Right Wing Racism

Warrior102 said:
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Race this - you assfucking little Goddamned beaaaaaaaaaathc. Thanks, and have a nice day


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When posters leave deep, thought out messages, but do not accept personal replies of thanks, it is necessary that I thank them here for their rep and insightful commentary. You too have a nice day.

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The democrat party is the historic party of racism. 60's segregationists were democrats. Al Gore's father senator Gore was a segregationist. Democrat senator Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK and often used the "N" word in public. High profile newspaper cartoonists portrayed a Black woman, Dr. Condie Rice in nasty cartoons depicting her as a caricature of a slave woman and nobody even apologized much less was fired for it. Lefties play the race card when they have nothing else in their hand.

The Race Problem is with the Community Organizers, Race Baiter's, Politicians & the Media. They create, perpetuate & fan the flames of racism in order to get your vote & keep you tuned in so they can get rich off of your stupid ass by agitating you & pointing fingers at others.
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The irony of the replies, and all the private curses and other off the point answers, is the only honest reply from the right is from our favorite racist, William Joyce. The rest do as a child does, they call names for they cannot answer the question nor face the issue head on.

"‘The Talk’ With My White Daughter: Don’t Be Like John Derbyshire"

"In the wake of the killing of Trayvon Martin, several commentators wrote artful letters to their black sons, warning of the reality of racial profiling and discrimination that still haunt us today. Subsequently, an either insanely ignorant or willfully obnoxious National Review columnist (now fired) named John Derbyshire wrote a letter to his two white children, spewing the sort of hateful stereotypes about black people that conservatives often hasten to argue are a part of America’s past, not present. As such, Mr. Derbyshire’s letter has nothing to do with actual black folks, but is a revealing warning about a certain subset of mostly white, mostly male conservatives who like to believe that racism and related injustices are merely myths concocted to disadvantage white people.

I’d like to explain to my daughter, who is white, why this is a load of bullshit." ‘The Talk’ With My White Daughter: Don’t Be Like John Derbyshire - COLORLINES

"Hats off to Kohn for combating Derbyshire's laundry list of "facts" that regurgitate the tenets of biological racism and tips for instilling in children an irrational fear of people with dark skin, tips that he says "may save their lives." Kohn does this with thoughtful, smart explanations of racism, privilege, and the social and political constructs of race. She arms her daughter with knowledge and hope for eventual justice for all Americans, not terror and hatred for a villainized and generalized race of people. She writes not just with her own child in mind, but with Trayvon Martin in her heart, for Derbyshire's essay was a direct response to (and appalling mockery of) several published pieces from black writers -- including KJ Dell'Antonia in The New York Times and Darryl E. Owns in The Orlando Sentinel -- who talk about explaining the dangers of racism and racial profiling to their children." April | Hyphen magazine - Asian American arts, culture, and politics

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves." Eric Hoffer
The Race Problem is with the Community Organizers, Race Baiter's, Politicians & the Media. They create, perpetuate & fan the flames of racism in order to get your vote & keep you tuned in so they can get rich off of your stupid ass by agitating you & pointing fingers at others.

A popular idea, but I'll disagree.

The Race Problem is created by the forced co-existence of different races.

Average everyday whites and blacks would not be getting along whether we had Al Sharpton mouthing off or not.
I think that the conservative strategy -- talk about cutting taxes instead of ******* -- hasn't worked.

I'm not suggesting that as conservatives we all start spewing racial epithets.


The truth is -- and conservatives will scream -- that race is a much bigger issue than we like to say. White conservatives don't really think it's so horrible, awful, terrible that a little ol' white granny gets Social Security. What gets their goat is a black welfare mama pumping out all these little future Trayvons, and doing it on the white dime.

We need to start talking honestly. We need to separate the races.

The left wing agenda seems to be to punish successful Black people like Clarence Thomas and Condie Rice and to talk about anything except Barry Hussein.
We need to separate the races.

We just need to separate the defective idiots like you from the rest of the human race.

You either lob grade-school insults as your form of "debate", or, if someone responds in kind, tattle to the moderators.

Pro tip: on the Internet, you're supposed to make yourself look cooler than you do in real life. If you actually manage to look like a moron in an environment where you've got complete control, that is a little bit sad.
"Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he’s a ******.” -- Dem Civil Rights "Hero" LBJ on Thurgood Marshall
Democrats have always been the party of racism..They still are. They really hate "uppity" conservative blacks

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egTyaIAaqz8]Clarence Thomas High-Tech Lynching - YouTube[/ame]
The Race Problem is with the Community Organizers, Race Baiter's, Politicians & the Media. They create, perpetuate & fan the flames of racism in order to get your vote & keep you tuned in so they can get rich off of your stupid ass by agitating you & pointing fingers at others.

A popular idea, but I'll disagree.

The Race Problem is created by the forced co-existence of different races.

Average everyday whites and blacks would not be getting along whether we had Al Sharpton mouthing off or not.

How many times are you going to repeat the same tired racist bullshit, you fucking coward?
Morning Bigrebnc1775, when posters send you comments they should at least have the courage of their convictions and allow you to respond. Warrior is a coward as are you. If you want to throw stones be wo/men enough to expect a reply. But thanks for rep. mc5

bigrebnc1775 said:
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Fucking whiner


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MSNBC talking head Democrat Al Sharpton is a racist & a bigot pure and simple.

“White folks was in the caves while we [blacks] was building empires … We built pyramids before Donald Trump ever knew what architecture was … we taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it.”

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