The Ken Starr Report, reads like a trashy novel


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
All about how Monica gave Bill Clintons blow jobs and how he lied about it. Nothing about a foreign country interfering in our elections, and the Potus trying to obstruct justice about it, just all about Clinton and his blow jobs given by Monica Lewinsky, a consensual sexual partner. Read all about it, every trashy thing that happened between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski. I wonder if Kavanaugh and Starr got off on it, like writing a trashy novel. It even talks about the cigar, you must read if you are curious of how the republicans tried to impeach Clinton over several blow jobs and lied about it. It gets down and dirty, even how he fondled her breasts.

Now we have a worst case than Watergate and the Republicans want to ignore it.

Third. The third limit is unique to the President. ‘‘The Presidency is more than an executive responsibility. It is the inspiring symbol of all that is highest in American purpose and ideals.’’ 27 When he took the Oath of Office in 1993 and again in 1997, President Clinton swore that he would ‘‘faithfully execute the Office of President.’’ 28 As the head of the Executive Branch, the President has the constitutional duty to ‘‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.’’ 29 The President gave his testimony in the Jones case under oath and in the presence of a federal judge, a member of a co-equal branch of government; he then testified before a federal grand jury, a body of citizens who had themselves taken an oath to seek the truth. In view of the enormous trust and responsibility attendant to his high Office, the President has a manifest duty to ensure that his conduct at all times complies with the law of the land. In sum, perjury and acts that obstruct justice by any citizen— whether in a criminal case, a grand jury investigation, a congressional hearing, a civil trial, or civil discovery—are profoundly serious matters. When such acts are committed by the President of the United States, we believe those acts ‘‘may constitute grounds for an impeachment.’’


As the relationship developed over time, Ms. Lewinsky grew emotionally attached to President Clinton. She testified: ‘‘I never expected to fall in love with the President. I was surprised that I did.’’ 44 Ms. Lewinsky told him of her feelings. 45 At times, she believed that he loved her too.46 They were physically affectionate: ‘‘A lot of hugging, holding hands sometimes. He always used to push the hair out of my face.’’ 47 She called him ‘‘Handsome’’; on occasion, he called her ‘‘Sweetie,’’ ‘‘Baby,’’ or sometimes ‘‘Dear.’’ 48 He told her that he enjoyed talking to her—she recalled his saying that the two of them were ‘‘emotive and full of fire,’’ and she made him feel young.49 He said he wished he could spend more time with her.50 Ms. Lewinsky told confidants of the emotional underpinnings of the relationship as it evolved. According to her mother, Marcia Lewis, the President once told Ms. Lewinsky that she ‘‘had been hurt a lot or something by different men and that he would be her



In this case, the President made and caused to be made false statements to the American people about his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. He also made false statements about whether he had lied under oath or otherwise obstructed justice in his civil case. By publicly and emphatically stating in January 1998 that ‘‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman’’ and these ‘‘allegations are false,’’ the President also effectively delayed a possible congressional inquiry, and then he further delayed it by asserting Executive Privilege and refusing to testify for six months during the Independent Counsel investigation. This represents substantial and credible information that may constitute grounds for an impeachment.

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I'm not reading that crap. I could have done without knowing any of that, and IMO the whole thing was a huge waste of time and taxpayer money.
All about how Monica gave Bill Clintons blow jobs and how he lied about it. Nothing about anything a foreign country interfering in our elections, just all about Clinton and his blow jobs given by Monica Lewinsky, a consensual sexual partner. Read all about it, every trashy thing that happened between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski. I wonder if Kavanaugh and Starr got off on it, like writing a trashy novel. It even talks about the cigar, you must read if you are curious of how the republicans tried to impeach Clinton over several blow jobs and lied about it. It gets down and dirty, even how he fondled her breasts.

Now we have a worst case than Watergate and the Republicans want to ignore it.

Third. The third limit is unique to the President. ‘‘The Presidency is more than an executive responsibility. It is the inspiring symbol of all that is highest in American purpose and ideals.’’ 27 When he took the Oath of Office in 1993 and again in 1997, President Clinton swore that he would ‘‘faithfully execute the Office of President.’’ 28 As the head of the Executive Branch, the President has the constitutional duty to ‘‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.’’ 29 The President gave his testimony in the Jones case under oath and in the presence of a federal judge, a member of a co-equal branch of government; he then testified before a federal grand jury, a body of citizens who had themselves taken an oath to seek the truth. In view of the enormous trust and responsibility attendant to his high Office, the President has a manifest duty to ensure that his conduct at all times complies with the law of the land. In sum, perjury and acts that obstruct justice by any citizen— whether in a criminal case, a grand jury investigation, a congressional hearing, a civil trial, or civil discovery—are profoundly serious matters. When such acts are committed by the President of the United States, we believe those acts ‘‘may constitute grounds for an impeachment.’’


As the relationship developed over time, Ms. Lewinsky grew emotionally attached to President Clinton. She testified: ‘‘I never expected to fall in love with the President. I was surprised that I did.’’ 44 Ms. Lewinsky told him of her feelings. 45 At times, she believed that he loved her too.46 They were physically affectionate: ‘‘A lot of hugging, holding hands sometimes. He always used to push the hair out of my face.’’ 47 She called him ‘‘Handsome’’; on occasion, he called her ‘‘Sweetie,’’ ‘‘Baby,’’ or sometimes ‘‘Dear.’’ 48 He told her that he enjoyed talking to her—she recalled his saying that the two of them were ‘‘emotive and full of fire,’’ and she made him feel young.49 He said he wished he could spend more time with her.50 Ms. Lewinsky told confidants of the emotional underpinnings of the relationship as it evolved. According to her mother, Marcia Lewis, the President once told Ms. Lewinsky that she ‘‘had been hurt a lot or something by different men and that he would be her



In this case, the President made and caused to be made false statements to the American people about his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. He also made false statements about whether he had lied under oath or otherwise obstructed justice in his civil case. By publicly and emphatically stating in January 1998 that ‘‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman’’ and these ‘‘allegations are false,’’ the President also effectively delayed a possible congressional inquiry, and then he further delayed it by asserting Executive Privilege and refusing to testify for six months during the Independent Counsel investigation. This represents substantial and credible information that may constitute grounds for an impeachment.

This is who the Republicans are.

At the time, they thought the impeachment was a "great victory".

Now we have a real criminal in the White House and they will not stop protecting and defending him.


They didn't spy on Trump. The thing was that every time they investigated a Russian, someone from the Trump campaign was there first.

Trump told the entire world from a Lester Holt interview that the reason Trump fired Comey was to make the "Russia" investigation go away. It's on video. That was obstruction.
All about how Monica gave Bill Clintons blow jobs and how he lied about it. Nothing about a foreign country interfering in our elections, and the Potus trying to obstruct justice about it, just all about Clinton and his blow jobs given by Monica Lewinsky, a consensual sexual partner. Read all about it, every trashy thing that happened between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski. I wonder if Kavanaugh and Starr got off on it, like writing a trashy novel. It even talks about the cigar, you must read if you are curious of how the republicans tried to impeach Clinton over several blow jobs and lied about it. It gets down and dirty, even how he fondled her breasts.

Now we have a worst case than Watergate and the Republicans want to ignore it.

Third. The third limit is unique to the President. ‘‘The Presidency is more than an executive responsibility. It is the inspiring symbol of all that is highest in American purpose and ideals.’’ 27 When he took the Oath of Office in 1993 and again in 1997, President Clinton swore that he would ‘‘faithfully execute the Office of President.’’ 28 As the head of the Executive Branch, the President has the constitutional duty to ‘‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.’’ 29 The President gave his testimony in the Jones case under oath and in the presence of a federal judge, a member of a co-equal branch of government; he then testified before a federal grand jury, a body of citizens who had themselves taken an oath to seek the truth. In view of the enormous trust and responsibility attendant to his high Office, the President has a manifest duty to ensure that his conduct at all times complies with the law of the land. In sum, perjury and acts that obstruct justice by any citizen— whether in a criminal case, a grand jury investigation, a congressional hearing, a civil trial, or civil discovery—are profoundly serious matters. When such acts are committed by the President of the United States, we believe those acts ‘‘may constitute grounds for an impeachment.’’


As the relationship developed over time, Ms. Lewinsky grew emotionally attached to President Clinton. She testified: ‘‘I never expected to fall in love with the President. I was surprised that I did.’’ 44 Ms. Lewinsky told him of her feelings. 45 At times, she believed that he loved her too.46 They were physically affectionate: ‘‘A lot of hugging, holding hands sometimes. He always used to push the hair out of my face.’’ 47 She called him ‘‘Handsome’’; on occasion, he called her ‘‘Sweetie,’’ ‘‘Baby,’’ or sometimes ‘‘Dear.’’ 48 He told her that he enjoyed talking to her—she recalled his saying that the two of them were ‘‘emotive and full of fire,’’ and she made him feel young.49 He said he wished he could spend more time with her.50 Ms. Lewinsky told confidants of the emotional underpinnings of the relationship as it evolved. According to her mother, Marcia Lewis, the President once told Ms. Lewinsky that she ‘‘had been hurt a lot or something by different men and that he would be her



In this case, the President made and caused to be made false statements to the American people about his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. He also made false statements about whether he had lied under oath or otherwise obstructed justice in his civil case. By publicly and emphatically stating in January 1998 that ‘‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman’’ and these ‘‘allegations are false,’’ the President also effectively delayed a possible congressional inquiry, and then he further delayed it by asserting Executive Privilege and refusing to testify for six months during the Independent Counsel investigation. This represents substantial and credible information that may constitute grounds for an impeachment.


"Worse than Watergate"

OH, you're talking about what the Dems did, spying on a rival campaign. In that case, you're exactly right, Penny.
The Democrats did not spy on Tramp's campaign and he would of not won if not for Russia. They also aided and abetted the Russian interference, but Mueller couldn't prove it because they lied and deleted emails.

Russia if you listening find the deleted emails of the Tramp campaign.
The Democrats did not spy on Tramp's campaign and he would of not won if not for Russia. They also aided and abetted the Russian interference, but Mueller couldn't prove it because they lied and deleted emails.

Russia if you listening find the deleted emails of the Tramp campaign.

Since you love FACTS, list the FACTS that support your assertion that "Trump would not 'of' won if not for Russia"

This is who the Republicans are.

At the time, they thought the impeachment was a "great victory".

Now we have a real criminal in the White House and they will not stop protecting and defending him.


They didn't spy on Trump. The thing was that every time they investigated a Russian, someone from the Trump campaign was there first.

Trump told the entire world from a Lester Holt interview that the reason Trump fired Comey was to make the "Russia" investigation go away. It's on video. That was obstruction.
Have YOU been indicted for a crime ? No ?

So is it OK for us to call YOU a criminal ?

Comey should have been fired for allowing Hillary Clinton to go free, after all her crimes. Nothing is more obvious. He now is facing federal charges for this too.
All about how Monica gave Bill Clintons blow jobs and how he lied about it. Nothing about a foreign country interfering in our elections, and the Potus trying to obstruct justice about it, just all about Clinton and his blow jobs given by Monica Lewinsky, a consensual sexual partner. Read all about it, every trashy thing that happened between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski. I wonder if Kavanaugh and Starr got off on it, like writing a trashy novel. It even talks about the cigar, you must read if you are curious of how the republicans tried to impeach Clinton over several blow jobs and lied about it. It gets down and dirty, even how he fondled her breasts.

Now we have a worst case than Watergate and the Republicans want to ignore it.

Third. The third limit is unique to the President. ‘‘The Presidency is more than an executive responsibility. It is the inspiring symbol of all that is highest in American purpose and ideals.’’ 27 When he took the Oath of Office in 1993 and again in 1997, President Clinton swore that he would ‘‘faithfully execute the Office of President.’’ 28 As the head of the Executive Branch, the President has the constitutional duty to ‘‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.’’ 29 The President gave his testimony in the Jones case under oath and in the presence of a federal judge, a member of a co-equal branch of government; he then testified before a federal grand jury, a body of citizens who had themselves taken an oath to seek the truth. In view of the enormous trust and responsibility attendant to his high Office, the President has a manifest duty to ensure that his conduct at all times complies with the law of the land. In sum, perjury and acts that obstruct justice by any citizen— whether in a criminal case, a grand jury investigation, a congressional hearing, a civil trial, or civil discovery—are profoundly serious matters. When such acts are committed by the President of the United States, we believe those acts ‘‘may constitute grounds for an impeachment.’’


As the relationship developed over time, Ms. Lewinsky grew emotionally attached to President Clinton. She testified: ‘‘I never expected to fall in love with the President. I was surprised that I did.’’ 44 Ms. Lewinsky told him of her feelings. 45 At times, she believed that he loved her too.46 They were physically affectionate: ‘‘A lot of hugging, holding hands sometimes. He always used to push the hair out of my face.’’ 47 She called him ‘‘Handsome’’; on occasion, he called her ‘‘Sweetie,’’ ‘‘Baby,’’ or sometimes ‘‘Dear.’’ 48 He told her that he enjoyed talking to her—she recalled his saying that the two of them were ‘‘emotive and full of fire,’’ and she made him feel young.49 He said he wished he could spend more time with her.50 Ms. Lewinsky told confidants of the emotional underpinnings of the relationship as it evolved. According to her mother, Marcia Lewis, the President once told Ms. Lewinsky that she ‘‘had been hurt a lot or something by different men and that he would be her



In this case, the President made and caused to be made false statements to the American people about his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. He also made false statements about whether he had lied under oath or otherwise obstructed justice in his civil case. By publicly and emphatically stating in January 1998 that ‘‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman’’ and these ‘‘allegations are false,’’ the President also effectively delayed a possible congressional inquiry, and then he further delayed it by asserting Executive Privilege and refusing to testify for six months during the Independent Counsel investigation. This represents substantial and credible information that may constitute grounds for an impeachment.

The Ken Starr report should have been about all the MURDERS that the Clintons committed, and have gotten away with, all these years.
All about how Monica gave Bill Clintons blow jobs and how he lied about it. Nothing about a foreign country interfering in our elections, and the Potus trying to obstruct justice about it, just all about Clinton and his blow jobs given by Monica Lewinsky, a consensual sexual partner. Read all about it, every trashy thing that happened between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski. I wonder if Kavanaugh and Starr got off on it, like writing a trashy novel. It even talks about the cigar, you must read if you are curious of how the republicans tried to impeach Clinton over several blow jobs and lied about it. It gets down and dirty, even how he fondled her breasts.

Now we have a worst case than Watergate and the Republicans want to ignore it.

Third. The third limit is unique to the President. ‘‘The Presidency is more than an executive responsibility. It is the inspiring symbol of all that is highest in American purpose and ideals.’’ 27 When he took the Oath of Office in 1993 and again in 1997, President Clinton swore that he would ‘‘faithfully execute the Office of President.’’ 28 As the head of the Executive Branch, the President has the constitutional duty to ‘‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.’’ 29 The President gave his testimony in the Jones case under oath and in the presence of a federal judge, a member of a co-equal branch of government; he then testified before a federal grand jury, a body of citizens who had themselves taken an oath to seek the truth. In view of the enormous trust and responsibility attendant to his high Office, the President has a manifest duty to ensure that his conduct at all times complies with the law of the land. In sum, perjury and acts that obstruct justice by any citizen— whether in a criminal case, a grand jury investigation, a congressional hearing, a civil trial, or civil discovery—are profoundly serious matters. When such acts are committed by the President of the United States, we believe those acts ‘‘may constitute grounds for an impeachment.’’


As the relationship developed over time, Ms. Lewinsky grew emotionally attached to President Clinton. She testified: ‘‘I never expected to fall in love with the President. I was surprised that I did.’’ 44 Ms. Lewinsky told him of her feelings. 45 At times, she believed that he loved her too.46 They were physically affectionate: ‘‘A lot of hugging, holding hands sometimes. He always used to push the hair out of my face.’’ 47 She called him ‘‘Handsome’’; on occasion, he called her ‘‘Sweetie,’’ ‘‘Baby,’’ or sometimes ‘‘Dear.’’ 48 He told her that he enjoyed talking to her—she recalled his saying that the two of them were ‘‘emotive and full of fire,’’ and she made him feel young.49 He said he wished he could spend more time with her.50 Ms. Lewinsky told confidants of the emotional underpinnings of the relationship as it evolved. According to her mother, Marcia Lewis, the President once told Ms. Lewinsky that she ‘‘had been hurt a lot or something by different men and that he would be her



In this case, the President made and caused to be made false statements to the American people about his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. He also made false statements about whether he had lied under oath or otherwise obstructed justice in his civil case. By publicly and emphatically stating in January 1998 that ‘‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman’’ and these ‘‘allegations are false,’’ the President also effectively delayed a possible congressional inquiry, and then he further delayed it by asserting Executive Privilege and refusing to testify for six months during the Independent Counsel investigation. This represents substantial and credible information that may constitute grounds for an impeachment.


"Worse than Watergate"

OH, you're talking about what the Dems did, spying on a rival campaign. In that case, you're exactly right, Penny.

The problem for Republicans was that Russians were being followed and every single one led to a member of the Trump Campaign.

Next, Republicans will be telling us that it was OK that Russians were meddling in our election.

Ken Starr's report read like a trashy novel because Bill Clinton's life, including his Presidency, was like a trashy novel.
This is who the Republicans are.

At the time, they thought the impeachment was a "great victory".

Now we have a real criminal in the White House and they will not stop protecting and defending him.


They didn't spy on Trump. The thing was that every time they investigated a Russian, someone from the Trump campaign was there first.

Trump told the entire world from a Lester Holt interview that the reason Trump fired Comey was to make the "Russia" investigation go away. It's on video. That was obstruction.
Have YOU been indicted for a crime ? No ?

So is it OK for us to call YOU a criminal ?

Comey should have been fired for allowing Hillary Clinton to go free, after all her crimes. Nothing is more obvious. He now is facing federal charges for this too.

Oh like you care about Hillary Clinton, no it was for the russa thing, maybe if you read the report you would understand how Tramp is a crime lord.
Ken Starr's report read like a trashy novel because Bill Clinton's life, including his Presidency, was like a trashy novel.

And the Republicans had a problem with his life...…… because they voted in tramp who is a worst male whore, but they ignored that as well as the "russa thing".
All about how Monica gave Bill Clintons blow jobs and how he lied about it. Nothing about anything a foreign country interfering in our elections, just all about Clinton and his blow jobs given by Monica Lewinsky, a consensual sexual partner. Read all about it, every trashy thing that happened between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski. I wonder if Kavanaugh and Starr got off on it, like writing a trashy novel. It even talks about the cigar, you must read if you are curious of how the republicans tried to impeach Clinton over several blow jobs and lied about it. It gets down and dirty, even how he fondled her breasts.

Now we have a worst case than Watergate and the Republicans want to ignore it.

Third. The third limit is unique to the President. ‘‘The Presidency is more than an executive responsibility. It is the inspiring symbol of all that is highest in American purpose and ideals.’’ 27 When he took the Oath of Office in 1993 and again in 1997, President Clinton swore that he would ‘‘faithfully execute the Office of President.’’ 28 As the head of the Executive Branch, the President has the constitutional duty to ‘‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.’’ 29 The President gave his testimony in the Jones case under oath and in the presence of a federal judge, a member of a co-equal branch of government; he then testified before a federal grand jury, a body of citizens who had themselves taken an oath to seek the truth. In view of the enormous trust and responsibility attendant to his high Office, the President has a manifest duty to ensure that his conduct at all times complies with the law of the land. In sum, perjury and acts that obstruct justice by any citizen— whether in a criminal case, a grand jury investigation, a congressional hearing, a civil trial, or civil discovery—are profoundly serious matters. When such acts are committed by the President of the United States, we believe those acts ‘‘may constitute grounds for an impeachment.’’


As the relationship developed over time, Ms. Lewinsky grew emotionally attached to President Clinton. She testified: ‘‘I never expected to fall in love with the President. I was surprised that I did.’’ 44 Ms. Lewinsky told him of her feelings. 45 At times, she believed that he loved her too.46 They were physically affectionate: ‘‘A lot of hugging, holding hands sometimes. He always used to push the hair out of my face.’’ 47 She called him ‘‘Handsome’’; on occasion, he called her ‘‘Sweetie,’’ ‘‘Baby,’’ or sometimes ‘‘Dear.’’ 48 He told her that he enjoyed talking to her—she recalled his saying that the two of them were ‘‘emotive and full of fire,’’ and she made him feel young.49 He said he wished he could spend more time with her.50 Ms. Lewinsky told confidants of the emotional underpinnings of the relationship as it evolved. According to her mother, Marcia Lewis, the President once told Ms. Lewinsky that she ‘‘had been hurt a lot or something by different men and that he would be her



In this case, the President made and caused to be made false statements to the American people about his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. He also made false statements about whether he had lied under oath or otherwise obstructed justice in his civil case. By publicly and emphatically stating in January 1998 that ‘‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman’’ and these ‘‘allegations are false,’’ the President also effectively delayed a possible congressional inquiry, and then he further delayed it by asserting Executive Privilege and refusing to testify for six months during the Independent Counsel investigation. This represents substantial and credible information that may constitute grounds for an impeachment.

This is who the Republicans are.

At the time, they thought the impeachment was a "great victory".

Now we have a real criminal in the White House and they will not stop protecting and defending him.


They didn't spy on Trump. The thing was that every time they investigated a Russian, someone from the Trump campaign was there first.

Trump told the entire world from a Lester Holt interview that the reason Trump fired Comey was to make the "Russia" investigation go away. It's on video. That was obstruction.

#MuellerDenier!! No collusion, no conspiracy and no OBSTRUCTION!!

You've been lying for TWO BLOODY YEARS!!!

Ken Starr's report read like a trashy novel because Bill Clinton's life, including his Presidency, was like a trashy novel.

And the Republicans had a problem with his life...…… because they voted in tramp who is a worst male whore, but they ignored that as well as the "russa thing".

I don't think you can say that Trump is a whore. But no one elected him as a paragon of virtue; he's business oriented and the Economy is much better with his new stimuli.

This is who the Republicans are.

At the time, they thought the impeachment was a "great victory".

Now we have a real criminal in the White House and they will not stop protecting and defending him.


They didn't spy on Trump. The thing was that every time they investigated a Russian, someone from the Trump campaign was there first.

Trump told the entire world from a Lester Holt interview that the reason Trump fired Comey was to make the "Russia" investigation go away. It's on video. That was obstruction.
Have YOU been indicted for a crime ? No ?

So is it OK for us to call YOU a criminal ?

Comey should have been fired for allowing Hillary Clinton to go free, after all her crimes. Nothing is more obvious. He now is facing federal charges for this too.

Oh like you care about Hillary Clinton, no it was for the russa thing, maybe if you read the report you would understand how Tramp is a crime lord.
NO COLLUSION!! You're a liar!

Ken Starr's report read like a trashy novel because Bill Clinton's life, including his Presidency, was like a trashy novel.

And the Republicans had a problem with his life...…… because they voted in tramp who is a worst male whore, but they ignored that as well as the "russa thing".

The Democrats did not spy on Tramp's campaign and he would of not won if not for Russia. They also aided and abetted the Russian interference, but Mueller couldn't prove it because they lied and deleted emails.

Russia if you listening find the deleted emails of the Tramp campaign.
Keep this crap up. The only thing that has come out of this shenanigans, is proof how corrupt the Obama administration was.
All about how Monica gave Bill Clintons blow jobs and how he lied about it. Nothing about a foreign country interfering in our elections, and the Potus trying to obstruct justice about it, just all about Clinton and his blow jobs given by Monica Lewinsky, a consensual sexual partner. Read all about it, every trashy thing that happened between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski. I wonder if Kavanaugh and Starr got off on it, like writing a trashy novel. It even talks about the cigar, you must read if you are curious of how the republicans tried to impeach Clinton over several blow jobs and lied about it. It gets down and dirty, even how he fondled her breasts.

Now we have a worst case than Watergate and the Republicans want to ignore it.

Third. The third limit is unique to the President. ‘‘The Presidency is more than an executive responsibility. It is the inspiring symbol of all that is highest in American purpose and ideals.’’ 27 When he took the Oath of Office in 1993 and again in 1997, President Clinton swore that he would ‘‘faithfully execute the Office of President.’’ 28 As the head of the Executive Branch, the President has the constitutional duty to ‘‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.’’ 29 The President gave his testimony in the Jones case under oath and in the presence of a federal judge, a member of a co-equal branch of government; he then testified before a federal grand jury, a body of citizens who had themselves taken an oath to seek the truth. In view of the enormous trust and responsibility attendant to his high Office, the President has a manifest duty to ensure that his conduct at all times complies with the law of the land. In sum, perjury and acts that obstruct justice by any citizen— whether in a criminal case, a grand jury investigation, a congressional hearing, a civil trial, or civil discovery—are profoundly serious matters. When such acts are committed by the President of the United States, we believe those acts ‘‘may constitute grounds for an impeachment.’’


As the relationship developed over time, Ms. Lewinsky grew emotionally attached to President Clinton. She testified: ‘‘I never expected to fall in love with the President. I was surprised that I did.’’ 44 Ms. Lewinsky told him of her feelings. 45 At times, she believed that he loved her too.46 They were physically affectionate: ‘‘A lot of hugging, holding hands sometimes. He always used to push the hair out of my face.’’ 47 She called him ‘‘Handsome’’; on occasion, he called her ‘‘Sweetie,’’ ‘‘Baby,’’ or sometimes ‘‘Dear.’’ 48 He told her that he enjoyed talking to her—she recalled his saying that the two of them were ‘‘emotive and full of fire,’’ and she made him feel young.49 He said he wished he could spend more time with her.50 Ms. Lewinsky told confidants of the emotional underpinnings of the relationship as it evolved. According to her mother, Marcia Lewis, the President once told Ms. Lewinsky that she ‘‘had been hurt a lot or something by different men and that he would be her



In this case, the President made and caused to be made false statements to the American people about his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. He also made false statements about whether he had lied under oath or otherwise obstructed justice in his civil case. By publicly and emphatically stating in January 1998 that ‘‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman’’ and these ‘‘allegations are false,’’ the President also effectively delayed a possible congressional inquiry, and then he further delayed it by asserting Executive Privilege and refusing to testify for six months during the Independent Counsel investigation. This represents substantial and credible information that may constitute grounds for an impeachment.

Chinese Illegally Donated to Bill Clinton Reelection Campaign. Media Downplayed. | National Review
All about how Monica gave Bill Clintons blow jobs and how he lied about it. Nothing about a foreign country interfering in our elections, and the Potus trying to obstruct justice about it, just all about Clinton and his blow jobs given by Monica Lewinsky, a consensual sexual partner. Read all about it, every trashy thing that happened between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski. I wonder if Kavanaugh and Starr got off on it, like writing a trashy novel. It even talks about the cigar, you must read if you are curious of how the republicans tried to impeach Clinton over several blow jobs and lied about it. It gets down and dirty, even how he fondled her breasts.

Now we have a worst case than Watergate and the Republicans want to ignore it.

Third. The third limit is unique to the President. ‘‘The Presidency is more than an executive responsibility. It is the inspiring symbol of all that is highest in American purpose and ideals.’’ 27 When he took the Oath of Office in 1993 and again in 1997, President Clinton swore that he would ‘‘faithfully execute the Office of President.’’ 28 As the head of the Executive Branch, the President has the constitutional duty to ‘‘take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.’’ 29 The President gave his testimony in the Jones case under oath and in the presence of a federal judge, a member of a co-equal branch of government; he then testified before a federal grand jury, a body of citizens who had themselves taken an oath to seek the truth. In view of the enormous trust and responsibility attendant to his high Office, the President has a manifest duty to ensure that his conduct at all times complies with the law of the land. In sum, perjury and acts that obstruct justice by any citizen— whether in a criminal case, a grand jury investigation, a congressional hearing, a civil trial, or civil discovery—are profoundly serious matters. When such acts are committed by the President of the United States, we believe those acts ‘‘may constitute grounds for an impeachment.’’


As the relationship developed over time, Ms. Lewinsky grew emotionally attached to President Clinton. She testified: ‘‘I never expected to fall in love with the President. I was surprised that I did.’’ 44 Ms. Lewinsky told him of her feelings. 45 At times, she believed that he loved her too.46 They were physically affectionate: ‘‘A lot of hugging, holding hands sometimes. He always used to push the hair out of my face.’’ 47 She called him ‘‘Handsome’’; on occasion, he called her ‘‘Sweetie,’’ ‘‘Baby,’’ or sometimes ‘‘Dear.’’ 48 He told her that he enjoyed talking to her—she recalled his saying that the two of them were ‘‘emotive and full of fire,’’ and she made him feel young.49 He said he wished he could spend more time with her.50 Ms. Lewinsky told confidants of the emotional underpinnings of the relationship as it evolved. According to her mother, Marcia Lewis, the President once told Ms. Lewinsky that she ‘‘had been hurt a lot or something by different men and that he would be her



In this case, the President made and caused to be made false statements to the American people about his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky. He also made false statements about whether he had lied under oath or otherwise obstructed justice in his civil case. By publicly and emphatically stating in January 1998 that ‘‘I did not have sexual relations with that woman’’ and these ‘‘allegations are false,’’ the President also effectively delayed a possible congressional inquiry, and then he further delayed it by asserting Executive Privilege and refusing to testify for six months during the Independent Counsel investigation. This represents substantial and credible information that may constitute grounds for an impeachment.

Someone is DESPERATE lol

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