Paul Ryan Hailed Todd Akin’s ‘Leadership’ During Missouri Senate Primary


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
“Todd Akin has been a great asset to the House Budget Committee,” Ryan said in a joint press release last November with fellow House leaders, including NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions, and Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan. “His principled approach to fiscal responsibility is exactly the kind of leadership America needs and I appreciate his hard work.”

More: Paul Ryan Hailed Todd Akin’s ‘Leadership’ In Missouri Senate Primary | TPM2012

Two peas....

Although best known for his budget work, Ryan is firmly within the right wing of his party on abortion. The Obama campaign recently released a TV adhighlighting Ryan’s support for banning abortions without exceptions for rape and incest and, in certain cases, even the health of the mother.
“Todd Akin has been a great asset to the House Budget Committee,” Ryan said in a joint press release last November with fellow House leaders, including NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions, and Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan. “His principled approach to fiscal responsibility is exactly the kind of leadership America needs and I appreciate his hard work.”

More: Paul Ryan Hailed Todd Akin’s ‘Leadership’ In Missouri Senate Primary | TPM2012

As well, they both sponsored two bills in Congress and have nearly identical beliefs regarding rape, incest.....women's rights (or lack thereof) in general.
His use of the term "legitimate rape" telegraphs his opinion about women and sexuality as much as it addresses the issue of abortion.

As opposed to what? False rape?

Yeah, I think that was his point.

Insulting to rape victims, do you think?
“Todd Akin has been a great asset to the House Budget Committee,” Ryan said in a joint press release last November with fellow House leaders, including NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions, and Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan. “His principled approach to fiscal responsibility is exactly the kind of leadership America needs and I appreciate his hard work.”

More: Paul Ryan Hailed Todd Akin’s ‘Leadership’ In Missouri Senate Primary | TPM2012

As well, they both sponsored two bills in Congress and have nearly identical beliefs regarding rape, incest.....women's rights (or lack thereof) in general.
But of course! It's right there in their platform. The Republican Platform - No abortions, even in the case of rape and incest.
“Todd Akin has been a great asset to the House Budget Committee,” Ryan said in a joint press release last November with fellow House leaders, including NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions, and Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan. “His principled approach to fiscal responsibility is exactly the kind of leadership America needs and I appreciate his hard work.”

More: Paul Ryan Hailed Todd Akin’s ‘Leadership’ In Missouri Senate Primary | TPM2012

As expected, your OP is misleading. Ryan has not endorsed Akin...never did. He simply praised his leadership ability.

That does not mean that he agrees with every opinion Akin holds.

From your link:

"Akin touted Ryan’s praise as a major asset, prompting his GOP primary rivals to accuse Akin of misleading by implying Ryan had endorsed him in the race. Ryan’s spokesman quickly clarified at the time that he merely was “applauding Rep. Akin’s work on the House Budget Committee,” not giving his official backing, according to Politico."

You are a deceptive person. That is a trait typical of most liberals.
“Todd Akin has been a great asset to the House Budget Committee,” Ryan said in a joint press release last November with fellow House leaders, including NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions, and Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan. “His principled approach to fiscal responsibility is exactly the kind of leadership America needs and I appreciate his hard work.”

More: Paul Ryan Hailed Todd Akin’s ‘Leadership’ In Missouri Senate Primary | TPM2012

As expected, your OP is misleading. Ryan has not endorsed Akin...never did. He simply praised his leadership ability.

That does not mean that he agrees with every opinion Akin holds.

From your link:

"Akin touted Ryan’s praise as a major asset, prompting his GOP primary rivals to accuse Akin of misleading by implying Ryan had endorsed him in the race. Ryan’s spokesman quickly clarified at the time that he merely was “applauding Rep. Akin’s work on the House Budget Committee,” not giving his official backing, according to Politico."

You are a deceptive person. That is a trait typical of most liberals.

Doesn't mean he DOESN'T either.:badgrin: You on the right/wrong side have no room to blame others for deception.:eusa_whistle:

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