Question for my left leaning fellow Americans


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
Is this really what you wanted 4 years ago? Is this the change you wanted? I think not. I know you love this country more than that. Put that love for country at the top of your list. Forget the childish game of who wins and who loses and do what you know is best for this nation. Vote for Romney and lets get this nation moving again so we can pay for all of the stuff that you all demand. Obama and his campaign are lying and everyone knows it. Don't except that. Don't let him devide us, USA first!

Obama SuperPac Releases One of the Most Ugly, Misleading Ads in Campaign History
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Does anyone really believe that either side can be swayed?? Heels are dug in firmly...our fate lies in the ability of each side to motivate their base to get and vote, and which one will be more effective at swaying the Independents.
Does anyone really believe that either side can be swayed?? Heels are dug in firmly...our fate lies in the ability of each side to motivate their base to get and vote, and which one will be more effective at swaying the Independents.

It's worth a shot...this nation needs to get a new leader. Still after 3 and a half years of Obama's presidency Americans are still dying in wars that should have been over years ago. That alone should make people rethink their choice.
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Is this really what you wanted 4 years ago? Is this the change you wanted? I think not. I know you love this country more than that. Put that love for country at the top of your list. Forget the childish game of who wins and who loses and do what you know is best for this nation. Vote for Romney and lets get this nation moving again so we can pay for all of the stuff that you all demand. Obama and his campaign are lying and everyone knows it. Don't except that. Don't let him devide us, USA first!

Obama SuperPac Releases One of the Most Ugly, Misleading Ads in Campaign History

I supported Romney in 2008. Now I am supporting Obama, and I will tell you why; I don't believe more tax cuts make any sense at all. It's a math thing, you know. Cutting taxes won't increase revenue, no matter how much you tell us it will. If we want to get America headed in the right direction again, we need to get the federal government operating without massive debt every single year, and cutting spending is not the complete answer. On top of that I support the ACA legislation. It's not exactly what I wanted, but it's a step in the right direction. It is working in Massachusetts, and Romney running away from it is beyond embarrassing. The bottom line is that I think Romney would actually make things much worse; it is possible.
Is this really what you wanted 4 years ago? Is this the change you wanted? I think not. I know you love this country more than that. Put that love for country at the top of your list. Forget the childish game of who wins and who loses and do what you know is best for this nation. Vote for Romney and lets get this nation moving again so we can pay for all of the stuff that you all demand. Obama and his campaign are lying and everyone knows it. Don't except that. Don't let him devide us, USA first!

Obama SuperPac Releases One of the Most Ugly, Misleading Ads in Campaign History

It isn't everything I wanted but on the whole; yes.

The Democrats passed a tax cut that the GOP will not even consider in the House. For starters. A few dollars here and there isn't the reason I support Mr. Obama however.

The next 4 years will see 3 justices on the Supreme Court turn 80+. Whomever wins this election will have a chance to appoint, likely, multiple justices. Roe would be in danger under Romney. The governor's record is that he supports big businesses. At times, these businesses have not been as careful as they should be on matters of privacy. Eventually, the Court will hear a case that speaks to what data mining can take place.

We saw with Citizens United just how out of step with the people the court can be at times. So much so that we have one man pledging $100M in support. Thats an awlful lot of free speech. That $100M buys influence.

Obama is a good president; not great.
This country has always been divided. It CANNOT survive if one faction controls everything. The US has always been divided and will always be divided and SHOULD be divided. If everything was controlled by the dems we'd have spending that never stops. If the GOP controls it all then we clearly without a doubt have a plutocracy where only the ultra wealthy are looked after. Neither scenario is good for the nation. A nation divided CAN survive.
If you truly don't want 4 more years of Obama why would you vote for Romney? There is no way Romney will be able to do anything different than Obama has done. He'll talk a big game but we all know he'll say whatever needs to be said to get elected and what he actually does is much different.

So you say you will vote for Romney, which could be 8 years of what we just had with Obama. Prove you don't want more of the same and vote for anyone but Romney.
I opposed Obama, wanted Hillary and settled on voting for McCain, swearing I'd NEVER like Obama or give him kudos. However over 4 years he has not been terrible like I expected. I'm somewhat hawkish regarding the ME and think he has done a pretty good job of getting rid of some of the Al Qaeda leaders, especially bin Laden. Has he turned the econmy around? Not much but I didn't really expect him to. I don't think any president with the exception of Clinton (who also had some help from the tech bubble) has been able to do much. I don't think Romney can either and he may in fact, hurt the middle class with his ideas on the economy. That leaves me with social issues for the most part which I think Obama has been fairly good with (although I would like a stronger stance on illegal immigration but there again, don't think Romney would be that different). Social issues that matter most to me are women's rights and abortion which I think Obama will uphold and Romney may very well not if a republican Congress passes restrictive legislation as they have in about 20 republican held states. Obama will veto draconian repbulican legislation (although there are some things I agree with outside of most social/women's issues) but I don't agree with the "new breed" of tea party repbulicans on certain rights and freedoms and in some ways even on the economy.
Is this really what you wanted 4 years ago? Is this the change you wanted? I think not. I know you love this country more than that. Put that love for country at the top of your list. Forget the childish game of who wins and who loses and do what you know is best for this nation. Vote for Romney and lets get this nation moving again so we can pay for all of the stuff that you all demand. Obama and his campaign are lying and everyone knows it. Don't except that. Don't let him devide us, USA first!

Obama SuperPac Releases One of the Most Ugly, Misleading Ads in Campaign History

You cant be serious?

You want us to vote for a guy whos stated plan of attack is to place us back on the exact same cliff we were on in 2007? Whos plans to "make it all better" by raising taxes on those of us who are least able to actually pay them? A man whos ONLY experience in fixing government financial problems is raising taxes and over spending?

If you were serious about putting the COUNTRY first, you would abandon this argument and vote AGAINST Mitt Romney.
Is this really what you wanted 4 years ago? Is this the change you wanted? I think not. I know you love this country more than that. Put that love for country at the top of your list. Forget the childish game of who wins and who loses and do what you know is best for this nation. Vote for Romney and lets get this nation moving again so we can pay for all of the stuff that you all demand. Obama and his campaign are lying and everyone knows it. Don't except that. Don't let him devide us, USA first!

Obama SuperPac Releases One of the Most Ugly, Misleading Ads in Campaign History

It isn't everything I wanted but on the whole; yes.

The Democrats passed a tax cut that the GOP will not even consider in the House. For starters. A few dollars here and there isn't the reason I support Mr. Obama however.

The next 4 years will see 3 justices on the Supreme Court turn 80+. Whomever wins this election will have a chance to appoint, likely, multiple justices. Roe would be in danger under Romney. The governor's record is that he supports big businesses. At times, these businesses have not been as careful as they should be on matters of privacy. Eventually, the Court will hear a case that speaks to what data mining can take place.

We saw with Citizens United just how out of step with the people the court can be at times. So much so that we have one man pledging $100M in support. Thats an awlful lot of free speech. That $100M buys influence.

Obama is a good president; not great.

Always good to find another post worth a thanks, a rep and a couple of attaboys!

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