Segregation And Civil Rights Violations Alive And Well In The Democratic Controlled North


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Segregation once again popped it's ugly head up this week to be found in the city of Baltimore. To you liberals who PRACTICE this but NEVER admit to it you put up a large standing 21st century imprint of it in today's world.

The MINUTE that idiot mayor of Baltimore CREATED a "destroy zone" SHE segregated one part of the populace for the rest to abuse. NO official mayor or otherwise has the right to suspend YOUR RIGHTS. Not on color or gender or work place.

Who did she segregate? Tax payers and working people. CVS pays taxes both federal and local. So does it's workers who are now unemployed, There is no argument you democrats can muster which explains why your behavior in Baltimore was ANY less filthy then when when George Wallace stood on the steps and yelled "Segregation now and segregation forever!"


When a party or one of it's officials can get up and in a 90 second sound bite REMOVE YOUR civil rights to EQUAL protection under the law something IS drastically wrong. We are not talking some damn cake here we ARE talking having YOUR investment YOUR job burnt to the ground to appease a group of GOVERNMENT APPROVED thugs because that IS what she made them.

Now those cops may indeed deserve to go to jail and if so then do it. That IS the law. BUT that mayor has a level of FILTH on her. Justice is NOT served when only the criminals YOU want to jail. Justice is only served when ALL criminals go to jail.

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Whites don't want to live around black thugs and blacks don't want to live around whites. This isn't a democrat problem, but one of reality.
It is a long standing party practice of democrats. In the south racist democrats were white hating on blacks. In the north it is now racist blacks hating on whites.

The parties never switched sides the racist democrats simply switched colors. So while republican were destroying racist blue states in the south democrats were turning major cities into blue cities in the north.

so the practice of the party IS still alive, just another color.

Whites don't want to live around black thugs and blacks don't want to live around whites. This isn't a democrat problem, but one of reality.
It is a long standing party practice of democrats. In the south racist democrats were white hating on blacks. In the north it is now racist blacks hating on whites.

The parties never switched sides the racist democrats simply switched colors. So while republican were destroying racist blue states in the south democrats were turning major cities into blue cities in the north.

so the practice of the party IS still alive, just another color.

It was conservatives demanding segregation

They claimed it was in their bible
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  • #6

Whites don't want to live around black thugs and blacks don't want to live around whites. This isn't a democrat problem, but one of reality.
It is a long standing party practice of democrats. In the south racist democrats were white hating on blacks. In the north it is now racist blacks hating on whites.

The parties never switched sides the racist democrats simply switched colors. So while republican were destroying racist blue states in the south democrats were turning major cities into blue cities in the north.

so the practice of the party IS still alive, just another color.

It was conservatives demanding segregation

They claimed it was in their bible
Conservative is how you value your money your faith NOT a party. But then you ARE an idiot. Hope I cleared things up for you.
Blacks have been self segregating for several years. It's their idea so they must want things like black only trips to colleges.

Whites don't want to live around black thugs and blacks don't want to live around whites. This isn't a democrat problem, but one of reality.
It is a long standing party practice of democrats. In the south racist democrats were white hating on blacks. In the north it is now racist blacks hating on whites.

The parties never switched sides the racist democrats simply switched colors. So while republican were destroying racist blue states in the south democrats were turning major cities into blue cities in the north.

so the practice of the party IS still alive, just another color.

It was conservatives demanding segregation

They claimed it was in their bible
Actually, it was the Democrat Party (the original founders of the KKK) that demanded segregation.....

And the Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act over the Democrats' objections.....
It is a long standing party practice of democrats. In the south racist democrats were white hating on blacks. In the north it is now racist blacks hating on whites.

The parties never switched sides the racist democrats simply switched colors. So while republican were destroying racist blue states in the south democrats were turning major cities into blue cities in the north.

so the practice of the party IS still alive, just another color.

Sounds like you need a history lesson-
If today's Democrats had a shred of integrity and intellectual honesty, they would have some humility about their own history, rather than offering up the egregiously false claim that they have been on the side of the angels continuously for 200 years. 200 years ago, in 1814, our president was James Madison - a Democrat, a great man in other ways, but a slaveowner. At least four other Democratic presidents between then and the Civil War owned slaves, and the Democrats were the locus of national political support for slavery throughout that period. The Civil War was launched by Democrats who refused to accept the election in 1860 of an anti-slavery Republican president, for a variety of reasons but mainly due to slavery. Democrats reasserted control of Southern politics at the end of Reconstruction through a heavy application of terrorism by the Klu Klux Klan (in Mississippi in the 1870s, they basically murdered anyone suspected of voting Republican). For nearly a century after that, the supporters of Jim Crow were uniformly lockstep Democrats, many of them progressives - Woodrow Wilson, the only former citizen of the Confederacy to serve as President and the first progressive Democrat, introduced segregation throughout the federal government, and Franklin Roosevelt regularly received as high as 95% of the vote in Southern states. The 1924 Democratic Convention, in the race against the arch-conservative, pro-civil-rights reform Calvin Coolidge, was popularly known as the "Klanbake" for the heavy and vocal KKK presence; their nominee that year would go on to argue the losing, pro-segregation side inBrown v. Board of Education. And that's before we discuss the federal role in housing discrimination, instituted by a New Deal agency in the 1930s and finally undone by Republican Richard Nixon and his HUD secretary George Romney in the late 60s. Or the Davis-Bacon Act... The politicians who fought for segregation in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s were uniformly Democrats like George Wallace (who won his last election in 1982, as a Democrat), Orval Faubus and Strom Thurmond (who left the Democrats when he gave up supporting segregation). Former KKK members in national life included Democratic Senator and Supreme Court Justice (appointed by FDR) Hugo Black, who sat on the Court until the 1970s, and Senator Robert Byrd, who was still in the Senate until his death in Barack Obama's second year in office.


Whites don't want to live around black thugs and blacks don't want to live around whites. This isn't a democrat problem, but one of reality.
It is a long standing party practice of democrats. In the south racist democrats were white hating on blacks. In the north it is now racist blacks hating on whites.

The parties never switched sides the racist democrats simply switched colors. So while republican were destroying racist blue states in the south democrats were turning major cities into blue cities in the north.

so the practice of the party IS still alive, just another color.

It was conservatives demanding segregation

They claimed it was in their bible
Sounds like you need a history lesson-
If today's Democrats had a shred of integrity and intellectual honesty, they would have some humility about their own history, rather than offering up the egregiously false claim that they have been on the side of the angels continuously for 200 years. 200 years ago, in 1814, our president was James Madison - a Democrat, a great man in other ways, but a slaveowner. At least four other Democratic presidents between then and the Civil War owned slaves, and the Democrats were the locus of national political support for slavery throughout that period. The Civil War was launched by Democrats who refused to accept the election in 1860 of an anti-slavery Republican president, for a variety of reasons but mainly due to slavery. Democrats reasserted control of Southern politics at the end of Reconstruction through a heavy application of terrorism by the Klu Klux Klan (in Mississippi in the 1870s, they basically murdered anyone suspected of voting Republican). For nearly a century after that, the supporters of Jim Crow were uniformly lockstep Democrats, many of them progressives - Woodrow Wilson, the only former citizen of the Confederacy to serve as President and the first progressive Democrat, introduced segregation throughout the federal government, and Franklin Roosevelt regularly received as high as 95% of the vote in Southern states. The 1924 Democratic Convention, in the race against the arch-conservative, pro-civil-rights reform Calvin Coolidge, was popularly known as the "Klanbake" for the heavy and vocal KKK presence; their nominee that year would go on to argue the losing, pro-segregation side inBrown v. Board of Education. And that's before we discuss the federal role in housing discrimination, instituted by a New Deal agency in the 1930s and finally undone by Republican Richard Nixon and his HUD secretary George Romney in the late 60s. Or the Davis-Bacon Act... The politicians who fought for segregation in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s were uniformly Democrats like George Wallace (who won his last election in 1982, as a Democrat), Orval Faubus and Strom Thurmond (who left the Democrats when he gave up supporting segregation). Former KKK members in national life included Democratic Senator and Supreme Court Justice (appointed by FDR) Hugo Black, who sat on the Court until the 1970s, and Senator Robert Byrd, who was still in the Senate until his death in Barack Obama's second year in office.


Whites don't want to live around black thugs and blacks don't want to live around whites. This isn't a democrat problem, but one of reality.
It is a long standing party practice of democrats. In the south racist democrats were white hating on blacks. In the north it is now racist blacks hating on whites.

The parties never switched sides the racist democrats simply switched colors. So while republican were destroying racist blue states in the south democrats were turning major cities into blue cities in the north.

so the practice of the party IS still alive, just another color.

It was conservatives demanding segregation

They claimed it was in their bible
The rapes and riots and deaths to blacks in the south were by democrats....WHITE democrats.

Current day rapes and riots and deaths in the north are by democrats BLACK democrats.

The ONLY thing racist democrats changed was color NOT practice!

Whites don't want to live around black thugs and blacks don't want to live around whites. This isn't a democrat problem, but one of reality.
It is a long standing party practice of democrats. In the south racist democrats were white hating on blacks. In the north it is now racist blacks hating on whites.

The parties never switched sides the racist democrats simply switched colors. So while republican were destroying racist blue states in the south democrats were turning major cities into blue cities in the north.

so the practice of the party IS still alive, just another color.

It was conservatives demanding segregation

They claimed it was in their bible
Actually, it was the Democrat Party (the original founders of the KKK) that demanded segregation.....

And the Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act over the Democrats' objections.....

There's no such thing as the "Democrat Party". Never has been.
And the KKK was founded by six college-age Confederate veteran soldiers. Not politicians. And that was exterminated by 1880. Then it was revived in 1915 by William Simmons. He wasn't a politician either.

As for the CRA, wrong yet again...

The original House version:
  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • >>> ALL SOUTHERNERS: 7-97 (6.7%--93.3%)

  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94 – 6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85 – 15%)
  • >>> ALL NORTHERNERS: 283-33 (89.6%--11.4%)
The Senate version:
  • Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%)
  • Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)
  • ALL SOUTHERNERS: 1--21 (4.5%--95.5%)
  • ALL NORTHERNERS: 72--6 (92.3%--7.7%)

Yes, there is a party pattern in that each line shows more support from the D side than the R side. But again, 94 versus 85 on one side is not significant.

But 96 on one side versus 92 on the other side?? You just hit the motherlode. NOW you can cite chew some polarization.
BIG time.

The numbers don't lie; your pattern is clearly there but it's regional, not political. And regional, once again for you slow readers who can't think of a point on your own and crutch on Googly Image Bullshit, means cultural.

You take the numbers from the North -- both Dems and Repubs are for it.
You take the numbers from the South -- both Dems and Repubs are agin' it.
It's truly bipartisan in both directions. (!)

And to think people bitch about "gridlock".

Revisionist history strikes out again.

Perhaps you should actually look this shit up before looking stupid on the internet.
Sounds like you need a history lesson-
If today's Democrats had a shred of integrity and intellectual honesty, they would have some humility about their own history, rather than offering up the egregiously false claim that they have been on the side of the angels continuously for 200 years. 200 years ago, in 1814, our president was James Madison - a Democrat... ]

The Democratic Party didn't even exist in 1814.

How is it you people think you can just make shit up and nobody will notice. How?

The Civil War was launched by Democrats who refused to accept the election in 1860

How many electoral votes did Democrats win in the South in 1860?


This whole post is cut-and-pasted from right-wing blog sites, and it's chock full of fabrications like this. Get off your ass and do your own homework and maybe you'll look like less of a moron next time.

Got your "history lesson" right here, pal... :fu:
Last edited:
Sounds like you need a history lesson-
If today's Democrats had a shred of integrity and intellectual honesty, they would have some humility about their own history, rather than offering up the egregiously false claim that they have been on the side of the angels continuously for 200 years. 200 years ago, in 1814, our president was James Madison - a Democrat, a great man in other ways, but a slaveowner. At least four other Democratic presidents between then and the Civil War owned slaves, and the Democrats were the locus of national political support for slavery throughout that period. The Civil War was launched by Democrats who refused to accept the election in 1860 of an anti-slavery Republican president, for a variety of reasons but mainly due to slavery. Democrats reasserted control of Southern politics at the end of Reconstruction through a heavy application of terrorism by the Klu Klux Klan (in Mississippi in the 1870s, they basically murdered anyone suspected of voting Republican). For nearly a century after that, the supporters of Jim Crow were uniformly lockstep Democrats, many of them progressives - Woodrow Wilson, the only former citizen of the Confederacy to serve as President and the first progressive Democrat, introduced segregation throughout the federal government, and Franklin Roosevelt regularly received as high as 95% of the vote in Southern states. The 1924 Democratic Convention, in the race against the arch-conservative, pro-civil-rights reform Calvin Coolidge, was popularly known as the "Klanbake" for the heavy and vocal KKK presence; their nominee that year would go on to argue the losing, pro-segregation side inBrown v. Board of Education. And that's before we discuss the federal role in housing discrimination, instituted by a New Deal agency in the 1930s and finally undone by Republican Richard Nixon and his HUD secretary George Romney in the late 60s. Or the Davis-Bacon Act... The politicians who fought for segregation in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s were uniformly Democrats like George Wallace (who won his last election in 1982, as a Democrat), Orval Faubus and Strom Thurmond (who left the Democrats when he gave up supporting segregation). Former KKK members in national life included Democratic Senator and Supreme Court Justice (appointed by FDR) Hugo Black, who sat on the Court until the 1970s, and Senator Robert Byrd, who was still in the Senate until his death in Barack Obama's second year in office.


Whites don't want to live around black thugs and blacks don't want to live around whites. This isn't a democrat problem, but one of reality.
It is a long standing party practice of democrats. In the south racist democrats were white hating on blacks. In the north it is now racist blacks hating on whites.

The parties never switched sides the racist democrats simply switched colors. So while republican were destroying racist blue states in the south democrats were turning major cities into blue cities in the north.

so the practice of the party IS still alive, just another color.

It was conservatives demanding segregation

They claimed it was in their bible
The rapes and riots and deaths to blacks in the south were by democrats....WHITE democrats.

Current day rapes and riots and deaths in the north are by democrats BLACK democrats.

The ONLY thing racist democrats changed was color NOT practice!

Yuh huh. You were standing on the side checking voter reg cards were ya? :lmao:

Partisan hack.
Sounds like you need a history lesson-
If today's Democrats had a shred of integrity and intellectual honesty, they would have some humility about their own history, rather than offering up the egregiously false claim that they have been on the side of the angels continuously for 200 years. 200 years ago, in 1814, our president was James Madison - a Democrat... ]

The Democratic Party didn't even exist in 1814.

How is it you people think you can just make shit up and nobody will notice. How?

The Civil War was launched by Democrats who refused to accept the election in 1860

How many electoral votes did Democrats win in the South in 1860?


This whole post is cut-and-pasted from right-wing blog sites, and it's chock full of fabrications like this. Get off your ass and do your own homework and maybe you'll look like less of a moron next time.

Got your "history lesson" right here, pal... :fu:
Party was founded in 1828....NOT 1860 which YOU claim...
Democratic Party United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Sounds like you need a history lesson-
If today's Democrats had a shred of integrity and intellectual honesty, they would have some humility about their own history, rather than offering up the egregiously false claim that they have been on the side of the angels continuously for 200 years. 200 years ago, in 1814, our president was James Madison - a Democrat... ]

The Democratic Party didn't even exist in 1814.

How is it you people think you can just make shit up and nobody will notice. How?

The Civil War was launched by Democrats who refused to accept the election in 1860

How many electoral votes did Democrats win in the South in 1860?


This whole post is cut-and-pasted from right-wing blog sites, and it's chock full of fabrications like this. Get off your ass and do your own homework and maybe you'll look like less of a moron next time.

Got your "history lesson" right here, pal... :fu:
Party was founded in 1828....NOT 1860 which YOU claim...
Democratic Party United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He never claimed that, you old fool

He only pointed out that it did not exist in 1814.

Gee, your IQ 214 is not really helping you out at all today.
Sounds like you need a history lesson-
If today's Democrats had a shred of integrity and intellectual honesty, they would have some humility about their own history, rather than offering up the egregiously false claim that they have been on the side of the angels continuously for 200 years. 200 years ago, in 1814, our president was James Madison - a Democrat... ]

The Democratic Party didn't even exist in 1814.

How is it you people think you can just make shit up and nobody will notice. How?

The Civil War was launched by Democrats who refused to accept the election in 1860

How many electoral votes did Democrats win in the South in 1860?


This whole post is cut-and-pasted from right-wing blog sites, and it's chock full of fabrications like this. Get off your ass and do your own homework and maybe you'll look like less of a moron next time.

Got your "history lesson" right here, pal... :fu:
Party was founded in 1828....NOT 1860 which YOU claim...
Democratic Party United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Two questions:
one -- what came first, 1828 or 1814?
two -- who helps you get food into your mouth?

Answer to trivia question above: the Democratic candidate in 1860 (Steven Douglas) won zero states in the South in 1860. That's because the South couldn't accept the DP, disrupted the Democratic convention forcing it to close, and ran their own candidates (two of them) who won all the electoral votes.

They did similar breakaways/disruptions in 1924, 1928, 1948, 1968 and 1972. The price of running a bipolar political party that served two opposing factions.

Sorry, that's actual real genuine history. I don't make shit up like y'all.

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