There is no active political party or politicians “trying to preserve a white majority” there is no “white supremacy” in the USA


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
There is no “preserving a white majority”. No person with any position of power or notoriety in the USA is actively trying to do this. But there are people on the media outlets and politicians who are trying to brainwash people into thinking this white supremacy thing is happening… in order to distract us from one of the worst economies and cultures in American history.

Imagine how the brainwashed Democrats will keep saying “the economy is doing great”. We often hear them say “the economy is roaring along”. They simply don’t care about the facts shown above^

American culture is a disaster today. It used to be a beautiful thing.

“White supremacy” in the modern USA is all a myth created by the media. It’s an entire waste of time. You often see this on CNN or MSNBC they get some black journalists to interview our rich white author to complain about blacks not being able to get loans or something absurd. Imagine the millions of poor white men across America, who get denied access to loans watching that type of trash television.

Many immigrants are good people, but of course, some of them commit vicious crimes. There is a cultural problem among young black Americans, they commit the most violent act in America. Like robberies and murder. Among young white Americans, who commit the most mass school shootings.

There is clearly some kind of problem with a portion of Mexico, central South Americans, who are my fellow Catholics but whom have a problem with violent crimes often surrounding the drug trade.

These issues are nonexistent in many countries of the world like in southeast Asia, or eastern European countries, like Estonia, or European countries like Sweden and Denmark, where there really is no violent crime there are people screaming at you on the subway like there is New York City.

The Democrat politicians of the 1940s and 1950s who gave us the post World War II economic boom the greatest middle-class the world has ever seen are rolling in their graves today. Looking down from heaven at the abomination of the radical LGBT blm party that the Democrats are today. There’s no middle class anymore in America. It’s very difficult for a working person in this country to rise up into the middle class and to buy a home. They can’t afford a home. Look at the dump America is a many regards today under Biden.

And we have the media and politicians who have utterly brainwashed a segment of Americans to believing that white supremacy is a real problem. This is of course a distraction from the foreign wars and the high cost of living in America.

Here’s an idea for Democrats today along with neoconservatives. Bring back the middle class. Bring us back the steel jobs. Get the price of homes back down to $200,000 average which they were under Mr. Trump. Under Biden the average cost of a home is $400,000 and the interest rate on the loan is tripled.
If you think there is no effort to maintain a white majority, you should look at all the threads proclaiming the sky is falling because hispanics might catch whites for the majority.
There is no “preserving a white majority”. No person with any position of power or notoriety in the USA is actively trying to do this. But there are people on the media outlets and politicians who are trying to brainwash people into thinking this white supremacy thing is happening… in order to distract us from one of the worst economies and cultures in American history.

Imagine how the brainwashed Democrats will keep saying “the economy is doing great”. We often hear them say “the economy is roaring along”. They simply don’t care about the facts shown above^

American culture is a disaster today. It used to be a beautiful thing.

“White supremacy” in the modern USA is all a myth created by the media. It’s an entire waste of time. You often see this on CNN or MSNBC they get some black journalists to interview our rich white author to complain about blacks not being able to get loans or something absurd. Imagine the millions of poor white men across America, who get denied access to loans watching that type of trash television.

Many immigrants are good people, but of course, some of them commit vicious crimes. There is a cultural problem among young black Americans, they commit the most violent act in America. Like robberies and murder. Among young white Americans, who commit the most mass school shootings.

There is clearly some kind of problem with a portion of Mexico, central South Americans, who are my fellow Catholics but whom have a problem with violent crimes often surrounding the drug trade.

These issues are nonexistent in many countries of the world like in southeast Asia, or eastern European countries, like Estonia, or European countries like Sweden and Denmark, where there really is no violent crime there are people screaming at you on the subway like there is New York City.

But, should there be is a valid question.

America went from nothing to a major world super power in record time because of white Christians. And it stayed that way for a very long time because of white Christians.

But the time when we start forcing non whites and non Christians into every facet of our society, when we start filling our country with non white and non Christians, and when we start allowing non white and non Christians to speak out against white Christians we see our society begin to fail.

Is it just a coincidence that America begins to decline overall as a country and a society at the very same time we see white christians stop being the center of our society?
But, should there be is a valid question.

America went from nothing to a major world super power in record time because of white Christians. And it stayed that way for a very long time because of white Christians.

But the time when we start forcing non whites and non Christians into every facet of our society, when we start filling our country with non white and non Christians, and when we start allowing non white and non Christians to speak out against white Christians we see our society begin to fail.

Is it just a coincidence that America begins to decline overall as a country and a society at the very same time we see white christians stop being the center of our society?
The way I see it is, it’s mostly the media, Hollywood, and parts of the governments fault. They’re trying to brainwash Americans into believing we have this “evil imperialist history”… in reality, though we have a beautiful history and we are still the number one destination in the world for refugees and immigrants from Africa that says a lot

we had black American Christians in the 1950s who were contributing working at the factories alongside my white grandfather.

But certainly it is true that Rich black athletes and journalists denigrate white history. That is an abomination. It’s a disgrace. It will be like me a white Christian man living in Dubai and complaining constantly about Muslims this Muslims that or something like that….

I’m currently in Cambodia and I believe in respecting Cambodian traditions as a minority white man I believe in respecting Asian ways. But BLM type people in America disrespect American history and that is a problem. I agree It is an embarrassment when a non-white Christian denigrates American history. It’s a palling and uncalled for.

I think it’s a modern phenomenon. Things were great in the middle 20th century. By the 1980s with a crack cocaine epidemic things got worse. We had more union jobs, it was easier to get into the middle class in the 1950s compared to today.

We need Hollywood to do better… start producing films showing white Americans ie Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson positively. We all know that Few native Americans and blacks would complain, but they represent a tiny portion of the country I believe.
"One of the worst economies in American history".

Astonishing. The alternative universe remains alive and well.

Either you don’t read the news or your trolling. I suspect you are going to present another troll post. basically where you just say

“your wrong”

without providing any substance.

Either you don’t read the news or your trolling. I suspect you are going to present another troll post. basically where you just say

“your wrong”

without providing any substance.
The GDP is higher than it was under Trump when COVID hit.

And that's WITHOUT trillions and trillions in help from the Fed.

THAT is the REAL economy. GDP. Gross Domestic Product.

You're just another ignorant Trumpster.

Please note the spelling of "you're".
But, should there be is a valid question.

America went from nothing to a major world super power in record time because of white Christians. And it stayed that way for a very long time because of white Christians.

But the time when we start forcing non whites and non Christians into every facet of our society, when we start filling our country with non white and non Christians, and when we start allowing non white and non Christians to speak out against white Christians we see our society begin to fail.

Is it just a coincidence that America begins to decline overall as a country and a society at the very same time we see white christians stop being the center of our society?
Bullshit. America became a superpower because it was the only industrialized nation left standing after WW2. We became great by default.
If you think there is no effort to maintain a white majority, you should look at all the threads proclaiming the sky is falling because hispanics might catch whites for the majority.
Possibly because a Hispanic majority would turn this country into an average Hispanic country like Mexico or El Salvador.
Bullshit. America became a superpower because it was the only industrialized nation left standing after WW2. We became great by default.
Wrong. America was already a superpower before WWII. It just took WWII for everyone (including America) to realize it.

A WWII historian put it this way: “We didn’t outfight the Nazis and Japanese, we outproduced them”
Wrong. America was already a superpower before WWII. It just took WWII for everyone (including America) to realize it.

A WWII historian put it this way: “We didn’t outfight the Nazis and Japanese, we outproduced them”
huh? We had the great depression. That's right, we didn't outfight the Nazis, the Russians did.
huh? We had the great depression.

So did everyone else. The Great Depression affected the whole world and was pretty much over by the time we entered WWII anyway.
Also, the U.S. was already a world power by the early 1900s. We were one of only a few countries that had the resouces, manufacturing and money to build the Panama Canal.
That's right, we didn't outfight the Nazis, the Russians did.
The Russians overcame the Nazies with sheer numbers.That’s not to say the Russians didn’t fight well but the numbers were the determining factor.
There is no “preserving a white majority”. No person with any position of power or notoriety in the USA is actively trying to do this. But there are people on the media outlets and politicians who are trying to brainwash people into thinking this white supremacy thing is happening… in order to distract us from one of the worst economies and cultures in American history.

Imagine how the brainwashed Democrats will keep saying “the economy is doing great”. We often hear them say “the economy is roaring along”. They simply don’t care about the facts shown above^

American culture is a disaster today. It used to be a beautiful thing.

“White supremacy” in the modern USA is all a myth created by the media. It’s an entire waste of time. You often see this on CNN or MSNBC they get some black journalists to interview our rich white author to complain about blacks not being able to get loans or something absurd. Imagine the millions of poor white men across America, who get denied access to loans watching that type of trash television.

Many immigrants are good people, but of course, some of them commit vicious crimes. There is a cultural problem among young black Americans, they commit the most violent act in America. Like robberies and murder. Among young white Americans, who commit the most mass school shootings.

There is clearly some kind of problem with a portion of Mexico, central South Americans, who are my fellow Catholics but whom have a problem with violent crimes often surrounding the drug trade.

These issues are nonexistent in many countries of the world like in southeast Asia, or eastern European countries, like Estonia, or European countries like Sweden and Denmark, where there really is no violent crime there are people screaming at you on the subway like there is New York City.

Willful blindness is the worst kind, Son.

Time to wake up and smell the tiki torches.

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