Trump's Mime Drawing


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
When we see our own image in a mirror, we may become ultra-conscious of how we valuate our self-esteem, intelligence, and even physical beauty.

A mime is a face-painted performance-artist who engages in the acting out a story through body motions, without use of speech/language. Watching mimes perform is not unlike watching a silent-film, since the content/theme of the artistic 'message' (or story) is delivered without actually hearing the performers speak.

Therefore, when we see a mime perform his craft, we become sensitive about what can be conveyed without language. Instrumental musicians (e.g., pianists) understand this artist-audience 'dynamic.'

The Mohegan Sun is a relatively successful gaming/casino center in Connecticut founded and operated by the Native-American people of the Mohegan Nation. When patrons/tourists/players go to Mohegan Sun, there is an 'unspoken' cultural 'contract' to honor the struggles of the Mohegan peoples as customers of their 'casino-shop.'

If we go to Mohegan Sun as conscious political activists regarding the democratic rights of under-represented (minority) groups working to achieve social/cultural/political recognition (and even economic aid), we may feel like we are being treated with a 'pseudo-political' mime-art 'act'!

In other words, in our modern profiteerism-gauged 'geo-political culture' (e.g., Wall Street, European Union, NATO, etc.), understanding the cultural ramifications of social initiatives can feel as charming or as confusing as witnessing a 'mime-art' act.

That's why free-speech is so important to Americans who cherish democracy and intellectual freedom, and it separates the USA philosophically from pseudo-fascist (or communist) nations in world history such as USSR, North Korea, and Nazi Germany.

This all makes me think that one of the reasons American film-makers like to make pictures in black-and-white (even modern-day film-makers who denounce the use of colors in film-making!) is because the glaring lack of color on screen forces audiences to deal with the 'subconscious complexities' of the usually-heavy cultural/political storylines/themes presented. Such films include Celebrity, Good Night and Good Luck, and Sin City.

So here's a short-story I cooked up about an American film-maker (Bryan Singer) visualizing a black-and-white modern film about a group of robbers ('crusading citizens') attempting to do a politics-themed heist of Mohegan Sun.

How would the capitalism-subjective Trump Administration respond to such consumerism-critical 'pedestrian storytelling'? The answer to such a question will illuminate if Trump is remembered as a 'token capitalist' (i.e., Trump Taj Mahal) or as a 'consumerism diplomat' (e.g., Wall Street).


Tom Cruise, the American movie superstar, was bored with being just a 'celebrity' and wanted to use his interests in the Church of Scientology to feel more politically-active, so he started delivering messages in the media about the democratic value of religious pluralism. When one of the newsies that swarm around Cruise asked the actor what he thought about the consumerism value of the Native-American peoples-controlled Mohegan Sun casino, Cruise had to admit he was unfamiliar with the sociological activities of that establishment. Embarrassed by his ignorance, Cruise decided to stage a special 'celebrity PR bank-robbery' at Mohegan Sun to bring some welcomed and intriguing media attention to the needs of the Mohegan Nation.

Cruise recruited his friend Sebastian Stan (who had just finished work on his comic book adapted vigilantism-daydream film Captain America: Civil War) and two idealistic Internet-bloggers he found on World Discussion Forum (two Ivy League graduates and amateur sociologists named Ajay Satan and Ben Frank). The 4Some decided to call themselves the Mohegan Messengers. Cruise's plan was to break into Mohegan Sun on Halloween Eve costumed in masks of ex-Presidents (e.g., Reagan, Carter, Clinton, Nixon, etc.) and carrying video-cameras and stage a 'fake robbery of the casino.' He would then sell the tape of the staged robbery to news networks and use the video as a platform to deliver his idealistic message, "We can use the media and Americans' fascination with adventure to surprisingly promote ethnic business establishments/districts such as Chinatown and Mohegan Sun!"

The Mohegan Messengers succeeded in their daring and clever little 'media PR stunt,' and Cruise was commended in the press for his creative political consciousness. He even received a special marketing offer from the eco-activism celebrity-managed organization The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation which was working in Europe to bring eco-activism to EuroDisney with clever celebrity-operated 'diplomatic' eco-inquiry visits. Cruise felt much better about being just an 'average wealthy movie star' and started to cook up ideas about how to link his newfound interests in the Mohegan Nation to his older interests in Scientology marketing. The American film-maker Bryan Singer got a copy of the Mohegan Sun 'media PR' robbery-video performed by the now 'infamous' Mohegan Messengers (Tom Cruise, Sebastian Stan, Ajay Satan, Ben Frank) and decided to adapt into a politically conscious provocative film about 'consumerism culture' in the modern world. The politically-active film-maker Michael Moore decided to get on board with the project and proposed that the robbers portrayed in the Singer film perform the Mohegan robbery dressed as mimes!


Charlie Chaplin

Since I got a favorable response to the original post in this thread, I'd thought I'd complement it (metaphysically) with this ethics-standard short-story about Charlie Chaplin related democracy-intrigue. Hey, I want to feel good about the dollars behind 'TrumpUSA.'


Bryan Singer got such great critical and audience reactions to his film about the Mohegan Messengers titled The Native Bandits that he decided to take on another ambitious sociologically-symbolic film --- this one about the life and intrigue surrounding the pseudo-mime silent film artist Charlie Chaplin. Singer decided to cast Haley Joel-Osment (star of Spielberg's alienation-limitation film Artificial Intelligence) as Chaplin and cast Amy Adams as his main love-interest. Singer made the film very elegiac, so it got the attention of Cruise and the Mohegan Messangers.

Cruise decided to visit the set of the film's production set where the actors were costumed and ready to perform their scripted scenes. Cruise and Stan decided to approach Joel-Osment and ask him if he wanted to help them rob a bank in Tijuana, Mexico (a confluence-controversial bordertown). Ajay (Satan) and Ben (Frank) were once again recruited for this new 5Some which Cruise called The Mohegan Radicals. The mission Cruise planned involved the robbing a Tijuana bank and then travelling to Amsterdam to open a hashish-legal cafe/bar/bistro. The plan worked and The Mohegan Radicals became a European 'market-ally' of the Mohegan Sun (and the Mohegan Nation!).

As Cruise's bistro flourished (and its menu items were given multiple culinary awards by Johnson & Wales University and Yale University), the Mohegan Radicals became 'diplomats of mercantilism-based peace.' President Trump personally awarded the Mohegan Radicals with a special 'Patriots' Medal' meant to signify a new age appreciation of politics-related civic duty. "Community values are not separate from political conscience in this age of commerce/traffic-transit related social consciousness (e.g., Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps)." When Trump delivered this symbolic pro-populism comment in front of the Yale Class of 2000 graduating class, people thought to themselves, "Is our President (a former venture-capitalist) a 'consumerism token' or a 'real Godsend'?"


The Tooth-Fairy


Cruise was intrigued by how Charlie Chaplin's approach to physical comedy in silent-films made him seem like a mime in some ways. He started evaluating the photogenic quality of mimes and how the art of photography was symbolic of a modern age interest in perception depth (e.g., video games, virtual reality, digital TV, etc.). Cruise took out a book on the investigations of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (author of the iconic Sherlock Holmes detective-stories) into the possible authenticity of a series of eerie but enchanting and lively amateur photographs of fairies (known as the Cottingley Fairies). He discovered Doyle's insistence that the human interest to 'capture' moving reality in photo-pictures revealed a deep metaphysical mystery regarding the manipulation of light itself!

Cruise decided to go on a personal sabbatical to the area where the Cottingley Fairies photographs were taken. He felt fascinated by the local folklore-friendly people who welcomed the American celebrity's newfound curiosity about the tangibility of mysticism in the real world. Cruise was about to make a film about magic and belief anyway (a biopic about the iconic magician and escape-artist Harry Houdini, but the project fell apart), so he felt somewhat 'trained' to approach this new and intriguing realm of intellectual fancy. He wrote in his diary, "If Americans care enough about consumerism enough to elect a venture-capitalist as its President, then surely, we can learn something about the spiritual value of marketed/collected 'antiques' (such as old photos) from the nearly-ethereal Cottingley Fairies photos --- something humbling but also perhaps jewel-like for the capitalism-trumpeting Trump Administration!"

Cruise woke the next day in his hotel room to discover a strange white ribbon left on the sofa outside his bedroom. He picked it up and then realized there were some photo negatives placed on the table in front of the sofa. The negatives were of the Cottingley Fairies photos (Cruise assumed one of his travel chaperones had them specially-made for him, given his invested interest in this popular local folklore which drew the mind of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle). When he was about to check out of the hotel, he told the concierge to thank whoever left the synthesized photo-negatives on his table, but the concierge assured him no one entered his room all night. When Cruise asked if there were reports of room break-ins for any reason, the concierge assured him that hotel security was very good but that apparently (since the hotel was build over an old cemetery) there were local 'ghost stories' about strange phantom visitors in various buildings (such as the hotel) leaving strange mementos. Cruise met with President Trump two months later in Los Angeles and explained to him, "While investigating some folk mysticism regarding the authenticity of magical photographs and perhaps their relation to 'consumerism cynicism,' I may have gotten a visit from the enchantment-bestowing Tooth-Fairy!" President Trump started laughing so hard, but First Lady Melania Trump told Cruise, "Maybe you found Karl Marx!"



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