Pope says it's better to be an atheist than hypocritical catholic


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Pope says It's better to be an atheist than "Hypocritical Catholic"
Pope Francis delivered another criticism of some members of his own Church on Thursday, suggesting it is better to be an atheist than one of “many” Catholics who he said lead a hypocritical double life. In improvised comments in the sermon of his private morning Mass in his residence, he said: “It is a scandal to say one thing and do another. That is a double life.”
Add this to the list of this fake pope. This pope is no pope. He is as much of a loser as was Obama. He's a pawn to brainwash the masses into a bigger cult ...............
Pope says It's better to be an atheist than "Hypocritical Catholic"
Pope Francis delivered another criticism of some members of his own Church on Thursday, suggesting it is better to be an atheist than one of “many” Catholics who he said lead a hypocritical double life. In improvised comments in the sermon of his private morning Mass in his residence, he said: “It is a scandal to say one thing and do another. That is a double life.”
Add this to the list of this fake pope. This pope is no pope. He is as much of a loser as was Obama. He's a pawn to brainwash the masses into a bigger cult ...............
The Pope acts as .....What would Jesus do?

The guy gets it
Pope says It's better to be an atheist than "Hypocritical Catholic"
Pope Francis delivered another criticism of some members of his own Church on Thursday, suggesting it is better to be an atheist than one of “many” Catholics who he said lead a hypocritical double life. In improvised comments in the sermon of his private morning Mass in his residence, he said: “It is a scandal to say one thing and do another. That is a double life.”
Add this to the list of this fake pope. This pope is no pope. He is as much of a loser as was Obama. He's a pawn to brainwash the masses into a bigger cult ...............
Actually, the Pope is correct, and is backed up by Bible scripture on this issue. ..... :cool:

Revelations 3:15 - 16 "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
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Pope says It's better to be an atheist than "Hypocritical Catholic"
Pope Francis delivered another criticism of some members of his own Church on Thursday, suggesting it is better to be an atheist than one of “many” Catholics who he said lead a hypocritical double life. In improvised comments in the sermon of his private morning Mass in his residence, he said: “It is a scandal to say one thing and do another. That is a double life.”
Add this to the list of this fake pope. This pope is no pope. He is as much of a loser as was Obama. He's a pawn to brainwash the masses into a bigger cult ...............

Pope says It's better to be an atheist than "Hypocritical Catholic"
Pope Francis delivered another criticism of some members of his own Church on Thursday, suggesting it is better to be an atheist than one of “many” Catholics who he said lead a hypocritical double life. In improvised comments in the sermon of his private morning Mass in his residence, he said: “It is a scandal to say one thing and do another. That is a double life.”
Add this to the list of this fake pope. This pope is no pope. He is as much of a loser as was Obama. He's a pawn to brainwash the masses into a bigger cult ...............
Actually, the Pope is correct, and is backed up by the Bible. ..... :cool:

Revelations 3:15 - 16 "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

This is not just a “pope problem,” either.

Many of the people urging radical steps to deal with purported “climate change” are, like the pope, not scientific experts in the relevant field. Many are layman. Often, laymen with political power – like President Obama.

It is telling that the language had to be altered to suit the inconvenient truths. It was not all that long ago these “experts” were sounding the alarm bells about an impending ice age and “global cooling.”

A planetary deep freeze.

A heat wave during the ’90s made this idea seem preposterous.

Enter “global warming.”

But then the same problem arose – only in reverse. The weather began to moderate. Cold winters returned with a vengeance to much of North America, for instance. It became hard to sell global warming when much of the country was experiencing a deep freeze, as during the winters of 2013 and 2014.

A new – more flexible – catchphrase was urgently needed.

Enter “climate change.”

Since the climate constantly changes, no more worries about explaining away hot summers – or cold winters. Anything could be attributed to “climate change.”

This is telling.

We are dealing with a political thing, not a scientific thing.

As Orwell observed, “political language is designed to make lies sound truthful… and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

Normal fluctuations of temperature, a heat wave, a tough winter – can now be characterized as ominously abnormal – something that requires a solution – on the foundation of the bizarre idea that the climate is not supposed to change.

That a static, unchanging climate is – somehow – normal.

This is as dangerous an idea as it is bizarre.chart image

The climate is and always has been in flux. It will continue to change, regardless of the pope or the activity of the seven billion people on this earth.

For instance: Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide were much higher than they are today 250 million years ago – well before the age of industrial activity. How much higher? Five times higher than current levels, according to the National Academy of Sciences(not the Republican Party or the Koch brothers). This was the era of the dinosaurs. The Earth was

Francis is a Marxist

Why the Pope Is Wrong on So Many Levels
Pope says It's better to be an atheist than "Hypocritical Catholic"
Pope Francis delivered another criticism of some members of his own Church on Thursday, suggesting it is better to be an atheist than one of “many” Catholics who he said lead a hypocritical double life. In improvised comments in the sermon of his private morning Mass in his residence, he said: “It is a scandal to say one thing and do another. That is a double life.”
Add this to the list of this fake pope. This pope is no pope. He is as much of a loser as was Obama. He's a pawn to brainwash the masses into a bigger cult ...............

Pope says It's better to be an atheist than "Hypocritical Catholic"
Pope Francis delivered another criticism of some members of his own Church on Thursday, suggesting it is better to be an atheist than one of “many” Catholics who he said lead a hypocritical double life. In improvised comments in the sermon of his private morning Mass in his residence, he said: “It is a scandal to say one thing and do another. That is a double life.”
Add this to the list of this fake pope. This pope is no pope. He is as much of a loser as was Obama. He's a pawn to brainwash the masses into a bigger cult ...............

View attachment 113906
dingbat, thinks he's a Catholic, doesn't think the bible is true.
Pope says It's better to be an atheist than "Hypocritical Catholic"
Pope Francis delivered another criticism of some members of his own Church on Thursday, suggesting it is better to be an atheist than one of “many” Catholics who he said lead a hypocritical double life. In improvised comments in the sermon of his private morning Mass in his residence, he said: “It is a scandal to say one thing and do another. That is a double life.”
Add this to the list of this fake pope. This pope is no pope. He is as much of a loser as was Obama. He's a pawn to brainwash the masses into a bigger cult ...............
Pope Francis also said, "practice what your religion preaches." That doesn't seem fake, that sounds Iike common sense.
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The Marxist pope finally said something based on reality. Good for him.
Hypocrites are not monopolized by any one religion or world view, they exist everywhere. I won't ever forget a lady in church giving the worst glare of rage at a young family who's baby was crying during the sermon. I thought to myself, if someone expresses this much anger towards a baby, in a church, at a slight disruption, I would hate to see how this person would judge others in other circumstances or, how they would consider other inconveniences in their life.

I wouldn't call someone a fake person of faith, but I do know that far too many people try to "game God", while in their hearts they don't follow the most honest premises that Jesus taught. This is a universal problem to be sure, especially when you have people in positions of authorities who believe they are above reproach.
Hypocrites are not monopolized by any one religion or world view, they exist everywhere. I won't ever forget a lady in church giving the worst glare of rage at a young family who's baby was crying during the sermon. I thought to myself, if someone expresses this much anger towards a baby, in a church, at a slight disruption, I would hate to see how this person would judge others in other circumstances or, how they would consider other inconveniences in their life.

I wouldn't call someone a fake person of faith, but I do know that far too many people try to "game God", while in their hearts they don't follow the most honest premises that Jesus taught. This is a universal problem to be sure, especially when you have people in positions of authorities who believe they are above reproach.
True, there is a distribution for everything. Have you ever read David Foster Wallace's commencement speech he gave to a graduating class at Kenyon College, Ohio? Really good stuff. I really like his perspective on how to cut slack to other people. Many people don't realize that there is a progression in the golden rule saying. The last time He says it He says, love others like you love yourself. If you think about it, we don't always love ourself so good, but most of the time we do cut ourselves slack while not cutting slack to others.

A speech by the late David Foster Wallace

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