Trump says US will '100%' stay in NATO if alliance treats America 'fairly'


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
There goes that fear mongering angle. I've said from the beginning that Trump negotiates. He has been responsible for more of an increase to NATOS funding than anyone prior, even NATO leaders acknowledge this. Just pay your 2% and help protect the Western world.

I've had to educate some of the thick Europeans to stop listening to the dishonest EU media who try to scare you into worrying about another Trump presidency. If his policies are the best for America, he will win. If America is stronger, Europe and NATO wins.

I've heard every NEO-CON sprout this too, from Cheney to Bolton. They are as dishonest as Canadian covert police.

iden addresses the possibility of sanctions on Russia ahead of his flight.

Former President Trump vowed that, if he's elected, the United States would "100%" stay a part of NATO if the alliance pays its "fair share" and treats America "fairly."

Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, said NATO "has to treat the U.S. fairly" in an interview with Nigel Farage Tuesday.

"If it's not for the United States, NATO literally doesn’t even exist," Trump said. "But they took advantage of us like most countries do.

"The United States should pay its fair share — not everybody else’s fair share."
Trump wants to strengthen NATO by getting the deadbeats to pay up, so says NATO.

Mr. Stoltenberg highlighted rising defence investment across European Allies and Canada, amounting to more than $100 billion extra in recent years, adding that Allies are determined to keep up the momentum.
Trump is once again demonstrating his ignorance of the NATO alliance and his only priority in life…. MONEY

At a time when the NATO al is threatened by a war at its border, Trump is only concerned with who pays what.

A man who called Putin a Genius for attacking Ukraine
A man who openly mocked NATO as weak against Russia
A man who claimed he would do nothing if Putin attacked NATO countries
Put conflict aside and view NATO as a consortium in a biz venture

Then Trump makes sense

Trump is once again demonstrating his ignorance of the NATO alliance and his only priority in life…. MONEY

At a time when the NATO al is threatened by a war at its border, Trump is only concerned with who pays what.

A man who called Putin a Genius for attacking Ukraine
A man who openly mocked NATO as weak against Russia
A man who claimed he would do nothing if Putin attacked NATO countries
We already know if war were to occur the US pays the highest blood price. All the small countries cannot match the troop numbers we would have to provide. The least those useless twats could do is pay their fair share. We need to get out of that worthless Cold War relic.
Trump is once again demonstrating his ignorance of the NATO alliance and his only priority in life…. MONEY

At a time when the NATO al is threatened by a war at its border, Trump is only concerned with who pays what.

A man who called Putin a Genius for attacking Ukraine
A man who openly mocked NATO as weak against Russia
A man who claimed he would do nothing if Putin attacked NATO countries
So what? Trump ran his administration as a man of peace. He did no overreach as insurrections were happening all over the nation in Prog cities. America First is not some total extremist way. It is not even conservative. It is cleaning up agendas from both parties over the decades dominated from Progs.
We already know if war were to occur the US pays the highest blood price. All the small countries cannot match the troop numbers we would have to provide. The least those useless twats could do is pay their fair share. We need to get out of that worthless Cold War relic.
Pay to who?
Who should they be paying?
We already know if war were to occur the US pays the highest blood price. All the small countries cannot match the troop numbers we would have to provide. The least those useless twats could do is pay their fair share. We need to get out of that worthless Cold War relic.
Which is why the Republican objection to Ukraine aid is so puzzling
Why after US deploying troops to Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan does the GOP object to the U.S. staying out of it and letting Ukraine fight?
Which is why the Republican objection to Ukraine aid is so puzzling
Why after US deploying troops to Vietnam, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan does the GOP object to the U.S. staying out of it and letting Ukraine fight?
did they state that's their stance winger?

did they state that's their stance winger?


A sizable number…Yes
Because of Republican refusing to release funding for six months, Ukraine has had to surrender territory

There goes that fear mongering angle. I've said from the beginning that Trump negotiates. He has been responsible for more of an increase to NATOS funding than anyone prior, even NATO leaders acknowledge this. Just pay your 2% and help protect the Western world.

I've had to educate some of the thick Europeans to stop listening to the dishonest EU media who try to scare you into worrying about another Trump presidency. If his policies are the best for America, he will win. If America is stronger, Europe and NATO wins.

I've heard every NEO-CON sprout this too, from Cheney to Bolton. They are as dishonest as Canadian covert police.

iden addresses the possibility of sanctions on Russia ahead of his flight.

Former President Trump vowed that, if he's elected, the United States would "100%" stay a part of NATO if the alliance pays its "fair share" and treats America "fairly."

Trump, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, said NATO "has to treat the U.S. fairly" in an interview with Nigel Farage Tuesday.

"If it's not for the United States, NATO literally doesn’t even exist," Trump said. "But they took advantage of us like most countries do.

"The United States should pay its fair share — not everybody else’s fair share."

"Fairly"? Trump doesn't understand NATO, doesn't understand "fairly" on the best of days. The guy's living in some fantasy world.
If his policies are the best for America, he will win.
You want more of this?

Trump wants more tariffs. His earlier trade wars cost Americans $230 billion to date

When former President Donald Trump was in the White House, he proudly referred to himself as a “Tariff Man” – and he has no intention of retiring that self-proclaimed title if reelected.

Trump has repeatedly floated the idea of imposing a 10% tariff on every good coming into the US, as well as a tariff upward of 60% on all Chinese imports if he regains the presidency. On Saturday, during a campaign rally, he promised a “100% tariff” on cars made outside the US and warned of a “bloodbath” for the American auto industry if he doesn’t get reelected.

Starting in 2018, Trump put new tariffs of up to 25% on washing machines, solar panels, steel and aluminum, as well as many Chinese-made goods including baseball hats, luggage, bicycles, TVs and sneakers – and President Joe Biden has left most of these tariffs in place.
Trump always uses that word: “Fairly.” “Fairly” to Trump means bending the knee to Trump. Screw DJT.
You want more of this?

Trump wants more tariffs. His earlier trade wars cost Americans $230 billion to date

When former President Donald Trump was in the White House, he proudly referred to himself as a “Tariff Man” – and he has no intention of retiring that self-proclaimed title if reelected.

Trump has repeatedly floated the idea of imposing a 10% tariff on every good coming into the US, as well as a tariff upward of 60% on all Chinese imports if he regains the presidency. On Saturday, during a campaign rally, he promised a “100% tariff” on cars made outside the US and warned of a “bloodbath” for the American auto industry if he doesn’t get reelected.

Starting in 2018, Trump put new tariffs of up to 25% on washing machines, solar panels, steel and aluminum, as well as many Chinese-made goods including baseball hats, luggage, bicycles, TVs and sneakers – and President Joe Biden has left most of these tariffs in place.
Tariffs against the right countries who exploit trade? Absolutely. No one is forcing you to support communist sourced products. Hell, Reagan hit Japan with 100% tariffs and they were an ally.
"Fairly"? Trump doesn't understand NATO, doesn't understand "fairly" on the best of days. The guy's living in some fantasy world.

Trump has no respect for the NATO alliance that has kept the peace for 80 years
To him, the value of the alliance is measured as a cash register. Who pays what is his only concern

He has made it clear he will not honor Article 5 to defend a member if attacked
He has also pandered to Putin’s aggression as he rooted against NATO

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