Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Fires a Warning Shot – Warns Merrick Garland that His ARREST May Be Coming

They do know how to keep the base happy. Just throw out random threats and "blockbuster reports" every few days.

You don't have to worry about actually proving anything or following through, since the base will spread it everywhere and assume it's The Truth that will be squelched by all the evil corrupt bad guys.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
Why sure! Why would they backup any of their bullshit with facts when they know they can just spoonfeed the herd another line.
"When you can't dazzle them with facts, baffle them with bullshit".
They do know how to keep the base happy. Just throw out random threats and "blockbuster reports" every few days.

You don't have to worry about actually proving anything or following through, since the base will spread it everywhere and assume it's The Truth that will be squelched by all the evil corrupt bad guys.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
Yup, this is the "Lock Her Up" equivalent. I'll bet that after making those threats, the Luna Lady sent requests for donations to the mouth-breathing trumptards.

They never learn.
She’s awesome!! Her and McClain from MI join Massie, Paul, Roy and the few other America first Congressmen
LOL Some idle threats without facts are what goes down as "awesome" in your book? No wonder you worship the orange loser. :itsok:
The times they are a changing. No longer can only one party threaten the other with political lawfare. Lock him up can just as easily be shouted against Merrick Garland as Donald J. Trump. long last conservatives are learning that you can't play nice when someone else is playing dirty. Good God it took long enough.
They do know how to keep the base happy. Just throw out random threats and "blockbuster reports" every few days.

You don't have to worry about actually proving anything or following through, since the base will spread it everywhere and assume it's The Truth that will be squelched by all the evil corrupt bad guys.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

You don’t seem to understand all you are doing is taking what we have been telling you leftists about for decades and turning it around. Please form an original thought in the future.
Who said it was valid?

Meet the left, a Congressional subpoena isn't valid when aimed at the Executive.

And then Biden's pathetic claim of Executive privilege over a taped interview is astonishing, and they nod like the bobble heads they are.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna Fires a Warning Shot – Warns Merrick Garland that His ARREST May Be Coming

17 May 2024 ~~By Jim Hoft

Pro-MAGA Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) had a busy day on Thursday.
The pro-Trump representative traveled to New York City with several of her peers to sit with President Trump during his ongoing show trial.
She later spoke with reporters following her day observing the illegitimate kangaroo court in New York City.
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna then traveled back to Washington DC to join Republicans during the contempt vote against Merrick Garland in the House Oversight Committee.
During the hearing, Paulina Luna was forced to hush classless Democrat Jasmine Crockett who started screaming and cussing in committee like she was at a weekend WWE event.
During the hearing, Paulina Luna was forced to hush classless Democrat Jasmine Crockett who started screaming and cussing in committee like she was at a weekend WWE event.

I'll believe it when I see it, Rep. Anna Paulina Luna has more balls than most of her male housemembers.
Indeed there are many DemocraNeo-Marxist Representatives, Senators and appointees in Washington D.C. that should be arrested and tried for sedition and treason. The list is long and nothing will be done today or in the future.
Nothing will happen. Remember we have a uni-party that only cares about themselves. Americans...get our of the way...we rule...then we get rich. The rest of Americans are losers!
Regretfully, You have to have Republicans with cajones and/or a spine. Unfortunately, the vast majority have neither.
Then there's the Democrats that have issued "Get out of jail cards" to all those that have weaponized the DoJ and FBI.
Democrats walk a fine line with their use of "Lawfare" it can also be used against them after the Nov 5th election.
I would remind the reader of the contempt of congress vote that held AG Holder in Contempt of Congress, this was the first time an AG was so found in Contempt.
Holder in the congressional investigation, subpoenaed Holder and asked him questions about Fast and Furious. After that testimony it was determined he had most likely perjured himself under oath. And Congress called him again to make the determination and secure the documents that would prove the charge.
Holder refused to respond to the summons. And announced he would be retiring, an action he delayed for almost two years.
Nothing happened to Holder and no one started proceedings to give Obama the Nixon treatment re his tapes and executive privilege.
The main point that there is no way Garland will be arrested and made to answer to Congress without both houses and the presidency in control of Republicans in balance necessary to prevent RINOs like Senators Graham, Murkowsky, Collins and Romney from preventing such a proceeding and punishment.

She’s cute..

Okay, maybe a little more than cute.

Meet the left, a Congressional subpoena isn't valid when aimed at the Executive.

And then Biden's pathetic claim of Executive privilege over a taped interview is astonishing, and they nod like the bobble heads they are.
Read the Mazaars decision. There needs to be a legislative purpose.

Comer doesn’t have one. He wants the recording to use to campaign against Biden. That’s not a legislative purpose.
1. What's a Marxist?
2. She's an anti-American piece of shit
3. Yeah this will happen just like arresting Hillary was going to happen. These morons dont know how to govern but they sure do know how to appeal to the dumbest segment of America's population.

Dude, that's you.
I seriously doubt it will happen.

Too bad. It damn well should happen.
But they could have an investigation and hearings.
Put Garland in the spotlight and make squirm.
That would be fun to watch.
Make him answer questions about DOJ and FBI abuses of power.
Yup, this is the "Lock Her Up" equivalent. I'll bet that after making those threats, the Luna Lady sent requests for donations to the mouth-breathing trumptards.

They never learn.
They don't need to learn. Their world is completely insulated now. When when some nutty "blockbuster" doesn't pan out, just play the victim. That's the template.
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Illegal crossings along the U.S. southern border have dropped by more than 40% this year since soaring to record levels in December. In April, U.S. Border Patrol recorded roughly 129,000 unlawful crossings, the second consecutive monthly drop, according to preliminary government data obtained by CBS News. The pattern has defied historical trends — migration usually spikes in the spring.

Donald Trump and the Republicans own our border problems now.

The Republicans want immigration control about as much as they wanted Roe v. Wade or Obamacare repealed. It's just theater for the rubes.

With the economy going strong, the border is all they have left to hammer Biden with.

So here are some very strong clues you all are being hoaxed once again by the organization formerly known as the Republican party.

First, Joe Biden submitted an immigration reform package to Congress on DAY ONE of his administration. Did you rubes know that?

Check it out: Fact Sheet: President Biden Sends Immigration Bill to Congress as Part of His Commitment to Modernize our Immigration System | The White House

  • Supplement existing border resources with technology and infrastructure. The legislation builds on record budget allocations for immigration enforcement by authorizing additional funding for the Secretary of DHS to develop and implement a plan to deploy technology to expedite screening and enhance the ability to identify narcotics and other contraband at every land, air, and sea port of entry. This includes high-throughput scanning technologies to ensure that all commercial and passenger vehicles and freight rail traffic entering the United States at land ports of entry and rail-border crossings along the border undergo pre-primary scanning. It also authorizes and provides funding for plans to improve infrastructure at ports of entry to enhance the ability to process asylum seekers and detect, interdict, disrupt and prevent narcotics from entering the United States. It authorizes the DHS Secretary to develop and implement a strategy to manage and secure the southern border between ports of entry that focuses on flexible solutions and technologies that expand the ability to detect illicit activity, evaluate the effectiveness of border security operations, and be easily relocated and broken out by Border Patrol Sector. To protect privacy, the DHS Inspector General is authorized to conduct oversight to ensure that employed technology effectively serves legitimate agency purposes.

The Republicans blew it off.

But the GOP really tipped their hand in December when the military aid bill for Israel and Ukraine was before the Senate.

Senator Chuck Schumer offered a ZERO-CONDITIONS amendment to the bill which would have allowed the Republicans to add a border bill to the military aid bill WITH NO CHANGES BY THE DEMOCRATS ALLOWED.

The Republicans DECLINED.

And that, boys and girls, is how you know you are being hoaxed by the GOP yet again.

This Week’s ‘Border Security’ Debate Is a Ruse


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