The Democrat party- the party of violence


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Here you see people like Nancy Pelosi providing justification for the destruction of historical statues in this country. You could see on the video Democrats and Democrats operatives arguing for or justifying violence.

Imagine for a moment, a popular Republican like Trump or a gop senator calling on people to destroy statues of Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X.

Imagine if hundreds of Trump supporters were going around burning down cities like BLM rioters did in 2020. And imagine Republicans saying “they are frustrated, it is a form of justice”.

It’s Democrats who are causing political violence in this country by far . It is Democrats who suppress free speech at college campuses sometimes violently. There is no phenomenon of left-wing speakers getting shut down by Trump supporters at a college campus.

And the brain dead or brainwashed Democrats will talk about January 6 nonstop. Which was a cakewalk a walk in the park. It was never an insurrection. Even Biden himself and Others like Chris Cuomo said you would need tanks and jets for that. Even at the end of the January 6 riot everybody peacefully walked out of the building.

Democrats lie perhaps every day about Republicans being “white supremacists” when there’s maybe 10 white supremacists in the USA. There is no white supremacy in any position of power in the USA. But the Oscars and major sports organizations have discriminatory policies against white Christian men. Why not just have a meritocracy? Why not treat everybody equally. We don’t have that in the USA when it comes to a lot of major companies, sports organizations and Hollywood. Pretty backwards, you know

BLM leaders on the other hand say looting is a form of reperations. A lot of BLM events in 2020 turned into murderous riots were 25 people died, billions of dollars worth of damage, thousands of people injured …perhaps The worst political violence in the history of the USA.
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Here you see people like Nancy Pelosi providing justification for the destruction of historical statues in this country. You could see on the video Democrats and Democrats operatives arguing for or justifying violence.

Imagine for a moment, a popular Republican like Trump or a gop senator calling on people to destroy statues of Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X.

Imagine if hundreds of Trump supporters were going around burning down cities like BLM rioters did in 2020. And imagine Republicans saying “they are frustrated, it is a form of justice”.

It’s Democrats who are causing political violence in this country by far . It is Democrats who suppress free speech at college campuses sometimes violently. There is no phenomenon of left-wing speakers getting shut down by Trump supporters at a college campus.

And the brain dead or brainwashed Democrats will talk about January 6 nonstop. Which was a cakewalk a walk in the park. It was never an insurrection. Even Biden himself and Others like Chris Cuomo said you would need tanks and jets for that. Even at the end of the January 6 riot everybody peacefully walked out of the building.

Democrats lie perhaps every day about Republicans being “white supremacists” when there’s maybe 10 white supremacists in the USA. There is no white supremacy in any position of power in the USA. But the Oscars and major sports organizations have discriminatory policies against white Christian men. Why not just have a meritocracy? Why not treat everybody equally. We don’t have that in the USA when it comes to a lot of major companies, sports organizations and Hollywood. Pretty backwards, you know

BLM leaders on the other hand say looting is a form of reperations. A lot of BLM events in 2020 turned into murderous riots were 25 people died, billions of dollars worth of damage, thousands of people injured …perhaps The worst political violence in the history of the USA.

Russia is still a shithole
Here you see people like Nancy Pelosi providing justification for the destruction of historical statues in this country. You could see on the video Democrats and Democrats operatives arguing for or justifying violence.

Imagine for a moment, a popular Republican like Trump or a gop senator calling on people to destroy statues of Martin Luther King Jr. or Malcolm X.

Imagine if hundreds of Trump supporters were going around burning down cities like BLM rioters did in 2020. And imagine Republicans saying “they are frustrated, it is a form of justice”.

It’s Democrats who are causing political violence in this country by far . It is Democrats who suppress free speech at college campuses sometimes violently. There is no phenomenon of left-wing speakers getting shut down by Trump supporters at a college campus.

And the brain dead or brainwashed Democrats will talk about January 6 nonstop. Which was a cakewalk a walk in the park. It was never an insurrection. Even Biden himself and Others like Chris Cuomo said you would need tanks and jets for that. Even at the end of the January 6 riot everybody peacefully walked out of the building.

Democrats lie perhaps every day about Republicans being “white supremacists” when there’s maybe 10 white supremacists in the USA. There is no white supremacy in any position of power in the USA. But the Oscars and major sports organizations have discriminatory policies against white Christian men. Why not just have a meritocracy? Why not treat everybody equally. We don’t have that in the USA when it comes to a lot of major companies, sports organizations and Hollywood. Pretty backwards, you know

BLM leaders on the other hand say looting is a form of reperations. A lot of BLM events in 2020 turned into murderous riots were 25 people died, billions of dollars worth of damage, thousands of people injured …perhaps The worst political violence in the history of the USA.

Cities had the rights to install those statues
They have the rights to remove them
Steve Brannon is a national treasure like the commode of George Washington.
Thats is irrelevant to the discussion. Would you like to try again, or do you give up like the idiot loser you have always been? Giving up is easy, all you have to do is avoid the topic and say something super unfunny that you think is clever and funny. Im pretty darn sure i know which way you are going. :dunno:
Only Democrats and lefties violently suppress free speech at college campuses. It is one of the most glaringly obvious examples of violence by Democrats.

There is no phenomenon of that occurring from the right. Imagine for a moment if just one time literally just one time you had 1000 people with trump hats on going into a mall to flash loot. Never happens though… it’s always lefties and BLM people.

The left ushered in the most brutal political violence perhaps in American history in 2020. Their attacks on government institutions was a disgrace. It was egged on even justified by the media and celebrities.
Only Democrats and lefty violently suppressed free speech at college campuses. It is one of the most glaringly obvious examples of violence by Democrats.

There is no phenomenon of that occurring from the right. Imagine for a moment if just one time literally just one time you had 1000 people with trumpets going into a mall to flash loot. Never happens though it’s always lefties and BLM people.

The usher in the most brutal political violence preps in American history in 2020. The attack on government institutions was a disgrace. It was egged on even justified by the media and celebrities.
Virtually all political violence (currently and historically) has been perpetrated by the left.
When BLM and antifa type lefties see someone they don’t like providing a viewpoint . They get together and mobs and scream and shout at them. They cause a commotion just like Democrat politicians urged them to in order to shut down free speech.

Lefties more than any other group in the USA resort to vulgar language. They do this online but in person they are perhaps the only group in the USA well hell they are the only group in the USA …that actually uses violence to suppress free speech. this has been done at college campuses and outdoor events.

A case of point would be on the US message board. Look at how many times left-wing/blm supporters personally insult people they use the most vulgar language one can imagine. They can’t provide any kind of substance, so they go right for the vulgar language and trolling. Perhaps in an attempt to shut down the conversation.
Here is what really happened

Southern cities had primarily black populations but stopped them from voting.
That meant white mayors and councils who approved Confederate statues over the objections of citizens

Today those cities are run by blacks who say

Tear them down
Here is what really happened

Southern cities had primarily black populations but stopped them from voting.
That meant white mayors and councils who approved Confederate statues over the objections of citizens

Today those cities are run by blacks who say

Tear them down
Slavery was a worldwide issue not a unique American one. In Africa 1 million white people were enslaved by blacks.
Here you see people like Nancy Pelosi providing justification for the destruction of historical statues in this country.
They're not historical. They're post-war slavery glorification. My cat lived 4 times longer than the Civil War lasted. Thus, by slaver standards, that means my cat is "historical", so statues of my cat should be built all over.

The old fascists made up stories of violent Jews/liberals to justify their brownshirt violence against Jews/liberals.

The new fascists make up stories of violent Jews/liberals to justify their brownshirt violence against Jews/liberals.

Nazis don't change their tactics.

As far as who's violent ... this poll says that 28% of Republicans say violence may be necessary to get the USA back on track, while only 12% of Democrats support violence. Page 23.

Where can I read about those 1 million white slaves in Africa?

In a new book, Robert Davis, professor of history at Ohio State University, developed a unique methodology to calculate the number of white Christians who were enslaved along Africa’s Barbary Coast, arriving at much higher slave population estimates than any previous studies had found.

Most other accounts of slavery along the Barbary coast didn’t try to estimate the number of slaves, or only looked at the number of slaves in particular cities, Davis said. Most previously estimated slave counts have thus tended to be in the thousands, or at most in the tens of thousands. Davis, by contrast, has calculated that between 1 million and 1.25 million European Christians were captured and forced to work in North Africa from the 16th to 18th centuries.

Where can I read about those 1 million white slaves in Africa?
Slavery is a mark on a nation. Now the rest of the Western Hemisphere and the love that was felt you must tell me about. So, the people come here and whine that his nation is central core of all things wrong. This while gorging on the comforts and grunting like pigs.
In a new book, Robert Davis, professor of history at Ohio State University, developed a unique methodology to calculate the number of white Christians who were enslaved along Africa’s Barbary Coast, arriving at much higher slave population estimates than any previous studies had found.

Most other accounts of slavery along the Barbary coast didn’t try to estimate the number of slaves, or only looked at the number of slaves in particular cities, Davis said. Most previously estimated slave counts have thus tended to be in the thousands, or at most in the tens of thousands. Davis, by contrast, has calculated that between 1 million and 1.25 million European Christians were captured and forced to work in North Africa from the 16th to 18th centuries.

From your article...

Let's start w/the title:
When Europeans Were Slaves: Research Suggests White Slavery Was Much More Common Than Previously Believed
"Suggests" isn't leading towards hard facts.

But from 1500 to 1650, when trans-Atlantic slaving was still in its infancy, more white Christian slaves were probably taken to Barbary than black African slaves to the Americas, according to Davis.

At its peak, the destruction and depopulation of some areas probably exceeded what European slavers would later inflict on the African interior.
"Probably" isn't leading towards hard facts.

So Davis developed a new methodology to come up with reasonable estimates of the number of slaves along the Barbary Coast. Davis found the best records available indicating how many slaves were at a particular location at a single time. He then estimated how many new slaves it would take to replace slaves as they died, escaped or were ransomed.
The author invented his methodology, states that it's estimated, going off of shoddy at best records, again, not strong on hard facts.

“The only way I could come up with hard numbers is to turn the whole problem upside down – figure out how many slaves they would have to capture to maintain a certain level,” he said. “It is not the best way to make population estimates, but it is the only way with the limited records available.”
Again admits to how bogus his own work is.

This is what we're supposed to go on? It's not even a book, a series of books or documents, it's a snippet from a single article that the author is wish-casting to be true/factual.

Do better dude.
Thats is irrelevant to the discussion. Would you like to try again, or do you give up like the idiot loser you have always been? Giving up is easy, all you have to do is avoid the topic and say something super unfunny that you think is clever and funny. Im pretty darn sure i know which way you are going. :dunno:
Yeah dumbass, the is no political party in power called the Democrat party, illiterate bastards.

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