The Hacker Doodle


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a tale about network daredevils, which I think reflects some of the federalism-revolution themes symbolic of the modern age such as anti-centralization, transit-politics, and grid-engineering. It was inspired by the computer-infiltration film Tron. Do you think the capitalism-subjective Trump Administration is invested closely with the pedestrian daydreams relevant to our compass of 'poor-boy politics'?

Will Trump be considered as someone alienated from the populace (given his pure profiteering background), or will he be considered as someone sensitive to the desires of people of the business networking-gauged modern age (given his pure venture-capitalism background)?

I like drawing out these stories to think about the economics-based web of modern politics (and its reach into pedestrian culture and even storytelling). What will be the Treasure Island of the future?


The lives of four random individuals were about to cross. Ajay Satan and Ben Frank, two Ivy League graduates now working for a Christian interest and a design-firm (respectively) travelled to Hollywood to see some of the production-sets and pre-screenings of the new Tom Cruise film Edge of Tomorrow. They were able to meet and converse with Cruise who was drawn to their sense of outward idealism and curiosity about film-making. Cruise told them he was interested in the sociology of developmental civilization, and they told Cruise they were interested in federalism critique.

Cruise had Ajay and Ben come to his house in LA where they met with another actor friend of his, Sebastian Stan, who had just completed the film Captain America: Civil War. Stan informed them that the reason Cruise brought them out to his house is because they were planning an elaborate Los Angeles bank-robbery wearing masks of ex-Presidents (e.g., Reagan, Carter, Johnson, Clinton, etc.). Ajay and Ben asked Cruise and Stan why they wanted to recruit random college graduates, and the two celebrities responded, "Expected respectability by the criterion of trustworthiness." Cruise and Stan wanted to make anti-federalism 'gestures' to protest the Trump Administration more radically and escape their 'media-cage' rituals.

Having sealed their pact and their mutual respect for each other (celebrities and Ivy League students), the '4Some' decided to call themselves the Hacker Gang and went to work infiltrating some of the more elaborate computerized money transfer systems across the globe (Switzerland, Hong Kong, NYC, LA, Sydney, etc.). Cruise started delivering veiling messages in the press such as, "Computerized lifestyle in the modern age reveals a special sensitivity to algorithm/program malfunction!" The Hacker Gang managed to extract $10 million in 1 year of work. Cruise's messages in the media covered their tracks, since it seemed the celebrity was psychic only about the modernism malady of computer-dependency based networking!


THE HACKER GANG (Cruise, Ben, Ajay, Sebastian):

The Celebrity Rolodex

Isn't it interesting how the Internet has a 'glossy-gossip' feel? Will pro-pedestrian melee media such as People Magazine be remembered by future archaeologists as beacons of 21st Century 'grid-demographics'? Will President Trump be labelled as a 'federalism android'? He's the first celebrity-prez since movie-actor Ronald Reagan. There's a chance this celebrity prez will actually care about 'pedestrian diseases.'

If Trump makes comments like, "I can't stand 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?'", his approval-ratings will plummet it seems. Maybe 'gibberish' is suddenly...romantic.


When Tom Cruise and Leo DiCaprio both discovered they were receiving similar comments on their Facebook profile pages (since both American movie-stars had achieved very comparable 'celebrity-status'), they decided to meet about sharing some social outreach activity (perhaps eco-related). Their exchange would impact how media figures/personalities would delve into the sticky world of 'pedestrian politics' (i.e., Trump Administration related profiteer gossip). Mostly, the two celebrities decided to become 'Devil's advocates' of Facebook.

CRUISE: You're as wealthy as I am!
DICAPRIO: So many wealthy celebrities around these days...
CRUISE: I noticed you're involved in eco-activism.
DICAPRIO: I do what I can.
CRUISE: Are you interested in anti-federalism literature?
DICAPRIO: You mean like Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States?
CRUISE: Precisely. Dianetics, The Monkey Wrench Gang, Pirates of Silicon Valley.
DICAPRIO: Are you a fan of the Jobs-Gates phenomenon?
CRUISE: The Apple-Microsoft 'bubble' speaks volumes about pedestrian engineering.
DICAPRIO: The Internet hacker is the new terrorist.
CRUISE: Are you accusing me of being a member of The Hacker Gang?
DICAPRIO: All I'm saying is celebrities seem at liberty to make more 'daring' decisions!



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