Mormons believe their prophets have a direct communication with God

Is there any other religion that claims their religious leaders are prophets who have a direct communication with God?

That's a pretty serious claim to make.

Ummm Abraham?
Right. Like I said earlier, the Catholic Church teaches that the era of public revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle.

That would be because they lost the keys when John was taken
Right. Jesus Christ came to Earth, founded the Catholic Church with the 12 Apostles, and then though some mishap, the Apostles lost the authority Christ gave them, and then, Joseph Smith started over and succeeded in founding the LDS Church, succeeding at doing something that Christ failed to do, which was found the authentic Church. So Christ is a failure, and Joseph Smith is a success.
The Mormons may be no "worse" than Baptists or Quakers, but one thing which is certain is they are not Christians.

Mormon doctrine is so divergent from the doctrine of Christian denominations, that it cannot be called a Christian denomination.

As a first example, Mormons believe that God is married to a Goddess. They do not talk about this to outsiders, but they believe it.

They also believe that Mormons who are found worthy will become Gods and Goddesses of their own universe.

As a lifelong Mormon, of more than half a generation; as a descendant of Mormons going back for several generations, I sometimes find it amusing when some ignorant cretin who has no idea what we believe, tries to tell us what we believe.
The Mormons may be no "worse" than Baptists or Quakers, but one thing which is certain is they are not Christians.

Mormon doctrine is so divergent from the doctrine of Christian denominations, that it cannot be called a Christian denomination.

As a first example, Mormons believe that God is married to a Goddess. They do not talk about this to outsiders, but they believe it.

They also believe that Mormons who are found worthy will become Gods and Goddesses of their own universe.

As a lifelong Mormon, of more than half a generation; as a descendant of Mormons going back for several generations, I sometimes find it amusing when some ignorant cretin who has no idea what we believe, tries to tell us what we believe.
OK, then prove me wrong. I didn't just make this shit up.
Thanks for the post! Informative.
However, my point was they get rid of apostles so the empire can run itself. IMO, they replaced their gods word with personal opinion. Just like Constantine. Even if he was a Christian..
When did God say his revelation ceased with the death of all the apostles.
Who's to say God didn't evolve a bit more and Joseph smith wasn't full of Bologna? The church, that's who.
Unless I am missing something. I can't know everything lol

I don't see any empire doing away with the Apostles. What the Church was guarding against was personal opinion replacing God's word. The Catholic Church is based on Apostolic tradition and teaching. It is not "Scripture Alone" because Apostolic traditions and teachings were in place before scripture.

Revelation did not end with the Apostles, but the Church defines the two as "Public Revelation" and "Private Revelation." All private revelations should be carefully compared to Public Revelation for veracity. i.e. Private Revelation may address current personal matters, but it will not go against any teaching Christ and the Apostles taught. This decision makes sense because it keeps focused on what Christ himself taught and guards against personal revelation taking the place of Christ's and the Apostles' teachings.

As for Joseph Smith: I believe he was a con-man, and facts bear this out. HOWEVER, I believe the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints is a true Christian Church. It didn't succeed because of Joseph Smith, but rather despite Joseph Smith. Jesus can accomplish miracles when people call upon him.

Mormon's often urge people to pray about the Book of Mormon. Believing prayer a positive thing, I did just that and received a very clear answer: This is not for you. Note, the answer was not, "This is a false religion," the answer not, "This religion isn't for anyone." The answer was, "Not for you." This is why I have been adamant against the Mormon practice of baptizing the dead, especially the dead who followed another faith through life here on earth. Their faith is not for me. They should honor that, especially as they also believe in modern day revelation.
Is there any other religion that claims their religious leaders are prophets who have a direct communication with God?

That's a pretty serious claim to make.

Ummm Abraham?
Right. Like I said earlier, the Catholic Church teaches that the era of public revelation ended with the death of the last Apostle.

That would be because they lost the keys when John was taken
Right. Jesus Christ came to Earth, founded the Catholic Church with the 12 Apostles, and then though some mishap, the Apostles lost the authority Christ gave them, and then, Joseph Smith started over and succeeded in founding the LDS Church, succeeding at doing something that Christ failed to do, which was found the authentic Church. So Christ is a failure, and Joseph Smith is a success.

The apostles didn't lose the keys. The Church did when the Apostles were murdered. Which was why the Church ceased to be lead by revelation and the doctrines and practices became corrupted.

You have to remember the Church is a type for Christ. Which is why we often call it the body of Christ. Like Christ's physical.body, the Church likewise was broken and died and rose again in glory.

Which is why the apostasy and restoration were foretold in the scriptures. In Rev 12 John prophecies that the Church would flee into the wilderness. In 13 that the Saints would be overcome by the adversary. And in 14 that an angel would be sent carrying the gospel to the world.

Paul prophecies that Christ would not return until after the apostasy. He also stated that in the dispensation of the fulness of times God would gather all things in one

Peter prophecies that Christ would return after the restitution of all things.

The prophets of the old testament gave similar promises.

Amos spoke of a time there would be a famine of the word of God and that men would travel the world seeking it.

Isaiah and Jeremiah prophecies of the time when God would set His hand again in the last days to gather scattered Israel. Isaiah said the Lord would raise an ensign to the people. Ezekiel prophecied that the records of Judah (Bible) and Joseph (Book of Mormon) in the hands of Ephraim would unite the two nations into one.

Isaiah prophecies of days they would break the everlasting covenant and change the ordinances. He was speaking of the dispensation of Grace or the Christian dispensation because the law of Moses was never an everlasting covenant.

Daniel prophecies that in the last days the Lord would create His kingdom like a rock with no hands would roll and fill the whole earth.

It's not a coincidence that when the Bible was given to the people the reformers began to see that the church wasn't right and establishing their own churches. But as well intentioned they are they could not restore what was lost by reading the Bible. It would take an act of God to restore His Church.

And that occurred when Joseph Smith Jr was called as a prophet. The angel Moroni came carrying the everlasting Gospel. The Book of Mormon was translated into English and during that process joseph and Oliver realized that they needed someone who had authority before they could be baptized. And that authority was restored.

The apostolic authority was restored and all the keys to prior dispensations. Apostles were called and still lead His Church

Mormons believe there are many universes, and a Mormon and his wife will become god and goddess of their own universe:

Mormon cosmology - Wikipedia

I think that it ought to be obvious that the Wikipedia is not considered an authoritative source on LDS doctrine. I don't have it in me, right now, to show you everywhere that the Wikipedia articles get things wrong, or how you're getting meaning out of them that aren't even in there.

There is a great deal of misinformation and distortion to be found regarding our beliefs. Some are outright lies, some are beliefs that are widely held by some Mormons but not established as official doctrine, and some are distortions and extrapolations from actual beliefs, but recognizably inconsistent with what we actually believe; and some are actual beliefs, but taken out of context and twisted to make them sound much more bizarre than they really are.

I'll just let it suffice to say, for now, that nothing that you gave stated is a fair account of what we believe, or what our church teaches. To anyone who does understand our beliefs,you are coming across as nothing better than an ignorant, deceived fool, mindlessly parroting what you have read elsewhere, without even understanding what it is you are parroting.
The Mormons are no worse than the Baptists or the Quakers.

Samee same G/I.
The Mormons may be no "worse" than Baptists or Quakers, but one thing which is certain is they are not Christians.

Mormon doctrine is so divergent from the doctrine of Christian denominations, that it cannot be called a Christian denomination.

As a first example, Mormons believe that God is married to a Goddess. They do not talk about this to outsiders, but they believe it.

They also believe that Mormons who are found worthy will become Gods and Goddesses of their own universe. haven't been paying attention....Billy Graham declared them fellow christians.....when Romney was running against Former President Obama.
Is there any other religion that claims their religious leaders are prophets who have a direct communication with God?

That's a pretty serious claim to make.


Actually we believe anyone can have direct communication with God

Additional note here. I started another thread on this topic a few days ago.

Was in regards to these teachings
yea, then you guys got papal infallibility :rolleyes:

Papal Infallibility is the most misunderstood policy on the planet. Most people seem to think it means that a Pope cannot be wrong. :lol:

The Dogma of the Immaculate Conception (that Mary was given the grace to be free of sin from the moment of her conception is one of three instances that fall directly under Papal Infallibility. The belief that Mary had been filled with grace from the moment of her conception had been around since early Christianity.

As early as the 700s some Christians were celebrating Mary's conception. By about the tenth century people were arguing over whether Mary's Immaculate conception should become formal Church doctrine. When these types of arguments come into play, it can take the Church a very long time to make careful investigations and considerations. It generally starts with the people, goes to the priests and bishops, and then on to the Vatican.

Finally, in 1854 all the processes and procedures had been completed, and the dogma was written into a formal papal document (called a bull because it has a bulla, which is a seal). It was signed by Pope Pius IX and so the Immaculate Conception entered into Church Dogma. It became "infallible" meaning that it cannot be removed even by a signature of a later pope.
Thanks for the post! Informative.
However, my point was they get rid of apostles so the empire can run itself. IMO, they replaced their gods word with personal opinion. Just like Constantine. Even if he was a Christian..
When did God say his revelation ceased with the death of all the apostles.
Who's to say God didn't evolve a bit more and Joseph smith wasn't full of Bologna? The church, that's who.
Unless I am missing something. I can't know everything lol

God didnt say revelation ceased. The new testament makes it clear that it didn't. The difference between Jesus and the twelve and with the Pharisees is that Jesus and the twelve taught with authority. They spoke of revelation found beyond the scriptures of the day while the scribes and pharisees tried to do everything based on their interpretation of the scriptures and their oral tradition.

I've always found the argument Oliver Cowdery posed discussing the restoration of the Aaronic priesthood quite persuasive on the matter:

After writing the account given of the Savior’s ministry to the remnant of the seed of Jacob, upon this continent, it was easy to be seen, as the prophet said it would be, that darkness covered the earth and gross darkness the minds of the people. On reflecting further it was as easy to be seen that amid the great strife and noise concerning religion, none had authority from God to administer the ordinances of the Gospel. For the question might be asked, have men authority to administer in the name of Christ, who deny revelations, when His testimony is no less than the spirit of prophecy, and His religion based, built, and sustained by immediate revelations, in all ages of the world when He has had a people on earth? If these facts were buried, and carefully concealed by men whose craft would have been in danger if once permitted to shine in the faces of men, they were no longer to us; and we only waited for the commandment to be given ‘Arise and be baptized.’ Joseph's & Olivers account

Mormons believe there are many universes, and a Mormon and his wife will become god and goddess of their own universe:

Mormon cosmology - Wikipedia

I think that it ought to be obvious that the Wikipedia is not considered an authoritative source on LDS doctrine. I don't have it in me, right now, to show you everywhere that the Wikipedia articles get things wrong, or how you're getting meaning out of them that aren't even in there.

There is a great deal of misinformation and distortion to be found regarding our beliefs. Some are outright lies, some are beliefs that are widely held by some Mormons but not established as official doctrine, and some are distortions and extrapolations from actual beliefs, but recognizably inconsistent with what we actually believe; and some are actual beliefs, but taken out of context and twisted to make them sound much more bizarre than they really are.

I'll just let it suffice to say, for now, that nothing that you gave stated is a fair account of what we believe, or what our church teaches. To anyone who does understand our beliefs,you are coming across as nothing better than an ignorant, deceived fool, mindlessly parroting what you have read elsewhere, without even understanding what it is you are parroting.
All I did was express my knowledge of what the LDS Church teaches. If I am wrong, you could have told me so politely. Just remember it is YOU that started the insults and name calling. Please don't tell us you're a good Christian, because you're not.
my dad says he and his wife are going to the planet calub.I rank Mormons just above Scientology and just below aum shinrikyo.
Mormons believe there are many universes, and a Mormon and his wife will become god and goddess of their own universe:

Mormon cosmology - Wikipedia

"God became man so that men might become gods,” Saint Athanasius

"The command “Be ye perfect” is not idealistic gas. Nor is it a command to do the impossible. He is going to make us into creatures that can obey that command. He said (in the Bible) that we were “gods” and He is going to make good His words. If we let Him—for we can prevent Him, if we choose—He will make the feeblest and filthiest of us into a god or goddess, dazzling, radiant, immortal creatures, pulsating all through with such energy and joy and wisdom and love as we cannot now imagine, a bright stainless mirror which reflects back to Him perfectly (though, of course, on a smaller scale) His own boundless power and delight and goodness. The process will be long and in parts very painful; but that is what we are in for. Nothing less. He meant what he said. - CS Lewis Mere Christianity

"Man has been ordered to become God.” - Gregory of Nazianzus

"From the Holy Spirit is the likeness of God, and the highest thing to be desired, to become God" - Basil the Great

"If the Word is made man, it is that man might become gods" - St Irenaeus

In fact Wikipedia has an entire article dedicates to deification/thesis/divinization. Most of it focusing on orthodox and roman Catholic viewpoints with some Protestants. Mormons only get three paragraphs at the end of the article.

I highly encourage you to research this more and seek guidance from The Lord. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that this was true many years ago. Ironically I believe it was reading a paper from a Catholic priest on the matter. If I remember correctly that priest later converted to Mormonism. I could be wrong its been a while.
Is there any other religion that claims their religious leaders are prophets who have a direct communication with God?

That's a pretty serious claim to make.


Virtually all Christian based religions do.
Liar. One of the things Jesus said and God did was remove Prophets from earth their return is a sign that God has restored his true church to the earth again.
Is there any other religion that claims their religious leaders are prophets who have a direct communication with God?

That's a pretty serious claim to make.


Virtually all Christian based religions do.
Liar. One of the things Jesus said and God did was remove Prophets from earth their return is a sign that God has restored his true church to the earth again.

The question wasn't whether prophets exist. It was whether the religions claim they do.
I'm not a prophet. I do believe God has given me instructions on how to conduct my personal affairs, but he has never given me doctrinal statements, like "The Sabbath is really on Saturday" or "Go ahead and ordain women."
Is there any other religion that claims their religious leaders are prophets who have a direct communication with God?

That's a pretty serious claim to make.


Virtually all Christian based religions do.
Liar. One of the things Jesus said and God did was remove Prophets from earth their return is a sign that God has restored his true church to the earth again.

The question wasn't whether prophets exist. It was whether the religions claim they do.
The Fatima children would be considered prophets by the Catholic Church, but their revelations were predictions about the future, not changes in doctrine.

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