The debate winner isssss........

Wrong. Romney's entire political career has been as a moderate. He put on conservative gloves to win the primary but apparently the only one that didn't know that are the Looney left

Are you kidding me? This whole time people have been saying romeom has been just saying what you want to hear and now you fucking just admit it like its nothing?

Holy shit we as a nation are fucked.
For the past 4 years, we have been fucked, yes.

Anyone with an IQ over 50 knew that Romney is a moderate. He fed the base red meat in the primary and some people bought into it.

Obama will move to the center to get more support, though no one believes he was ever anything but an extremist.

I didn't watch the debate. I'm more interested in the excuses and delusions of the left in threads like this.

It is instructive of just how badly this country is under-educated.

Oh, the irony. You talk about the left being under-educated, yet just last election the liberals were getting made fun of for being too elitist, too educated, so the right tries to dumb everything down. Which is it? Are liberals under-educated or over educated? Just another example of someone on the right switching their position to gain a better rhetorical foothold, but without logic or substance.
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Romney and Obama both did pretty well. I do however give Romney a slight edge because he was able to get under Obama's skin a few times and Obama's facial expressions clearly showed it.

Thing is my mind on who to vote for in November was already made up so my opinion really doesn't matter with regard to the outcome of this debate.

I think Romney proved to be presidential and that's what he needed to show.

The moderator was the big loser imo.

You can look at the job Lehrer did in one of two ways; he failed miserably by not holding either of them to their time limits, or it was great giving them each some leeway in keeping the conversation going. Personally, I would have preferred more control from the moderator, but it really wasn't a big deal.
Are you kidding me? This whole time people have been saying romeom has been just saying what you want to hear and now you fucking just admit it like its nothing?

Holy shit we as a nation are fucked.
For the past 4 years, we have been fucked, yes.

Anyone with an IQ over 50 knew that Romney is a moderate. He fed the base red meat in the primary and some people bought into it.

Obama will move to the center to get more support, though no one believes he was ever anything but an extremist.

I didn't watch the debate. I'm more interested in the excuses and delusions of the left in threads like this.

It is instructive of just how badly this country is under-educated.

Oh, the irony. You talk about the left being under-educated, yet just last election the liberals were getting made fun of for being too elitist, too educated, so the right tries to dumb everything down. Which is it? Are liberals under-educated or over educated? Just another example of someone on the right switching their position to gain a better rhetorical foothold, but without logic or substance.

You can be educated and stupid at the same time. From your comments here I think you are!
I didnt watch the debate but judging from headlines and comments here Romney beat Obama like a red headed step child. The carping by the Left is just awsome. It tells me they are impervious to arguments, impervious to truth. There is nothing that can persuade them that the last 4years have been a total disaster, both foreign and domestic.
This is a replay of 1980. Reagan trailed before the debates and cleaned up at the end.
Did obama use Nixon's 1960 debate coach to prep for tonight? The chump made every technical and stylistic mistake possible:

He looked tired and disengaged. He looked downward like a school kid called to the principals office. He avoided eye contact with Romney, and his eyes were nervously shifting while. Mitt spoke. He allowed Romney to take control of the debate, and walk over Lehrer to stomp him. The worst part, he let Romney have the last word on every single question, allowing Mitt to appear to always have the better answer.

I don't know if Romney can overcome America's 0bama worship and the hostile main-scream media. But with tonight's overwhelming victory, and the two upcoming face-offs with Obama. I now see at least a possible pathway to having a human president again.
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Obama had class, and didn't treat this like an elementary school shit-flinging contest, but with the respect it deserved. Romney was playing the same old transparent games of trying to step all over Obama and get those "gotcha" moments so reminiscent of presidential debates past. Obama obviously didn't care for the petty, and was more interested in trying to make cogent points that actually had substance and meaning for the questions at hand. In other words, Obama is a man, and Romney has some growing up to do.

With Obama's head hanging down, it didn't appear he wanted to even be at the debates, let alone WANT the job. The poor guy definately looked like he was missing his TelePrompter to say the least lol
Obama had class, and didn't treat this like an elementary school shit-flinging contest, but with the respect it deserved. Romney was playing the same old transparent games of trying to step all over Obama and get those "gotcha" moments so reminiscent of presidential debates past. Obama obviously didn't care for the petty, and was more interested in trying to make cogent points that actually had substance and meaning for the questions at hand. In other words, Obama is a man, and Romney has some growing up to do.

Buhahahahahaha, you're kidding right???

No romrom moved to the center tonight and let out the true are just too stupid to see it.

Didn't Obama try to move to the center by throwing rev wright under the bus, distancing him from any of his remarks? He also boasted he could bring unemployment down to 8% and that the massive debt under President George W. Bush was simply immoral. Now we see Obama simply can't spend enough, and the concerns of cutting that debt in half was HIS attempt to appear more moving towards the center.
Excuses, excuses. :lol:

If I were making excuses I would be attempting to explain Obama's rather flat and tired demeanor. No excuses here. The man was not on his game tonight. Romney on the other hand looked like he had a nose full of meth and a painful erection lasting over 4 hours.

It's obvious what happened. Romney prepared and obama relied on his many campaign speeches. He regurgitated them verbatim. When they weren't working, he had nothing.

Recycling the same old message is all Obama has left. He couldn't help but go back to the blame game of looking to President Bush, but then tried to remind everyone afterwards that he is actually moving foward. It appears to me that Obama needs to make up his own mind which direction he wants to go in the debates, his remarks are reminiscent of a tennis match at this point. He has no clear vision on how to take this nation out of this stagnant economy. Where are the all these jobs Obama? You mentioned education, why didn't you concentrate on that instead of The View and David Letterman?
I may be. I only caught the second half of the debate. I admit Obama seemed a little tired, I guess, but he was more respectful of the process and of the debate itself, which can not be said for Romney. When you're opponent is employing bullshit tactics, its hard not to also partake. I think Obama did a pretty good job resisting this temptation and keeping his composure amidst such immaturity and subtle flame-throwing.

In otherwords Romney LEAD the debate. He drove it. Exercised leadership skills

When you lack integrity, leading the debate amounts to nothing.

Obama lacks real leadership and that's what we need in this country. A President can't become influenced by his decisions based upon the latest polls, true Presidential leadership actually MAKES the hard unpopular decisions that carries the nation's best interest and changes polls.
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Romney and Obama both did pretty well. I do however give Romney a slight edge because he was able to get under Obama's skin a few times and Obama's facial expressions clearly showed it.

Thing is my mind on who to vote for in November was already made up so my opinion really doesn't matter with regard to the outcome of this debate.

I think Romney proved to be presidential and that's what he needed to show.

The moderator was the big loser imo.

totally agree, Romney brought his A-game imo. And Obama just did bad. Like how Romney would cite the CBO for his statements whereas Obama would just say "many sources said this/that" he [Obama] need a lot more citations. Obama didn't really exploit any of Romney's flip flops, he certainly could have through stating Romney's reversal on many positions and citing when and where he said those things. I almost wonder if Obama can debate at all.
I'd hope Obama figures out a couple things for the next 2 presidential debates.

Sure as hell hope the next moderator is better, that guy was 10x more of an announcer than he was a moderator.

edit: I do want to say one thing. Romney said he could get people to work together in Congress. That's not correct at all, sure the GOP will cooperate with him, but the democrats will just end up doing what the repub's have been doing for the past 4 years (constant filibusters and the like). No matter who wins, with so much partisanship in congress, it's going to be the same thing for the next 4 years.

In my opinion, if you want a better America stop focusing so much on who the president is, Congress is the place that needs change.
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I actually feel a little sorry for Obama. He got owned. He looked unprepared and stumbled through answers. He constantly drifted off topic and generally looked confused.

Romney was prepared. He was assertive and backed his answers clearly and with facts.

Romney by TKO.

:lol:Well thats the way Ubama is without his teleprompter. He falls flat on his * * *.
This is what happened.

I actually feel a little sorry for Obama. He got owned. He looked unprepared and stumbled through answers. He constantly drifted off topic and generally looked confused.

Romney was prepared. He was assertive and backed his answers clearly and with facts.

Romney by TKO.

:lol:Well thats the way Ubama is without his teleprompter. He falls flat on his * * *.

I disagree. i think Obama thought he'd just waltz in there, trample Romney, and lock in the presidency. Obviously that didn't happen because Romney was simply more prepared than Obama.
In otherwords Romney LEAD the debate. He drove it. Exercised leadership skills

When you lack integrity, leading the debate amounts to nothing.

Obama lacks real leadership and that's what we need in this country. A President can't become influenced by his decisions based upon the latest polls, true Presidential leadership actually MAKES the hard unpopular decisions that carries the nation's best interest and changes polls.
He was lost when the bell rang following inauguration.

That's a sign of having the bell toll 4 years later.

Romney doesn't have that problem. He knows just what he has to do to restart America's fire of goodness and purpose in the world.
If I were making excuses I would be attempting to explain Obama's rather flat and tired demeanor. No excuses here. The man was not on his game tonight. Romney on the other hand looked like he had a nose full of meth and a painful erection lasting over 4 hours.

It's obvious what happened. Romney prepared and obama relied on his many campaign speeches. He regurgitated them verbatim. When they weren't working, he had nothing.

Recycling the same old message is all Obama has left. He couldn't help but go back to the blame game of looking to President Bush, but then tried to remind everyone afterwards that he is actually moving foward. It appears to me that Obama needs to make up his own mind which direction he wants to go in the debates, his remarks are reminiscent of a tennis match at this point. He has no clear vision on how to take this nation out of this stagnant economy. Where are the all these jobs Obama? You mentioned education, why didn't you concentrate on that instead of The View and David Letterman?

Obama has done almost nothing since the GOP took control of Congress. Where are those big ideas? Where has he been pushing programs, selling his ideas, etc? Nowhere. He has nothing because he cannot work with anyone with different ideas from his own.
It's obvious what happened. Romney prepared and obama relied on his many campaign speeches. He regurgitated them verbatim. When they weren't working, he had nothing.

Recycling the same old message is all Obama has left. He couldn't help but go back to the blame game of looking to President Bush, but then tried to remind everyone afterwards that he is actually moving foward. It appears to me that Obama needs to make up his own mind which direction he wants to go in the debates, his remarks are reminiscent of a tennis match at this point. He has no clear vision on how to take this nation out of this stagnant economy. Where are the all these jobs Obama? You mentioned education, why didn't you concentrate on that instead of The View and David Letterman?

Obama has done almost nothing since the GOP took control of Congress. Where are those big ideas? Where has he been pushing programs, selling his ideas, etc? Nowhere. He has nothing because he cannot work with anyone with different ideas from his own.

Could it possibly be that the GOP in Congress can't work with anyone's ideas other than their own? o.0
Ummm... So what. That has nothing to do with integrity. In fact, this demonstrates integrity on Obama's part, not trying to take the lead, but trying to have a respectful debate about important issues that people need to hear about, instead of trying to lay down the next "zinger" to get a nice jump in the polls, as if this has anything to do with being a president. It is not a sign of strength to really give it your opponent, it is a sign of weakness, especially when it is used a compensatory mechanism for having no positive arguments of your own.

You're on your own bud. Even democratic strategists and pundits are ALL saying it was Obama who was completely out to lunch. I tried to be non partisan in my op so everyone would feel free to be realistic in their responses but your rhetoric doesn't match what we just saw

I never claimed he won, although I would say he did, but I realize that many don't see it that way and I can even understand why, I just think their reasoning is bullshit because it is superficial. I am just observing and discussing what I see to be true about the debate and the discussion.

I would say that you are attempting to rationalize away Obama's piss poor performance in the debate. You are desperately seeking something to hang that rationale on. You wind up lying to yourself.

Obama lost because all he had for ammunition was his talking points, and he couldn't back them up with facts or logic. All he could do was continue repeating them while attempting to run out the clock with rambling rhetoric.
Recycling the same old message is all Obama has left. He couldn't help but go back to the blame game of looking to President Bush, but then tried to remind everyone afterwards that he is actually moving foward. It appears to me that Obama needs to make up his own mind which direction he wants to go in the debates, his remarks are reminiscent of a tennis match at this point. He has no clear vision on how to take this nation out of this stagnant economy. Where are the all these jobs Obama? You mentioned education, why didn't you concentrate on that instead of The View and David Letterman?

Obama has done almost nothing since the GOP took control of Congress. Where are those big ideas? Where has he been pushing programs, selling his ideas, etc? Nowhere. He has nothing because he cannot work with anyone with different ideas from his own.

Could it possibly be that the GOP in Congress can't work with anyone's ideas other than their own? o.0
Is it more likely that one person cannot work with others or that 300 something people can't work with one person? Given the diversity of the GOP your suggestion is absurd.

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