To Whose Benefit?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The questioning of Progressive/Democrat re-orientation of society?
No ones.

1. Taken as a whole, the efforts of Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are designed to destroy the values, traditions, and history that has brought civilization to its high point.

2. The generalized reasoning is that the destruction of the above is necessary to construct Utopia here on earth.
They actually claim that under their tutelage, design, laws.....the very nature of human beings will change.

That is the view of every Leftist, from Lenin to Hillary Clinton...
In 1969, Hillary Rodham gave the student commencement address at Wellesley in which she said that “ for too long our leaders have used politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible….We’re not interested in social reconstruction; it’s human reconstruction.”

3. They are the Liberals, Socialists, Communists, Nazis, Fascists and Progressives who share the mistaken view some Utopia which, as history has proven, is actually a dystopia.
100 million men, women and children were slaughtered in the last century under the auspices of the Soviet cousins of modern Liberals.

4. Closer to home, the current crop of Leftist hate the family, marriage, the Bible, with a profusion of all sorts of counter cultural’ innovations.
Such as same sex marriage, and dozens of genders.
The effect is not beneficial to any, including those for whom the Progressives destroy morality and tradition.

5. "LGBTQ mental health hasn't improved since the US Supreme Court legalised same-sex marriage
“Same-sex marriage leads to a host of social and even public health benefits, including a range of advantages for mental health and wellbeing. The benefits accrue to society as a whole, whether you are in a same-sex relationship or not.” This was the prediction of a supporter of SSM a few months before it was legalised in Australia.

This was the expectation just about everywhere, and especially in the United States, where SSM became legal after the 2015 Supreme Court case Obergefell v Hodges. It is widely believed that marriage equality generate important health benefits not only for adult same-sex couples, but also for LGBQ-identifying youths.

Well, that was four years ago for Americans. How’s that working out for LGBQ youths? Has their health improved?

Um, no."
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
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The questioning of Progressive/Democrat re-orientation of society?
No ones.

1. Taken as a whole, the efforts of Liberals/Progressives/Democrats are designed to destroy the values, traditions, and history that has brought civilization to its high point.

2. The generalized reasoning is that the destruction of the above is necessary to construct Utopia here on earth.
They actually claim that under their tutelage, design, laws.....the very nature of human beings will change.

That is the view of every Leftist, from Lenin to Hillary Clinton...
In 1969, Hillary Rodham gave the student commencement address at Wellesley in which she said that “ for too long our leaders have used politics as the art of making what appears to be impossible, possible….We’re not interested in social reconstruction; it’s human reconstruction.”

3. They are the Liberals, Socialists, Communists, Nazis, Fascists and Progressives who share the mistaken view some Utopia which, as history has proven, is actually a dystopia.
100 million men, women and children were slaughtered in the last century under the auspices of the Soviet cousins of modern Liberals.

4. Closer to home, the current crop of Leftist hate the family, marriage, the Bible, with a profusion of all sorts of counter cultural’ innovations.
Such as same sex marriage, and dozens of genders.
The effect is not beneficial to any, including those for whom the Progressives destroy morality and tradition.

5. "LGBTQ mental health hasn't improved since the US Supreme Court legalised same-sex marriage
“Same-sex marriage leads to a host of social and even public health benefits, including a range of advantages for mental health and wellbeing. The benefits accrue to society as a whole, whether you are in a same-sex relationship or not.” This was the prediction of a supporter of SSM a few months before it was legalised in Australia.

This was the expectation just about everywhere, and especially in the United States, where SSM became legal after the 2015 Supreme Court case Obergefell v Hodges. It is widely believed that marriage equality generate important health benefits not only for adult same-sex couples, but also for LGBQ-identifying youths.

Well, that was four years ago for Americans. How’s that working out for LGBQ youths? Has their health improved?

Um, no."
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
I hate statistics-I would rather hear the rest of the song
6."Three economists, Mark Anderson, Kyutaro Matsuzawa and Joseph J. Sabia, have just published an important working paper in the National Bureau of Economic Research series, “Marriage Equality Laws and Youth Suicidal Behaviors. Using data from the State Youth Risk Behavior Surveys, they explore the relationship between marriage equality and suicidal behaviours among LGBQ-identifying youths.

Their shock conclusion is that “Despite previous research suggesting otherwise, we find little evidence that SSM laws have reduced suicide attempts among teen sexual minorities, nor have they decreased the likelihood of suicide planning, suicide ideation, or depression.”

The world did not change with Obergefell v Hodges. Gays did not enter a Nirvana where the tormenting anxieties which drove some to suicide no longer existed.

But the message of the economists is even worse: “we find some evidence that SSM legalization via judicial mandate is associated with worse mental health for these individuals, consistent with a story of social backlash.”
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue

Soooo.....who benefited from the assassination of societal structures??????

No one.

This is the result of the destruction that the Left brings to all they touch.
7. Perhaps the greatest fraud, and greatest danger to 'transgenderism.'

The argument for transgenderism is based on the claims that it is about allowing folks to claim whatever sex they 'feel' that they are.
Some even claim a scientific basis.

There isn't.

".... no scientifically rigorous, large, prospective or sufficiently longitudinal evidence that transition of gender dysphoric children prevents suicide in the long term.

However, there is long-term research on the mental health of adults who transitioned with Gender Dysphoria. This reveals that despite initial relief of the dysphoria, one or more decades after transition, they often present with worse mental health than that of the general population, including a suicide rate nearly 20 times greater. This observation raises more questions than it answers, and should, therefore, give pediatric health professionals great pause -- at least those who value evidence-based medicine and are dedicated to “first do no harm”. Dr. Michelle Cretella, president of the American College of Pediatricians.
If you don’t like the message, you can always shoot the messenger

8. Of course, there is no science behind the indoctrination:

"American College of Pediatricians President Michelle Cretella says the science is far from conclusive."Having an authority figure teach the myth that a child can be trapped in the wrong body will potentially lead to fear that they aren’t the sex their bodies clearly indicate.”
Transgender Kindergarten Lesson has Rocklin Parents Split

9. The raison d'etre behind the machinations of the Left....Liberals, Communists, Democrats, whatever.... to smash the pillars of Western Civilization: the values, traditions and morality that characterized that which has raised humanity from the primordial ooze, the rules of the jungle.

Sad for society, and sad for all concerned.

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