The 50 most developed countries in the world and Universal Healthcare.

I suppose they do, but that has nothing to do with libertarian ideology. Low prices isn't a libertarian value. Freedom is.
Freedom to pay lower prices.
Which makes as much sense as a "right to healthcare".
Freedom for lower healthcare cost.

It doesn't sound like you understand freedom. It doesn't mean "free stuff".
Freedom for free stuff! Sounds like a plan!
"Free stuff!" is the battle cry of the Stalinist.
Freedom to pay lower prices.
Which makes as much sense as a "right to healthcare".
Freedom for lower healthcare cost.

It doesn't sound like you understand freedom. It doesn't mean "free stuff".
Freedom for free stuff! Sounds like a plan!
"Free stuff!" is the battle cry of the Stalinist.
Or a thief. Stalin had great hair. I bet you don't.
Freedom to pay lower prices.
Which makes as much sense as a "right to healthcare".
Freedom for lower healthcare cost.

It doesn't sound like you understand freedom. It doesn't mean "free stuff".
Freedom for free stuff! Sounds like a plan!
"Free stuff!" is the battle cry of the Stalinist.
... Must save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share in taxes.... Brainwashed functional moron.
Canadians are free to seek out health care wherever they want. Their prescription drugs are also much cheaper.

Really sick of hearing that smug, superior line in connection with countries that only have "cheaper drugs" because the US is actually propping them up.

Pharmaceutical companies would be a whole lot less cooperative about the artificially low drug prices countries like Canada demand if they weren't able to recoup the losses by charging Americans more. And they wouldn't even consider spending the money on R&D to develop new drugs if it wasn't for the US.

So really, Canada and nations like it are the reason why medications cost so much in the US.
Drug companies like to gouge Americans because they fall for it so easily.
Your children will pay the price when government decides to control drug prices.
If government controls prices we'll all pay less.
There won't be any new drugs, you fucking dumbass. Drug companies aren't going to invest billions of dollars if they can't recoup their costs.

Another bullshit lie. The USA doesn’t have the market cornered on drug research fool. That a lie they tell you to keep you paying THEIR prices.

The EPI pen you pay $400 for in the US, I pay $70 for here because my government protects its citizens from price gouging and negotiated lower drug prices for all Canadians.

The same is true in Europe. For profit health care in the USA is the only market in the world paying these prices.
Really sick of hearing that smug, superior line in connection with countries that only have "cheaper drugs" because the US is actually propping them up.

Pharmaceutical companies would be a whole lot less cooperative about the artificially low drug prices countries like Canada demand if they weren't able to recoup the losses by charging Americans more. And they wouldn't even consider spending the money on R&D to develop new drugs if it wasn't for the US.

So really, Canada and nations like it are the reason why medications cost so much in the US.
Drug companies like to gouge Americans because they fall for it so easily.
Your children will pay the price when government decides to control drug prices.
If government controls prices we'll all pay less.
There won't be any new drugs, you fucking dumbass. Drug companies aren't going to invest billions of dollars if they can't recoup their costs.

Another bullshit lie. The USA doesn’t have the market cornered on drug research fool. That a lie they tell you to keep you paying THEIR prices.

The EPI pen you pay $400 for in the US, I pay $70 for here because my government protects its citizens from price gouging and negotiated lower drug prices for all Canadians.

The same is true in Europe. For profit health care in the USA is the only market in the world paying these prices.

Dear GOD, you're stupid.

The point isn't whether or not the US has "the market cornered" on drug research, idiot. The point is that if the US wasn't willing to pay enough for drugs to cover the R&D - if, for example, our government decided to do what YOURS did and demanded that drug companies sell at a loss here - the drug companies would stop spending money to develop new drugs.

The $400 I pay for the EPI pen is to subsidize YOUR EPI pen, because YOUR government shamelessly takes advantage of my country and then teaches its braindead, spoiled-children citizens to BRAG about it. If your citizens actually shouldered their share of the cost of developing that EPI pen, maybe all of us could pay the same amount.

What we have "the market cornered" on, in other words, is paying the freight for freeloading smug leech countries like Canada. You're fucking welcome, ingrate.
In Britain? :lol:
You're British? Well, you have the healthcare system you deserve - one of the worst in the industrialized world.

The average Brit lives longer than the average American.

Which has nothing whatsoever to do with healthcare.

As much as I realize that it confuses and bewilders you, the world is not a simple place, and humans are not simple creatures. People aren't interchangeable cogs, and nations aren't either. Simplistic answers like "Let's just do this the way the Brits do, and that'll make us just like them!" only make sense to children and fools.

First of all, there's just the math to consider. Life expectancy is an estimate, an average figured by the age at which other people die. Great Britain has a population of approximately 64 million people. The United States has a population of approximately 300 million people. How do you suppose that difference might affect the outcome of the equation?

Then there's the fact that life expectancy figured just by geographic area is wildly imprecise, because you're often lumping together people who vary hugely in individual specifics. Women have a longer life expectancy in general than men, so while my life expectancy might be X because I'm American, it's Y because I'm female. This is why life expectancy is usually figured and reported in groups within the larger group: life expectancy for women, life expectancy for white people, life expectancy for Arizona, life expectancy for non-smokers.

Great Britain is a mostly homogenous society in terms of race and ethnicity; the United States definitely isn't. As politically incorrect as it is to mention it, other racial and ethnic groups have quite different life expectancies from white people, some better and some worse, for a variety of different reasons. Those factors change the averages quite a bit. And noticeably, when you break down US life expectancy by racial and ethnic group, they often become comparable to the life expectancies of people in the origin country. It's almost like there are other factors at work there.

I can keep going, listing other factors that have far more influence on life expectancy than how socialized the healthcare system is, but the point is that the differences between countries are varied and complex, which means that making life expectancy the exact same is also far more complex.

Fine, take France, Italy, Spain, Germany and the United Kingdom. That's 315 million people. On average they live longer than Americans. They have Universal Health care. They only spend about 1/2 to 2/3 of what the United States does on health care. Everyone is provided for, they live longer, then spend less on healthcare. WIN, WIN, AND WIN!

Fact: People living in countries with Universal Healthcare on average live longer than people in countries without Universal Healthcare.
They are almost entirely white. Should we ship all the black people off to Africa to improve out life expectancy?


Which race is more likely to live in poverty and not have health insurance? This just proves the value of having Universal Healthcare.
You are not a "developed" country if you have a system where you steal the money made by some people and use it to pay the health care bills of other people that didn't earn the money.

That is state sponsored thievery.

Wrong, because people EARN money from the MARKET! The MARKET decides your salary and how much your house is worth, NOT you. You did not create the market, you were born into it. Those who benefit most from the market are required to pay a higher percentage of their earnings in taxes in order to help build and sustain the market. The market needs to be defended from foreign invasion and it needs law and order to operate efficiently which is provided by a government.

Tell you what, move to Somalia where there is no government to "steal your earnings" and see how you like it.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I earned money because I fucking worked for a living. It is morally wrong for the oppressive government to steal that money from me and give it to some filthy ass welfare queen or illegal. You know, a ghetto Democrat voter.

Moon Bats like you have a hard time understanding things like that, don't you?

Instead of me going to Somalia to get lesser government how about you getting your fat commie ass down to Venezuela to how that socialism is working out? Send us a card.

How about this Moon Bat. I'll pay my bills and you pay yours. Isn't that fair or are you some greedy asshole who thinks that you have the right to demand that I pay your bills simply because you are alive?

Fuck socialism. Fuck universal health care. Fuck greedy worthless Moon Bats that are too sorry to pay for their own health care.

If you worked In the United States, then you were either employed by someone or if you had your own business it was dependent on people buying your services or products. Either way, your earnings came from THE MARKET. A market you were born into. A market that you exploited and profited from. Which is fine, as long as you pay the government back in taxes at a rate based on your earnings in order to protect the market and keep it going for future generations.
The market is not the government. Why is the latter entitled to anything because you worked your tail off and made a good living? The government is entitled only to what it costs to provide police protection, national defense and the courts. That's about 10% of what it now receives in taxes.

True, but the Market needs the government for protection from foreign attack and for law and order at home. Without the government, you have a market situation like Somalia.

These 6 things make up 86% of government spending
01. Defense
02. Social Security
03. Medicare
04. Medicaid
05. Interest on the Debt
06. Veterans Benefits.

You can't cut any of those things really unless its an emergency.
You’re a selfish prick.
It appears you are the one who refuses to help the people you pretend to be so concerned about.
I’m for universal health care. So yes, I would help.
You don’t know what universal care is. Know what you’re talking about before trying to upend an extremely complex system with many moving parts that will have drastic consequences.

Does not seem like you know what Universal healthcare is and its impact on people. The evidence is there in the numbers I have posted. People in country's with Universal Healthcare live longer on average than people who live in country's without Universal Healthcare!
Goddammit, do I really have to go through this a third time on the same thread? Universal just means everyone is to have insurance, either through mandate to purchase private insurance (like when you drive a car it needs to be insured), single payer (socialized), or a mixture. The 2nd country on your list, Switzerland, is a free market system with a mandate to buy insurance, so it’s universal. It’s a much less regulated, freer market system than ours outside of the mandate, and it is pretty much the best on the planet.

What people who don’t know what they are talking about when they say “universal” healthcare usually mean is the Bernie Sanders Medicare for all plan, which includes abolishing private insurers...which is really the only way to attempt to make it work in the US (spoiler alert: it would be a train wreck for multiple reasons). I’ve been trying to differentiate and clarify this point, because there’s plenty of idiots who say “look at the Swiss system, that’s universal,” thinking they’re making a case for single payer when they’re really making a case for a free market solution.

It’s also to be noted that many of the countries you listed are a mix between, having a socialist system with private insurance to be purchased by those who can afford. So which system are you talking about OP?

I'm talking about taking care of everyone which is what Universal Healthcare is. If you have a combination system which works, but does not mean that the rich get a better standard of care than the poor, then I think that is fine. The system the United States has is NOT Universal where we have people who can't afford the drugs they need to survive or have to pick between heating their home or getting medical care.

Again, of the top 50 developed countries in the world, 45 of them have Universal Healtcare. The 5 oddballs are the United States, Cyprus, Qatar, UAE and Bahrain.
Its the assumption that the wealthiest country in the world has the best healthcare. The same assumption that drives people to go the hospital as best in the country. The reality though is much different.

Were not talking about the few with money who choose to travel because they believe something is better. Were talking about average life expectancy in each country and which countries are providing their citizens with Universal Healthcare. Most Europeans do not go to America to get healthcare. They stay in their countries and on average live longer than Americans. That last fact is by FAR the most relevant.

Let me ask you this:

Timely Medical | Timely Surgery at Affordable Prices

This is a company. It's a company operating out of Canada. The entire purpose of this company, is to setup patient, primarily in Canada, with doctors and hospitals in the US.

They charge money, obviously to provide this service.
This is an additional charge to the cost of getting whatever treatment or surgery they get in the US.

The company was started by a Canadian doctor, who was fed up watching patients die while waiting.

So my question to you is this.....

Canada has universal care, that is "free". Please explain to me how Timely medical can find enough consistent flow of customers, willing to pay thousands of dollars for surgery in the US, and to pay them to set them up for that surgery.... if those same customers can all get surgery for 'free'?

If government run health care is so great in Canada, how can this company started by a Canadian doctor, end up with thousands of customers every year willing to pay for health care? How can they find enough people willing to spend thousands of dollar for health care, to escape their Canadian system if it is so great?

Can you explain that to me?

Don't have to. These little individual examples, whether they are true or not, are irrelevant. What matters is the overall averages on life expectancy and the countries that provide Universal Healthcare. Look FRANCE, GERMANY, SWEDEN, NORWAY, ITALY etc. Most people in the top 50 most developed countries in the world stay in their own countries when it comes to healthcare. At least 34 of those countries citizens live longer than Americans on average. One's personal experience, or some off hand example will not change that reality.

France, where doctors went on strike for weeks, and people were left without care, not to mention people died of heat stroke in hospitals during a heat wave years back.

Germany, has a system of private insurance, the nearly all people are part of.

Moreover, nearly all those countries have double our tax rate.

Which is more expensive: Current insurance premiums, or a 50% tax rate on the middle class?

And yes, the fact is, if you want to support your argument, then you do have to explain why people come from all over the world from their 'free health care' systems, to pay for health care here.

If you can't, then whether you admit it, or believe it, you have undeniably lost the argument that free government care is better.

SOME PEOPLE come to the United States for healthcare. Some. Its a tiny percentage and not proof that the United States healthcare system is better.

Healthcare cost in Europe are about 1/2 to 2/3s of what they are in the United States. The Quality is better because the people there live longer. Everyone there is provided for. Its the three BIG WINS!

The United States can get the taxes it needs for Universal Healthcare from the top 20% of income earners who have 80% of the wealth in the country. Capital Gains, Property, Estate and other things besides just income will need to see increased tax rates. The Middle Class will only be lightly effected if at all by the increased tax rates. The lower class and the poor won't have to pay anything.

This is yet another example of the mythology that I'm talking about.

If what you said was true, then why isn't Europe doing that? You claim we can get all the money we need from the top 20%, right? Why isn't Europe doing that? Why are people in Denmark, who earn $40,000 a year, paying 50% income tax?

Why are people in France that earn $30,000 a year, paying 30% income taxes?

All over Europe, it isn't the rich and wealth, or the top 20%, or 10%, or 1% paying for health care.... it's the middle and lower class paying for it.

Do you know why France is having riots right now? It's because the government was trying to jack up taxes on fuel. They are already paying almost double in income tax, and they want to screw the lower and middle class over with fuel taxes.

Why? To pay for, among other things, their expensive health care system.

You keep telling everyone how it's cheaper... and then when I compare their insane taxes, to my health insurance premium... there is nothing cheaper about it.

You keep blabbering about how the rich and wealthy will pay for it... and then point to all these countries with it, where the poor and middle class are paying for it.

There is not one single example in this world, where the rich and wealthy, pay for the health care of the poor.

And maybe you missed it, but France tried a wealth tax, and the all the wealthy packed up and left.

And clearly you didn't get the memo, because Amazon was about to create 25,000 jobs in New York, and the politicians tried to get them to pay for a bunch of stuff.... and Amazon left, just like the wealthy of France started leaving, just like the wealthy of Venezuela left.

Your system doesn't work. How many hundreds of examples do you need, before you stop believing the mythology the left-wing spews at you?

The irony is, even some of the socialists in this country admit that universal health care would cost at least a 12% on everyone. And that's BS, because that's way to low.

As a percentage of GDP, your average European country spends about 11% of their GDP on healthcare. The United States by contrast spends 17% of its GDP on healthcare. Also consider that US GDP and US GDP per capita is higher on average than these European countries.

The Europeans spend less as a percentage of GDP, cover everyone in the country, and live longer on average than Americans. Those are the facts, and it shows that the Europeans WIN in all three categories.

Israel spends only 7% of its GDP on healthcare and everyone is provided and they live longer than Americans.
It was in Canada when I lived there. Doesn’t matter who you vote for, it’s free.

"Free"??? Really? LOL!

You aren't that stupid are you? Nobody is that stupid.
Well, it’s paid out of general tax revenues, but free when you go to hospital.

So if you don't pay at the doctor then it is free?

Then in that case I get free treatment here in the US because I never have to pay a co payment or deductible with my insurance policy.

By the way there ain't so such thing as a free lunch. All Libertarians know that. The Canadians have about 20% higher taxes than we do.
We pay taxes and health insurance, and it depends where you live for how much tax you pay, just like here. But in Canada, everyone is covered, and they don’t care for people for profit.

I would much rather have somebody trying to make a profit on good service provide my health care rather than some stupid incompetent bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician, elected by special interest group.

A few years ago I had cancer that needed treatment. In my area I had three different facilities competing for my business. I got excellent treatment. Much better than if the filthy ass non caring government was running the facilities.

Average life Expectancy in the United States ranks at #34 among countries, yet the United States spends more per person than any country in the world on healthcare and does not provide Universal Healthcare to everyone. Were talking about what is the best policy for the country as a whole, not a particular individual.

The government runs the military and the U.S. military is #1 in the world.

With healthcare, we have a business for profit system. It ranks #34 in the world.
Freedom to pay lower prices.
Which makes as much sense as a "right to healthcare".
Freedom for lower healthcare cost.

It doesn't sound like you understand freedom. It doesn't mean "free stuff".
Freedom for free stuff! Sounds like a plan!
"Free stuff!" is the battle cry of the Stalinist.

"Free stuff" is the battle cry of the radical right. Nobody calls programs which provide support and assistance to the general population "free stuff": except stupid asshole radical right wingers who are fully in favour of tax cuts for billionaires, and solidly oppose a good education for poor children.

What the idiot right calls "free stuff", democratic socialists call eduation, health care, infrastructure, and resources. While the American dream slips away, the rest of the world has achieved a quality of life, health and security that most Americans will never achieve.
Which restaurant would you rather go to?

1. An establishment that wanted your business so that they could make money

2. An establishment run by government bureaucrats that didn't give a shit if you showed up or not

Which one do you think you would get the better food?

This is not a trick question.

Getting sick and dying is not a choice, its a reality of life. To allow an industry to profit from something that is not a choice for the individual is immoral and terrible policy. With all this money spent on healthcare In the US for profit system, the country ranks #34 in life expectancy. All that money spent for such a low ranking proves the system is terrible and is bankrupting the country without providing any good results
It was in Canada when I lived there. Doesn’t matter who you vote for, it’s free.

"Free"??? Really? LOL!

You aren't that stupid are you? Nobody is that stupid.
Well, it’s paid out of general tax revenues, but free when you go to hospital.

So if you don't pay at the doctor then it is free?

Then in that case I get free treatment here in the US because I never have to pay a co payment or deductible with my insurance policy.

By the way there ain't so such thing as a free lunch. All Libertarians know that. The Canadians have about 20% higher taxes than we do.
We pay taxes and health insurance, and it depends where you live for how much tax you pay, just like here. But in Canada, everyone is covered, and they don’t care for people for profit.
Yes they do or they wouldn’t have private insurance, and there’d be A LOT more specialists. In Canada you get your spine fused together, in America you actually get a new disk, and it’s life changing. In Canada you have to wait to get subpar cancer treatment, in America you could go to a mid-grade ranked hospital/cancer center and get way better treatment the day of. It’s not at all the same quality of care or else there wouldn’t medical tourism. I work at an infusion center, over 4 hours from the border. I see patients who wake up at 1 in the morning to drive to our facility for a midday appointment, just to sit in a chair for 4 hours for their chemo infusion, and then drive back. They consider themselves the lucky ones. We’re ranked like top 10 in PA alone, so not exactly world beaters. Surprise surprise, most of my American patients aren’t at all wealthy, barely middle class. Healthcare coverage is not at all the same as healthcare, people need to stop conflating the two.

Yet the United States is 34th in life expectancy. People live longer in Canada than in the United States. Those facts say more than any of your personal anecdotal experiences.
Its the assumption that the wealthiest country in the world has the best healthcare. The same assumption that drives people to go the hospital as best in the country. The reality though is much different.

Were not talking about the few with money who choose to travel because they believe something is better. Were talking about average life expectancy in each country and which countries are providing their citizens with Universal Healthcare. Most Europeans do not go to America to get healthcare. They stay in their countries and on average live longer than Americans. That last fact is by FAR the most relevant.

Let me ask you this:

Timely Medical | Timely Surgery at Affordable Prices

This is a company. It's a company operating out of Canada. The entire purpose of this company, is to setup patient, primarily in Canada, with doctors and hospitals in the US.

They charge money, obviously to provide this service.
This is an additional charge to the cost of getting whatever treatment or surgery they get in the US.

The company was started by a Canadian doctor, who was fed up watching patients die while waiting.

So my question to you is this.....

Canada has universal care, that is "free". Please explain to me how Timely medical can find enough consistent flow of customers, willing to pay thousands of dollars for surgery in the US, and to pay them to set them up for that surgery.... if those same customers can all get surgery for 'free'?

If government run health care is so great in Canada, how can this company started by a Canadian doctor, end up with thousands of customers every year willing to pay for health care? How can they find enough people willing to spend thousands of dollar for health care, to escape their Canadian system if it is so great?

Can you explain that to me?

Don't have to. These little individual examples, whether they are true or not, are irrelevant. What matters is the overall averages on life expectancy and the countries that provide Universal Healthcare. Look FRANCE, GERMANY, SWEDEN, NORWAY, ITALY etc. Most people in the top 50 most developed countries in the world stay in their own countries when it comes to healthcare. At least 34 of those countries citizens live longer than Americans on average. One's personal experience, or some off hand example will not change that reality.

France, where doctors went on strike for weeks, and people were left without care, not to mention people died of heat stroke in hospitals during a heat wave years back.

Germany, has a system of private insurance, the nearly all people are part of.

Moreover, nearly all those countries have double our tax rate.

Which is more expensive: Current insurance premiums, or a 50% tax rate on the middle class?

And yes, the fact is, if you want to support your argument, then you do have to explain why people come from all over the world from their 'free health care' systems, to pay for health care here.

If you can't, then whether you admit it, or believe it, you have undeniably lost the argument that free government care is better.

SOME PEOPLE come to the United States for healthcare. Some. Its a tiny percentage and not proof that the United States healthcare system is better.

Healthcare cost in Europe are about 1/2 to 2/3s of what they are in the United States. The Quality is better because the people there live longer. Everyone there is provided for. Its the three BIG WINS!

The United States can get the taxes it needs for Universal Healthcare from the top 20% of income earners who have 80% of the wealth in the country. Capital Gains, Property, Estate and other things besides just income will need to see increased tax rates. The Middle Class will only be lightly effected if at all by the increased tax rates. The lower class and the poor won't have to pay anything.

bullshit. have you been to any European countries? I have. The quality is NOT better.

Yes, I have been to Europe. But your anecdotal experience is irrelevant to the raw facts of average life expectancy.
Healthcare saves lives which naturally increases the average life expectancy in a country.

Except it doesn't work that way. The reason American life expectancy is less than many of our counterparts is we have higher rates of automobile fatalities, we have higher rates of death due to poor eating habits and lack of exercise (Americans are fat and lazy) and we have higher rates of drug related deaths. None of that has anything to do with our health care system. It has to do with poor cultural habits.

With Universal Healthcare, people would have better access to doctors, nurses and others that could give advise and help with the conditions you describe. It would have a dramatic effect on U.S. life expectancy. The reason U.S. life expectancy is low, is that it gets brought down by those who live in poverty or near the poverty level and don't have access to low cost quality food and healthcare. It makes a huge differences in the averages and is why the United States continues to lag behind so many other countries in the developed world in life expectancy.

The evidence is obvious. Universal Healthcare would benefit millions of people in the lower class and in poverty in the United States. It would improve U.S. life expectancy and standard of living. Its the right, moral thing to do for people and the country as a whole will benefit. Yet, because some people are blinded by outdated ideology, they will not support the common sense thing to do to help people.

And when it bankrupts the country, like it did Greece, and you see hundreds of people sitting on the sidewalk outside their closed 'free' healthcare clinic.... do explain how much it benefited them.

The healthcare system in Greece is not what brought that country down. Even if it was, it would be a minor exception. By the way, people in Greece live longer than people in the United States. Everyone in Greece has Healthcare. GREECE also spends less than half of what the United States does on healthcare as a percentage of annual GDP.

LOL, in Greece the people do all their business in cash because any money in a bank is taxed by the government. Have you heard of any major medical advances coming out of Greece? your ignorance is amazing.

People in Greece live longer than people in the United States. They spend less on healthcare. Everyone is provided for. They Win, Win, and Win, then it comes to this issue.
Which restaurant would you rather go to?

1. An establishment that wanted your business so that they could make money

2. An establishment run by government bureaucrats that didn't give a shit if you showed up or not

Which one do you think you would get the better food?

This is not a trick question.
What if I don’t have any money?

Go earn the money to pay for your meal then you won't be hungry.
We don’t need universal healthcare for people like you and me.

If money is no object I’ll go to the most expensive restaurant

You wouldn't want to eat at a government run restaurant especially if they have a near monopoly. You would have the choice between mush and gruel and it would free in the restaurant but your taxes would go up 20%.

It is not my responsibility to pay other people's bills. It is their responsibility.

The United States military certainly eats very well. They are also #1 at what they do. The for Profit US Healthcare industry ranks #34 in the world.
70% probably support free booze too. Everyone likes free stuff, but the hard cold truth is that nothing is free. Do you really want your medical care decided by a marginally intelligent GS5 sitting in a cubicle in bangla desh? Because that's what you are asking for, and if you don't think the admin of it would be outsourced you are dumber than I thought.
Can you show me which UHC countries outsource their health care decisions to Bangladesh?


can you tell me which of those countries have 330,000,000 people and 20 million illegals? Comparing the US to Norway is like comparing a mouse to an elephant.

Well, then lets compare the 300,000,000 million people who live in Germany, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom and France to the United States. Would you consider that fair?
How many people die from automobile accidents in the US? How many in all those other countries whose people get around by train and such? How many people die from gun shots, or overdoses of heroine that come across the southern border? yeah, make sure not to put those statistics into your "Europeans live longer bullshit"..When you have diseased illegal hordes crossing the border that doesnt help your cause, when they take up plenty of healthcare resources that normally would go to a US citizen.

If we take abortion deaths out of the US statistics we are near or at the top.

Abortions are not included in US death statistics. If they were, we'd rank even lower.
Which restaurant would you rather go to?

1. An establishment that wanted your business so that they could make money

2. An establishment run by government bureaucrats that didn't give a shit if you showed up or not

Which one do you think you would get the better food?

This is not a trick question.
What if I don’t have any money?

Go earn the money to pay for your meal then you won't be hungry.
We don’t need universal healthcare for people like you and me.

If money is no object I’ll go to the most expensive restaurant

You wouldn't want to eat at a government run restaurant especially if they have a near monopoly. You would have the choice between mush and gruel and it would free in the restaurant but your taxes would go up 20%.

It is not my responsibility to pay other people's bills. It is their responsibility.

The United States military certainly eats very well. They are also #1 at what they do. The for Profit US Healthcare industry ranks #34 in the world.
I saw this thing on Facebook. It was a Canadian who was talking about the $20 a month they take out of her paycheck every month.

Now all you middle class Americans. How much do you pay a month for healthcare?
Can you show me which UHC countries outsource their health care decisions to Bangladesh?


can you tell me which of those countries have 330,000,000 people and 20 million illegals? Comparing the US to Norway is like comparing a mouse to an elephant.

Well, then lets compare the 300,000,000 million people who live in Germany, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom and France to the United States. Would you consider that fair?
How many people die from automobile accidents in the US? How many in all those other countries whose people get around by train and such? How many people die from gun shots, or overdoses of heroine that come across the southern border? yeah, make sure not to put those statistics into your "Europeans live longer bullshit"..When you have diseased illegal hordes crossing the border that doesnt help your cause, when they take up plenty of healthcare resources that normally would go to a US citizen.

If we take abortion deaths out of the US statistics we are near or at the top.

Abortions are not included in US death statistics. If they were, we'd rank even lower.
And if abortion were illegal we’d shoot up in number of children born into poverty.
Actually, 70 percent of Americans support Medicare for all.

70% probably support free booze too. Everyone likes free stuff, but the hard cold truth is that nothing is free. Do you really want your medical care decided by a marginally intelligent GS5 sitting in a cubicle in bangla desh? Because that's what you are asking for, and if you don't think the admin of it would be outsourced you are dumber than I thought.
Can you show me which UHC countries outsource their health care decisions to Bangladesh?


can you tell me which of those countries have 330,000,000 people and 20 million illegals? Comparing the US to Norway is like comparing a mouse to an elephant.

Well, then lets compare the 300,000,000 million people who live in Germany, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom and France to the United States. Would you consider that fair?
How many people die from automobile accidents in the US? How many in all those other countries whose people get around by train and such? How many people die from gun shots, or overdoses of heroine that come across the southern border? yeah, make sure not to put those statistics into your "Europeans live longer bullshit"..When you have diseased illegal hordes crossing the border that doesnt help your cause, when they take up plenty of healthcare resources that normally would go to a US citizen.

There are no illegal hordes crossing the border. That's a fairytale told by Trump tards. The number of people crossing the border from Mexico has been dropping for the past several decades. US deaths from automobile accidents have also significantly declined over the past 4 decades. So have homicides. Europeans on the other hand drink and smoke more than Americans.

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