Zionist genocide in Israel

Get back to me after you've spent 10 - 11 months walking and hitch hiking around the Middle East, living in and around Palestinian refugee camps, staying in touch M.E. diplomatic officials and studying the region for 60 years.

Meanwhile, keep parroting whatever MSM pours into your head.
I have spent a few weeks in Israel as an at large tourist, meaning I didn't go on a tour. Therefore I didn't stick out as a tourist. The Palestinians I ran into weren't really all that nice at all.

The camps are just awful. They are an fine example of how the Arab world refuses to allow the Palestinians a life. Israel doesn't keep them in the camps. Jodan does. Lebanon does.

Remember, Jordan doesn't want them. Egypt doesn't want them. Find any arab country that would take them in. You won't.
They aren't. They have been very clever and innovative in dealing with their environment.

Ask an Arab what they want.... They want a peaceful, civil society.

That's not what Israelis want.
Then why have Arab/Muslims spent the past 1400 years expanding out of Arabia and trying to convert the whole world to Islam ???
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I "Fake News" you not for the excerpt content but for this disinformation lie from you;
"A primary difference is that the SS was bound by the Geneva Convention and other International Laws ... "

Nazi Germany had long ago prior abandoned being bound by other, their rapid rearmament in violation of the WW1 treaty is major proof.
Also, Hitler and the Nazis were working with Arab/Muslim extremists to initiate uprisings in the French and British mandates in the Middle East. A significant number came close to succeeding.

Relations between Nazi Germany and the Arab world - Wikipedia

How Nazis courted the Islamic world during WWII - DW

Free Arabian Legion - Wikipedia

Also, post World War Two former German generals and Nazis helped train the Arab/Muslim national militaries for the eventual 1948 War to try and destroy Israel.

The 1948 Arab war against Israel: An aftershock of World War II?

Otto Skorzeny - Wikipedia

What We Got Wrong About Nazis And Terrorists - HuffPost

1. Even Hasbara dominated Wikipedia admits that it's unreliable. Why do you choose only one bias source to form your opinions?

2. Before you you condemn Germany's rejection of the infamous Treaty of Versailles, try to name just one country that has violated more International Laws than Israel.... and been rewarded with $ Trillions for decades of Zionist expansionism and genocide.

1. Even Hasbara dominated Wikipedia admits that it's unreliable. Why do you choose only one bias source to form your opinions?

2. Before you you condemn Germany's rejection of the infamous Treaty of Versailles, try to name just one country that has violated more International Laws than Israel.... and been rewarded with $ Trillions for decades of Zionist expansionism and genocide.

How about you try explaining why you are a Jew hater and want to re-fire the ovens ?!

Sorry 'Charlie'(Komrade), you are cess-pool reject and a waste of human skin. Go bow to Mecca and kiss the butt of your fellow Islamic Jihadists!

Show where Israel has sought to expand beyond historical boundaries while your Islamic, Mudslims are trying to convert the whole world/humanity to their poisonous demon-spawn fake religion. Expansionists outside of the deserts of Arabian peninsula.
Regarding Israel and the Gaza operation.
When Israeli athletes were killed at the Munich Olympics, no one bombed Munich. The perpetrators were fished out one by one and punished.
So they don't have to kill women and children. But they do.
Regarding Israel and the Gaza operation.
When Israeli athletes were killed at the Munich Olympics, no one bombed Munich. The perpetrators were fished out one by one and punished.
So they don't have to kill women and children. But they do.
they weren't from Munich and didn't hide among Germans. German civilians didn't participate in the massacre.
they weren't from Munich and didn't hide among Germans. German civilians didn't participate in the massacre.

It seems like you are missing the point.

A legitimate response to the "surprise" attack would have been surgical and had a precise exit strategy after about 1,200 Palestinian casualties.

This was no "surprise" attack to the "Greater Israel" elements in the Netanyahu regime who knew of the attack over a year before 7 October.

Now, Gaza is in ruins, it's people are being systematically exterminated and Zionist "Settlers" have already redrawn the maps for their illegal Settlements.

Any objective and rational person can connect the dots.
It seems like you are missing the point.

A legitimate response to the "surprise" attack would have been surgical and had a precise exit strategy after about 1,200 Palestinian casualties.

This was no "surprise" attack to the "Greater Israel" elements in the Netanyahu regime who knew of the attack over a year before 7 October.

Now, Gaza is in ruins, it's people are being systematically exterminated and Zionist "Settlers" have already redrawn the maps for their illegal Settlements.

Any objective and rational person can connect the dots.
No, it seems like you are missing the point. An attempt was made at an analogy but the analogy fails. A person with even a weak grasp of basic logic would see that.

Gaza is not in ruins. It is still being run by Hamas and still advancing violence against Israel. You seem not to have any idea what is going on.
No, it seems like you are missing the point. An attempt was made at an analogy but the analogy fails. A person with even a weak grasp of basic logic would see that.

Gaza is not in ruins. It is still being run by Hamas and still advancing violence against Israel. You seem not to have any idea what is going on.
Wow. Delusional.

How many Palestinians must die before you stop supporting your leader the war criminal Bibi?
It does indicate your leader Bibi supported Hamas.

PS please see my following post with several links reporting Israel’s support of Hamas.

I don't watch Fox news. Bibi allowed Qatar to send suitcases of cash into Gaza. that is not Bibi supporting nor funding nor Israel supporting nor funding Hamas.

It is Israel's attempt to keep the petty little children from having another temper tantrum from which they will need to be spanked. Harder.
How many Israelis have to be killed for you to see that Gaza needs to be demilitarized?
Lol. You are clueless. You don’t even know wtf you’re talking. Israel is mass murdering with impunity, but you think they are the victims of genocide.

Seek mental help. Zionist nut job.
I don't watch Fox news. Bibi allowed Qatar to send suitcases of cash into Gaza. that is not Bibi supporting nor funding nor Israel supporting nor funding Hamas.

It is Israel's attempt to keep the petty little children from having another temper tantrum from which they will need to be spanked. Harder.
Bibi your leader supported Hamas. Accept it.
Lol. You are clueless. You don’t even know wtf you’re talking. Israel is mass murdering with impunity, but you think they are the victims of genocide.

Seek mental help. Zionist nut job.
You are completely uninformed and have no idea what is going on. Israel is defending itself with precision army attacks, reducing civilian deaths to levels unheard of in wartime. You really need to learn to read and maybe even think. You are clearly not good at either one. You might want to consider going to school.

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