Obamacare Declared Unconstitutional by Federal Judge


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Here we go again, sports fans...The Boiking's "signature" chunk of incomprehensibility, costliness, and general disdain declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL -lock, stock, and barrel- by a federal judge in Texas.

:banana::spinner: :rock:

Certain to make it back to USSC, where Murica may well FINALLY be done with this crony giveaway to Big Insurance, and general bureaucratic pain in the ass.

Federal judge in Texas strikes down ObamaCare
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Here we go again, sports fans...The Boiking's "signature" chunk of incomprehensibility, costliness, and general disdain declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL -lock, stock, and barrel- by a federal judge in Texas.

Certain to make it back to USSC, where Murica may well FINALLY be done with this crony giveaway to Big Insurance, and general bureaucratic pain in the ass.

You wanna bet?
Federal judge in Texas strikes down ObamaCare

"As I predicted all along, Obamacare has been struck down as an UNCONSTITUTIONAL disaster! Now Congress must pass a STRONG law that provides GREAT healthcare and protects pre-existing conditions. Mitch and Nancy, get it done!" - President Trump

thank God this monstrosity is over!
The financial backbone of ACA is tens of millions of healthy young adults signing up for, and paying for, insurance that they don't really need. The profits from these unfortunates allows insurers to sell insurance to older people at reasonable rates. If the Mandate is void, it is like a Bait & Switch to the insurers, and unfair to compel them to honor the rates that they have committed to.

If this case should make it to the USSC, it will be affirmed, thereby fulfilling one of Trump's main campaign promises. Ironic, isn't it?

Good thing there are no "Bush Judges," "Obama Judges," & such like.
"Wow, but not surprisingly, ObamaCare was just ruled UNCONSTITUTIONAL by a highly respected judge in Texas. Great news for America!" - Trump
without the individual mandate, the law is invalid because it cannot pay for itself!
The financial backbone of ACA is tens of millions of healthy young adults signing up for, and paying for, insurance that they don't really need. The profits from these unfortunates allows insurers to sell insurance to older people at reasonable rates. If the Mandate is void, it is like a Bait & Switch to the insurers, and unfair to compel them to honor the rates that they have committed to.

If this case should make it to the USSC, it will be affirmed, thereby fulfilling one of Trump's main campaign promises. Ironic, isn't it?

Good thing there are no "Bush Judges," "Obama Judges," & such like.
As someone whose coverage was essentially made illegal (i.e. acute trauma and catastrophic hospitalization), it wasn't reasonable in the least.
This is huge news. As I've always said, YOU CANNOT FORCE someone to buy something. That is unconstitutional. Now a judge has agreed.

Get rid of this monstrosity of legislation and lets do it right this time.

Obama's big accomplishment just ruled unconstitutional. HAHA too damn funny. It's nice when a federal judge finally rules in favor of republicans for once. If a one federal judge can strike down Trumps border plan, one can strike down Obama's health plan.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, mothafuckas.

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"Judge's ruling tonight is another reminder that we cannot afford to have Donald Trump in office, especially when the healthcare of millions is on the line." - Beto
"Celebrating millions of Americans losing healthcare coverage is not a good look, GOP. Shame on all of you." - Crazy Bernie
Schumer on Obamacare ruling: The ruling seems to be based on faulty legal reasoning and hopefully it will be overturned. Americans who care about working families must do all they can to prevent this district court ruling from becoming law.
Here is a linky.
You know they are gonna ask.
Texas judge dismantles Obamacare, ruling individual mandate unconstitutional

Not the 9th I see.:21:
What if I like to make them ask as they breathlessly hope against hope its not so
Judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional, endangering coverage for 20 million
Got till tomorrow to sign up I believe.
Better hurry kids.

The states that use the Fed exchange other states have a longer period of time. Also some counties in Florida affected by Hurricane Michael has been extended a few days on the Fed Exchange off Exchange an insurance company can do as they wish.

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