New Obama Attack: Romney Paid Too Much In Taxes On Purpose. How Evil!!!!

The key word is legally.

If you do your taxes and calculate that by law you owe $10,000, that is the amount that is LEGALLY DUE.

If you choose to eliminate a deduction, or part of a deduction, so that your tax bill is increased to, say, $15,000,

you have chosen to pay more than was LEGALLY DUE. That's what Romney did, and that's what Romney originally said would disqualify him from being president.

So you're claim is that everyone must claim every deduction that they are allowed to claim? You really want to run with that?



That really is some fucking dumb shit.

That is exactly what Romney claimed when he said paying more taxes than he owed was stupid.

Actually stupid isn't a word he used. 'Legal' was.

I've seen this ridiculous charge being made at MSNBC earlier this week and now this morning on Fox News with Chris Matthews by Obama spokesperson Robert Gibbs.

He actually tried to attach negative connotations to Mitt intentionally paying more taxes than he should have. I guess I've seen just about everything. I think it has become crystal clear that it doesn't really matter what Romney does.....the overactive minds of Obama's brain-trust will simply talk smack about it.

I don't expect the Obama campaign to be honest but this is just one more example of how they twist the truth and turn something positive into something negative.

This is how they claimed that the attacks on our embassies weren't Obama's fault. It wasn't lax security that allowed protesters to invade our embassies. Nope. The whole focus needs to be on Romney shooting before aiming. Obama has had a terrible two weeks and all the press says is that Romney has had a bad two weeks and he's going down in flames. Last night I heard this on Saturday Night Live. If the liberals on SNL didn't have the GOP to make fun I think they would run out of material.

So the major push now that most of Obama's attacks have petered out is that Romney, they claim, said he should be disqualified. What he actually said was this:

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Now look at this. Did Romney break the law to ignore some of his deductions????


So essentially, what Romney said still stands and fact is he did not break the law to pay more as is being accused. The key word is legally. We all have the legal right to ignore deductions to boost our tax liabilities. However MSNBC and the Obama campaign are claiming Romney doesn't.


Romney pays more taxes than 'legally due,' disqualifies himself to be president - The Ed Show

The key word is legally.

If you do your taxes and calculate that by law you owe $10,000, that is the amount that is LEGALLY DUE.

If you choose to eliminate a deduction, or part of a deduction, so that your tax bill is increased to, say, $15,000,

you have chosen to pay more than was LEGALLY DUE. That's what Romney did, and that's what Romney originally said would disqualify him from being president.

I took a course from H&R Block on tax preparation. I prepared my own taxes for 30 plus years.

Deductions are totally voluntary. They are not mandated. Paying less than you deserve is illegal, not more.

Epic fail :eusa_whistle:

Your argument doesn't make sense. Romney legally paid more than he owed. Which he had previously said was a disqualifer for president. He made that statement to defend himself for using all the legal tax loopholes to pay a lower effective tax rate. When he was going to go below the 13% mark, he did what he had earlier derided.

P.S. I was a volunteer income tax preparer for 11 of the 20 years I was in the Navy. Each year, we took a course from the IRS and the state revenue agency for the state in which we were based. I prepared tax returns for active duty members and the spouses of deployed members. It's called the VITA program. and it helps troops not get ripped off by places like H&R Block, because we didn't push rapid refunds or refund "loans".

The VITA Program generally offers free tax help to people who make $50,000 or less and need assistance in preparing their own tax returns. IRS-certified volunteers provide free basic income tax return preparation to qualified individuals in local communities. They can inform taxpayers about special tax credits for which they may qualify such as Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, and Credit for the Elderly or the Disabled. VITA sites are generally located at community and neighborhood centers, libraries, schools, shopping malls, and other convenient locations. Most locations also offer free electronic filing."

Free Tax Return Preparation for You by Volunteers
I don't feel like parsing through the whole thread.

Is anyone disputing that Romney intentionally paid more in taxes? And once you acknowledge he obviously ,paid more than was owed, why do you think he did it?

Mudwhistle and his ilk are saying it's no ones business if he paid more and taking a deduction is not mandatory.

The why? Because it's his money and he can do what he wants.

I've seen this ridiculous charge being made at MSNBC earlier this week and now this morning on Fox News with Chris Matthews by Obama spokesperson Robert Gibbs.

He actually tried to attach negative connotations to Mitt intentionally paying more taxes than he should have. I guess I've seen just about everything. I think it has become crystal clear that it doesn't really matter what Romney does.....the overactive minds of Obama's brain-trust will simply talk smack about it.

I don't expect the Obama campaign to be honest but this is just one more example of how they twist the truth and turn something positive into something negative.

This is how they claimed that the attacks on our embassies weren't Obama's fault. It wasn't lax security that allowed protesters to invade our embassies. Nope. The whole focus needs to be on Romney shooting before aiming. Obama has had a terrible two weeks and all the press says is that Romney has had a bad two weeks and he's going down in flames. Last night I heard this on Saturday Night Live. If the liberals on SNL didn't have the GOP to make fun I think they would run out of material.

So the major push now that most of Obama's attacks have petered out is that Romney, they claim, said he should be disqualified. What he actually said was this:
"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."
Now look at this. Did Romney break the law to ignore some of his deductions????


So essentially, what Romney said still stands and fact is he did not break the law to pay more as is being accused. The key word is legally. We all have the legal right to ignore deductions to boost our tax liabilities. However MSNBC and the Obama campaign are claiming Romney doesn't.


Romney pays more taxes than 'legally due,' disqualifies himself to be president - The Ed Show

It's not about how much Romney paid but rather whether the amount he paid makes sense. Should tax rules make it possible for the super wealthy to pay so little? If not, then what is a reasonable and fair rate?

The tax code is written by the IRS and is under the Obama Administration's control.

They decide.

According to Romney's tax returns he was basically unemployed and all of his taxes were paid from interest income on investments.

If he didn't earn anything else then why should he have to pay it?
Auditor's comment is what should be the topic....not that romney paid more than was due, but WHY is our tax code set up this way and is it truly best for our Nation. None of this is Romney's fault, nor is it the Obama administrations fault or duty to change it. This is up to congress to do. Obama can't change it as you imply. the IRS can't change it as you imply as well.

The issue at hand is our TAX CODE and how it FAVORS people making multi millions a year over the person earning 250k or 300k a year, who is in the same tax bracket as the person making the multi millions yet having to pay a much higher percentage in taxes than the multi millionaire....again, NONE of this is Romney's fault.

Where Romney comes in to the picture on this, is When he talks about reducing the taxes on people earning multi millions a year, even MORESO than what has already been handed these people by their cronies in Congress, even that what is really good for the country, is that truly fair to all who live here?

In my opinion, the answer is clearly NO.....

I don't believe for one nano second that some one earning multi millions a year should pay less of a percentage in taxes than someone working for a living earning $300k a year....I think that we have given way too many deductions and credits and breaks to people earning multi millions a year already....and I believe this has to change and should be changed through Congress.

It is one of the reasons the shift from the middle class's earnings to the wealthiest's earnings is taking place....when you look at figures of the 1/10 of 1%ers earning 275 times what they did back in the 70's and the middle class only increasing their average income by 35% over the past 40 plus years...the middle class and upper middle class is being fleeced.

so this is most certainly a topic of discussion that we all have a stake in.....our entire Nation has a stake in....we don't get to have lobbyists paid millions a year to represent us when it comes to tax laws and when it comes to what Congress does as the wealthiest are able to do, and it is now taking aq toll on all of the middle class...republicans and democratics alike...
Calling all conservatives, don't let the Returners get you wrapped up in a non-issue.

I've seen this ridiculous charge being made at MSNBC earlier this week and now this morning on Fox News with Chris Matthews by Obama spokesperson Robert Gibbs.

He actually tried to attach negative connotations to Mitt intentionally paying more taxes than he should have. I guess I've seen just about everything. I think it has become crystal clear that it doesn't really matter what Romney does.....the overactive minds of Obama's brain-trust will simply talk smack about it.

I don't expect the Obama campaign to be honest but this is just one more example of how they twist the truth and turn something positive into something negative.

This is how they claimed that the attacks on our embassies weren't Obama's fault. It wasn't lax security that allowed protesters to invade our embassies. Nope. The whole focus needs to be on Romney shooting before aiming. Obama has had a terrible two weeks and all the press says is that Romney has had a bad two weeks and he's going down in flames. Last night I heard this on Saturday Night Live. If the liberals on SNL didn't have the GOP to make fun I think they would run out of material.

So the major push now that most of Obama's attacks have petered out is that Romney, they claim, said he should be disqualified. What he actually said was this:

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Now look at this. Did Romney break the law to ignore some of his deductions????


So essentially, what Romney said still stands and fact is he did not break the law to pay more as is being accused. The key word is legally. We all have the legal right to ignore deductions to boost our tax liabilities. However MSNBC and the Obama campaign are claiming Romney doesn't.


Romney pays more taxes than 'legally due,' disqualifies himself to be president - The Ed Show

Romney wouldn’t need to worry about ‘tax attacks’ if he’d simply addressed the issue honestly months ago.

Romney has only himself to blame for ‘tax attacks.’

You pathetic retard.

This story proves that Romney wouldn't get a fair shake regardless what he did.

You're too friggen stupid to recognize.
It's not about how much Romney paid but rather whether the amount he paid makes sense. Should tax rules make it possible for the super wealthy to pay so little? If not, then what is a reasonable and fair rate?

The tax code is written by the IRS and is under the Obama Administration's control.

They decide.

According to Romney's tax returns he was basically unemployed and all of his taxes were paid from interest income on investments.

If he didn't earn anything else then why should he have to pay it?
Auditor's comment is what should be the topic....not that romney paid more than was due, but WHY is our tax code set up this way and is it truly best for our Nation. None of this is Romney's fault, nor is it the Obama administrations fault or duty to change it. This is up to congress to do. Obama can't change it as you imply. the IRS can't change it as you imply as well.

The issue at hand is our TAX CODE and how it FAVORS people making multi millions a year over the person earning 250k or 300k a year, who is in the same tax bracket as the person making the multi millions yet having to pay a much higher percentage in taxes than the multi millionaire....again, NONE of this is Romney's fault.

Where Romney comes in to the picture on this, is When he talks about reducing the taxes on people earning multi millions a year, even MORESO than what has already been handed these people by their cronies in Congress, even that what is really good for the country, is that truly fair to all who live here?

In my opinion, the answer is clearly NO.....

I don't believe for one nano second that some one earning multi millions a year should pay less of a percentage in taxes than someone working for a living earning $300k a year....I think that we have given way too many deductions and credits and breaks to people earning multi millions a year already....and I believe this has to change and should be changed through Congress.

It is one of the reasons the shift from the middle class's earnings to the wealthiest's earnings is taking place....when you look at figures of the 1/10 of 1%ers earning 275 times what they did back in the 70's and the middle class only increasing their average income by 35% over the past 40 plus years...the middle class and upper middle class is being fleeced.

so this is most certainly a topic of discussion that we all have a stake in.....our entire Nation has a stake in....we don't get to have lobbyists paid millions a year to represent us when it comes to tax laws and when it comes to what Congress does as the wealthiest are able to do, and it is now taking aq toll on all of the middle class...republicans and democratics alike...

I cannot tell whether you are addressing straight salaried income or investment income.....
It's not about how much Romney paid but rather whether the amount he paid makes sense. Should tax rules make it possible for the super wealthy to pay so little? If not, then what is a reasonable and fair rate?

The tax code is written by the IRS and is under the Obama Administration's control.

They decide.

According to Romney's tax returns he was basically unemployed and all of his taxes were paid from interest income on investments.

If he didn't earn anything else then why should he have to pay it?
Auditor's comment is what should be the topic....not that romney paid more than was due, but WHY is our tax code set up this way and is it truly best for our Nation. None of this is Romney's fault, nor is it the Obama administrations fault or duty to change it. This is up to congress to do. Obama can't change it as you imply. the IRS can't change it as you imply as well.

The issue at hand is our TAX CODE and how it FAVORS people making multi millions a year over the person earning 250k or 300k a year, who is in the same tax bracket as the person making the multi millions yet having to pay a much higher percentage in taxes than the multi millionaire....again, NONE of this is Romney's fault.

Where Romney comes in to the picture on this, is When he talks about reducing the taxes on people earning multi millions a year, even MORESO than what has already been handed these people by their cronies in Congress, even that what is really good for the country, is that truly fair to all who live here?

In my opinion, the answer is clearly NO.....

I don't believe for one nano second that some one earning multi millions a year should pay less of a percentage in taxes than someone working for a living earning $300k a year....I think that we have given way too many deductions and credits and breaks to people earning multi millions a year already....and I believe this has to change and should be changed through Congress.

It is one of the reasons the shift from the middle class's earnings to the wealthiest's earnings is taking place....when you look at figures of the 1/10 of 1%ers earning 275 times what they did back in the 70's and the middle class only increasing their average income by 35% over the past 40 plus years...the middle class and upper middle class is being fleeced.

so this is most certainly a topic of discussion that we all have a stake in.....our entire Nation has a stake in....we don't get to have lobbyists paid millions a year to represent us when it comes to tax laws and when it comes to what Congress does as the wealthiest are able to do, and it is now taking aq toll on all of the middle class...republicans and democratics alike...

The IRS has more pull on the tax code than you will admit.

One of the factors is who gets audited and why.

I've seen this ridiculous charge being made at MSNBC earlier this week and now this morning on Fox News with Chris Matthews by Obama spokesperson Robert Gibbs.

He actually tried to attach negative connotations to Mitt intentionally paying more taxes than he should have. I guess I've seen just about everything. I think it has become crystal clear that it doesn't really matter what Romney does.....the overactive minds of Obama's brain-trust will simply talk smack about it.

I don't expect the Obama campaign to be honest but this is just one more example of how they twist the truth and turn something positive into something negative.

This is how they claimed that the attacks on our embassies weren't Obama's fault. It wasn't lax security that allowed protesters to invade our embassies. Nope. The whole focus needs to be on Romney shooting before aiming. Obama has had a terrible two weeks and all the press says is that Romney has had a bad two weeks and he's going down in flames. Last night I heard this on Saturday Night Live. If the liberals on SNL didn't have the GOP to make fun I think they would run out of material.

So the major push now that most of Obama's attacks have petered out is that Romney, they claim, said he should be disqualified. What he actually said was this:

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Now look at this. Did Romney break the law to ignore some of his deductions????


So essentially, what Romney said still stands and fact is he did not break the law to pay more as is being accused. The key word is legally. We all have the legal right to ignore deductions to boost our tax liabilities. However MSNBC and the Obama campaign are claiming Romney doesn't.


Romney pays more taxes than 'legally due,' disqualifies himself to be president - The Ed Show

Romney wouldn’t need to worry about ‘tax attacks’ if he’d simply addressed the issue honestly months ago.

Romney has only himself to blame for ‘tax attacks.’

You pathetic retard.

This story proves that Romney wouldn't get a fair shake regardless what he did.

You're too friggen stupid to recognize.

I recongnize a Returner when I see one.
The tax code is written by the IRS and is under the Obama Administration's control.

They decide.

According to Romney's tax returns he was basically unemployed and all of his taxes were paid from interest income on investments.

If he didn't earn anything else then why should he have to pay it?
Auditor's comment is what should be the topic....not that romney paid more than was due, but WHY is our tax code set up this way and is it truly best for our Nation. None of this is Romney's fault, nor is it the Obama administrations fault or duty to change it. This is up to congress to do. Obama can't change it as you imply. the IRS can't change it as you imply as well.

The issue at hand is our TAX CODE and how it FAVORS people making multi millions a year over the person earning 250k or 300k a year, who is in the same tax bracket as the person making the multi millions yet having to pay a much higher percentage in taxes than the multi millionaire....again, NONE of this is Romney's fault.

Where Romney comes in to the picture on this, is When he talks about reducing the taxes on people earning multi millions a year, even MORESO than what has already been handed these people by their cronies in Congress, even that what is really good for the country, is that truly fair to all who live here?

In my opinion, the answer is clearly NO.....

I don't believe for one nano second that some one earning multi millions a year should pay less of a percentage in taxes than someone working for a living earning $300k a year....I think that we have given way too many deductions and credits and breaks to people earning multi millions a year already....and I believe this has to change and should be changed through Congress.

It is one of the reasons the shift from the middle class's earnings to the wealthiest's earnings is taking place....when you look at figures of the 1/10 of 1%ers earning 275 times what they did back in the 70's and the middle class only increasing their average income by 35% over the past 40 plus years...the middle class and upper middle class is being fleeced.

so this is most certainly a topic of discussion that we all have a stake in.....our entire Nation has a stake in....we don't get to have lobbyists paid millions a year to represent us when it comes to tax laws and when it comes to what Congress does as the wealthiest are able to do, and it is now taking aq toll on all of the middle class...republicans and democratics alike...

I cannot tell whether you are addressing straight salaried income or investment income.....
Both trajan...In fact...all the money collected by the IRS from all of us, that goes in to the treasury to pay for our budget all needs to be reevaluated and reworked imho. I don't think that the investor is more worthy than the worker...I think like our founding fathers, that the worker is more important than the investor....but this is debatable and I can understand that....but it is time for us to bring this forward and discuss it....we all should be discussing it....and trying to do something about it....
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Auditor's comment is what should be the topic....not that romney paid more than was due, but WHY is our tax code set up this way and is it truly best for our Nation. None of this is Romney's fault, nor is it the Obama administrations fault or duty to change it. This is up to congress to do. Obama can't change it as you imply. the IRS can't change it as you imply as well.

The issue at hand is our TAX CODE and how it FAVORS people making multi millions a year over the person earning 250k or 300k a year, who is in the same tax bracket as the person making the multi millions yet having to pay a much higher percentage in taxes than the multi millionaire....again, NONE of this is Romney's fault.

Where Romney comes in to the picture on this, is When he talks about reducing the taxes on people earning multi millions a year, even MORESO than what has already been handed these people by their cronies in Congress, even that what is really good for the country, is that truly fair to all who live here?

In my opinion, the answer is clearly NO.....

I don't believe for one nano second that some one earning multi millions a year should pay less of a percentage in taxes than someone working for a living earning $300k a year....I think that we have given way too many deductions and credits and breaks to people earning multi millions a year already....and I believe this has to change and should be changed through Congress.

It is one of the reasons the shift from the middle class's earnings to the wealthiest's earnings is taking place....when you look at figures of the 1/10 of 1%ers earning 275 times what they did back in the 70's and the middle class only increasing their average income by 35% over the past 40 plus years...the middle class and upper middle class is being fleeced.

so this is most certainly a topic of discussion that we all have a stake in.....our entire Nation has a stake in....we don't get to have lobbyists paid millions a year to represent us when it comes to tax laws and when it comes to what Congress does as the wealthiest are able to do, and it is now taking aq toll on all of the middle class...republicans and democratics alike...

I cannot tell whether you are addressing straight salaried income or investment income.....
Both trajan...In fact...all the money collected by the IRS from all of us, that goes in to the treasury to pay for our budget all needs to be reevaluated and reworked imho. I don't think that the investor is more worthy than the worker...I think like our founding fathers, that the worker is more important than the investor....but this is debatable and I can understand that....but it is time for us to bring this forward and discuss it....we all should be discussing it....and trying to do something about it....

So are you arguing for a 'flat tax?' Because the same system that taxes investment income at the capital gains rate, is the same that allows a bit less than 1/2 to pay no federal income tax at all.
What percent of US Americans pay more in Taxes than due filing an itemized return?

Hmmm..? Let's Goggle this...... Must be many right?​

Goggle: "What percent of Americans pay more in Taxes than due."​

Only Mitt's name comes up so far? This is going to be a very hard research project I see!

Most Americans don't worry about what others pay or what they make.. They worry about putting food on the table and how much Uncle Sam is going to steal from their paycheck to pay for government funded abortions, Solyndra, and other CRAP like that. Common sense Americans know that the US government cannot be trusted with their money. Like Mudwhistle stated, being you liberals want so badly to give more to this government check the box and STFU already about it. No one is stopping you.

Most Americans don't worry about what others pay or what they make.

Whenever scale a person's on financially. An employee working a job is always interested in moving up the ladder and making more money. To me the first thing you'd be thinking about is what another person that has a job they would like to do and make more money or I produce more and get more done and should be paid more money than them.:confused:

As for taxes, your for not making sure that what you pay in taxes at the same financial level is the same percentage that everybody else's paying? Not down to the last dollar but in the same ballpark at least. To me a 5% difference is not playing in same ballpark, but a 1% - 3% difference I could live with. I would probably be asking questions to my accountant and my elected officials. Again:confused:
I think this goes on overwhelmingly in the workforce.

They worry about putting food on the table and how much Uncle Sam is going to steal from their paycheck to pay for government funded abortions, Solyndra, and other CRAP like that

I apologize for some language about to use. My words are only to simplify points, please put a chain around your motion and feelings box for a moment. Yes your allowed to have as much of it as you need.

An abortion my favorite, abortion in the United States or the world for that matter, and I feel in the worlds future it will become a control voucher. It will never be outlawed end of story. You can make abortion free areas but that's about it. My point is, it cost $1000 for an abortion vs. 375,000 k-12 along with Food, Medical, extended day care on and on sucking on the taxpayer dollar. The number does vary from state to state. But let's say $1000 vs. 200,000 my conservative nature wanna spend less money. All the rest of the issue is of personal nature's for the two individuals that did the deed. I can afford paying my percentage portion on $1000 a lot easier than paying on 375.000. You can see also for every $1,000,000,000 the government spends I believe my portion is $4.35. Not that abortion is a budget Buster by any means or $4.35 as well.

I will take 1000 Solyndra if we can take back the money from the Iraq war. So what your point governments are imperfect, and I'm glad people are whining. Either party will use funds the way they feel fit when they got the power. So again what your point:confused: it appears you are very irritated about crap and gov't. But this is something new and it's not gonna change in your lifetime:lmao: and if you need food I will help fill out forms for food stamps. Reminds me of and I loved my research on Octomom she got so much funding, baby milk, housing subsidy, Health Care for the kids by the state, Gotta love the shit.:lmao:

Common sense Americans know that the US government cannot be trusted with their money. Like Mudwhistle stated, being you liberals want so badly to give more to this government check the box and STFU already about it. No one is stopping you.

This is an over exaggeration of how America functions. Yes America's knows that the government can be trusted to allow them to live out their meaningless live with moderate interruptions. Truly how many things by government affect personal lives in 20 years, I can think and pick not much of anything only little nibbles on the side. A few laws that did much of something and the normal crazy crap from the religious group. I gladly pay my taxes to keep the barbarians away from my door. There are legitimate and Bona fide ways to control costs of the burden of society's requirements, but are two party system is not gonna give it to us anytime soon.:eusa_whistle:
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I cannot tell whether you are addressing straight salaried income or investment income.....
Both trajan...In fact...all the money collected by the IRS from all of us, that goes in to the treasury to pay for our budget all needs to be reevaluated and reworked imho. I don't think that the investor is more worthy than the worker...I think like our founding fathers, that the worker is more important than the investor....but this is debatable and I can understand that....but it is time for us to bring this forward and discuss it....we all should be discussing it....and trying to do something about it....

So are you arguing for a 'flat tax?' Because the same system that taxes investment income at the capital gains rate, is the same that allows a bit less than 1/2 to pay no federal income tax at all.
I don't know if it is a flat tax or a consumption tax or a revised progressive tax rate with no deductions allowed or minimal deductions allowed, but something needs to be done Annie imho. Maybe Capital gains tax should not be as low?
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Auditor's comment is what should be the topic....not that romney paid more than was due, but WHY is our tax code set up this way and is it truly best for our Nation. None of this is Romney's fault, nor is it the Obama administrations fault or duty to change it. This is up to congress to do. Obama can't change it as you imply. the IRS can't change it as you imply as well.

The issue at hand is our TAX CODE and how it FAVORS people making multi millions a year over the person earning 250k or 300k a year, who is in the same tax bracket as the person making the multi millions yet having to pay a much higher percentage in taxes than the multi millionaire....again, NONE of this is Romney's fault.

Where Romney comes in to the picture on this, is When he talks about reducing the taxes on people earning multi millions a year, even MORESO than what has already been handed these people by their cronies in Congress, even that what is really good for the country, is that truly fair to all who live here?

In my opinion, the answer is clearly NO.....

I don't believe for one nano second that some one earning multi millions a year should pay less of a percentage in taxes than someone working for a living earning $300k a year....I think that we have given way too many deductions and credits and breaks to people earning multi millions a year already....and I believe this has to change and should be changed through Congress.

It is one of the reasons the shift from the middle class's earnings to the wealthiest's earnings is taking place....when you look at figures of the 1/10 of 1%ers earning 275 times what they did back in the 70's and the middle class only increasing their average income by 35% over the past 40 plus years...the middle class and upper middle class is being fleeced.

so this is most certainly a topic of discussion that we all have a stake in.....our entire Nation has a stake in....we don't get to have lobbyists paid millions a year to represent us when it comes to tax laws and when it comes to what Congress does as the wealthiest are able to do, and it is now taking aq toll on all of the middle class...republicans and democratics alike...

I cannot tell whether you are addressing straight salaried income or investment income.....
Both trajan...In fact...all the money collected by the IRS from all of us, that goes in to the treasury to pay for our budget all needs to be reevaluated and reworked imho. I don't think that the investor is more worthy than the worker...I think like our founding fathers, that the worker is more important than the investor....but this is debatable and I can understand that....but it is time for us to bring this forward and discuss it....we all should be discussing it....and trying to do something about it....

I don't see this in terms of "worthiness" , money used in risk mechanisms compared to straight income must be taxed at a lower rate no matter who it is.

I am not sure were the founders remarked on investors vs. salaried employees:eusa_eh:
What percent of US Americans pay more in Taxes than due filing an itemized return?

Hmmm..? Let's Goggle this...... Must be many right?​

Goggle: "What percent of Americans pay more in Taxes than due."​

Only Mitt's name comes up so far? This is going to be a very hard research project I see!

First the argument is he paid to little or none, now that is proven wrong they are trying to claim paying more is illegal? Care to cite the EXACT law he violated?
What percent of US Americans pay more in Taxes than due filing an itemized return?

Hmmm..? Let's Goggle this...... Must be many right?​

Goggle: "What percent of Americans pay more in Taxes than due."​

Only Mitt's name comes up so far? This is going to be a very hard research project I see!

First the argument is he paid to little or none, now that is proven wrong they are trying to claim paying more is illegal? Care to cite the EXACT law he violated?

Calling it illegal is stupid.

Saying he was slippery with his numbers is accurate however.

I've seen this ridiculous charge being made at MSNBC earlier this week and now this morning on Fox News with Chris Matthews by Obama spokesperson Robert Gibbs.

He actually tried to attach negative connotations to Mitt intentionally paying more taxes than he should have. I guess I've seen just about everything. I think it has become crystal clear that it doesn't really matter what Romney does.....the overactive minds of Obama's brain-trust will simply talk smack about it.

I don't expect the Obama campaign to be honest but this is just one more example of how they twist the truth and turn something positive into something negative.

This is how they claimed that the attacks on our embassies weren't Obama's fault. It wasn't lax security that allowed protesters to invade our embassies. Nope. The whole focus needs to be on Romney shooting before aiming. Obama has had a terrible two weeks and all the press says is that Romney has had a bad two weeks and he's going down in flames. Last night I heard this on Saturday Night Live. If the liberals on SNL didn't have the GOP to make fun I think they would run out of material.

So the major push now that most of Obama's attacks have petered out is that Romney, they claim, said he should be disqualified. What he actually said was this:

"I don't pay more than are legally due and frankly if I had paid more than are legally due I don't think I'd be qualified to become president."

Now look at this. Did Romney break the law to ignore some of his deductions????


So essentially, what Romney said still stands and fact is he did not break the law to pay more as is being accused. The key word is legally. We all have the legal right to ignore deductions to boost our tax liabilities. However MSNBC and the Obama campaign are claiming Romney doesn't.


Romney pays more taxes than 'legally due,' disqualifies himself to be president - The Ed Show

Did Obama actually say those things or are you not being accurate with the title of your thread?
I cannot tell whether you are addressing straight salaried income or investment income.....
Both trajan...In fact...all the money collected by the IRS from all of us, that goes in to the treasury to pay for our budget all needs to be reevaluated and reworked imho. I don't think that the investor is more worthy than the worker...I think like our founding fathers, that the worker is more important than the investor....but this is debatable and I can understand that....but it is time for us to bring this forward and discuss it....we all should be discussing it....and trying to do something about it....

I don't see this in terms of "worthiness" , money used in risk mechanisms compared to straight income must be taxed at a lower rate no matter who it is.

I am not sure were the founders remarked on investors vs. salaried employees:eusa_eh:
I disagree with you on never was taxed less than earned income until the 90's or late 80's and we did just fine with it being taxed at the same level of their tax bracket rate....and things are different now trajan, we have a global economy...there is nothing keeping investors from just investing doesn't necessarily benefit our country to give investors less of a capital gains rate now as it used to do......

Most of us peon middle class invested in the market never get to use the capital gains rate anyway, because most of us have it invested in our 401k's, and we will have to pay the tax bracket rate when we start to pull it out...

we really need to evaluate the numbers on this issue and review it thoroughly before making any changes, I can accept this, but it truly needs to be on the table for discussion....with numbers in front of us.
What percent of US Americans pay more in Taxes than due filing an itemized return?

Hmmm..? Let's Goggle this...... Must be many right?​

Goggle: "What percent of Americans pay more in Taxes than due."​

Only Mitt's name comes up so far? This is going to be a very hard research project I see!

First the argument is he paid to little or none, now that is proven wrong they are trying to claim paying more is illegal? Care to cite the EXACT law he violated?

Who said it was illegal? Romney said he never paid under 13%. Now he defers the deduction to keep from paying below 13%, something he derided earlier. Follow along.

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