The Stupid Party


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
PARKER: Is GOP ready to play smarter? | The Asbury Park Press |

WASHINGTON — The headline on Democratic strategist Paul Begala’s recent Newsweek essay dodged subtlety: “The Stupid Party.”

“Republicans used to admire intelligence. But now they’re dumbing themselves down,” was the subhead.
Democrats couldn’t agree more. And quietly, many Republicans share the sentiment. They just can’t seem to stop themselves.
Republicans aren’t really stupid, of course, and Begala acknowledges this. But, as he also pointed out, the conservative brain trust once led by William F. Buckley has been supplanted by talk radio hosts who love to quote Buckley (and boast of his friendship), but who do not share the man’s pedigree or his nimble mind. Moreover, where Buckley tried to rid the GOP of fringe elements, notably the John Birch Society, today’s conservatives have let them back in.
Meanwhile, the big tent fashioned by Ronald Reagan has become bilious with the hot air of religious fervor. No one was more devout than the very-Catholic Buckley, but you didn’t see him convening revivals in the public square. Nor is it likely he would he have embraced fundamentalist views that increasingly have forced the party into a corner where science and religion can’t coexist.
Scientific skepticism, the engine that propels intellectual inquiry, has morphed into skepticism of science fueled by religious certitude. In this strange world, it is heresy to express concern about, for example, climate change — or even to suggest that human behavior may be a contributing factor.
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the stupid people we have to revolt against because they took our wealth ?
No.......because they're STILL WHIIIIIINING.....about a BLACK-PRESIDENT!!!

[ame=]Right America Feeling Wronged pt1 - YouTube[/ame]​
What Huntsman next said, though refreshing and true, ensured that his poll numbers would remain in the basement: “When we take a position that isn’t willing to embrace evolution, when we take a position that basically runs counter to what 98 of 100 climate scientists have said, what the National Academy of Sciences has said about what is causing climate change and man’s contribution to it, I think we find ourselves on the wrong side of science and, therefore, in a losing position.”
It takes courage to swim against the tide of know-nothingness that has become de rigueur among the anti-elite, anti-intellectual Republican base. Call it the Palinization of the GOP in which the least informed earns the loudest applause. Latest to this spectacle is Herman Cain, who has figured out how to turn his liabilities into assets. After fumbling for an answer to a simple question during an editorial board meeting about his position on Libya, a lead news item since August, Cain blamed — who else? — the media.
The problem wasn’t that he had no idea. The problem, he said, was that he likes to think before he speaks. Besides, there are so many countries out there.
“Who knows every detail of every country on the planet?” he asked a crowd in Nashua, N.H., a few days later. “The people that get on the Cain train, they don’t get off because of that crap.”
It’s safe to say that nobody knows every detail of every country, but Libya isn’t just any country, and the U.S. did not play a minor role in helping Libyans liberate themselves from the 40-year tyranny of Moammar Gadhafi. But Cain is banking on the hope that GOP contempt for smarty-pants gotcha journalists will outweigh concerns that he may be out of his league.
we've already had a thread on how "stupid" the Republican party is.. What's stupid is when all you smelly shitting demoncrats meet on the corner and decide "stuppid" is going to be your word for the day. what a bunch of :cow::cow:
Hmm, democrats came into office in 2006 pledging the most open and ethical COngress ever. We've had Charlie Rangel, Nancy Pelosi and who knows how many other scandals since. They came in pledging to reform earmarks and we've had tons of earmarks. They failed to pass a budget for 3 years. Obama was elected in 2008 as a post partisan president. We have the most divided country we've had since the Civil War. He has failed at every policy and program and our economy is in a shambles.

And the GOP is stupid??
Coming from Paul Begala, one of the biggest political hacks on the planet, it's not saying much.

"If it was about lying under oath - we actually know that Clinton certainly was deceptive, as most people would be about their sex lives - but, in fact, he did not lie." - Paul Begala
Personally I think they are both stupid.

The country is broke and getting broker and all they can do is point fingers at each other.

I'm beginning to think that neither party has the smarts to fix anything.
I smell a troll thread. Someone give rwer some cologne and a map.

Do you disagree with what was posted?

Go at it Grandpa

I see no value in the op other than to irritate others.

I have been around for some time and remember the Republicans of old,I think it accurately reflects today's republicans. Those that are smart realize how crazy the rightwing positions are but are afraid to speak up

Can you believe actually being afraid to say that you believe in evolution?
What really amazes me is the Republican big tent that has no room for those with differing opinions has found room for the John Birchers of old
I have been around for some time and remember the Republicans of old,I think it accurately reflects today's republicans. Those that are smart realize how crazy the rightwing positions are but are afraid to speak up

yes not afraid to seize and ruin the world illegally

but afraid to speak up when they disagree with you
I think we should analyze the candidates, their actions and their stance on the issues. and determine if theyn have a brain to iuse theiur own independent thoughts or merely party puppets.

The Super Committee was a perfect example of party puppts strategically selected for a NO WIM goal.

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