Summer vacation Obama style versus George Bush

Total hater dupe....BTW, your more on welfare than ever stat is more of the same, only when you count poor workers eligible for food stamps and new people on Medicaid because of the greatest social reform ever. But thanks for the corrupt Pub world depression, fool.
Bush campaigned on not nation building.
Yet we spent billions rebuilding Iraq.
After we spent billions destroying Iraq.

Your move.

You are deflecting, the idiot lib praised Obama while slamming Bush for troops killed ignoring that nearly 3x troops have been killed in Afghanistan under Obama vs Bush. Do you have a counter point that is not deflection? I doubt it.

Not sure whom you're speaking about or what the context was.

But if you're interested in the truth here it is: The reason Bush wasn't spilling so much blood in Afghanistan was because he was busy sending our best and brightest into the Iraqi meat grinder instead under the guise of WMDs being there.

Those are the facts, spin away.

You're Marvel Comics super villain name is Deflecto!

You are? Your Marvel Comics super villain name is Incorrecto!

Hey I could have named you Harpo but I was being nice.
Any actual argument, Pubtroll MORON?
Bush campaigned on not nation building.
Yet we spent billions rebuilding Iraq.
After we spent billions destroying Iraq.

Your move.

You are deflecting, the idiot lib praised Obama while slamming Bush for troops killed ignoring that nearly 3x troops have been killed in Afghanistan under Obama vs Bush. Do you have a counter point that is not deflection? I doubt it.

Not sure whom you're speaking about or what the context was.

But if you're interested in the truth here it is: The reason Bush wasn't spilling so much blood in Afghanistan was because he was busy sending our best and brightest into the Iraqi meat grinder instead under the guise of WMDs being there.

Those are the facts, spin away.

You're Marvel Comics super villain name is Deflecto!

You are? Your Marvel Comics super villain name is Incorrecto!

Hey I could have named you Harpo but I was being nice.

Oh well, I'm sure that makes sense to someone from your planet.
Obama's half brother doesn't want any help. More bs Pubcrappe gossip, of course
Obama's half brother doesn't want any help. More bs Pubcrappe gossip, of course.

Right! So why does Obama keep like an old preacher harping on "my brother's keeper" when anyone with common sense
would ask why would you want YOUR brother to live in a HUT??? How f...king embarrassing!
He wouldn't ask Obama but HE ASKED a total stranger???
By Dinesh D'SouzaPublished August 16, 2012
A few days ago I received a call from a man I recently met named George. He was a bit flustered, and soon informed me that his young son was sick with a chest condition.
He pleaded with me to send him $1,000 to cover the medical bills.
Since George was at the hospital I asked him to let me speak to a nurse, and she confirmed that George’s son was indeed ill.
So I agreed to send George the money through Western Union. He was profusely grateful.
But before I hung up I asked George, “Why are you coming to me?” He said, “I have no one else to ask.” Then he said something that astounded me, “Dinesh, you are like a brother to me.”
Actually, George has a real life brother who just happens to be the president of the United States. (George Obama is the youngest of eight children sired by Barack Obama Sr.)
George’s brother is a multimillionaire and the most powerful man in the world. Moreover, George’s brother has framed his re-election campaign around the “fair share” theme that we owe obligations to those who are less fortunate.
One of Obama’s favorite phrases comes right out of the Bible: “We are our brother’s keeper.” Yet he has not contributed a penny to help his own brother. And evidently George does not believe, even in times of emergency, that he can turn to his brother in the White House for help.
Before I hung up I asked George, “Why are you coming to me?” He said, “I have no one else to ask.”
Then he said something that astounded me, “Dinesh, you are like a brother to me.”

So much for spreading the wealth around.
Obama is talking policy DUH, not total Pubcrappe bs gossip, dunderhead. The usual hater dupe brainwashed idiocy...

Oh yea... Obama is a GREAT TALKER but a piss poor walker!
Understand that? Totally ineffective executive who TALKS...TALKS... certainly reminds me of Peter Sellers in
"Being There"... unfortunately that movie reference goes WAY over your head!
And of course here is Obama's opinion of people like you...fools!
Being the juvenile sophomoric president as he is... showing you what he thinks of YOU FFOs!
Screen Shot 2015-07-07 at 6.08.08 PM.png
The guys' got the toughest job in the world with very little pay for it and the petty assholes on the right are begrudging him a decent vacation.

Begrudge a vacation at a $12 million estate???
How f...king decent you are!
I really wish he'd spend more time on vacation and less time f...king up our country!
This idiot has more people who want jobs as well as more people on welfare... what a record and then he has the gall
to laugh at you idiots that support him by playing a round of golf of $170 i.e. 14 times his brother's annual rent!
How can people like you accept this phony hypocrite?

I just enjoy watching all of your faux outrage.

Of course you do as all fools do... you have NO idea of how much Obama loathes people like you...fools.
Remember Obama told you he was going to fool you knowing you are dumb he can tell you he is fooling you and of course
you have no idea he doing to you what he said he did to most people from his "Dreams from My Father"...
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time.
But Obama has a home in Chicago. Why doesn't he spend ANY vacation time as GWB spent at his home?

I truly don't begrudge Obama's vacation time... frankly I wish he'd spend MORE time away from messing up the country!
What I do really think is hypocritical are people like YOU!
You have NO problem defending Obama spending money at posh $12 million estates while he touts his care and concern for the "poor" i.e. brother's keeper!
Don't you see the hypocrisy here?
Yes Bush was staying at his home. So even more so wouldn't at least Obama mitigate the image by at least spending in summer time some time at his "home"?

I have no problem with either Bush or Obama going on vacation- I don't even have an issue with Bush spending 3 times as much time on vacation as Obama.

Why doesn't Obama spend his vacation at his Chicago home- perhaps because it is not secure enough by Secret Service standards, perhaps it is not large enough to set up his operations away from the White House- I don't really care.

Like I said- not all Presidents come from wealthy families like the Bush's and have lavish family estates to retreat to.

This whole thread just comes off as another petty attack on Obama and his family.

So let's boil this down.
Obama can't afford to stay in Chicago.
Obama deserves vacations right?
Surely the perception, the imagery of a President who brags about being his "brother's keeper" while his own lives in a $12/year hut while
Obama spends ten times that amount on a round of golf?
The real hypocrisy here is people like you!
You defend this phony image of Obama being for the people while he spends 10 times what it would take to pay his brother's rent on one round of golf!
Just total hypocrisy on people especially FFOs that still don't comprehend this gross phony president and the damages he's done to the USA!

So let's boil this down.

Obama has spent 1/3 the number of days on vacation as Bush.
You are therefore of course upset that Obama is not spending those 1/3 of many days at his own expansive estate since he does not have one- but is instead renting a place for his vacation.

I don't have to defend Obama for anything- President's go on vacation- always have. Sometimes, when they are wealthy- they spend them at their own vast estates- other times they rent the property of others.

You 'care' because its Obama and your hypocrisy is that you just care because its Obama.

I want him to be on vacation as LONG AS HE CAN to stay away from destroying the country!
My point was he like you obviously don't understand the "optics"... i.e. 93 million people that can work are out of work!]

I understand your optics just fine.

You are flailing around looking for something to attack President Obama with- and rather than actually attacking him for his policies- you thought you had a real winner for taking 1/3 as many vacation days as Bush took.

And Obama knows FFOs like you defend him while laughs at your stupidity...i.e remember the guy he hired said it took
the "Stupidity of American voter" to get ACA passed... FFOs like you that continually defend this guy even when he laughs at you!
All of you FFOs keep defending this phony president and he knows it! He constantly is making fun of you. Laughing at you FFOs because he KNOWS you are so stupid he can in spite of the "optics" thumb his nose, give you the finger in everything he does!
He's laughing at you dummies that continual defend a guy who is destroying the USA economy with his stupid actions.
Really this guy spending his "vacation" in a place that just reeks of wealthy 1%ers and HE makes it sound like he is one of you FFOs...i.e. playing golf at $170 a round at a $12m vacation?

I agree with him .... he knows you are FFOs and like the Emperor's Clothes he could be wearing nothing and you would agree...
The Emperor’s New Clothes
So the Emperor went in procession under the rich canopy, and every one in the streets said,
“How incomparable are the Emperor’s new clothes! what a train he has to his mantle! how it fits him!”
No one would let it be perceived that he could see nothing, for that would have shown that he was not fit for his office, or was very stupid. No clothes of the Emperor’s had ever had such a success as these.

But he has nothing on!” a little child cried out at last.

“Just hear what that innocent says!” said the father: and one whispered to another what the child had said.
“But he has nothing on!” said the whole people at length.
That touched the Emperor, for it seemed to him that they were right; but the thought within himself, “I must go through with the procession.”
And so he held himself a little higher, and the chamberlains held on tighter than ever, and carried the train which did not exist at all.
The Emperor 146 s New Clothes. Andersen Hans Christian. 1909-14. Tales. The Harvard Classics
I really don't give a fuck what they do with their time...
I'm sure you don't....Because you view tax dollars as Other People's Money....
I really don't give a fuck what they do with their time...
I'm sure you don't because YOU are a FFO.
They earned their position...And the president never gave a damn what I did on my leave time in the Army...I don't care what any president does with his earned time off...See when you have a job, you get time off from it......maybe you should get one....
Umm Elected office SHOULD NEVER get the elected something like this. Not unless they are spending THEIR OWN money.....
Earned time off? How so?
I hope the obama's have a blast.

As to Dubya, it would have been hugely disrespectful for him to take a big vacation while sending thousands of Americans to their deaths.
Those soldiers in Afghanistan are not Americans?
I couldn't care less how much golf they play or or anything about their personal lives until they get indicted and convicted, but W was a corrupt or idiotic disaster for humanity. Usual GOP stuff...
I really don't give a fuck what they do with their time...
I'm sure you don't....Because you view tax dollars as Other People's Money....
I really don't give a fuck what they do with their time...
I'm sure you don't because YOU are a FFO.
They earned their position...And the president never gave a damn what I did on my leave time in the Army...I don't care what any president does with his earned time off...See when you have a job, you get time off from it......maybe you should get one....
Umm Elected office SHOULD NEVER get the elected something like this. Not unless they are spending THEIR OWN money.....
Earned time off? How so?
You're a classic GOPer moron, obsessed with irrelevant Pubcrappe gossip while facts are unknown to you and the Pubs rob you blind. Mission accomplished!

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