Paul Ryan's Record On Women's Health

I googled, apparently coverage for abortions is very limited and varies state to state. Some will cover if it's a case of rape, others only in cases of health risks.

My point is that people are asking taxpayers to pay for it, and they are working hard to expand that coverage to as many people as possible. They have succeeded in a few states, but keep failing at the national level despite the fact that Nancy Pelosi, among others, supports it. People do want to fund abortions, if they didn't there would be no need to specifically pass an amendment every year to prohibit it.
If people want to fund abortions there is nothing stopping them from donating to the cause.
Rolling my eyes......god what a shrill little fear monger....the only bullshit you didn't use was coat hangers.

Oh its bullshit now, what fantasy land are you in. I am not for abortion but you know as well as I do that history has shown the very rich will send their child away to a $$ place to either sit out their pregnancy or sorry to say kill it. While the poor are stuck with unhealthy conditions. Sex is not going to go away
So these people need to be educated on the consequences, and a good strong direction to get out of poverty as well as ways not to get pregnant.

Yes, it is bullshit.

Nobody is dying because they can't pay for their own abortion, they won't even get turned away if they can't pay for it.

All you are doing is reciting all of the stupid takling points used by all lefties to get other people to pay for shit.

I am not saying right now as the law is, but if Ryan being a bold anti women's rights gets in and changes it back to the 1960's law, history has shown that this is of coarse factual. Read your history and learn from our past mistakes.
Now I am not saying yes to abortion,unless if a mother is in danger, rape or incest. I am saying Yes to contraception and education.
Paul Ryan Sponsored Fetal Personhood Bill, Opposes Family Planning Funds

Despite Mitt Romney's efforts to court women voters ahead of November, he chose a running mate who is far outside the mainstream on women's health issues. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) cosponsored a bill that would give fetuses full personhood rights from the moment of fertilization, which was even rejected by voters in the socially conservative state of Mississippi. He voted to defund federal family planning programs, authored a budget that dismantles Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, all of which disproportionately aid and employ women, and voted multiple times to prevent women in the military from using their own money to pay for abortions at military hospitals.

Ryan also supported a highly controversial bill that Democrats nicknamed the "Let Women Die Act," which would have allowed hospitals to refuse to provide a woman emergency abortion care, even if her life is on the line.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund said in a statement on Saturday morning that Ryan has earned zero percent on its women's health voting scorecard, and other women's rights group expressed similar alarm.
When a liberal speaks about women's health all they are talking about is abortion and free contraception. There is more to health than sleeping around. But I'm Republican and the Republican women I know are not sluts so these issues aren't so important.

We've heard from two women on the board.


As a 65 yr. old woman, I am offended by many on the right who are passing legislation curtailing/restricting contraception and abortion rights (ie, the states and attempts in Congress). Although I was planning to vote for whoever the opposing candidate was running against Obama, the recent spate of negative legislation for women and the make up of the House (rep. majority with some very far right members) has made me not wanting to vote for repubs. Even then I was just going to sit out the election which I've never done before but after the Ryan pick, I think I'm going to vote for Obama. I'm tempted to write in a name but I don't think that will necessarily be a vote against Romney.

Oh please gramma.....if you want your grandaughter to kill her kids just say so.

What's hilarious is that morons on the left believe that a law on paper will reduce gun violence.

What's even more hilarious are the morons on the right who believe that a law on paper will somehow magically make abortion go away.

If pro-lifers were useful for anything more than just foaming at the mouth and assassinating doctors, they would make their conservative representatives make a law that makes child-rearing FREE in a country that masturbates more than any other country about how fucking FREE we all are.

However, it costs a ton to have a baby in America, because everything is about making money.

It's free to give birth in Canada and Europe and most every other industrialized nation that VALUES LIFE, but not in America. My friends were on 80/20 insurance but gave birth prematurely and it ran them over $30,000.

Faced with the overwhelming cost of giving birth in America, it only compounds a desperate situation that many young women find themselves in.

If you're a pro-lifer, than shut the fuck up and actually do things that encourage and promote life instead of killing doctors or vilifying 65 yr old women on sites like this.
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Oh its bullshit now, what fantasy land are you in. I am not for abortion but you know as well as I do that history has shown the very rich will send their child away to a $$ place to either sit out their pregnancy or sorry to say kill it. While the poor are stuck with unhealthy conditions. Sex is not going to go away
So these people need to be educated on the consequences, and a good strong direction to get out of poverty as well as ways not to get pregnant.

Yes, it is bullshit.

Nobody is dying because they can't pay for their own abortion, they won't even get turned away if they can't pay for it.

All you are doing is reciting all of the stupid takling points used by all lefties to get other people to pay for shit.

I am not saying right now as the law is, but if Ryan being a bold anti women's rights gets in and changes it back to the 1960's law, history has shown that this is of coarse factual. Read your history and learn from our past mistakes.
Now I am not saying yes to abortion,unless if a mother is in danger, rape or incest. I am saying Yes to contraception and education.

I would invite you to show where I am against any of those things.
How come every illiterate illegal alien that slithers across our borders knows that it's free to give birth in any hospital emergency room and Americans don't know that?

Birth control, contraceptives and abortion should be treated like any other elective procedure. Pay for it. Having sex is not necessary for good health. If you have to delay your orgasm to go get a condom you will not suffer permanent damage.
If people want to fund abortions there is nothing stopping them from donating to the cause.
Right, just like people will donate to help the families on the street, mentally ill, ect. There is just not enough donations to run these places alone.
I am an addiction counselor and did my internship to get addicted pregnant women off the street. It is wonderful to see a otherwise addicted baby being born come out into this world clean and not having seizures from addiction withdrawal. We get these women educated and on their own feet to raise their babies.
Yes so many are generous and donate, but it just isn't enough to depend on donations only.
Yes, it is bullshit.

Nobody is dying because they can't pay for their own abortion, they won't even get turned away if they can't pay for it.

All you are doing is reciting all of the stupid takling points used by all lefties to get other people to pay for shit.

I am not saying right now as the law is, but if Ryan being a bold anti women's rights gets in and changes it back to the 1960's law, history has shown that this is of coarse factual. Read your history and learn from our past mistakes.
Now I am not saying yes to abortion,unless if a mother is in danger, rape or incest. I am saying Yes to contraception and education.

I would invite you to show where I am against any of those things.

I never said you did, sorry if you felt that way. I am debating with what you are writing.
As a 65 yr. old woman, I am offended by many on the right who are passing legislation curtailing/restricting contraception and abortion rights (ie, the states and attempts in Congress). Although I was planning to vote for whoever the opposing candidate was running against Obama, the recent spate of negative legislation for women and the make up of the House (rep. majority with some very far right members) has made me not wanting to vote for repubs. Even then I was just going to sit out the election which I've never done before but after the Ryan pick, I think I'm going to vote for Obama. I'm tempted to write in a name but I don't think that will necessarily be a vote against Romney.

Oh please gramma.....if you want your grandaughter to kill her kids just say so.

What's hilarious is that morons on the left believe that a law on paper will reduce gun violence.

What's even more hilarious are the morons on the right who believe that a law on paper will somehow magically make abortion go away.

If pro-lifers were useful for anything more than just foaming at the mouth and assassinating doctors, they would make their conservative representatives make a law that makes child-rearing FREE in a country that masturbates more than any other country about how fucking FREE we all are.

However, it costs a ton to have a baby in America, because everything is about making money.

It's free to give birth in Canada and Europe and most every other industrialized nation that VALUES LIFE, but not in America. My friends were on 80/20 insurance but gave birth prematurely and it ran them over $30,000.

Faced with the overwhelming cost of giving birth in America, it only compounds a desperate situation that many young women find themselves in.

If you're a pro-lifer, than shut the fuck up and actually do things that encourage and promote life instead of killing doctors or vilifying 65 yr old women on sites like this.

Read it again and try and understand it this time....Canada slow on the comprehension side of things are they ?

You frighten me...tough guy are ya?
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I googled, apparently coverage for abortions is very limited and varies state to state. Some will cover if it's a case of rape, others only in cases of health risks.

My point is that people are asking taxpayers to pay for it, and they are working hard to expand that coverage to as many people as possible. They have succeeded in a few states, but keep failing at the national level despite the fact that Nancy Pelosi, among others, supports it. People do want to fund abortions, if they didn't there would be no need to specifically pass an amendment every year to prohibit it.

I think whether tax payer dollars fund abortions, should be a state issue and the voters in each state should decide it.

My personal views are, tax dollars should not fund abortions, so long as clinics like planned parenthood are accessible.
Oh please gramma.....if you want your grandaughter to kill her kids just say so.

What's hilarious is that morons on the left believe that a law on paper will reduce gun violence.

What's even more hilarious are the morons on the right who believe that a law on paper will somehow magically make abortion go away.

If pro-lifers were useful for anything more than just foaming at the mouth and assassinating doctors, they would make their conservative representatives make a law that makes child-rearing FREE in a country that masturbates more than any other country about how fucking FREE we all are.

However, it costs a ton to have a baby in America, because everything is about making money.

It's free to give birth in Canada and Europe and most every other industrialized nation that VALUES LIFE, but not in America. My friends were on 80/20 insurance but gave birth prematurely and it ran them over $30,000.

Faced with the overwhelming cost of giving birth in America, it only compounds a desperate situation that many young women find themselves in.

If you're a pro-lifer, than shut the fuck up and actually do things that encourage and promote life instead of killing doctors or vilifying 65 yr old women on sites like this.

Read it again and try and understand it this time....Canada slow on the comprehension side of things are they ?

You frigzhten me...tough guy are ya?

It's not free for everyone.
What's hilarious is that morons on the left believe that a law on paper will reduce gun violence.

What's even more hilarious are the morons on the right who believe that a law on paper will somehow magically make abortion go away.

If pro-lifers were useful for anything more than just foaming at the mouth and assassinating doctors, they would make their conservative representatives make a law that makes child-rearing FREE in a country that masturbates more than any other country about how fucking FREE we all are.

However, it costs a ton to have a baby in America, because everything is about making money.

It's free to give birth in Canada and Europe and most every other industrialized nation that VALUES LIFE, but not in America. My friends were on 80/20 insurance but gave birth prematurely and it ran them over $30,000.

Faced with the overwhelming cost of giving birth in America, it only compounds a desperate situation that many young women find themselves in.

If you're a pro-lifer, than shut the fuck up and actually do things that encourage and promote life instead of killing doctors or vilifying 65 yr old women on sites like this.

Read it again and try and understand it this time....Canada slow on the comprehension side of things are they ?

You frigzhten me...tough guy are ya?

It's not free for everyone.

Nope,but it's free for those need it to be...and thats the dirty little secret lefties won't talk about.
If people want to fund abortions there is nothing stopping them from donating to the cause.
Right, just like people will donate to help the families on the street, mentally ill, ect. There is just not enough donations to run these places alone.
I am an addiction counselor and did my internship to get addicted pregnant women off the street. It is wonderful to see a otherwise addicted baby being born come out into this world clean and not having seizures from addiction withdrawal. We get these women educated and on their own feet to raise their babies.
Yes so many are generous and donate, but it just isn't enough to depend on donations only.

Maybe if taxes weren't so high there would be more donations. After all, entire hospitals were once supported entirely by donations. The difference is with donations the donor must believe in the cause. Not that many people believe in the cause of free abortions. They believe in people experiencing the consequences of their own behavior. The consequences of behavior will lead to control of that behavior. It is not unlike training a dog. If you gave your dog a cookie everytime he shit on the rug, eventually the dog will understand that he is supposed to shit on the rug. If we reward women who are irresponsible, they will eventually believe they are supposed to be irresponsible. It's expected of them.

It's actually worse than that. By relieving women of responsibility we also relieve men of their responsibility. They are not the cause of pregnancy. It has nothing to do with them. The responsibility for children, for birth control and for abortions has shifted to the public. Human beings are simply slaves to uncontrollable sexual excesses. There is nothing they can do about it. They are driven senselessly mad by desire.
Paul Ryan Sponsored Fetal Personhood Bill, Opposes Family Planning Funds

Despite Mitt Romney's efforts to court women voters ahead of November, he chose a running mate who is far outside the mainstream on women's health issues. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) cosponsored a bill that would give fetuses full personhood rights from the moment of fertilization, which was even rejected by voters in the socially conservative state of Mississippi. He voted to defund federal family planning programs, authored a budget that dismantles Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, all of which disproportionately aid and employ women, and voted multiple times to prevent women in the military from using their own money to pay for abortions at military hospitals.

Ryan also supported a highly controversial bill that Democrats nicknamed the "Let Women Die Act," which would have allowed hospitals to refuse to provide a woman emergency abortion care, even if her life is on the line.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund said in a statement on Saturday morning that Ryan has earned zero percent on its women's health voting scorecard, and other women's rights group expressed similar alarm.
When a liberal speaks about women's health all they are talking about is abortion and free contraception. There is more to health than sleeping around. But I'm Republican and the Republican women I know are not sluts so these issues aren't so important.

Guess what clueless ... I am fighting breast cancer right now and just finished my last chemo 2 weeks ago and paying my for own insurance on my own. I am fighting for pre-screening like mammograms and other cancer screenings for those who can not get it unless there is a suspicion of cancer, which it then costs us more or its too late and they die. Or maybe I shouldn't get insurance anymore because I am preexisting.
Go out and see the real world.
Read it again and try and understand it this time....Canada slow on the comprehension side of things are they ?

You frigzhten me...tough guy are ya?

It's not free for everyone.

Nope,but it's free for those need it to be...and thats the dirty little secret lefties won't talk about.

That's simply not true.

It's free for the very poor, but there are plenty of people who live right above that line who simply can't afford the $3,000 or whatever is left after insurance.
If people want to fund abortions there is nothing stopping them from donating to the cause.
Right, just like people will donate to help the families on the street, mentally ill, ect. There is just not enough donations to run these places alone.
I am an addiction counselor and did my internship to get addicted pregnant women off the street. It is wonderful to see a otherwise addicted baby being born come out into this world clean and not having seizures from addiction withdrawal. We get these women educated and on their own feet to raise their babies.
Yes so many are generous and donate, but it just isn't enough to depend on donations only.

Maybe if taxes weren't so high there would be more donations. After all, entire hospitals were once supported entirely by donations. The difference is with donations the donor must believe in the cause. Not that many people believe in the cause of free abortions. They believe in people experiencing the consequences of their own behavior. The consequences of behavior will lead to control of that behavior. It is not unlike training a dog. If you gave your dog a cookie everytime he shit on the rug, eventually the dog will understand that he is supposed to shit on the rug. If we reward women who are irresponsible, they will eventually believe they are supposed to be irresponsible. It's expected of them.

It's actually worse than that. By relieving women of responsibility we also relieve men of their responsibility. They are not the cause of pregnancy. It has nothing to do with them. The responsibility for children, for birth control and for abortions has shifted to the public. Human beings are simply slaves to uncontrollable sexual excesses. There is nothing they can do about it. They are driven senselessly mad by desire.

Please let this sink in, where in the world have I said that people should donate for abortions.. Try reading what I wrote instead of what you want to see please.
Paul Ryan Sponsored Fetal Personhood Bill, Opposes Family Planning Funds

Despite Mitt Romney's efforts to court women voters ahead of November, he chose a running mate who is far outside the mainstream on women's health issues. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) cosponsored a bill that would give fetuses full personhood rights from the moment of fertilization, which was even rejected by voters in the socially conservative state of Mississippi. He voted to defund federal family planning programs, authored a budget that dismantles Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, all of which disproportionately aid and employ women, and voted multiple times to prevent women in the military from using their own money to pay for abortions at military hospitals.

Ryan also supported a highly controversial bill that Democrats nicknamed the "Let Women Die Act," which would have allowed hospitals to refuse to provide a woman emergency abortion care, even if her life is on the line.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund said in a statement on Saturday morning that Ryan has earned zero percent on its women's health voting scorecard, and other women's rights group expressed similar alarm.
When a liberal speaks about women's health all they are talking about is abortion and free contraception. There is more to health than sleeping around. But I'm Republican and the Republican women I know are not sluts so these issues aren't so important.

Guess what clueless ... I am fighting breast cancer right now and just finished my last chemo 2 weeks ago and paying my for own insurance on my own. I am fighting for pre-screening like mammograms and other cancer screenings for those who can not get it unless there is a suspicion of cancer, which it then costs us more or its too late and they die. Or maybe I shouldn't get insurance anymore because I am preexisting.
Go out and see the real world.

I admire your courage and wish you all best.

Here in Omaha there are clinics that don't turn people away Eagle...the screening is there if they want it.
Paul Ryan Sponsored Fetal Personhood Bill, Opposes Family Planning Funds

Despite Mitt Romney's efforts to court women voters ahead of November, he chose a running mate who is far outside the mainstream on women's health issues. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) cosponsored a bill that would give fetuses full personhood rights from the moment of fertilization, which was even rejected by voters in the socially conservative state of Mississippi. He voted to defund federal family planning programs, authored a budget that dismantles Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, all of which disproportionately aid and employ women, and voted multiple times to prevent women in the military from using their own money to pay for abortions at military hospitals.

Ryan also supported a highly controversial bill that Democrats nicknamed the "Let Women Die Act," which would have allowed hospitals to refuse to provide a woman emergency abortion care, even if her life is on the line.

Planned Parenthood Action Fund said in a statement on Saturday morning that Ryan has earned zero percent on its women's health voting scorecard, and other women's rights group expressed similar alarm.
When a liberal speaks about women's health all they are talking about is abortion and free contraception. There is more to health than sleeping around. But I'm Republican and the Republican women I know are not sluts so these issues aren't so important.

Guess what clueless ... I am fighting breast cancer right now and just finished my last chemo 2 weeks ago and paying my for own insurance on my own. I am fighting for pre-screening like mammograms and other cancer screenings for those who can not get it unless there is a suspicion of cancer, which it then costs us more or its too late and they die. Or maybe I shouldn't get insurance anymore because I am preexisting.
Go out and see the real world.

How about we take the money women get for free contraceptives and free abortions and spend it on those who need care for cancer?

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