Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples

Ted Cruz and His Mad Scramble for the Hate Vote

It’s a good time to be a hater in America. You have an entire political party devoted to catering to your hating, even though there aren’t enough of you to elect even their best candidate to the highest office in the land. In fact, never in the course of human history has so little been owed by so few for so little.

On Friday, Sandy Rios, the American Family Association’s notorious anti-gay and anti-Muslim activist, endorsed Ted Cruz for president. This is the outfit that boasts Bryan Fischer, the guy who says neither Jews nor Christians have First Amendment rights.

Sandy Rios herself has made the news before, as when she claimed being gay crashed Amtrak or called President Obama an atheist with Muslim sympathies. Ted Cruz and His Mad Scramble for the Hate Vote
Dallin Oaks, an apostle of the LDS Church, is a guy I know and have never liked much. But on this is he is absolutely right.

Elder Oaks Calls for Balance and Accommodation, Not Culture Wars #Fairness4All
Mormon News‎ - 23 hours ago
Although not mentioning Kim Davis by name, in a clear reference to the Kentucky county ...
LDS Church leader references Kim Davis, says public officials 'not free to apply personal convictions' in office
fox13now.com‎ - 23 hours ago
Mormon apostle: Kim Davis was wrong not to issue same-sex marriage licenses
Religion News Service‎ - 8 hours ago

Ted Cruz Wins Endorsement of Antigay Hate Group Official Sandy Rios | Advocate.com

Sandy Rios, a radio host and director of governmental affairs for the American Family Association, certified as an anti-LGBT hate group by the progressive Southern Poverty Law Center.

Right Wing Watch reports that Rios has repeatedly attacked gays, Muslims, and Jewish people, all while warning that “God's judgment will soon fall upon this nation.”

Ted Cruz Is Open to Reinstating DADT | Advocate.com

Texas senator and Republican presidential Ted Cruz proposed reviving the country's dead ban on openly LGB service members at a Monday campaign event in Iowa.

When asked about the policy known as "don't ask, don't tell," he said he was open to reinstating it and would "listen to the expert judgment of the generals and admirals" and that decisions should be based on what is needed for "good order and discipline," The Washington Post reports.
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Cruz is wrong on more than just Marriage and Religion...

Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan Hands The 1 Percent A Massive Break Ted Cruz’s Tax Plan Hands The 1 Percent A Massive Break

On Thursday evening, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) released a tax plan that calls for a flat tax of 10 percent that would end up with a benefit for the wealthiest 1 percent that dwarfs what everyone else would get.

Cruz’s plan wouldn’t tax the first $36,000 of income for a family of four, but anything made above and beyond that would be taxed at 10 percent. That means that the most a wealthy family could pay on its income or investment would be that same 10 percent, a big drop from the top income tax rate of 39.6 percent and capital gains tax rate of 23.8 percent.

The plan would also get rid of many deductions but would keep those for charitable giving and the mortgage interest deduction. The benefit of the mortgage deduction mostly flows to those who make more than $100,000 a year, while the charitable deduction is mostly used by the well off. He would also eliminate the estate tax, which only affects the wealthiest 0.2 percent.

Corporations also get a big windfall.
Maddow Calls Out Ted Cruz For Embracing Radical Anti-Choice Activist
Submitted by Miranda Blue on Wednesday, 11/25/2015 10:40 am
Over the past few weeks, we have been covering the parade of increasingly extreme activists whom Sen. Ted Cruz is embracing as he seeks to shore up the hard-right vote in the Republican presidential primary.

There was the conference Cruz spoke at immediately after the summit’s organizer declared that the biblical punishment for homosexuality is death. There was the list of endorsements from faith leaders that his campaign released that included a pastor who has blamed Ebola on gay rights and another whose long history of right-wing activism includes protesting at gay couple’s weddings and a criminal conviction for stalking an abortion doctor. And then there was the joint press release that Cruz issued with Operation Rescue’s Troy Newman, announcing the endorsement of the activist who has long inhabited the radical fringes of the anti-choice movement.

Last night, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow looked into Newman’s history, citing our reporting on Newman and Operation Rescue, including his backing of capital punishment for abortion providers and tying abortion rights to natural disasters such as the current drought in California.

- See more at: Maddow Calls Out Ted Cruz For Embracing Radical Anti-Choice Activist
Ted Cruz lashes out: ‘The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats’

Ted Cruz (R-TX) accused news outlets of covering up what he described as violent tendencies among Democrats.

“Here’s the simple and undeniable fact. The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats,” Cruz told conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt. “The media doesn’t report that.”

Cruz did not cite any data to back up his accusation, instead repeating the conservative talking point .......

Ted Cruz lashes out: ‘The overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats’
Cruz is a fucking idiot!

Ted Cruz Describes Alleged Planned Parenthood Shooter As ‘Transgendered Leftist Activist’ Ted Cruz Describes Alleged Planned Parenthood Shooter As ‘Transgendered Leftist Activist’

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is the latest presidential candidate trying to downplay the role anti-abortion rhetoric may have played in motivating the Planned Parenthood shooting in Colorado Springs Friday afternoon. When a reporter asked him at an Iowa campaign stop Sunday evening about suspect Robert Lewis Dear saying he was motivated by “no more baby parts,” Cruz countered that he’s also been reported to be a “transgendered [sic] leftist activist.”

Cruz explained, “We know that he was a man registered to vote as a woman.” This discrepancy on Dear’s voter registration was first reported by The Gateway Pundit, a self-described “right-of-center news website,” under the claim that he “identifies as [a] woman.” Conservatives have since run with the claim that Dear is transgender.

There is actually no evidence to suggest that he is transgender, nor a “leftist,” nor any kind of activist. In fact, all of the available information suggests he was none of those things.
All mainstream Republicans know that Cruz is a fascist wannabee not eligible by birth to be president.
Clinton Camp Call Cruz's Contraception Comments 'Revisionist History'


Read the full Clinton campaign statement below: Clinton Camp Call Cruz's Contraception Comments 'Revisionist History'

Ted Cruz’s colorful comments can’t hide his revisionist history on the sustained Republican effort to restrict access to women's health care. He threatened to shut down the government to defund Planned Parenthood. He tried to roll back protections that prevent women from being fired for using contraception. He claimed that emergency birth control was an ‘abortifacient,’ which is both medically and scientifically incorrect. As Cruz tries to police women’s health care decisions and deny a war on women, Hillary Clinton will fight every day to protect them against this seemingly endless Republican assault.
Cruz is completely unhinged......
Ted Cruz Endorser Flip Benham Says Gay Activists Are 'The Most Violent Community There Is ... They Want You Dead' Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Wednesday, 12/2/2015 2:09 pm Last month,

Ted Cruz's presidential campaign proudly announced that the Texas senator had received the endorsement of Flip Benham, the radical anti-choice and anti-gay founder of Operation Save America. Given Cruz's willingness to openly associate with the extreme fringes of the conservative movement, we have been taking a closer look at just whom Cruz is embracing and going through recent speeches that some of his supporters have made, like the remarks that Benham delivered in Louisiana last year. -

See more at: Ted Cruz Endorser Flip Benham Says Gay Activists Are 'The Most Violent Community There Is ... They Want You Dead'

You see, the homosexual community doesn't want to just get you fired or something like that, they want to destroy you! They want to destroy everything because inside of them, their heart is raging against the Lord and they can't ever get satisfied because God thwarts the cravings of the wicked. And you understand that's the most violent community there is, is the homosexual community. They want you dead! I'm guaranteeing you they want you dead!" - See more at: Ted Cruz Endorser Flip Benham Says Gay Activists Are 'The Most Violent Community There Is ... They Want You Dead'
Still cozying up to the Donald:

Ted Cruz Just Voted Against A Bill Condemning Donald Trump's Muslim Ban

The resolution is simple, just 41 words:

"It is the sense of the Senate that the United States must not bar individuals from entering into the United States based on their religion, as such action would be contrary to the fundamental principles on which this Nation was founded."

Most Americans, before, say, this summer, would assume that every Republican would jump up and do somersaults for the chance to vote for this simple "religious freedom" resolution.

Not Ted Cruz.

Cruz is doing everything he possibly can to not antagonize Donald Trump, but more importantly, to not antagonize Donald Trump's supporters, whom he is trying to grab once, he assumes, Trump exists the race.
Your daily dose of inane insanity from Cruz:
Ted Cruz Raises Money For Radical Gun Group To Fight Obama's 'Left-Wing Hatred Of Your Liberty' Submitted by Miranda Blue on Friday, 12/11/2015 3:46 pm

Ted Cruz sent a fundraising email on behalf of the radical gun group Gun Owners of America yesterday, boasting that he was “honored to work with GOA” to stop gun legislation after the Sandy Hook massacre and declaring that President Obama’s gun control efforts “have nothing to do with keeping Americans safe, and everything to do with his left-wing hatred of your liberty and your rights under the Constitution.” - See more at: Ted Cruz Raises Money For Radical Gun Group To Fight Obama's 'Left-Wing Hatred Of Your Liberty'


Religious Right Leader James Dobson To Endorse Ted Cruz
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 12/11/2015 2:45 pm
In an interview yesterday with the Washington Post, James Dobson, the influential founder of Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council, revealed that he is likely to endorse Ted Cruz’s presidential bid, noting that the Religious Right is “coalescing around Senator Cruz” thanks to his “strong record on religious liberty, life and marriage.”

Cruz has ramped up his support from the party’s far-right in recent weeks, touting endorsements from an activist who wants abortion doctors executed and others who have linked homosexuality to Ebola, train crashes and the Holocaust.

- See more at: Religious Right Leader James Dobson To Endorse Ted Cruz
And on LGBT rights..

Ted Cruz Endorsed By Anti-LGBT National Organization For Marriage
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Wednesday, 12/9/2015 12:25 pm
The National Organization for Marriage, a group that was founded to stop marriage equality but has since embraced other anti-LGBT causes, announced today that it has endorsed Ted Cruz for president, asking conservatives to coalesce around the Texas senator’s candidacy.

Cruz, who has actively courted even the most radical of anti-gay activists, including those who believe that the government should execute gay people, was one of several GOP presidential candidates who signed NOM’s pledge to back a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, order the Justice Department to help gay marriage opponents and “prevent the promotion of a redefined version of marriage in public schools and other government entities.”

- See more at: Ted Cruz Endorsed By Anti-LGBT National Organization For Marriage
Cruz is a real piece of work. He is in bed with the worst of the worst!

Everything You Need To Know About Tony Perkins, The Man Who Brought The Religious Right To Ted Cruz
Submitted by Brian Tashman on Tuesday, 12/15/2015 2:45 pm
The National Review reports today that Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, convened a meeting last week at which several dozen influential Religious Right activists sought to unify their support behind a single presidential candidate. Ted Cruz ultimately won a supermajority of those involved, and as a result “an avalanche of endorsements is forthcoming from conservative leaders,” including a looming endorsement from Perkins.

Despite Perkins’ high standing in the conservative movement, his positions place him far outside the mainstream. This isn’t just because he opposes things like gay marriage and abortion rights, as most conservative leaders do. Instead, Perkins has a record of labeling his political opponents as satanic, conjuring up wild conspiracy theories and backing extremist legislation around the world, including a Uganda bill that would have imposed the death penalty or life prison sentences for some gay people.

Of course, seeing that Cruz has already touted endorsements from a convicted abortion doctor stalker, an activist who wants abortion providers to be executed and activists who link gay people to everything from Ebola to Amtrak crashes to terrorism to the Holocaust, Perkins will fit right in.

- See more at: Everything You Need To Know About Tony Perkins, The Man Who Brought The Religious Right To Ted Cruz
People Who Hate Gays Sure Do Love Ted Cruz
Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Monday, 12/21/2015 2:14 pm
In his most recent column, Religious Right activist Matt Barber announced that he is endorsing Ted Cruz for president, saying that Cruz is being raised up by God "for such a time as this."

Barber is the founder of the website BarbWire.com, which is a repository of wild conspiracy theories and viciously anti-gay rhetoric, which is to be expected since Barber himself has a long history of anti-gay activism.

Barber has repeatedly stated that gay marriage is "Satanic" and a cancer and that gay rights activists are fascists, thugs and the "pawns of Satan." He said that legalizing gay marriage is an act of defiance against God, for which this nation will face divine wrath. He is notorious for having once said that gay male relationships constitute nothing more than "one man violently cramming his penis into another man’s lower intestine and calling it 'love.'" He has called for the passage of Russian-style anti-gay laws in America and has said that he has been "called by God" to tell gays that AIDS is God's punishment for their sin and that it is his mission to wipe out the "sexually immoral scourge of same-sex marriage."

- See more at: People Who Hate Gays Sure Do Love Ted Cruz
Religious Right Leaders Head To Farris Wilks Ranch To Plot How To Make Ted Cruz President Submitted by Peter Montgomery on Tuesday, 12/22/2015 10:17 am

As we have been reporting for several months, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has been consolidating support from Religious Right leaders by enthusiastically embracing their anti-gay, anti-choice views. The momentum shifted into high gear after a secret meeting on December 7 at which dozens of Religious Right leaders voted to back Cruz – and a flood of endorsements has followed. Now, the Washington Post’s Tom Hamburger reports that the group will gather again a few days after Christmas “at a remote ranch in central Texas, where Cruz, his wife and several key financial backers will visit with some of the country’s most prominent evangelical leaders for private conversations and a public rally.” The ranch is owned by Farris Wilks, who with his brother made billions in the fracking business and has since become a major funder of far-right, anti-gay, anti-choice, anti-church-state separation organizations. - See more at: Religious Right Leaders Head To Farris Wilks Ranch To Plot How To Make Ted Cruz President
Cruz Prayer Call: Ted Cruz Will Be The 'Godly President' Who Can Lead A 'Moral And Cultural Revolution' In America

Submitted by Miranda Blue on Tuesday, 12/22/2015 12:50 pm
Sen. Ted Cruz’s campaign has started leading weekly prayer calls for supporters, each led by one or two of the many conservative pastors and Religious Right activists who have endorsed the Texas Republican’s presidential bid.

At bat today was North Carolina-based pastor and anti-gay activist Michael Brown, who, before leading the callers in prayer, said that he believed that if God is behind Cruz’s campaign, He will send a “miracle” to propel the Texas senator to the White House and insisted that Cruz would be a “godly president” who could help believers bring about a “radical change” in America.
- See more at: Cruz Prayer Call: Ted Cruz Will Be The 'Godly President' Who Can Lead A 'Moral And Cultural Revolution' In America
Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples
MSNBC ^ | 06/28/15 12:50 AM | Adam Howard
Sen. Ted Cruz is ready to rain on the parade of Texas citizens celebrating the Supreme Court decision on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage throughout the country.
On Saturday, the 2016 Republican presidential candidate said he “absolutely” believes that his state’s country clerks should deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples if they have a religious objection, in an interview with The Texas Tribune.
“Ours is a country that was built by men and women fleeing religious oppression,” Cruz told the newspaper, “and you look at the foundation of this country—it was to seek out a new land where anyone of us could worship the Lord God Almighty with all of our hearts, minds and souls, without government getting in the way.”

Ted cruz is consistent in his beliefs. Not a flip flopper.

I have a question for you right wing "SPOILERS"

Just how does it effect you if the house next door is the home of a Gay couple?

I thought America was a free country and as long as what you were doing wasn't harming anyone it was OK! Why am I wrong?
Ted Cruz backs county clerks denying marriage licenses to gay couples
MSNBC ^ | 06/28/15 12:50 AM | Adam Howard
Sen. Ted Cruz is ready to rain on the parade of Texas citizens celebrating the Supreme Court decision on Friday to legalize same-sex marriage throughout the country.
On Saturday, the 2016 Republican presidential candidate said he “absolutely” believes that his state’s country clerks should deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples if they have a religious objection, in an interview with The Texas Tribune.
“Ours is a country that was built by men and women fleeing religious oppression,” Cruz told the newspaper, “and you look at the foundation of this country—it was to seek out a new land where anyone of us could worship the Lord God Almighty with all of our hearts, minds and souls, without government getting in the way.”

Ted cruz is consistent in his beliefs. Not a flip flopper.

I have a question for you right wing "SPOILERS"

Just how does it effect you if the house next door is the home of a Gay couple?

I thought America was a free country and as long as what you were doing wasn't harming anyone it was OK! Why am I wrong?
You will never get a rational answer

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