Taking bets on the election

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
obama is going to run out of money in the middle of October and Romney will be running virtually unopposed.
Obama still has the media working on his campaign for free. And He is the President so he can generate his own publicity.

I dont think he will get over 200 EV. But Im not a gambler. I dont believe in gambling.
Quote: Originally Posted by Old Rocks
Well, if they screw up bad enough, perhaps they can change these numbers. Then again, if Romney and Ryan keep talking, maybe not.

President Obama 332 Governor Romney 206

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

I'll bet you a year-long USMB ban that The Obama won't carry 332 or more EV.
Any takers?

I can never understand this sort of bet.

Why would I care if you self-ban for a year? How is that a "prize" for me?

Or, for that matter, why would you care if a "liberal" self-banned? How is that a "prize" for you?
I do like how he's hoping Romney doesn't lose by more than 62 electoral votes.

It is sort of a sad commentary on the expectations republicans really have for their candidate this fall.
Quote: Originally Posted by Old Rocks
Well, if they screw up bad enough, perhaps they can change these numbers. Then again, if Romney and Ryan keep talking, maybe not.

President Obama 332 Governor Romney 206

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

I'll bet you a year-long USMB ban that The Obama won't carry 332 or more EV.
Any takers?

I can never understand this sort of bet.

Why would I care if you self-ban for a year? How is that a "prize" for me?

Or, for that matter, why would you care if a "liberal" self-banned? How is that a "prize" for you?

That depends on who takes the bet.

I mean, really – if RDean, Mr. Shaman or TM actually self-ban are you going to complain?

What about sniper, or rabbi?

One can only hope
332 is about the fringe of what Obama can win. I'd put him in the 300-332 range

Meanwhile, the best Romney can hope for is in the 220-280 range
Quote: Originally Posted by Old Rocks
Well, if they screw up bad enough, perhaps they can change these numbers. Then again, if Romney and Ryan keep talking, maybe not.

President Obama 332 Governor Romney 206

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map No Toss Ups

I'll bet you a year-long USMB ban that The Obama won't carry 332 or more EV.
Any takers?

I can never understand this sort of bet.

Why would I care if you self-ban for a year? How is that a "prize" for me?

Or, for that matter, why would you care if a "liberal" self-banned? How is that a "prize" for you?
So... you're unwilling to take the bet.
Thank you.

I'll bet you a year-long USMB ban that The Obama won't carry 332 or more EV.
Any takers?

I can never understand this sort of bet.

Why would I care if you self-ban for a year? How is that a "prize" for me?

Or, for that matter, why would you care if a "liberal" self-banned? How is that a "prize" for you?
So... you're unwilling to take the bet.
Thank you.

Are you willing to bet that Romney will win 332 Electoral votes?
I do like how he's hoping Romney doesn't lose by more than 62 electoral votes.
You apparently failed to read the OP and the link contained therein, or did read them and failed to comprehend what was found there.

The bet has nothing to do with -my- hopes, but rather, the confidence of the Obamanation.

Note that you are unwilling to take the bet, which speaks to YOUR lack of confidence.
I do like how he's hoping Romney doesn't lose by more than 62 electoral votes.
You apparently failed to read the OP and the link contained therein, or did read them and failed to comprehend what was found there.

The bet has nothing to do with -my- hopes, but rather, the confidence of the Obamanation.

Note that you are unwilling to take the bet, which speaks to YOUR lack of confidence.

I'm sure our president will win. You're asking me to gague the size of the blowout victory. To get to 332 He would have to win in FL, VA, WI, CO, NV, IA. I think he's conceded Florida by and large although he's there today. So he likely won't get to 332.

I'm uber confident in victory. Not uber confident he'll get to 332.

The bet has everything to do with you realizing that the Governor is going down in flames and this thread is an attempt to manage the defeat.

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