Paul Ryan's Record On Women's Health

It's not free for everyone.

Nope,but it's free for those need it to be...and thats the dirty little secret lefties won't talk about.

That's simply not true.

It's free for the very poor, but there are plenty of people who live right above that line who simply can't afford the $3,000 or whatever is left after insurance.

First the context was screenings, second I am making payments on my co-insurance from my hospital stay in March....nodody would get turned away from treatment they needed.
Nope,but it's free for those need it to be...and thats the dirty little secret lefties won't talk about.

That's simply not true.

It's free for the very poor, but there are plenty of people who live right above that line who simply can't afford the $3,000 or whatever is left after insurance.

First the context was screenings, second I am making payments on my co-insurance from my hospital stay in March....nodody would get turned away from treatment they needed.

And that's the biggest problem in America. We have laws that say, you cant be turned away if you don't have insurance, and so people who don't buy insurance just go to the emergency room and tax payers foot the bill for their personal irresponsibility. ( btw, not talking about you, as it's clear you are paying)
So now supporting LIFE instead of ABORTION is considered, EXTREME

This is how sick our country has become

You are being purposefully obtuse.

While I don't agree with pro-lifers, I wouldn't consider most of them extreme. Ryan is a "personhooder", there is a difference.

Yeah, that's kind of her thing. Welcome to the board.
Paul Ryan Sponsored Fetal Personhood Bill, Opposes Family Planning Funds

Despite Mitt Romney's efforts to court women voters ahead of November, he chose a running mate who is far outside the mainstream on women's health issues. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) cosponsored a bill that would give fetuses full personhood rights from the moment of fertilization, which was even rejected by voters in the socially conservative state of Mississippi. He voted to defund federal family planning programs, authored a budget that dismantles Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, all of which disproportionately aid and employ women, and voted multiple times to prevent women in the military from using their own money to pay for abortions at military hospitals.

Ryan also supported a highly controversial bill that Democrats nicknamed the "Let Women Die Act," which would have allowed hospitals to refuse to provide a woman emergency abortion care, even if her life is on the line.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund said in a statement on Saturday morning that Ryan has earned zero percent on its women's health voting scorecard, and other women's rights group expressed similar alarm.
When a liberal speaks about women's health all they are talking about is abortion and free contraception. There is more to health than sleeping around. But I'm Republican and the Republican women I know are not sluts so these issues aren't so important.

Uhh, no. When I speak about women's health, I'm referring to breast cancer, cervical cancer, issues related to menstruation, pregnancy and yes, abortion. Guess who provides council and services for millions of poor women at an affordable cost? That's right -- Planned Parenthood. Guess who wants to do away with funding to Planned Parenthood? That's right -- Paul Ryan.

Is there anything else that I can clear up for you? I'd tell you to go get laid, but judging from your comments on women, I'm guessing you haven't been laid in quite a while.
When a liberal speaks about women's health all they are talking about is abortion and free contraception. There is more to health than sleeping around. But I'm Republican and the Republican women I know are not sluts so these issues aren't so important.

Guess what clueless ... I am fighting breast cancer right now and just finished my last chemo 2 weeks ago and paying my for own insurance on my own. I am fighting for pre-screening like mammograms and other cancer screenings for those who can not get it unless there is a suspicion of cancer, which it then costs us more or its too late and they die. Or maybe I shouldn't get insurance anymore because I am preexisting.
Go out and see the real world.

I admire your courage and wish you all best.

Here in Omaha there are clinics that don't turn people away Eagle...the screening is there if they want it.

Thanks Amazed, I think God has us go through this to really open our eyes with understanding and compassion for others, not saying you don't. This is why I am all fired up with these people voting against things they don't even understand or perhaps lived it yet.
We are still paying off our deductible and many tests that they don't cover.
I am curious though in Omaha do they do pre-screenings for cancer for free like a mammogram? They are very expensive to do. And I think if Romney/Ryan get in that will all change I am sure. So we will see more advanced stages of breast and cervical cancer which could have been caught earlier.
I have witnessed myself the chemotherapy rooms packed with people waiting to get chemo... Many many with Breast or ovarian cancer, one lady breaks my heart she probably won't make it to Christmas

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