The 10 worst states for healthcare

Thanks Debbie for showing what a absolute disaster it was to allow Obama and Pelosi the keys to our once great healthcare system...there was no need to completely change what we had from state to state its a nightmare...government can't do anything well but we sit back and let them handle our healthcare?...
Those 10 states have always had low health scores regardless of obamacare. BTW in case you haven't heard obamacare is uncontitutional, but will live on just wait and see.
No surprise here all red states.

10 worst states for healthcare

I had the misfortune of ending up in a hospital in both Florida and Oklahoma.

I ended up in a hospital in Florida in 1999. The hospital was very dirty, the waiting area was full of people who had the flu. I had to wait a long time to get to an exam room. When I finally got to an exam room it was even more filthy than the waiting area. I heard patients in other exam rooms screaming and crying. One I heard the doctor yell at the patient. I honestly thought I would see Dan Rather jump out of a closet with a 60 minutes crew asking questions about how bad that hospital was. When I heard a child start screaming I left that hospital without seeing a doctor. I had a shoulder injury but decided to wait to get home to see a doctor.

The hospital in Oklahoma I didn't have that luxury of choice to leave. I was in a hospital there in 2015. I was in severe anaphylactic allergy reaction. The epi pen in my purse had already been used so I had no way to stop the reaction and not die. I ended up in an ER. The nurses wouldn't save my life at first. I kept begging them through gasps of air to not let me die. It wasn't until I showed them my insurance card that they finally went and got an epi pen. I grabbed it out of her hands and used it before I died. Once they learned I had insurance and good insurance that's not an hmo, they started pulling out every test they could find on me. They tried to get me to stay over night at their hospital for a couple of nights for "monitoring." When they thought I was a resident of Oklahoma who didn't have insurance they refused to save my life. When they realized I wasn't a resident of Oklahoma who had proper insurance they tried to pile on as much expensive charges as they could. I refused all but the epi pen and some other medication to make sure the anaphylactic reaction didn't return to kill me. There is no cure for the allergy. All they can do is treat the symptoms to prevent me from dying. Then I signed papers and left that hospital. Not believing what I just experienced.

Both experiences in those states made me appreciate the health care and hospital services in my blue state. I had never experience such things in my life.

Health care is a mess in America but it's a total catastrophe in red states and I don't understand how they put up with it. Maybe that's all they know and think that health care is that way everywhere.

It's not.

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