Talk about being irresponsible obama campigan


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
This idiot does not deserve too be president and the way he's running his campaign is a very good example. Are you ready for this?

Obama spending more on campaign than he is raising

WASHINGTON – As Election Day approaches, President Barack Obama is burning through campaign money faster than he can collect it — exceeding his spending pace at this stage of the 2008 contest as he expands his field operation and trades combative ads on the airwaves with Republican rival Mitt Romney.

Last month alone, Obama spent nearly $59 million through his main campaign account — $10 million more than he raised, financial reports filed late Monday afternoon show. The cost of his campaign so far: more than $325 million, not counting spending by the the Democratic Party committees aiding his re-election.|head

CHICAGO -- Republicans quickly jumped on a report that President Obama’s largest fundraiser here Sunday was only “half full,” but the crowd for the event was larger than the Obama campaign had initially anticipated.

“At Obama fundraiser in Chicago. Admission only $51, but room is half full,” New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor wrote on Twitter.

The Romney campaign seized on Kantor’s estimate, as spokesman Ryan Williams tweeted, “Thrill is gone.” The Drudge Report also piled on, linking to Kantor’s tweet, which has been reposted by a few hundred others. (Kantor quickly followed up with additional tweets noting that only some tickets to the event cost $51 and that the campaign said the event was sold out.)

Obama camp: 1,000 attended 'half-full' fundraiser -
From the dejected look on his face at the long-overdue but politically inspired press conference, he looks like a beaten man who has given up.

But of course we will hear... he's just tired.

Hey after all, who wouldn't be weary after spending the last year on the campaign trail when he should have been in the White House DOING HIS FUCKING JOB!
Hell. I got one of those automated questionairs at work yesterday.

Just for the hell of it I answered.

No. I ain't voting for Barry and Yes. I am voting for Mitt.

No I aint' voting for Nelson and Yes. I am voting for Connie Mack.

Don't know who puts those out. They take only a couple of minutes to answer on the phone.

If it was a Barry ad I'm sure he didn't like my answers.

Of course some idiots still think he walks on water but we all don't have common sense.

If its broke it needs fixing and Barry and his posse are broke big time.
From the dejected look on his face at the long-overdue but politically inspired press conference, he looks like a beaten man who has given up.

But of course we will hear... he's just tired.

Hey after all, who wouldn't be weary after spending the last year on the campaign trail when he should have been in the White House DOING HIS FUCKING JOB!

He knew he with his agenda that he would be a one term president.
Hell. I got one of those automated questionairs at work yesterday.

Just for the hell of it I answered.

No. I ain't voting for Barry and Yes. I am voting for Mitt.

No I aint' voting for Nelson and Yes. I am voting for Connie Mack.

Don't know who puts those out. They take only a couple of minutes to answer on the phone.

If it was a Barry ad I'm sure he didn't like my answers.

Of course some idiots still think he walks on water but we all don't have common sense.

If its broke it needs fixing and Barry and his posse are broke big time.
From the dejected look on his face at the long-overdue but politically inspired press conference, he looks like a beaten man who has given up.

But of course we will hear... he's just tired.

Hey after all, who wouldn't be weary after spending the last year on the campaign trail when he should have been in the White House DOING HIS FUCKING JOB!

of course hes tired, hes been spending our money like a drunken sailor and playing rounds of golf, have some respect for this tired tired man.
When obama won, his claim was he ran a successful campaign so he can run the country.

This time, he's running his campaign like he ran the country. Spending without money to spend.
I'm sure the Unions will ante up for Obama... If that doesn't work he can always pilfer Social Security for campaign loot.
From the dejected look on his face at the long-overdue but politically inspired press conference, he looks like a beaten man who has given up.

But of course we will hear... he's just tired.

Hey after all, who wouldn't be weary after spending the last year on the campaign trail when he should have been in the White House DOING HIS FUCKING JOB!

This tyrant sees retaining power as his one and only job.
Everything else is on somebody else.
As his loss looms ever larger, donations are drying up.

obama might end up like Newt Gingrich who ran out of money and found no one willing to extend credit.

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