Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples

Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples
MSNBC ^ | 06/28/15 12:50 AM | Adam Howard
Sen. Ted Cruz is ready to rain on the parade of Texas citizens celebrating the Supreme Court decision on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage throughout the country.
On Saturday, the 2016 Republican presidential candidate said he “absolutely” believes that his state’s country clerks should deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples if they have a religious objection, in an interview with The Texas Tribune.
“Ours is a country that was built by men and women fleeing religious oppression,” Cruz told the newspaper, “and you look at the foundation of this country—it was to seek out a new land where anyone of us could worship the Lord God Almighty with all of our hearts, minds and souls, without government getting in the way.”

Ted cruz is consistent in his beliefs. Not a flip flopper.

I have a question for you right wing "SPOILERS"

Just how does it effect you if the house next door is the home of a Gay couple?

I thought America was a free country and as long as what you were doing wasn't harming anyone it was OK! Why am I wrong?
You will never get a rational answer

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We've gotten a few irrational ones, however.
This just in.....Remember Kim Davis? It appears that the issue of marriage licenses in Kentucky is still alive and well....

Per Governor's Order, Kentucky Marriage Licenses No Longer Need Clerk's Name Per Governor's Order, Kentucky Marriage Licenses No Longer Need Clerk's Name

The state's new governor, Matthew Bevin, issued a executive order yesterday saying he was changing protocol in order to "ensure that the sincerely held religious beliefs of all Kentuckians are honored."

Lawyers for Davis and some of the couples have said the validity of those licenses is questionable.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

"Mr. Bevin staunchly supported Ms. Davis's position and vowed during his campaign to take the action he announced Tuesday, on his 15th day in office. Some political analysts say the case helped motivate religious conservatives to turn out to vote for him."

The American Civil Liberties Union, whose lawyers represented some of the couples who successfully sued Davis, said Bevin's move further complicates the legal landscape in Kentucky.
This just in.....Remember Kim Davis? It appears that the issue of marriage licenses in Kentucky is still alive and well....

Per Governor's Order, Kentucky Marriage Licenses No Longer Need Clerk's Name Per Governor's Order, Kentucky Marriage Licenses No Longer Need Clerk's Name

The state's new governor, Matthew Bevin, issued a executive order yesterday saying he was changing protocol in order to "ensure that the sincerely held religious beliefs of all Kentuckians are honored."

Lawyers for Davis and some of the couples have said the validity of those licenses is questionable.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

"Mr. Bevin staunchly supported Ms. Davis's position and vowed during his campaign to take the action he announced Tuesday, on his 15th day in office. Some political analysts say the case helped motivate religious conservatives to turn out to vote for him."

The American Civil Liberties Union, whose lawyers represented some of the couples who successfully sued Davis, said Bevin's move further complicates the legal landscape in Kentucky.

I don't have much of a problem with this, actually. As long as the licenses are valid and issued on demand, this is fine.
This just in.....Remember Kim Davis? It appears that the issue of marriage licenses in Kentucky is still alive and well....

Per Governor's Order, Kentucky Marriage Licenses No Longer Need Clerk's Name Per Governor's Order, Kentucky Marriage Licenses No Longer Need Clerk's Name

The state's new governor, Matthew Bevin, issued a executive order yesterday saying he was changing protocol in order to "ensure that the sincerely held religious beliefs of all Kentuckians are honored."

Lawyers for Davis and some of the couples have said the validity of those licenses is questionable.

The Wall Street Journal reports:

"Mr. Bevin staunchly supported Ms. Davis's position and vowed during his campaign to take the action he announced Tuesday, on his 15th day in office. Some political analysts say the case helped motivate religious conservatives to turn out to vote for him."

The American Civil Liberties Union, whose lawyers represented some of the couples who successfully sued Davis, said Bevin's move further complicates the legal landscape in Kentucky.

I don't have much of a problem with this, actually. As long as the licenses are valid and issued on demand, this is fine.

Yes but read further. They may not be valid. KY requires the name on the clerk to appear by statute. The Gov. may have exceeded his authority by changing that by executive order. The people just won't let up and will put the country through more decades of angst and legal battles.
Ted Cruz campaign rally morphs into creepy ‘prayer revival’ so everyone can pray for him to be president

It was not a good year for Cruz and his ilk....

While Obergefell was a major setback for the Religious Right, the 2016 presidential campaign proves that the movement’s anti-gay crusade is far from over. Several GOP presidential candidates have vowed to enshrine anti-gay discrimination into law and to turn the government into an arm of the anti-gay movement. At the same time, more and more conservative leaders are insisting that government officials should simply ignore decisions they don’t like, such as Obergefell. - See more at: The Year In Homophobia: The Right-Wing's Anti-Gay Meltdown In 2015

Cruz declared that the government could ignore Obergefell, which he called a “fundamentally illegitimate” decision akin to “Nazi decrees,” and promised that in a Cruz administration “we will not use the federal government to enforce this lawless decision.” - See more at: The Year In Homophobia: The Right-Wing's Anti-Gay Meltdown In 2015
Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples
MSNBC ^ | 06/28/15 12:50 AM | Adam Howard
Sen. Ted Cruz is ready to rain on the parade of Texas citizens celebrating the Supreme Court decision on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage throughout the country.
On Saturday, the 2016 Republican presidential candidate said he “absolutely” believes that his state’s country clerks should deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples if they have a religious objection, in an interview with The Texas Tribune.
“Ours is a country that was built by men and women fleeing religious oppression,” Cruz told the newspaper, “and you look at the foundation of this country—it was to seek out a new land where anyone of us could worship the Lord God Almighty with all of our hearts, minds and souls, without government getting in the way.”

Ted cruz is consistent in his beliefs. Not a flip flopper.

So Cruz endorses a Christian version of Sharia Law. Why doesn't he endorse the Muslim version of Sharia Law,

if he thinks religion should trump the Constitution?

Ted Cruz Isn't Crazy – He's Much Worse

Selected excerpts:
In no particular order, Texas senator and Republican presidential aspirant Ted Cruz has: said acts of Christian terrorism stopped centuries ago, forgetting the Ku Klux Klan and the shooting in Colorado last week; claimed he has never met an anti-abortion activist who advocates violence, despite being endorsed by one just days before; dismissed the need for Planned Parenthood because there isn't a shortage of "rubbers" in America; and made an offhand comment that Colorado mass shooter Robert Dear could be a "transgendered leftist activist." All this in just the last week.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/ted-cruz-isnt-crazy-hes-much-worse-20151204#ixzz3w6StIvfQ
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Ted Cruz is far from crazy, which is the essential Ted Cruz problem. Crazy you can deal with, even forgive a little, often ignore. Ben Carson is a bowl of Froot Loops floating in a sad lethal pond of gasoline. Donald Trump went warp speed into the Trumpiverse decades ago. Both men have conducted their campaigns and recent years on perpetual tangents. But Ted Cruz knows exactly what he's doing. He doesn't even hide it particularly well. Not only is his intelligence one of his favorite selling points, his book undermines any notion that he misspeaks. He is gaffe proof because the gaffes are not arrived at by error. Ted Cruz does awful things by intelligent design.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/ted-cruz-isnt-crazy-hes-much-worse-20151204#ixzz3w6TB839b
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Regarding his book......
For one thing, there is no plausible excuse for someone who graduated cum laude from Princeton, went to Harvard Law and clerked on the Supreme Court not doing the reading, but the Cruz argument, whatever it is, coasts through an environment in which there is no data to challenge it. In fact, all that lawyerly skill at crafting an argument seems to have been marshaled in service of careful elision — points that are true out of context or that are framed in such a briefly qualifying way as to avoid outright falsehood.

For instance, despite being a 340-page work, the book possesses only 66 end notes, the plurality of which are dedicated to citing quotes from famous conservatives or noteworthy persons Cruz expects resonate with a right-wing audience. Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/ted-cruz-isnt-crazy-hes-much-worse-20151204#ixzz3w6UIS9qe
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook

On Obamacare....

On that last point, for a litigator, Cruz seems really allergic to using a wonderful legal word like "rescission," which is too bad, because it explains rate hikes and changing plans. Simply put, before Obamacare, when insurance companies could rescind your contract the moment you needed costly treatment after paying for years, it was very easy to have a cheap plan you'd want to keep. Those great plans with low premiums stopped existing when the law required that they benefit more than one party in the contract. But mentioning that would spoil the image of poor insurance companies that Cruz suggests were "lured into bed with Obamacare" via the Leninist thinking that "the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them." Poor butterflies.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/ted-cruz-isnt-crazy-hes-much-worse-20151204#ixzz3w6Ts5F4u
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook

And finally this...

You have to deal with Ted Cruz differently because he demands it, because his endless invocation of his scholarship and the sharp, nimble way he chooses to tell his own story signals that this is how deftly his brain operates.

So when a Ted Cruz spokesman later walks back the candidate's comment that Robert Dear might have been a "transgendered leftist activist" by insisting that the candidate was just commenting on the lack of available information, you have to take it with a huge grain of salt.

Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/ted-cruz-isnt-crazy-hes-much-worse-20151204#ixzz3w6VVE5D6
Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook
Frightening to think that this is the type of person who would endorse Cruz, and even more frightening that Cruz welcomes it....

Ted Cruz Welcomes Endorsement Of Mike Bickle, Who Believes Oprah Is A Forerunner To The Antichrist
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Friday, 1/22/2016 11:02 am
Back in 2011, when Texas governor Rick Perry was planning his first run for the presidency, he kicked off his campaign with a massive prayer rally in Houston called "The Response." The event was the source of considerable controversy because Perry organized it in partnership with a whole host of radical Religious Right activists, including several members of the New Apostolic Reformation, a collection of self-proclaimed modern day apostles and prophets who believe that, through the power of the Holy Spirit, they are capable of performing greater miracles than even Jesus himself.

One of the key leaders in the NAR movement is Mike Bickle, who also played a central role in organizing Perry's prayer rally. Bickle is the founder of the International House of Prayer, a controversial missionary organization in Kansas City, Missouri, that some critics have labeled a cult and which is best known for engaging in nonstop 24-hour-a-day prayer in preparation for the End Times and for its anti-gay activism in Uganda.

Bickle, unsurprisingly is a demon-fighting radical who believes that gay marriage is "rooted in the depths of hell," that homosexuality "opens the door to the demonic realm" and that Oprah Winfrey is a forerunner of the Antichrist:

- See more at: Ted Cruz Welcomes Endorsement Of Mike Bickle, Who Believes Oprah Is A Forerunner To The Antichrist
Ted Cruz’s radical supporters: He won Iowa on the back of the scariest Bible-thumpers in the business

Ted Cruz’s victory in Iowa doesn’t mean he’ll get the nomination — history shows the Republican caucus in that state is a poor predictor of eventual outcome — but for the religious right, especially the most skin-crawlingly creepy folks in the religious right, Cruz’s edging Donald Trump out at the polls represents a huge victory. Because Monday night meant that while their influence might seem to be on the decline, the religious right proved, once again, that they are still a powerful force on the right. Unfortunately, the Republican Party will still have to pay tribute to the nasty crews that use Jesus as a cover to push their lifelong obsession with controlling other people’s sex lives, especially if those people are female or queer.

Iowa Disaster: “Wacko-Bird” Ted Cruz is Far, Far Scarier Than Donald Trump

Ted Cruz’s victory over Donald Trump last night was a spectacular coup for the senator from Texas. While it doesn’t mean he is a shoo-in for the nomination, the psychological effect it will have on the Republican electorate cannot be underestimated.

In March of 2013, in reference to Cruz, John McCain told the Huffington Post that “It’s always the wacko birds on the right and left that get the media megaphone.” This coming from a man who has tried to bomb every Muslim country on the planet. Because let us not forget, Ted Cruz is the asshole who read Dr Seuss for 21 hours as part of a ludicrous filibuster to de-fund Obamacare, and is so extreme most people in his own party thinks he is a nut job.

As Five Thirty Eight writer Harry Enten pointed out: “Ted Cruz is more conservative than every recent nominee, every other candidate who mounted a serious bid in 2012 and every plausible candidate running or potentially running in 2016.” And to prove it, he posted this chart measuring how conservative each candidate was as measured by “DW-Nominate common-space scores (which are based on a candidate’s voting record in Congress), fundraising ratings (based on who donates to a candidate), and OnTheIssues.org scores (based on public statements made by the candidate)”: Iowa Disaster: "Wacko-Bird" Ted Cruz is Far, Far Scarier Than Donald Trump - The Daily Banter


President Cruz: Still America's worst nightmare | Editorial

In some ways, the nation owes Ted Cruz a measure of gratitude for taking the wind out of the sails (however briefly) of Donald Trump, who suddenly doesn't seem as invincible as he did last week.

But we're still left with a bipartisan electoral nausea, upon realizing that 51,000 people in Iowa are still unable to recognize that the senator from Texas is more extreme and just as politically unhinged as the GOP frontrunner.

Let us count the ways:

The man who wants to run the U.S. Government is the same one who shut it down nearly three years ago, which halted critical
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Iowa Disaster: “Wacko-Bird” Ted Cruz is Far, Far Scarier Than Donald Trump

Ted Cruz’s victory over Donald Trump last night was a spectacular coup for the senator from Texas. While it doesn’t mean he is a shoo-in for the nomination, the psychological effect it will have on the Republican electorate cannot be underestimated.

In March of 2013, in reference to Cruz, John McCain told the Huffington Post that “It’s always the wacko birds on the right and left that get the media megaphone.” This coming from a man who has tried to bomb every Muslim country on the planet. Because let us not forget, Ted Cruz is the asshole who read Dr Seuss for 21 hours as part of a ludicrous filibuster to de-fund Obamacare, and is so extreme most people in his own party thinks he is a nut job.

As Five Thirty Eight writer Harry Enten pointed out: “Ted Cruz is more conservative than every recent nominee, every other candidate who mounted a serious bid in 2012 and every plausible candidate running or potentially running in 2016.” And to prove it, he posted this chart measuring how conservative each candidate was as measured by “DW-Nominate common-space scores (which are based on a candidate’s voting record in Congress), fundraising ratings (based on who donates to a candidate), and OnTheIssues.org scores (based on public statements made by the candidate)”: Iowa Disaster: "Wacko-Bird" Ted Cruz is Far, Far Scarier Than Donald Trump - The Daily Banter


President Cruz: Still America's worst nightmare | Editorial

In some ways, the nation owes Ted Cruz a measure of gratitude for taking the wind out of the sails (however briefly) of Donald Trump, who suddenly doesn't seem as invincible as he did last week.

But we're still left with a bipartisan electoral nausea, upon realizing that 51,000 people in Iowa are still unable to recognize that the senator from Texas is more extreme and just as politically unhinged as the GOP frontrunner.

Let us count the ways:

The man who wants to run the U.S. Government is the same one who shut it down nearly three years ago, which halted critical

Most communist dick suckers like yourself want a larger government in order to make it stronger. It is a very dictatorial thinking but since you swallowed big dick and all we have to put up with it.
Iowa Disaster: “Wacko-Bird” Ted Cruz is Far, Far Scarier Than Donald Trump

Ted Cruz’s victory over Donald Trump last night was a spectacular coup for the senator from Texas. While it doesn’t mean he is a shoo-in for the nomination, the psychological effect it will have on the Republican electorate cannot be underestimated.

In March of 2013, in reference to Cruz, John McCain told the Huffington Post that “It’s always the wacko birds on the right and left that get the media megaphone.” This coming from a man who has tried to bomb every Muslim country on the planet. Because let us not forget, Ted Cruz is the asshole who read Dr Seuss for 21 hours as part of a ludicrous filibuster to de-fund Obamacare, and is so extreme most people in his own party thinks he is a nut job.

As Five Thirty Eight writer Harry Enten pointed out: “Ted Cruz is more conservative than every recent nominee, every other candidate who mounted a serious bid in 2012 and every plausible candidate running or potentially running in 2016.” And to prove it, he posted this chart measuring how conservative each candidate was as measured by “DW-Nominate common-space scores (which are based on a candidate’s voting record in Congress), fundraising ratings (based on who donates to a candidate), and OnTheIssues.org scores (based on public statements made by the candidate)”: Iowa Disaster: "Wacko-Bird" Ted Cruz is Far, Far Scarier Than Donald Trump - The Daily Banter


President Cruz: Still America's worst nightmare | Editorial

In some ways, the nation owes Ted Cruz a measure of gratitude for taking the wind out of the sails (however briefly) of Donald Trump, who suddenly doesn't seem as invincible as he did last week.

But we're still left with a bipartisan electoral nausea, upon realizing that 51,000 people in Iowa are still unable to recognize that the senator from Texas is more extreme and just as politically unhinged as the GOP frontrunner.

Let us count the ways:

The man who wants to run the U.S. Government is the same one who shut it down nearly three years ago, which halted critical

Most communist dick suckers like yourself want a larger government in order to make it stronger. It is a very dictatorial thinking but since you swallowed big dick and all we have to put up with it.
Brilliant! just fucking brilliant! Another idiot who bandies the label "Communist " around
while obviously not having a clue as to what it means or even knowing who he is accusing. I want a government that works asshole! Cruz hates the idea of government, large or small. He want a fucking theocracy and he is itching for war. Be careful what you ask for bubba
Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples
MSNBC ^ | 06/28/15 12:50 AM | Adam Howard
Sen. Ted Cruz is ready to rain on the parade of Texas citizens celebrating the Supreme Court decision on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage throughout the country.
On Saturday, the 2016 Republican presidential candidate said he “absolutely” believes that his state’s country clerks should deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples if they have a religious objection, in an interview with The Texas Tribune.
“Ours is a country that was built by men and women fleeing religious oppression,” Cruz told the newspaper, “and you look at the foundation of this country—it was to seek out a new land where anyone of us could worship the Lord God Almighty with all of our hearts, minds and souls, without government getting in the way.”

Ted cruz is consistent in his beliefs. Not a flip flopper.

I wonder how he would feel if a Muslim clerk refused to give his wife a diver's licence? Religion stinks.
Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples
MSNBC ^ | 06/28/15 12:50 AM | Adam Howard
Sen. Ted Cruz is ready to rain on the parade of Texas citizens celebrating the Supreme Court decision on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage throughout the country.
On Saturday, the 2016 Republican presidential candidate said he “absolutely” believes that his state’s country clerks should deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples if they have a religious objection, in an interview with The Texas Tribune.
“Ours is a country that was built by men and women fleeing religious oppression,” Cruz told the newspaper, “and you look at the foundation of this country—it was to seek out a new land where anyone of us could worship the Lord God Almighty with all of our hearts, minds and souls, without government getting in the way.”

Ted cruz is consistent in his beliefs. Not a flip flopper.

I wonder how he would feel if a Muslim clerk refused to give his wife a diver's licence? Religion stinks.

Theists are a fickled bunch, I'll grant you that.
Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples
MSNBC ^ | 06/28/15 12:50 AM | Adam Howard
Sen. Ted Cruz is ready to rain on the parade of Texas citizens celebrating the Supreme Court decision on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage throughout the country.
On Saturday, the 2016 Republican presidential candidate said he “absolutely” believes that his state’s country clerks should deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples if they have a religious objection, in an interview with The Texas Tribune.
“Ours is a country that was built by men and women fleeing religious oppression,” Cruz told the newspaper, “and you look at the foundation of this country—it was to seek out a new land where anyone of us could worship the Lord God Almighty with all of our hearts, minds and souls, without government getting in the way.”

Ted cruz is consistent in his beliefs. Not a flip flopper.

I wonder how he would feel if a Muslim clerk refused to give his wife a diver's licence? Religion stinks.
Outraged of course. We all know that the first amendment, as well as laws against discrimination are only for the protection of Christians.
Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples
MSNBC ^ | 06/28/15 12:50 AM | Adam Howard
Sen. Ted Cruz is ready to rain on the parade of Texas citizens celebrating the Supreme Court decision on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage throughout the country.
On Saturday, the 2016 Republican presidential candidate said he “absolutely” believes that his state’s country clerks should deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples if they have a religious objection, in an interview with The Texas Tribune.
“Ours is a country that was built by men and women fleeing religious oppression,” Cruz told the newspaper, “and you look at the foundation of this country—it was to seek out a new land where anyone of us could worship the Lord God Almighty with all of our hearts, minds and souls, without government getting in the way.”

Ted cruz is consistent in his beliefs. Not a flip flopper.

I wonder how he would feel if a Muslim clerk refused to give his wife a diver's licence? Religion stinks.
Outraged of course. We all know that the first amendment, as well as laws against discrimination are only for the protection of Christians.

That's actually what Christian Dominionists argue. Quite literally.
Yes! you can be, and should be judged by the company that you keep!


WATCH: 'Duck Dynasty' Star Calls Marriage Equality 'Evil' at Ted Cruz Rally | Advocate.com

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson took the stage at a Ted Cruz rally in Iowa City on Sunday, calling marriage equality "evil," "wicked" and "sinful" before a cheering crowd.

According to the CNN Wire, Cruz enlisted Robertson to secure the evangelical vote in today's Iowa caucus. In a commercial endorsing Cruz, Robertson went duck hunting with the reality TV star and both donned black face paint. The pitch was essentially, he's one of us.

The patriarch of the A&E reality show who was briefly kicked off of it for racist and homophobic remarks hasn't shied from that kind of negative language on marriage equality. At Sunday's rally he said:

“Don't you understand that when a fellow like me looks at the landscape and sees the depravity, the perversion — redefining marriage and telling us that marriage is not between a man and a woman? Come on Iowa! It's nonsense. It is evil. It’s wicked. It’s sinful and they want us to swallow it, you say. We have to run this bunch out of Washington, D.C. We have to rid the Earth of them

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