MSNBC says it's okay that Michael Cohen stole $30,000 from Trump, because "he thought he deserved" it

Remember, lefties, next time your employer pays you less than you think you deserve, just steal the rest!

This is the left in 2024...

There is real comedy gold in the Bragg Clown Show turning into another disaster for the leftists. Their star witness managed to prove once again he's a serial perjuror and now an admitted thief who stole money for personal gain.

You expect Bragg et. al. to arrive at court in a tiny car as all the clowns pile out.
It is Democrats Top 5 principle to take other peoples money. The feel strongly those people don’t deserve it and wish they hand more so taking it matches their feelings
It is Democrats Top 5 principle to take other peoples money. The feel strongly those people don’t deserve it and wish they hand more so taking it matches their feelings
Cohen may become the next hero of the left. He's the perfect candidate as the unprincipled, admitted thief and perjuror who represents the retrograde ideology of the Dems / Socialists.
desperation = Cohen is not on trial. Trump is.

Cohen has already been found guilty of lying. He is a felon. A convicted felon. And the best witness the left has. Now he admits to grand larceny against the accused while on the stand, a felony FAR WORSE than what Trump is accused of. He literally made Trump the victim of a felony of grand larceny. And the left excuses it!

The only crime that has been shown to have been committed in this trial was by Cohen, not Trump.

This is completely ignoring the fact that the "nonbiased" judge in this case is a known Biden donor. Yea, it's that fucking ridiculous. Can you imagine the fucking left crying if Biden were on trial and the judge was a Trump donor? OMFG they would crying more than they already are.
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Cohen has already been found guilty of lying. He is a felon. A convicted felon. And the best witness the left has. Now he admits to grand larceny against the accused while on the stand, a felony FAR WORSE than what Trump is accused of. He literally made Trump the victim of a felony of grand larceny. And the left excuses it!

The only crime that has been shown to have been committed in this trial was by Cohen, not Trump.

This is completely ignoring the fact that the "nonbiased" judge in this case is a known Biden donor. Yea, it's that fucking ridiculous. Can you imagine the fucking left crying if Biden were on trial and the judge was a Trump donor? OMFG they would crying more than they already are.

Good guys aren't usually the witnesses in criminal trials.
Yes, they are. They are usually the victims. In this case, the witness is the biggest perp of them all.

And convicted felons don't tend to have the best credibility, especially when they admit to MORE felonies on the stand.
Your ability to be out there exposing yourself as a fool is -- well, it's interesting.
The jury is not part of the audience at the Trump circus. The courtroom is shielded from the bs political arguments posing as legal arguments. The jury is not supposed to be discussing the trial or engaging with media. Trump's team is betting on a hung jury, and not a decision of not guilty. Hung juries are rare. Trump has a history of losing in courts, but he also is pretty lucky in some ways.

If Trump walks it's not the end of the world. He's been held to account. He could be retried if it's a hung jury, but either way he's a former president who has been through a criminal trial. I'm sure he loves that he'll be in the history books. He is that type of despicable man.
Not anymore... Judge Merchan just gave the jurors a week off exposing them to whatever disinformation and propaganda the Media can shovel their waym rather than sequester them.
As of today the prosecution has yet to name the crime(s) Trump is being tried for.
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Not anymore... Judge Merchan just gave the jurors a week off exposing them to whatever disinformation and propaganda the Media can shovel their waym rather than sequester them.
As of today the prosecution has yet to name the crime(s) Trump is being tried for.

Your worldview of the patriotism and honor of American citizens is despicable.
So what....

No one said Micheal Cohen was a choir boy, He was a close Trump confident and he was stealing off him...

Make Trump look like a fool...

This doesn't change Cohen character... The guy is a convicted criminal...

Truymp still wrote him checks to pay for porn start to keep quite...

Micheal Cohen mortgaged his home to pay off Stormy Daniels and you are trying to say he did it with out Trump knowing why he was paying him... And then Trump signed the checks...
Did Cohen, in his testimony, say that he did the HELOC because Trump told him to do that and hide it from his wife? Doesn't make sense because Trump could've just paid Cohen the money without the home mortgage.

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