Poll: Is Bernie Sanders too extreme to win the General Election?

Is Bernie Sanders too extreme to win the General Election?

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Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Personally, I don't believe America is quite ready for his socialist utopia. Even if he would win the Democratic Primary and swing more moderate - he would lose many of his young supporters. I would guess that Republicans are salivating at the thought of facing Sanders in the General Election.

Bernie Sanders Isn’t Electable, and Here’s Why

The blunt truth: I just can’t see Bernie Sanders winning a general election. Three months ago, I thought it might be possible, maybe. But watching the campaign unfold as it has, and given some time to ponder how circumstances might play themselves out, I’ve become less convinced that he could beat any of the Republicans. He’d probably have the best shot against Ted Cruz. But in that case, as we now know, Mike Bloomberg would get in, and I think he’d be formidable, but I don’t want to get into why here. That’s another column, if indeed it ever needs to be written.

This column is about Sanders’s chances, which I think are virtually nil for two reasons.

Reason one: He’s not an enrolled Democrat. Understand that I say this not as a judgment on him, but as a description of what would surely become, were he the nominee, a deep, practical liability. Let me explain.

Now, the second reason. I think Sanders is uniquely vulnerable to scorching foreign-policy attacks.

My feeling that Sanders could win a general election was never strong, based on the usual stuff, i.e., 74-year-old socialist from Vermont. But recently I’ve been reflecting on these two matters, his lack of affiliation with the party whose standard he wants to bear, and his unique vulnerability to attack on foreign policy at a time when those issues are much more in the forefront of voters’ minds than usual. As I’ve written before, current general election head-to-head polling is meaningless, since conservatives haven’t yet spent a dollar attacking him. If he’s the nominee, they’re going to spend at least five hundred million of them doing that. And some Democrats, more likely a lot of Democrats, are going to run away from him. I can’t see how that ends well.

More: Bernie Sanders Isn’t Electable, and Here’s Why
Personally, I don't believe America is quite ready for his socialist utopia. Even if he would win the Democratic Primary and swing more moderate - he would lose many of his young supporters. I would guess that Republicans are salivating at the thought of facing Sanders in the General Election.

Saints be praised!!! I finally agree with you on something. Sanders will get shellacked in a debate when he can't explain how he plans to pay for all his free shit
Well, this is new.

A Bolshevik Loon figuring out that Jefferson's America...the greatest society thus far known to man...might not want to try Bolshevism.
Some choice.

A socialist and a criminal.

And you're complaining the socialist isn't electable. That's funny.

NOTE: This is not me saying the other side of the fence looks much better. It doesn't.
I say Bernie is not extreme enough!!

He refuse to nationalize banks and oil companies
He believes in arming citizens against Big Brother
He dares suggest that an educated citizenry is preferrable to mindless government drones.

Bernie is no extremists! He doesn't even attack his wall street backed sold out opposition!!

Bernie Sanders--He put the "S-i-s"i in the word Socialism!
Take a close look at the issues on Bernie's web site and his plans to address them. Most are merely platitudes but many are only things he could do if he had dictatorial powers with a lot of backup. Both of which he or any president will never have.

The number of naïve rubes and kids he's gathering is both hilarious and scary at the same time.


Usually I would think Bernie S. is too extreme to win the general election. Then I look at Obama who won twice. Then I look at the Hilda-Beast and her problems. On the otheir side is Trump who is like a (used) car salesman who over sales everything. Cruz is considered by many to be extreme right. Considering the field of candidates running and the growing percentage of the population that wants free stuff, I think It is possible for Bernie S to win.
Take a close look at the issues on Bernie's web site and his plans to address them. Most are merely platitudes but many are only things he could do if he had dictatorial powers with a lot of backup. Both of which he or any president will never have.

The number of naïve rubes and kids he's gathering is both hilarious and scary at the same time.



That one is getting 'thrown against the Wall'!!

There is still too much life in her eyes!!
From what I hear the hag is now reforming her campaign to mirror burnouts in who can be more progressive or it that socialistic?
Bernie's life history of failed accomplishment until he was elected to public office speaks volumes as to his fundamental political beliefs. The question as to if he is electable remains to be seen, however, his rhetoric attracts the young disenfranchised and should fit those chronically unemployed as well.
I don't think he has a chance to win the nomination, but if by some miracle he did, I think he would lose badly in the general election.

That being said, anything is possible.
He'd have plenty of idiots voting for him, but only because they heard 'free stuff' and they think someone else will pay their way.

I don't think he has a chance to win the nomination, but if by some miracle he did, I think he would lose badly in the general election.

That being said, anything is possible.

I wonder how many libs are panicking because he is neck in neck with Hillary. Neither of them are worthy and both have a radical agenda.

Hillary is complaining about income inequality and Bernie has no clue how the economy works. Neither understands how wealth is created. They only know how to take money from people who already earned it.

Personally, I don't believe America is quite ready for his socialist utopia. Even if he would win the Democratic Primary and swing more moderate - he would lose many of his young supporters. I would guess that Republicans are salivating at the thought of facing Sanders in the General Election.

Bernie Sanders Isn’t Electable, and Here’s Why

The blunt truth: I just can’t see Bernie Sanders winning a general election. Three months ago, I thought it might be possible, maybe. But watching the campaign unfold as it has, and given some time to ponder how circumstances might play themselves out, I’ve become less convinced that he could beat any of the Republicans. He’d probably have the best shot against Ted Cruz. But in that case, as we now know, Mike Bloomberg would get in, and I think he’d be formidable, but I don’t want to get into why here. That’s another column, if indeed it ever needs to be written.

This column is about Sanders’s chances, which I think are virtually nil for two reasons.

Reason one: He’s not an enrolled Democrat. Understand that I say this not as a judgment on him, but as a description of what would surely become, were he the nominee, a deep, practical liability. Let me explain.

Now, the second reason. I think Sanders is uniquely vulnerable to scorching foreign-policy attacks.

My feeling that Sanders could win a general election was never strong, based on the usual stuff, i.e., 74-year-old socialist from Vermont. But recently I’ve been reflecting on these two matters, his lack of affiliation with the party whose standard he wants to bear, and his unique vulnerability to attack on foreign policy at a time when those issues are much more in the forefront of voters’ minds than usual. As I’ve written before, current general election head-to-head polling is meaningless, since conservatives haven’t yet spent a dollar attacking him. If he’s the nominee, they’re going to spend at least five hundred million of them doing that. And some Democrats, more likely a lot of Democrats, are going to run away from him. I can’t see how that ends well.

More: Bernie Sanders Isn’t Electable, and Here’s Why

Why not just admit to antisemitism and get it off your chest?

Save a lot of typing bullshit, too.
Personally, I don't believe America is quite ready for his socialist utopia. Even if he would win the Democratic Primary and swing more moderate - he would lose many of his young supporters. I would guess that Republicans are salivating at the thought of facing Sanders in the General Election.

Bernie Sanders Isn’t Electable, and Here’s Why

The blunt truth: I just can’t see Bernie Sanders winning a general election. Three months ago, I thought it might be possible, maybe. But watching the campaign unfold as it has, and given some time to ponder how circumstances might play themselves out, I’ve become less convinced that he could beat any of the Republicans. He’d probably have the best shot against Ted Cruz. But in that case, as we now know, Mike Bloomberg would get in, and I think he’d be formidable, but I don’t want to get into why here. That’s another column, if indeed it ever needs to be written.

This column is about Sanders’s chances, which I think are virtually nil for two reasons.

Reason one: He’s not an enrolled Democrat. Understand that I say this not as a judgment on him, but as a description of what would surely become, were he the nominee, a deep, practical liability. Let me explain.

Now, the second reason. I think Sanders is uniquely vulnerable to scorching foreign-policy attacks.

My feeling that Sanders could win a general election was never strong, based on the usual stuff, i.e., 74-year-old socialist from Vermont. But recently I’ve been reflecting on these two matters, his lack of affiliation with the party whose standard he wants to bear, and his unique vulnerability to attack on foreign policy at a time when those issues are much more in the forefront of voters’ minds than usual. As I’ve written before, current general election head-to-head polling is meaningless, since conservatives haven’t yet spent a dollar attacking him. If he’s the nominee, they’re going to spend at least five hundred million of them doing that. And some Democrats, more likely a lot of Democrats, are going to run away from him. I can’t see how that ends well.

More: Bernie Sanders Isn’t Electable, and Here’s Why

Why not just admit to antisemitism and get it off your chest?

Save a lot of typing bullshit, too.

Funny. Arabs are also Semitic. BTW, how does a thread depicting Sanders as a far left socialist translate into antisemitism?
Nobody should get anything for free...even Bill Gates has to buy off members of Congress.

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