Time to put up or shut up.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
I do not believe a single troofer has told us what they believe happened on 9-11. All they do is list all the paranoid delusional theories without ever telling us which one they believe.

Time to either announce what you believe happened or cease and desist with linking to every single crack pot claim out there.

Lose any argument point you may have or come clean. You know what the majority of us believe. Time to stop the shotgun delusional approach and each of you tell us what you think happened.
I do not believe a single troofer has told us what they believe happened on 9-11. All they do is list all the paranoid delusional theories without ever telling us which one they believe.

Time to either announce what you believe happened or cease and desist with linking to every single crack pot claim out there.

Lose any argument point you may have or come clean. You know what the majority of us believe. Time to stop the shotgun delusional approach and each of you tell us what you think happened.
wont happen
I do not believe a single troofer has told us what they believe happened on 9-11. All they do is list all the paranoid delusional theories without ever telling us which one they believe.

Time to either announce what you believe happened or cease and desist with linking to every single crack pot claim out there.

Lose any argument point you may have or come clean. You know what the majority of us believe. Time to stop the shotgun delusional approach and each of you tell us what you think happened.
wont happen

Of course it won't, because none of them have any idea what they believe. They are all paranoid delusional and just can't accept the Government line. NOT a single one of them has a theory. They just repeat the myriad ones from troofer sites.


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I do not believe a single troofer has told us what they believe happened on 9-11. All they do is list all the paranoid delusional theories without ever telling us which one they believe.

Time to either announce what you believe happened or cease and desist with linking to every single crack pot claim out there.

Lose any argument point you may have or come clean. You know what the majority of us believe. Time to stop the shotgun delusional approach and each of you tell us what you think happened.

They're just here to get attention they cannot get in real life and the way to do that is by saying or doing something outrageous.
i do not believe a single troofer has told us what they believe happened on 9-11. All they do is list all the paranoid delusional theories without ever telling us which one they believe.

Time to either announce what you believe happened or cease and desist with linking to every single crack pot claim out there.

Lose any argument point you may have or come clean. You know what the majority of us believe. Time to stop the shotgun delusional approach and each of you tell us what you think happened.

they're just here to get attention they cannot get in real life and the way to do that is by saying or doing something outrageous.

Eots has also posted every single delusional theory out there. Been called on them and refused to come clean. What is your theory Eots? If it was not Muslim Hijackers who was it? Coward or liar, which are you?
I do not believe a single troofer has told us what they believe happened on 9-11.
What the fuck you talkin' about Willis? They do it all the time, where have you been? :confused:

No, they will tell you what conspiracy sites say while they flit from theory to theory as the theories get decimated by the truth. What RetiredGySgt is pointing out is that no truthtard is going to actually state what they actually believe because then they are stuck to a handful of theories since many of the conspiracy theories conflict with one another AND they would have to actually defend their theory instead of running away.

Don't you find it odd that after nine years there is no such thing as a complete conspiracy theory and no such thing as anything even resembling a concensus among truthtards as to who was behind 9/11, what happened on 9/11, or how "they" pulled off 9/11?
Eots has also posted every single delusional theory out there. Been called on them and refused to come clean. What is your theory Eots? If it was not Muslim Hijackers who was it? Coward or liar, which are you?

thats easy as hell to answer.I think I speak for Eots as well as most truthers here if not all,when I say it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation.Its been proven to you loyal OCTA'S -official conspiracy theory apologists,but your so much in denial with your delusional theories that the media and government have brainwashed you with,that like all Bush dupes,you always cover your ears and close your eyes and run off with your tail between your legs anytime evidence,facts or witness testimonys are given that prove the official version to be complete B.S.:cuckoo:
Eots has also posted every single delusional theory out there. Been called on them and refused to come clean. What is your theory Eots? If it was not Muslim Hijackers who was it? Coward or liar, which are you?

thats easy as hell to answer.I think I speak for Eots as well as most truthers here if not all,when I say it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation.Its been proven to you loyal OCTA'S -official conspiracy theory apologists,but your so much in denial with your delusional theories that the media and government have brainwashed you with,that like all Bush dupes,you always cover your ears and close your eyes and run off with your tail between your legs anytime evidence,facts or witness testimonys are given that prove the official version to be complete B.S.:cuckoo:

So give us one piece of real, hard evidence that the CIA / Mossad was behind 9/11.

BTW, MANY truthtards don't agree with you. Many say it was Bush and Cheney behind 9/11. You pretending to speak for your fellow assholes is a joke.
Eots has also posted every single delusional theory out there. Been called on them and refused to come clean. What is your theory Eots? If it was not Muslim Hijackers who was it? Coward or liar, which are you?

thats easy as hell to answer.I think I speak for Eots as well as most truthers here if not all,when I say it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation.Its been proven to you loyal OCTA'S -official conspiracy theory apologists,but your so much in denial with your delusional theories that the media and government have brainwashed you with,that like all Bush dupes,you always cover your ears and close your eyes and run off with your tail between your legs anytime evidence,facts or witness testimonys are given that prove the official version to be complete B.S.:cuckoo:

So give us one piece of real, hard evidence that the CIA / Mossad was behind 9/11.

BTW, MANY truthtards don't agree with you. Many say it was Bush and Cheney behind 9/11. You pretending to speak for your fellow assholes is a joke.

Building 7 freefell for 2.25 seconds according to NIST, due to regular office fires.

The building freefell through 8 floors of conrete/steel/reinforced building at the gravitational ~32 feet per second, through the path of greatest RESISTANCE (through the BUILDING itself) which is impossible according to Newtonian Physics. The only way for it to freefall is for there to be NO resistance in that path, which means floors were removed/not there.

Patriot911 is a patsy.

w w w .BuildingWhat . o rg

w w w . FireFightersfor911truth . o rg

w w w . Patriotsquestion911 . o rg

w w w. ae911truth . o rg
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thats easy as hell to answer.I think I speak for Eots as well as most truthers here if not all,when I say it was a joint CIA/MOSSAD operation.Its been proven to you loyal OCTA'S -official conspiracy theory apologists,but your so much in denial with your delusional theories that the media and government have brainwashed you with,that like all Bush dupes,you always cover your ears and close your eyes and run off with your tail between your legs anytime evidence,facts or witness testimonys are given that prove the official version to be complete B.S.:cuckoo:

So give us one piece of real, hard evidence that the CIA / Mossad was behind 9/11.

BTW, MANY truthtards don't agree with you. Many say it was Bush and Cheney behind 9/11. You pretending to speak for your fellow assholes is a joke.

Building 7 freefell for 2.25 seconds according to NIST, due to regular office fires.

The building freefell through 8 floors of conrete/steel/reinforced building at the gravitational ~32 feet per second, through the path of greatest RESISTANCE (through the BUILDING itself) which is impossible according to Newtonian Physics. The only way for it to freefall is for there to be NO resistance in that path, which means floors were removed/not there.

Patriot911 is a patsy.

w w w .BuildingWhat . o rg

w w w . FireFightersfor911truth . o rg

w w w . Patriotsquestion911 . o rg

w w w. ae911truth . o rg

Which, if you had ever read the NIST report, is pretty much what they say. The internal collapse occured before the external collapse, removing some of the supports that might have slowed the building. But then again, you knew that. How many times have I told you? How many times did you end up with your foot deep inside your own mouth? :lol: Truthtards. What a joke!
Patriot911 said:
BTW, MANY truthtards don't agree with you. Many say it was Bush and Cheney behind 9/11. You pretending to speak for your fellow assholes is a joke.

Building 7 freefell for 2.25 seconds according to NIST, due to regular office fires.

The building freefell through 8 floors of conrete/steel/reinforced building at the gravitational ~32 feet per second, through the path of greatest RESISTANCE (through the BUILDING itself) which is impossible according to Newtonian Physics. The only way for it to freefall is for there to be NO resistance in that path, which means floors were removed/not there.
Patriot911 said:
BTW, MANY truthtards don't agree with you. Many say it was Bush and Cheney behind 9/11. You pretending to speak for your fellow assholes is a joke.

Building 7 freefell for 2.25 seconds according to NIST, due to regular office fires.

The building freefell through 8 floors of conrete/steel/reinforced building at the gravitational ~32 feet per second, through the path of greatest RESISTANCE (through the BUILDING itself) which is impossible according to Newtonian Physics. The only way for it to freefall is for there to be NO resistance in that path, which means floors were removed/not there.

Awwww poor tempesta/physicsexist. He's having a mental breakdown! Now he thinks bigger letters give his bullshit more credibility! A shame that, like most things in life, he is wrong yet again.

Once again I ask you to read the NIST report. Their explanation of the internal collapse of the tower before the external section collapsed clearly describes exactly what you are claiming would have to happen.

Any one else sense the irony of the NIST and PE agreeing? :lol:
Patriot911 said:
BTW, MANY truthtards don't agree with you. Many say it was Bush and Cheney behind 9/11. You pretending to speak for your fellow assholes is a joke.

Building 7 freefell for 2.25 seconds according to NIST, due to regular office fires.

The building freefell through 8 floors of conrete/steel/reinforced building at the gravitational ~32 feet per second, through the path of greatest RESISTANCE (through the BUILDING itself) which is impossible according to Newtonian Physics. The only way for it to freefall is for there to be NO resistance in that path, which means floors were removed/not there.

And your response:

Patriot911 said:
Awwww poor tempesta/physicsexist. He's having a mental breakdown! Now he thinks bigger letters give his bullshit more credibility! A shame that, like most things in life, he is wrong yet again.

In your own words:

Patriot11 said:
The very fact you can't respond to what I write should be a HUGE clue of who is right and who is lying.

Once again:The building freefell through 8 floors of conrete/steel/reinforced building at the gravitational ~32 feet per second, through the path of greatest RESISTANCE (through the BUILDING itself) which is impossible according to Newtonian Physics. The only way for it to freefall is for there to be NO resistance in that path, which means floors were removed/not there

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