Rosenstein....just DEAD inside.....

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
"Body Language: Catatonic Rosenstein, William Barr Press Conference" ....perhaps a zombie got him?....Or perhaps he realizes that HE could be the next target of a special counsel!!!

If ever any human demonstrated the DEER IN THE HEADLIGHT look....
He’s Barr’s little bitch now,, looks like Barr has been grilling him about his conduct
"Body Language: Catatonic Rosenstein, William Barr Press Conference" ....perhaps a zombie got him?....Or perhaps he realizes that HE could be the next target of a special counsel!!!

He knows barr is lying his arse off.
Pelelope, are you aware Rosenstein was part of the Russia Hoax coup attempt to overthrow our elected officials, you idiotic moron?
He is in trouble and he knows it. He was told to stand there, so he did. And he's done more he did not want to do since Barr got there. Like sing.

Its all part of trying to save some of his seditious ass.
Enjoy. That’s where it will all stop. No investigation, no frog walking the offenders. It will all go quietly into the next news story until it’s all forgotten.
Krist Novoselic on the other hand, looks very at ease.

Never heard of him...Barr never introduced him did he? I was waiting for Rosenstein to go over backwards....thought he may have stroked out since Nunes named him in an inquiry for indictment with the rest of the traitors.
He's a piece of shit. What I saw was someone trying real hard not to make eye contact with certain people in attendance, who would be doing things like making a pistol out of their forefinger and thumb letting him know "they got their eye on him", even if he wasn't gonna put his eye on them for the time being.

I would love to know what was running through his little devious Trump-hating, co-conspiratorial, traitorous little mind ... from the moment Barr took office to that moment.

HE is known pals od Mueller and Comey.

HE was the one who authored the reasons why Comey should be fire.

HE was the one who recommended to Trump that he fire Comey.

HE was the one who then immediately recommended Trump be investigated for doing so.

HE was the one who signed the illegal FISA Warrant.

HE was the one exposed for offering to wear a wire to take down the President.

HE was the one who obstructed justice by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas.

HE made the case for investigating Trump for obstruction...then agreed no indictment for obstruction / co legal case could be made for it.

He stayed longer than he said he would, staying to 'help Barr' with the entire matter.

Did he stay as a last-ditch effort to try to push Barr towards finding Trump guilty of Obstruction...or to make sure his own ass was not investigated / indicted?

May not matter....depending on what the US IG Report says about FISA Court abuses and his part in it...

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