Now Whitey Is Hogging All the Fresh Air


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
The illustrious and oh so esteemed Legacy Media (did I mention they're professionals????) eloquently lay out an argument that is sure to age like the finest of wine.

And it's actually pretty simple:

All the races, all the different colors and creeds - we can live in perfect harmony....

As long as white people just stop fucking breeding.

Oh wait, not it's the ultra ludicrous speed version: I meant, breathing.

The best part is the author is a honkey. But he's one of the good, obedient ones. He still wears a mask - so his virtue is there for all to see.


The truth is everyone would get along much better if irresponsible Leftist trash "media" sources like the LA Times would cease with their Critical racism poison.
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Old news, covered extensively decades ago by Liberal Patrick Moynihan and Conservative Thomas Sowell, along with pretty much all these issues. They of course mostly agreed on what the problems are, they just differed on a few of the solutions. Today we only have wingnuts and ideologues who don't know shit about anything.
This antI-white racism is just getting beyond ridiculous: Now, according to a self-loathing white leftist, it’s racist for those affluent whites to drive. How DARE they pollute the air that blacks breathe!

Too Funny! Blacks in Los Angeles county represent less than 9% of the share of the total population, while Hispanics and Asians represent approximately 45% and 11% respectively.

This has nothing to do with 'blacks"....(uncapitalized just for you).

In your quest to illustrate the country "falling at the feet of "blacks", it would help you immensely to review the demographics of the area that you are referencing prior to making claims like:

"Now, according to a self-loathing white leftist, it’s racist for those affluent whites to drive. How DARE they pollute the air that blacks breathe!"
Lisa really needs to stop her anti black hate crusade.
We are in a Zone 1 thread and you are not allowed to call people racist. The next time you do it, you’ll be reported. Even with all the Black Privilege you enjoy here, there are limits.
Too Funny! Blacks in Los Angeles county represent less than 9% of the share of the total population, while Hispanics and Asians represent approximately 45% and 11% respectively.

This has nothing to do with 'blacks"....(uncapitalized just for you).

In your quest to illustrate the country "falling at the feet of "blacks", it would help you immensely to review the demographics of the area that you are referencing prior to making claims like:
Thats what the article said. That leftist is blaming White people for polluting blacks’ air.
don't correct idiots too stupid to read the article just laugh at them especially when they are mods.
Thanks. It is especially bad when a mod does it. That particular one has taken a personal dislike to me.
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Thats what the article said. That leftist is blaming White people for polluting blacks’ air.
That is not exactly what the article said. But if turning it against Black people is ok with you, then ok. There was a blatant intent in not understanding what the article was saying which was affecting some black neighborhoods in L.A.

I am amazed that as as you have told me that you are an observant Jew, that you would be posting on a Friday night.

What is even more amazing is this obsession you seem to have with the Black population of this country and the need to start a thread about one thing or another about them.

Only you know the reason for it.

But do us all a favor. Next thread you start about the same subject, try not to hide it in Zone 1.

No one needs to say the obvious about what your threads seem to always be about. Your threads are what they are.
That is not exactly what the article said. But if turning it against Black people is ok with you, then ok. There was a blatant intent in not understanding what the article was saying which was affecting some black neighborhoods in L.A.

I am amazed that as as you have told me that you are an observant Jew, that you would be posting on a Friday night.

What is even more amazing is this obsession you seem to have with the Black population of this country and the need to start a thread about one thing or another about them.

Only you know the reason for it.

But do us all a favor. Next thread you start about the same subject, try not to hide it in Zone 1.

No one needs to say the obvious about what your threads seem to always be about. Your threads are what they are.
I’m a semi-observant Jew, I guess. Lots better than most, but room for improvement.

And my purpose is to show the anti-white racism sweeping through this country, to the point that whites are being criticized for drivingand polluting the air for non-whites. The leftists mean BLACKS. These leftist hunt and peck for things to blame whites for.

It‘s about racism, and it belongs in the racism forum.
I’m a semi-observant Jew, I guess. Lots better than most, but room for improvement.

And my purpose is to show the anti-white racism sweeping through this country, to the point that whites are being criticized for drivingand polluting the air for non-whites. The leftists mean BLACKS. These leftist hunt and peck for things to blame whites for.

It‘s about racism, and it belongs in the racism forum.
I would say that you are not observant at all. Just my read on what I know about observant and even semi observant Jews.

You did not read the article completely, or you would have understood what it was actually saying.
Or you read it and your mind is unfortunately set to see things about black people in only one way.

You seem to insist in not knowing or learning the history of Europeans against Africans, from the first ship carrying them to this continent to the present day.

Apparently there is no event in history that could possibly change the view you came to about black people in this country. Even though many blacks in a lot of countries where Europeans are a majority and they may have been brought as slaves to those lands.

If suppressing voting rights to harm blacks especially is ok with you, then ok.

If gerrymandering so that blacks will lose their voting powers is ok with you, then ok.

If refusing to rent or sell to blacks because they are blacks is ok with you, then ok.

If stopping black people in traffic issues and those black people end up dead is ok with you, then ok.

If all of these is racism against blacks and you do not seem to understand it and it is ok for you to not understand it, then ok.

Truly odd how an alleged Jew is beyond worried about racism from Blacks against Europeans, when those black people are only reacting to what continues to be done to them without any justice.

Something does not quite match in all of these.
I would say that you are not observant at all. Just my read on what I know about observant and even semi observant Jews.

You did not read the article completely, or you would have understood what it was actually saying.
Or you read it and your mind is unfortunately set to see things about black people in only one way.

You seem to insist in not knowing or learning the history of Europeans against Africans, from the first ship carrying them to this continent to the present day.

Apparently there is no event in history that could possibly change the view you came to about black people in this country. Even though many blacks in a lot of countries where Europeans are a majority and they may have been brought as slaves to those lands.

If suppressing voting rights to harm blacks especially is ok with you, then ok.

If gerrymandering so that blacks will lose their voting powers is ok with you, then ok.

If refusing to rent or sell to blacks because they are blacks is ok with you, then ok.

If stopping black people in traffic issues and those black people end up dead is ok with you, then ok.

If all of these is racism against blacks and you do not seem to understand it and it is ok for you to not understand it, then ok.

Truly odd how an alleged Jew is beyond worried about racism from Blacks against Europeans, when those black people are only reacting to what continues to be done to them without any justice.

Something does not quite match in all of these.
You’re doing that lib thing where you accuse other people of racism for objecting to racism against whites - and then pose these ridiculous questions about whether I’m OK with not renting to blacks and so forth - designed to put me on the defensive and divert from the topic.

If there was an article complaining that blacks driving Is polluting the air for whites, there’d be an outrage from libs (as there should be). But when it’s the reverse, you libs race in to defend it and try to out the person pointing out the racism in the defensive.

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