Ukraine, but neither is going to happen, unfortunately.

Tariffs are solely the result of a misguided economy. Or to self-implement an advantage to ones respective own nation. As for the latter e.g. the US steel tariffs.

Not if used in the reciprocal context I mentioned.

Who told you that China "stole" technology???
One is espionage - which every country conducts, foremost by the dear good old USA
The far greater one was/is Western corporate greed - that "enabled" Chinese companies to "learn" from it's foreign suppliers. However extremely effective due to a centralized approach, overseen by the Chinese government.

There's a big difference between a private company stealing intellectual property from a competitor and a government entity or government-backed entity doing it. The West actually prosecutes industrial espionage. China promotes it for their own purposes.

No offense, but you're coming off as a Chinese shill a little bit here. I know China has significant influence in Malaysia.

Only and solely in regards to the US commitment, of it's "nuclear umbrella" since 1990 - and absolutely NOT towards a conventional military support. If the USA is willing to give conventional support (as agreed - in exchange for e.g. Germany to pay for the maintenance of US bases&training grounds and "allow" for their existence) - okay, why should the European NATO members refuse???

As a matter of fact the USA has been exceedingly reliant onto European military&financial NATO support for it's political/military adventures since 1990. You simply ignore the fact that whilst Russia has been spending around US$ 25-30 billion annually since 1990 till today - the European NATO members by themselves, have spend around US$200 billion annually, since 1990.

Nonsense - the US military expenditure was in view of all these wars that the USA conducted worldwide on their own behalf since 1945.
Germany's % in e.g. 1963 was 5% - in 1980 it was 3% and upon the dissolution of the USSR it was at 2.5%.
Since there was no more viable threat from Russia, as of 1990 it went down to 1.2% - and Germany had to cough up US$2 TRILLION - solely on it's own, to finance the German reunification from 1990 to 2020.

Furthermore 5% of Germany's 1963 GDP adds up to US$ 5 billion - whilst 1.4% of Germany's GDP in 2022 adds up to US$ 50 billion and 2% in 2024 would add up to US$ 75 billion - which is more (factually double of what Russia spends in total). !!!

You are totally misinformed - and take it from one who is working and living in China since 20 years, 70-80% of China's population are in favor of their government policies - despite the "unhappiness" about a "global recession" that naturally also effects China. (Thanks to the irresponsible US crash in 2008, Trumps idiotic trade war starting in 2017 and then Covid from 2020 onward)

Well, at least you're honest. If you've been living in China for 20 years, then you undoubtedly have to be careful about any criticism of the government there or potentially face severe consequences, whether you're a citizen or a foreigner. So I get it. I won't ask you to endanger yourself, but I will know now that you have a vested interest in glossing over certain things regarding China.


United States companies that manufacture, distribute, and sell sporting firearms, ammunition, and supplies are an important part of the country’s economy.

Economic Impact of the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Industry in the United States

Jobs (FTE)172,69797,823123,176393,696
Economic Impact$32,110,233,100$24,468,955,600$24,151,650,400$80,730,839,100

The Firearm & Ammunition Industry is an Important Part of America’s Economy

Companies in the United States that manufacture, distribute, and sell firearms, ammunition, and hunting equipment employ as many as 172,697 people in the country and generate an additional 220,999 jobs in supplier and ancillary industries. These include jobs in supplying goods and services to manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, and those that depend on sales to workers in the firearm and ammunition industry.
In 2022 the firearm and ammunition industry was responsible for as much as $80.73 billion in total economic activity in the country.

As such the gun industry in the USA adds up to around US$ 80 billion in 2022

Americans don't need 400 million guns to "hunt" rabbits.
Total number of paid license hunters in the USA in 2023 was - 16 million, thus flushing US$ 1.1 billion license fees into the US tax coffers.

You feel a need to be defended?? call onto your military (US $ 1 TRILLION budget) or your local police force.
If you can't get your daily "law and order" under control - make use of your democratic means and given "rights", and not via instigating an insurrection, or living the dream of guns in the hands of retarded and radicalized people, supposedly providing for safety.

You can characterize us however you like, but at least I can criticize my government freely... for now anyway.
Imposing a nationalistic spirit is not the goal. Appealing to the nationalistic spirit that is within some of the population is.
One can't "appeal" towards a non-defined national spirit.
And the MAGA spirit is solely based onto a racist and religious motivation. Therefore has nothing to do with an average American that loves the American way of live - or has a love/liking towards his country.
There is e.g. no general racist/religious national spirit beheld by Chinese, nor their government.
Not really. Particularly with regard to Mexico.
Due to his "arrangement" and policy - Trump outsourced the remaining US industrial home-based capacity foremost to Mexico (others are Vietnam and e.g. Brazil) - thus not creating "promised" new jobs in the USA - but simply diverting US imports from China to Mexico, whilst decreasing US homegrown industries.
We did not have anything even close to the current crisis at the border during Trump's time in office. I have to ask. Are you a Malaysian citizen or an American expat? You seem to be viewing several things by how it's often reported by the MSM rather than by the details of the actual issues.
The USA has a continuous practiced policy of "legalizing" it's aliens - tens of millions around every 10 years. And you can be sure that my information does not derive from the MSM.
I am a former RSA national - now only holding a German and Austrian passport, plus several Permanent Resident Permits.- incl. the USA.
Palestinians are a lost cause. Even most other Muslim groups know how radicalized they are, which is why they aren't allowed into those neighboring countries usually. The few times they have been allowed (like in Jordan), they usually regretted it.
The Palestinians are the least radicalized Muslims in the Middle-East (that in the past years thanks to the Zionists, is dramatically changing) - and around 8-10 million are presently living in neighboring countries.
In short, those people are only good for cannon fodder, which is exactly why Hamas uses them as such. If there were a peaceful way to deal with them, it would have been found by now.
Nonsense, out of 15 million Palestinians around 30,000 belong actively to Hamas (whereby most are corrupt policemen and administrative
staff) suppressing and blackmailing their own population in Gaza. The paramilitary wing of Hamas counted for less then 10,000 men in Oct. 2023. Radical and weaponized Israeli settlers (Zionists) are around 700,000 backed by around another 1 million hardliner Zionists.
The PLO stretched out it's hands and even recognized Israel. As a thank you, the Zionists screwed them, via continuing to rob and occupy their lands and refusing to acknowledge a Palestinian State. As a result Hamas was founded (with financial help of e.g. Israel) to further weaken the PLO.

The one who obviously recites (one sided) MSM information - is YOU.
Can you give me an example of those "smart" people?
Those who told "advised" the human scumbag and pathological fraudster, to never fulfill his promises towards the known discontent Americans - so as to keep this disgruntled voter potential forever alive.

And who made it clear to him - that all he has to do, is to pick up onto the "known issues" that "inspire" those racists and religious nutcases since a Colored, aka a Mulatto became US President, and to make those idiots believe that their Fueherer, came up with all these known issues, solely by himself.
So, you seem to positively assess a very oppressive government (China) while negatively assessing a slightly more oppressive one (North Korea). All I'm defending is an attempt to de-escalate things with North Korea.
If you can't differentiate between countries like China and N-Korea - there isn't much I can help you with.
And I'm guessing we'd agree that the US and Russia should back off from Ukraine, but neither is going to happen, unfortunately.
My guess is - that is exactly as to what will happen - unless Trump makes it possible for Russia to finish off Ukraine.
Not if used in the reciprocal context I mentioned.
One can't diffuse/get rid of a "natural" negative trade-balance - via tariffs.
There's a big difference between a private company stealing intellectual property from a competitor and a government entity or government-backed entity doing it. The West actually prosecutes industrial espionage. China promotes it for their own purposes.
What do you think the NSA is about, or e.g. Japans MITI ?? - and who controls them? Don't worry, China certainly prosecutes industrial espionage as well. And EVERY country promotes it's own espionage - on what planet do you live?
No offense, but you're coming off as a Chinese shill a little bit here. I know China has significant influence in Malaysia.
Maybe you need to rethink onto your prejudice mindset - just becasue someone analyses different countries, one is a shill of a respective country? Germany is a totally fucked up country - thanks to it's totally fucked up and incompetent politicians - that have been breeding themselves undisturbed for 60 years, so now, according to you, am I now an American or Malaysian or Austrian or Chinese or German shill??

When I opened up this USMB account I resided at the time in Malaysia, where I also hold a PR - however I spend most of my past 20 years foremost in China.
Well, at least you're honest. If you've been living in China for 20 years, then you undoubtedly have to be careful about any criticism of the government there or potentially face severe consequences, whether you're a citizen or a foreigner. So I get it. I won't ask you to endanger yourself, but I will know now that you have a vested interest in glossing over certain things regarding China.
I don't need to be careful at all - especially not if I stick to FACTS - I do not operate a VPN - and I couldn't give a shit if Chinese intel looks onto my postings - like ALL MAGA's and Lefty/Libs, you exhibit a paranoid behavior - mate.

And if Poland starts off once again to demand reparations from Germany - reactivate and mobilize the Bundeswehr. Oh I must be a German shill.

You can characterize us however you like, but at least I can criticize my government freely... for now anyway.
Inciting an insurrection, MAGA nutcases parading around with AR-15's trying to intimidate other Americans, babbling and dreaming about a civil-war, or Antifa fuck-ups throwing bricks, Molotov cocktails and firing steel bearings at others and shops and assets - has absolutely NOTHING to do with "criticizing" a democratic government via democratic means. But applying VIOLENT means to enforce a minorities agenda, towards that of a Majority.

I hate and despise radicals.

And there are millions of Chinese people who criticize their government daily, openly and also on the streets in public - but they don't participate in insurrections nor street violence.

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