Summer vacation Obama style versus George Bush

That $12 million vacation spot is costing each of us tax payers like 12 cents.

Pettiness is a sacrament to the conservatards.

It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

No, you're showing what an imbecile you are.
I hope the obama's have a blast.

As to Dubya, it would have been hugely disrespectful for him to take a big vacation while sending thousands of Americans to their deaths.

Over 1,500 troops have lost their lives in Afghanistan under Obama vs 575 lost under Bush.

Yeah, that's because Bush took 4 years off from Afghanistan to fuck up Iraq for some reason. Oh yeah, WMDs...

Ignoring the premise of the thread i.e. Obama is a phony hypocrite that touts being "for the people"..."us versus them" all the while playing golf on a course
that the cost of one round is ten times what his brother pays in annual rent!
Total hypocrisy on display!


Bush claims to be a Christian. His administration lied to the face of Pat Tillman's parents about his death. Bush never apologized.

If you want to play Presidential hypocrisy between Bush and Obama, feel free to roll the dice.
I think we are all seeing your hypocrisy.

Your own OP shows Bush spending 3 times as much vacation time as Obama- but you are upset with Obama.

The OP says that Bush spent 381 days AT HOME, not on vacation. Bush worked from his ranch quite a bit. That's not the same as the vacation binge the Obama's have celebrated for the past few years.

There is no question that Obama takes better vacations than Bush. Who the fuck would prefer to go to Crawford Texas over Hawaii

But, there is also no question that Bush took significantly more vacations regardless of how he wasted his vacation

Working from home is not a vacation.

And it says quite a bit about Obama that he doesn't have a home where he is happy to just spend time with his family.

Sure is

He is not at work....where he chose to spend his vacation is not relevant

Just because Obama has more style than Bush in how he chooses to spend his free time does not negate that Bush took three times as much free time

Hahaha!!! "Style" you say... more like less a common person then he touts!
Hypocrite is what I call him... No style just a narcissistic idiot!

Sorry dude

Hawaiian vacations have more style that Crawford vacations

You lose
I hope the obama's have a blast.

As to Dubya, it would have been hugely disrespectful for him to take a big vacation while sending thousands of Americans to their deaths.

Yeah...weekends included.

Oh....and Obama has presided over the deaths of as many troops and civilians as Bush. Nevermind all of the folks he helped kill in the ME since the Arab Spring.
Wow, that's terrible. Could you post your link. Cuz the last info I have showed that nearly 7,000 troops died under Bush and only about 2,000 under Obama.
Bush won...Obabble lost.
I hope the obama's have a blast.

As to Dubya, it would have been hugely disrespectful for him to take a big vacation while sending thousands of Americans to their deaths.

Yeah...weekends included.

Oh....and Obama has presided over the deaths of as many troops and civilians as Bush. Nevermind all of the folks he helped kill in the ME since the Arab Spring.
Wow, that's terrible. Could you post your link. Cuz the last info I have showed that nearly 7,000 troops died under Bush and only about 2,000 under Obama.
Bush won...Obabble lost.

:eek: Correction?

Alibaba to JD.Com Plunge as Investors Flee From All Things China - Bloomberg Business
I hope the obama's have a blast.

As to Dubya, it would have been hugely disrespectful for him to take a big vacation while sending thousands of Americans to their deaths.

Yeah...weekends included.

Oh....and Obama has presided over the deaths of as many troops and civilians as Bush. Nevermind all of the folks he helped kill in the ME since the Arab Spring.
Wow, that's terrible. Could you post your link. Cuz the last info I have showed that nearly 7,000 troops died under Bush and only about 2,000 under Obama.
Bush won...Obabble lost.

:eek: Correction?

Alibaba to JD.Com Plunge as Investors Flee From All Things China - Bloomberg Business
Hard to tell...the manipulators are in control...the liars are legion...I am holding and losing as usual. Greece has the GDP of Louisiana but is roiling the world. I don't believe anything coming out of China. Sorry...I am no help. Are you cruising yet?
That $12 million vacation spot is costing each of us tax payers like 12 cents.

Pettiness is a sacrament to the conservatards.

It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

No, you're showing what an imbecile you are.
I hope the obama's have a blast.

As to Dubya, it would have been hugely disrespectful for him to take a big vacation while sending thousands of Americans to their deaths.

Over 1,500 troops have lost their lives in Afghanistan under Obama vs 575 lost under Bush.

Yeah, that's because Bush took 4 years off from Afghanistan to fuck up Iraq for some reason. Oh yeah, WMDs...

Ignoring the premise of the thread i.e. Obama is a phony hypocrite that touts being "for the people"..."us versus them" all the while playing golf on a course
that the cost of one round is ten times what his brother pays in annual rent!
Total hypocrisy on display!


Bush claims to be a Christian. His administration lied to the face of Pat Tillman's parents about his death. Bush never apologized.

If you want to play Presidential hypocrisy between Bush and Obama, feel free to roll the dice.

Bush campaigned on not nation building.
Yet we spent billions rebuilding Iraq.
After we spent billions destroying Iraq.

Your move.
I hope the obama's have a blast.

As to Dubya, it would have been hugely disrespectful for him to take a big vacation while sending thousands of Americans to their deaths.

Yeah...weekends included.

Oh....and Obama has presided over the deaths of as many troops and civilians as Bush. Nevermind all of the folks he helped kill in the ME since the Arab Spring.
Wow, that's terrible. Could you post your link. Cuz the last info I have showed that nearly 7,000 troops died under Bush and only about 2,000 under Obama.
Bush won...Obabble lost.

:eek: Correction?

Alibaba to JD.Com Plunge as Investors Flee From All Things China - Bloomberg Business
Hard to tell...the manipulators are in control...the liars are legion...I am holding and losing as usual. Greece has the GDP of Louisiana but is roiling the world. I don't believe anything coming out of China. Sorry...I am no help. Are you cruising yet?

No cruising until, Thursday, supposed to be sight seeing but Delaney either ate something bad or got a bug.

Hard to read China, Krauthammer nailed Greece, Germany said no more and isn't going to cave in, they're tired of supporting Greece, let them leave the EU. Somebody will step up, likely Russia
I think Obama should stay at KOA Campgrounds, particularly because Obama is the only president ever to go to exclusive places for his vacations. Who does he think he is? Why doesn't he just go to his home, who cares if it's smack-dab in the middle of a residential neighborhood?
That $12 million vacation spot is costing each of us tax payers like 12 cents.

Pettiness is a sacrament to the conservatards.

It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

No, you're showing what an imbecile you are.
I hope the obama's have a blast.

As to Dubya, it would have been hugely disrespectful for him to take a big vacation while sending thousands of Americans to their deaths.

Over 1,500 troops have lost their lives in Afghanistan under Obama vs 575 lost under Bush.

Yeah, that's because Bush took 4 years off from Afghanistan to fuck up Iraq for some reason. Oh yeah, WMDs...

Ignoring the premise of the thread i.e. Obama is a phony hypocrite that touts being "for the people"..."us versus them" all the while playing golf on a course
that the cost of one round is ten times what his brother pays in annual rent!
Total hypocrisy on display!


Bush claims to be a Christian. His administration lied to the face of Pat Tillman's parents about his death. Bush never apologized.

If you want to play Presidential hypocrisy between Bush and Obama, feel free to roll the dice.

Bush campaigned on not nation building.
Yet we spent billions rebuilding Iraq.
After we spent billions destroying Iraq.

Your move.

You are deflecting, the idiot lib praised Obama while slamming Bush for troops killed ignoring that nearly 3x troops have been killed in Afghanistan under Obama vs Bush. Do you have a counter point that is not deflection? I doubt it.
It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

No, you're showing what an imbecile you are.
Over 1,500 troops have lost their lives in Afghanistan under Obama vs 575 lost under Bush.

Yeah, that's because Bush took 4 years off from Afghanistan to fuck up Iraq for some reason. Oh yeah, WMDs...

Ignoring the premise of the thread i.e. Obama is a phony hypocrite that touts being "for the people"..."us versus them" all the while playing golf on a course
that the cost of one round is ten times what his brother pays in annual rent!
Total hypocrisy on display!


Bush claims to be a Christian. His administration lied to the face of Pat Tillman's parents about his death. Bush never apologized.

If you want to play Presidential hypocrisy between Bush and Obama, feel free to roll the dice.

Bush campaigned on not nation building.
Yet we spent billions rebuilding Iraq.
After we spent billions destroying Iraq.

Your move.

You are deflecting, the idiot lib praised Obama while slamming Bush for troops killed ignoring that nearly 3x troops have been killed in Afghanistan under Obama vs Bush. Do you have a counter point that is not deflection? I doubt it.
The war in Afghanistan was left on hold and unfinished for the adventure in Iraq. That mess in Afghanistan had to be cleaned up by someone and it wasn't Bush before he left office.
No, you're showing what an imbecile you are.
Yeah, that's because Bush took 4 years off from Afghanistan to fuck up Iraq for some reason. Oh yeah, WMDs...

Ignoring the premise of the thread i.e. Obama is a phony hypocrite that touts being "for the people"..."us versus them" all the while playing golf on a course
that the cost of one round is ten times what his brother pays in annual rent!
Total hypocrisy on display!


Bush claims to be a Christian. His administration lied to the face of Pat Tillman's parents about his death. Bush never apologized.

If you want to play Presidential hypocrisy between Bush and Obama, feel free to roll the dice.

Bush campaigned on not nation building.
Yet we spent billions rebuilding Iraq.
After we spent billions destroying Iraq.

Your move.

You are deflecting, the idiot lib praised Obama while slamming Bush for troops killed ignoring that nearly 3x troops have been killed in Afghanistan under Obama vs Bush. Do you have a counter point that is not deflection? I doubt it.
The war in Afghanistan was left on hold and unfinished for the adventure in Iraq. That mess in Afghanistan had to be cleaned up by someone and it wasn't Bush before he left office.
I hope Obama doesn't clean his ass like he cleaned Afghanistan...
It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

No, you're showing what an imbecile you are.
Over 1,500 troops have lost their lives in Afghanistan under Obama vs 575 lost under Bush.

Yeah, that's because Bush took 4 years off from Afghanistan to fuck up Iraq for some reason. Oh yeah, WMDs...

Ignoring the premise of the thread i.e. Obama is a phony hypocrite that touts being "for the people"..."us versus them" all the while playing golf on a course
that the cost of one round is ten times what his brother pays in annual rent!
Total hypocrisy on display!


Bush claims to be a Christian. His administration lied to the face of Pat Tillman's parents about his death. Bush never apologized.

If you want to play Presidential hypocrisy between Bush and Obama, feel free to roll the dice.

Bush campaigned on not nation building.
Yet we spent billions rebuilding Iraq.
After we spent billions destroying Iraq.

Your move.

You are deflecting, the idiot lib praised Obama while slamming Bush for troops killed ignoring that nearly 3x troops have been killed in Afghanistan under Obama vs Bush. Do you have a counter point that is not deflection? I doubt it.

Not sure whom you're speaking about or what the context was.

But if you're interested in the truth here it is: The reason Bush wasn't spilling so much blood in Afghanistan was because he was busy sending our best and brightest into the Iraqi meat grinder instead under the guise of WMDs being there.

Those are the facts, spin away.
No, you're showing what an imbecile you are.
Yeah, that's because Bush took 4 years off from Afghanistan to fuck up Iraq for some reason. Oh yeah, WMDs...

Ignoring the premise of the thread i.e. Obama is a phony hypocrite that touts being "for the people"..."us versus them" all the while playing golf on a course
that the cost of one round is ten times what his brother pays in annual rent!
Total hypocrisy on display!


Bush claims to be a Christian. His administration lied to the face of Pat Tillman's parents about his death. Bush never apologized.

If you want to play Presidential hypocrisy between Bush and Obama, feel free to roll the dice.

Bush campaigned on not nation building.
Yet we spent billions rebuilding Iraq.
After we spent billions destroying Iraq.

Your move.

You are deflecting, the idiot lib praised Obama while slamming Bush for troops killed ignoring that nearly 3x troops have been killed in Afghanistan under Obama vs Bush. Do you have a counter point that is not deflection? I doubt it.

Not sure whom you're speaking about or what the context was.

But if you're interested in the truth here it is: The reason Bush wasn't spilling so much blood in Afghanistan was because he was busy sending our best and brightest into the Iraqi meat grinder instead under the guise of WMDs being there.

Those are the facts, spin away.

First of all Iraq broke the 1991 Cease Fire signed by Saddam and after 2001 there were millions of us including THESE DEMOCRATS
that believe Saddam when he refused to keep from starving 100,000 children a year all because Saddam would NOT certify his WMDs were destroyed.
Also you obviously forgot the anthrax attacks that again at that time no one where they came from BUT we knew Saddam used anthrax!
So these Democrats including Most of the true Americans not phony communist/Islam Terrorists like you agreed!

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998 WHERE'D SHE GET THIS INFORMATION BEFORE BUSH?
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

Given all the above "causus belli "
a) consensus there were WMDs
b) Anthrax attacks one week after 9/11 and no one knew where they came from BUT we KNEW Saddam used Anthrax to murder his own people..
Iraq behind US anthrax outbreaks World news The Guardian
c) Breaking 1991 Cease Fire...
You still think it wasn't a righteous war?
Ignoring the premise of the thread i.e. Obama is a phony hypocrite that touts being "for the people"..."us versus them" all the while playing golf on a course
that the cost of one round is ten times what his brother pays in annual rent!
Total hypocrisy on display!


Bush claims to be a Christian. His administration lied to the face of Pat Tillman's parents about his death. Bush never apologized.

If you want to play Presidential hypocrisy between Bush and Obama, feel free to roll the dice.

Bush campaigned on not nation building.
Yet we spent billions rebuilding Iraq.
After we spent billions destroying Iraq.

Your move.

You are deflecting, the idiot lib praised Obama while slamming Bush for troops killed ignoring that nearly 3x troops have been killed in Afghanistan under Obama vs Bush. Do you have a counter point that is not deflection? I doubt it.

Not sure whom you're speaking about or what the context was.

But if you're interested in the truth here it is: The reason Bush wasn't spilling so much blood in Afghanistan was because he was busy sending our best and brightest into the Iraqi meat grinder instead under the guise of WMDs being there.

Those are the facts, spin away.

First of all Iraq broke the 1991 Cease Fire signed by Saddam and after 2001 there were millions of us including THESE DEMOCRATS
that believe Saddam when he refused to keep from starving 100,000 children a year all because Saddam would NOT certify his WMDs were destroyed.
Also you obviously forgot the anthrax attacks that again at that time no one where they came from BUT we knew Saddam used anthrax!
So these Democrats including Most of the true Americans not phony communist/Islam Terrorists like you agreed!

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998 WHERE'D SHE GET THIS INFORMATION BEFORE BUSH?
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

Given all the above "causus belli "
a) consensus there were WMDs
b) Anthrax attacks one week after 9/11 and no one knew where they came from BUT we KNEW Saddam used Anthrax to murder his own people..
Iraq behind US anthrax outbreaks World news The Guardian
c) Breaking 1991 Cease Fire...
You still think it wasn't a righteous war?


Look, North Korea has threatened us time and again, taken provocative action. Some could argue the Chinese have.

You wanna put boots on the ground there too just because the neighborhood bully is acting up?

Nothing in Iraq was ever worth a drop of American blood. The case you make is laughable as is this entire thread--bitching about how a President spends vacation time.
No, you're showing what an imbecile you are.
Yeah, that's because Bush took 4 years off from Afghanistan to fuck up Iraq for some reason. Oh yeah, WMDs...

Ignoring the premise of the thread i.e. Obama is a phony hypocrite that touts being "for the people"..."us versus them" all the while playing golf on a course
that the cost of one round is ten times what his brother pays in annual rent!
Total hypocrisy on display!


Bush claims to be a Christian. His administration lied to the face of Pat Tillman's parents about his death. Bush never apologized.

If you want to play Presidential hypocrisy between Bush and Obama, feel free to roll the dice.

Bush campaigned on not nation building.
Yet we spent billions rebuilding Iraq.
After we spent billions destroying Iraq.

Your move.

You are deflecting, the idiot lib praised Obama while slamming Bush for troops killed ignoring that nearly 3x troops have been killed in Afghanistan under Obama vs Bush. Do you have a counter point that is not deflection? I doubt it.
The war in Afghanistan was left on hold and unfinished for the adventure in Iraq. That mess in Afghanistan had to be cleaned up by someone and it wasn't Bush before he left office.

Over 1500 killed under Obama's leadership, deal with it.
No, you're showing what an imbecile you are.
Yeah, that's because Bush took 4 years off from Afghanistan to fuck up Iraq for some reason. Oh yeah, WMDs...

Ignoring the premise of the thread i.e. Obama is a phony hypocrite that touts being "for the people"..."us versus them" all the while playing golf on a course
that the cost of one round is ten times what his brother pays in annual rent!
Total hypocrisy on display!


Bush claims to be a Christian. His administration lied to the face of Pat Tillman's parents about his death. Bush never apologized.

If you want to play Presidential hypocrisy between Bush and Obama, feel free to roll the dice.

Bush campaigned on not nation building.
Yet we spent billions rebuilding Iraq.
After we spent billions destroying Iraq.

Your move.

You are deflecting, the idiot lib praised Obama while slamming Bush for troops killed ignoring that nearly 3x troops have been killed in Afghanistan under Obama vs Bush. Do you have a counter point that is not deflection? I doubt it.

Not sure whom you're speaking about or what the context was.

But if you're interested in the truth here it is: The reason Bush wasn't spilling so much blood in Afghanistan was because he was busy sending our best and brightest into the Iraqi meat grinder instead under the guise of WMDs being there.

Those are the facts, spin away.

You're Marvel Comics super villain name is Deflecto!
Ignoring the premise of the thread i.e. Obama is a phony hypocrite that touts being "for the people"..."us versus them" all the while playing golf on a course
that the cost of one round is ten times what his brother pays in annual rent!
Total hypocrisy on display!


Bush claims to be a Christian. His administration lied to the face of Pat Tillman's parents about his death. Bush never apologized.

If you want to play Presidential hypocrisy between Bush and Obama, feel free to roll the dice.

Bush campaigned on not nation building.
Yet we spent billions rebuilding Iraq.
After we spent billions destroying Iraq.

Your move.

You are deflecting, the idiot lib praised Obama while slamming Bush for troops killed ignoring that nearly 3x troops have been killed in Afghanistan under Obama vs Bush. Do you have a counter point that is not deflection? I doubt it.

Not sure whom you're speaking about or what the context was.

But if you're interested in the truth here it is: The reason Bush wasn't spilling so much blood in Afghanistan was because he was busy sending our best and brightest into the Iraqi meat grinder instead under the guise of WMDs being there.

Those are the facts, spin away.

First of all Iraq broke the 1991 Cease Fire signed by Saddam and after 2001 there were millions of us including THESE DEMOCRATS
that believe Saddam when he refused to keep from starving 100,000 children a year all because Saddam would NOT certify his WMDs were destroyed.
Also you obviously forgot the anthrax attacks that again at that time no one where they came from BUT we knew Saddam used anthrax!
So these Democrats including Most of the true Americans not phony communist/Islam Terrorists like you agreed!

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998 WHERE'D SHE GET THIS INFORMATION BEFORE BUSH?
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

Given all the above "causus belli "
a) consensus there were WMDs
b) Anthrax attacks one week after 9/11 and no one knew where they came from BUT we KNEW Saddam used Anthrax to murder his own people..
Iraq behind US anthrax outbreaks World news The Guardian
c) Breaking 1991 Cease Fire...
You still think it wasn't a righteous war?[/QUOTE}

It's no small wonder only 22% of Americans think the Iraq War was worth it and of course, as a GOP boot-licker, you'd think that way. 46% Republicans though it was worth it, 44% didn't. At least 44% have the balls to be critical of actions by their own party, the rest are the easily manipulated
Last edited:
I just hope healthmyths is on some sort of watch list by now.
Whining about Presidential vacations is an extremely important issue.

Actually this was started as a further illustration of FFOs' total lack of intelligence by their support of a phony fake President who supposedly cares so much for the common person he vacations in posh million dollar resorts and private homes with beach front, pool, tennis courts...while he owns a home in Chicago!
Supposedly a "for the People" president who ignores his own home favoring tax payer jaunts and vacations.
Rather working from simple non-flashy home as Bush did when he went on "vacations" FFOs seem to fail to see the hypocrisy!
That is the major point! Why such a hypocrite such as Obama who starts the "Brother's Keeper" program ...i.e. talks the talk... while HIS own brother
lives in the below hut and definitely doesn't WALK the WALK!
View attachment 44015
By the way If you don't understand "you talk the talk do you walk the walk"?
If you say that someone talks the talk but does not walk the walk, you mean that they do not act in a way that agrees with the things they say:

Presidents have to pay for their vacations

Bush obviously preferred to be cheap and stay at his family compound. Didn't stop him from taking over 800 days vacation
Again... when you take a "vacation" do you go to your home?
Again... when you go home do you do work for your job from your home, then are you really on a "vacation"?
YOU total LIE when you say "over 800 days" Bush never took 800 days of vacation!


Bush took 879 days vacation.

Which U.S. president took the most vacation time?
During his two terms, Bush took 879 vacation days, which included 77 total trips to his Crawford, Tex., ranch. Nine of those trips were taken in his first year as president.Who holds the record for the most presidential vacation time?

..Bush holds the record for the longest modern presidential vacation for his five-week recess in 2005 in Crawford..

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